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<div class="smallfont",<span style="color:green">S
Bugsy.. if this guy get banned for this stupid reason our coming deals will be closed. Mp3 are close my friend. Why need of stupid blacklist when you haven't lost anything? You think anyone is interested in pure tracks with no pin?? Why this guy forced to do job which he has complete right to back out of?? Is his service and hard work and value to community. Maybe you really are bored and really do have much time in your hands. This guy is proffesional guy. Why he need waste time in tracks with no pin. Completely useless stuff..

I've personally dealt with this bugsy guy and from experience is a hard one and is blocked all over my icq.. we will most likely finish one more deal if he decides what's good for him and eat from his own work..

My opinion --Decision is common sense here.. no one has lost anything
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I have provided all the necessary logs that I have been asked for . I have showed everyone that he agreed to deal, downloaded files , decrypt them but never sent me back anything for two times and I have also showed everyone that he keep lying until now .

ninja, i am getting out of this shit. do what you have to do.

my last word: i can cancel any deal at any time, before i get pins, if i feel that i can be cheated or it's not secure to continue the deal.
if you need official reply, ok: i reviewed the work i did and found mistakes. i can't correctly decode the wave, sorry for inconvenience. no money paid, noone lose nothing.

Official reply is too late because I can paste logs once more which show exactly how many good tracks and how many bads he decrypt successfully (Thats what I got until now only bins).

Honestly I don't give much weight to kkk friend's cheap talk and I am not willing to answer any other asshole will lie to support his friend so you can keep talking as much as you want . I will only answer kkk the guy who ripped me off or admins to get my rights back.

Ninja, I am not asking more than my rights since I agreed all his terms and he have my files. If you think its normal to download my files , have my tracks then stop deal anytime then this thread should be closed . If you think I have any right here then I am waiting your fair decision .

Thank you
Bugsy.. if this guy get banned for this stupid reason our coming deals will be closed. Mp3 are close my friend. Why need of stupid blacklist when you haven't lost anything? You think anyone is interested in pure tracks with no pin?? Why this guy forced to do job which he has complete right to back out of?? Is his service and hard work and value to community. Maybe you really are bored and really do have much time in your hands. This guy is proffesional guy. Why he need waste time in tracks with no pin. Completely useless stuff..

I've personally dealt with this bugsy guy and from experience is a hard one and is blocked all over my icq.. we will most likely finish one more deal if he decides what's good for him and eat from his own work..

My opinion --Decision is common sense here.. no one has lost anything
bugsyy is either a kid or nigerian, always asking for free stuff and offering fantastic deals where you have to send him thousands of pcs and you will get 95% of the income and he will only get 5% because he thinks you are a good guy... from my own experience with him...
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Dont act like a nervous person.
You both in same situation.
You got his tracks
he got nothin from you

You not used them or touched
He dont think so.

So - one more time. Speak with each other and dont moan or cry. Its useless in that situation. You both have time to solve it.

1. Это английский тред - общайся на нем.
2. "Блять нахуй" такую манеру общения оставь для друзей во-дворе. А тут, будь добр, веди себя как мужчина и решай проблему, которая возникла. Виноват в ней ты, выступающий как посредник, тот кому ты на декод отдаешь и человек с котрым ты общался. но явно не я, чтобы выслушивать твой маразм тут. Если и дальше будет такая же манера общения - будешь забанен, потом будешь как и все остальные с такой же нежной психикой, бегать за разбаном. "Заебало" его...

You didnt sent him PINs - so whats the reason of you not going to someone else who can decrypt them? I dont see a big prob there. Because i dont see any proof what he have used your stuff.



You didnt sent him PINs - so whats the reason of you not going to someone else who can decrypt them? I dont see a big prob there. Because i dont see any proof what he have used your stuff.


Ninja, you are experience enough and know that pins is not important and tracks still can be used. He have my tracks, I don't have to go to anyone else because he downloaded my files .

why would I give someone my tracks for free ?

BTW, he don't want to talk like MEN! He is not willing to take responsibility for his actions . The guy don't respect anyone , I came here because I though he have some respect to the forums rules .
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2. I tell you amount of tracks inside, we discuss how much time it will take to decode them and amount of tracks I will take as a payment.

This is quote from his rules. Show me in logs part where you negotiated terms of deal.
The first time was 3 days ago when I asked him to decode
BL posted : 21-03-2012, 04:35 PM
1st time you use KKK service ? are you sure ? http://i44.tinypic.com/2yltp5h.jpg
You ask me on 12/03 other guy to do decoding service ...

when you download file and I used marcus . You forgot ? who's lying now :)
Any proof this Marcus not decode all files and you use them and now try ruin bus of mr kkk ?

i m not KKK fans or whatever you can think , i just know him for used his service sometimes , and never have something to say about his job about keep track (w/pins) who are Just Bunch of shit for him ..
like you say 50% ,you have used , where other 50% ?
Marcus pocket ? urs ? who know ?
You have used other service than him why just not continue and cash all ur stuff without kkk help ?
For someone who say "owner of thoose pins " you look greedy boy

Best way for u mr Bugsyy is too not use kkk service anymore and drive ur bus correctly coz giving same batch too 2 decoder wasn't fair

Good luck
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BL posted : 21-03-2012, 04:35 PM

For someone who say "owner of thoose pins " you look greedy boy

Best way for u mr Bugsyy is too not use kkk service anymore and drive ur bus correctly coz giving same batch too 2 decoder wasn't fair

Good luck

Honestly, you must be blind or stupid or just another liar will say anything for a few bones in return . I gave same batch to another decoder only one time when he stoped deal for no reason . IF you have nothing useful to say stay out of my thread .

Ninja, is it also normal for any member who is not part of whatever happened between me and kkk to come and support his friend ? I have good connections too here but I am not willing to use this cheap trick.

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 07:50 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 07:48 PM ----------

here is the logs for the second time which he show he already decrypt my tracks and knows how many good and bad and he choosed what he take and the most important I accepted all his terms.

1:16:34 PM: [09:19:44] <lxlx> hi man. your tracks are done, here's the time list. tell me, which pins are available, i'll take some.
total good 13 cards, i take 3.
1:19:46 PM: last time you took 3 .. they are only 13 cards thats more than 20% - I cant get good batch because I must make money first to go install for long time
1:21:13 PM: you always choose bins , you leave me with nothing everytime .. I have workers who do the job , I am the investor .. do you understand ?
1:22:34 PM: no man, i don't understand. you always say you have workers and that you're cool investor, but believe me. i work with many peoples who send me 200-500 dumps portions. they have workers. you have not.
1:22:56 PM: why do you lie to me? i see who is who, no need to explain me.
1:25:38 PM: I am not lying but if thats your way in having a conversation then no need .. take what you want and lets finish
1:26:30 PM: which one you will take ?
1:30:02 PM: will take nothing
1:30:52 PM: not even an option . I dont accept to work for free not for my self not for you
1:32:51 PM: i will not release the work. you better find someone who will work with you. you're the investor and have a lot of contacts and workers.
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Yes. He posted his opinion and im 90% agree with him.

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 09:31 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 09:28 PM ----------

And i see what you both didnt find consensus in amount of "how much he take for job"
and we found now what this happend because he's middleman.

I dont see a big problem to be honest why you dont use other services.

+ i got information what that tracks is not yours too.
But i dont care.


Hahha i can write a black on Bugssy ,he is a cheater,he gaved me the tracks i decoded to him,he not gave me %.....He is a stupidest man i have ever seen.Bugssy lol and cheater.
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