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First file had 25 tracks . Today file had 17 tracks .

For downloading files and decode but never deliver.


Bugsy i was the one that gave a friend of mine that knows "mexico track guy" kkk contact , i can confirm these person was asking huge % to these "mexico track guy" guy and the guy told himself to my friend that hes other decodes was in reality using kkk service so yes he havent rip you.

Next time dont be so greedy.....
Последнее редактирование:


Show me in logs where you both negotiated deals.
Show me in logs where he took dumps and didnt decrypted them

And we will force him to finish the job.


Bugsy i was the one that gave a friend of mine that knows "mexico track guy" kkk contact

I can ask who is your friend and in the end I will prove you are just another lier helping your friend "kkk" but I dont have more time to waste with kids.

the guy told him to my friend

Sorry to disappoint you kid , But I don't understand what the heck you mean and honestly I don't give a fuck . How many bones did he throw you ? I can throw you a few bones as well :)

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 08:13 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 08:03 PM ----------

Show me in logs where you both negotiated deals.
Show me in logs where he took dumps and didnt decrypted them

And we will force him to finish the job.

Here is the logs for first time he did not deliver as requested :

3/18/2012 11:39 PM: ok. i am now in business trip. so just upload and send me link even i will be offline. i come online rare now. will be on the base next week. if you agree, let's accumulate and when i'll get back, i'll do them all
3/18/2012 11:39 PM: I dont understand .. you will decode next week ? or now ?
3/18/2012 11:40 PM: i can do it now, of course. but let's accumulate till 500-600 pcs
3/18/2012 11:40 PM: I cant wait . I must decode now because I pay my worker
3/18/2012 11:41 PM: ok. inform me when you'll upload the wave. encode it to mp3 format, coz my internet connection here sucks
wav is already uploaded .. I dont know how to encode to mp3
3/18/2012 11:42 PM: you should say your worker to work on monthly basis. not daily. )
3/18/2012 11:42 PM: tell me how to encode to mp3
3/18/2012 11:42 PM: http://www.sendspace.com/file/z51***
3/18/2012 11:43 PM: try google with "wav to mp3 encoder download"
3/18/2012 11:43 PM: there are a lot of free software which can decode
3/18/2012 11:44 PM: now i downloaded it already, no need to encode into mp3. just for the future. will work on it tomorrow morning. now it's late time, will be away for some time
3/18/2012 11:45 PM: are you kidding me ?
3/18/2012 11:45 PM: I told you I need it now because must pay my worker bro
3/18/2012 11:49 PM: say your worker that decode will be ready tomorrow. don't see any problem. please, understand, that i am not a robot and can't work 24h
3/18/2012 11:49 PM: 11:35:20 PM: i can do it now, of course.
3/18/2012 11:49 PM: day is finished, it's morning here. i will have a rest and will continue then
3/18/2012 11:49 PM: I say to my worker tomorrow when you tell me tomorrow .. you already said you can do it now


And here is the logs for the second time :

1:16:34 PM: [09:19:44] <lxlx> hi man. your tracks are done, here's the time list. tell me, which pins are available, i'll take some.
total good 13 cards, i take 3.
1:19:46 PM: last time you took 3 .. they are only 13 cards thats more than 20% - I cant get good batch because I must make money first to go install for long time
1:21:13 PM: you always choose bins , you leave me with nothing everytime .. I have workers who do the job , I am the investor .. do you understand ?
1:22:34 PM: no man, i don't understand. you always say you have workers and that you're cool investor, but believe me. i work with many peoples who send me 200-500 dumps portions. they have workers. you have not.
1:22:56 PM: why do you lie to me? i see who is who, no need to explain me.
1:25:38 PM: I am not lying but if thats your way in having a conversation then no need .. take what you want and lets finish
1:26:30 PM: which one you will take ?
1:30:02 PM: will take nothing
1:30:52 PM: not even an option . I dont accept to work for free not for my self not for you
1:32:51 PM: i will not release the work. you better find someone who will work with you. you're the investor and have a lot of contacts and workers. ;)


For the firts part of log see the rest chat till the end of the day. Our discussion finished these words:
(17.01.2012 14:51:19) lxlx:
i can do now, i mean - i will do it not right now, but within next 10
hours after i finish other waves. not now means - next week, when noone
is hurry.

(17.01.2012 14:52:48) lxlx:
everyone is asking me everytime to do the job right now. i can't work 24
hours a day. now my head is fucked for today, and i go to sleep.

(17.01.2012 14:53:43) lxlx:
if you were here 4-5 hours before, i could do the job within 1 hour. now
- tomorow's morning. today's morning already.

(17.01.2012 14:54:06) [email protected]:
I understand but I wish you said that early before I give you file . I
gave you file because you said you will do it now otherwise I would went
to marcus honestly. I am stuck, I must pay my guy.

(17.01.2012 14:54:40) lxlx:
are you the boss for your worker? :)

(17.01.2012 14:55:17) lxlx:
if you're just reseller of decode service, then yes - it's a big problem
with time. if you're the boss, say - tomorrow.

(17.01.2012 14:56:20) lxlx:
ok, i gotta go. when i'll get back, please send me a message to offline
if i still need to do the job. if ok, will do first thing when i get up.

(17.01.2012 14:56:25) lxlx:
see ya

(17.01.2012 14:56:35) [email protected]:
I am not reseller but already have agreement with my worker . he went to
install today only because I promised to decode this batch for him -- he
should come back tonight with 100+ and I must be ready otherwise I lose
the new batch and I lose him too since I am not a man of word.

(17.01.2012 14:58:12) lxlx:
if your worker will not give you any more dumps after waiting, then
eitehr this is not good worker or the worker is you :) he's the boss.

(17.01.2012 14:59:59) [email protected]:
Maybe but still this does not change the fact that you are a lier. I
would prefer if you told me tomorrow and be honest . Anyway, I will not
begg you . I like working with you but I am in bad position so I will
have to use marcus service . thank you anyway

(17.01.2012 15:02:26) lxlx:
not a problem. maybe not this time.

this means - deal forwarded to marcus, until i get confirmation that i need to work on these dumps in the morning. i didn't get any confirmation.

second part:

after i said that work is done, bugsy started to fuck brains with
1:19:46 PM: last time you took 3 .. they are only 13 cards thats more than 20% - I cant get good batch because I must make money first to go install for long time
1:21:13 PM: you always choose bins , you leave me with nothing everytime .. I have workers who do the job , I am the investor .. do you understand ?

at the same time i told to some guys, they confirmed that bugsy is reseller. he didn't have videofile with pins, he didn't have pins. after that info i decided not to release dumps, because i can be fooled with pins. i stopped the deal.
since dumps were never used, he can easily go to any other decode service and decode them.

Ninja, спроси маркуса об этом черте, он может подтвердить, что этот бакси мутный.


By the way I have only paste logs as Ninja request the ones which show the part when kkk took dumps , decrypt them but never deliver to me.

Now, As for the second part I confirm he is lying. He says he talked with some guys , they confirmed bla bla bla , AND I didnt have videofile!! .

Ninja, you have logs from me and from him .. am sure you will find the part where I paste video download link asking him to download to make sure I am not reseller. Now he says I didnt :)

This is the second time you lie, the first time when you never mentioned anything about 3/18/2012 file Until I paste logs. Don't worry, I have nothing but time to show everyone who is the liar :)


NOone care if you're reseller or not. If there was a state what job must be finished - its MUST be finished. Period.
Both of you - speak with each other or ill give countdown and someone will not be happy. I will not say who it will be.


ninja, i am getting out of this shit. do what you have to do.

my last word: i can cancel any deal at any time, before i get pins, if i feel that i can be cheated or it's not secure to continue the deal.
if you need official reply, ok: i reviewed the work i did and found mistakes. i can't correctly decode the wave, sorry for inconvenience. no money paid, noone lose nothing.

устроили блять базар , заебало. забань меня нахуй, если считаешь, что я рипак.
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