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[01:00:22] <[email protected]> Bugsyy is me you stupid ripper :)
[01:01:07] <lxlx> very good.

oh yeah, just confirmed, finishers and bugsy - same people. this means, first time he's got tracks, so that deal was finished although he says it wasn't :)

I never said it was not , You actually lie and believe your own lies. The deal was not finished was 3 days ago when you download file and I used marcus . You forgot ? who's lying now :)

Logs is not full , I said that early .. here is logs full as admin request ( Today logs )



You said his logs is truncated - show me ur version of them in a matter of 2hrs.
You was online when ive posted my question about it. so dont loose time.


have a nice reading
i posted all logs i have since i recovered my laptop from falling.

the month is not January but March. The date must be 1 day less (not 22 but 21, and so on)
Последнее редактирование:


Logs for the first time he download file and dont deliver although said will decode now .( 3/18/2012 )


---------- Сообщение добавлено в 05:40 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 05:38 PM ----------

have a nice reading
i posted all logs i have since i recovered my laptop from falling.

the month is not January but March. The date must be 1 day less (not 22 but 21, and so on)

LOL!!! Really ? what about 3/18/2012 ? That was the second time you download file and dont deliver before you do it again today :)

Ninja, I have paste you logs for both conversations today and the 3/18/2012 when he the first time he downloaded and didn't deliver .
Последнее редактирование:


Logs for the first time he download file and dont deliver although said will decode now
Where in this text i clearly said "Ok, Will do now"
I said I CAN do, BUT let's collect..
also i explained that the work will be done in the morning.
do we have correct understanding of the time period? If I say now, does it mean 1 second after you gave me link? 1 hour? 10 hours? I said either in the morning, or next week when I get back. Also i noticed that i have problems with internet, that you must upload wave and i will do it asap.
in the morning i've got no message about that I need to work on them.


Where in this text i clearly said "Ok, Will do now"
I said I CAN do, BUT let's collect..
also i explained that the work will be done in the morning.
do we have correct understanding of the time period? If I say now, does it mean 1 second after you gave me link? 1 hour? 10 hours? I said either in the morning, or next week when I get back. Also i noticed that i have problems with internet, that you must upload wave and i will do it asap.
in the morning i've got no message about that I need to work on them.

I will not even reply to your lies and will leave logs do the talking.

3/18/2012 11:35 PM: hi man. just received your message. last two weeks i am in business trip and could not go online. will try to download your stuff now, if not succeed then will be able to work from middle of next week when i will come back to the base. sorry for delay. will do my best.
3/18/2012 11:36 PM: new batch ready
3/18/2012 11:37 PM: hi man. how many pieces?
3/18/2012 11:38 PM: 20-25 .. small batch, but my worker in the street , should be back with 100 tonight
3/18/2012 11:39 PM: ok. i am now in business trip. so just upload and send me link even i will be offline. i come online rare now. will be on the base next week. if you agree, let's accumulate and when i'll get back, i'll do them all
3/18/2012 11:39 PM: I dont understand .. you will decode next week ? or now ?
3/18/2012 11:40 PM: i can do it now, of course. but let's accumulate till 500-600 pcs
3/18/2012 11:40 PM: I cant wait . I must decode now because I pay my worker
3/18/2012 11:41 PM: ok. inform me when you'll upload the wave. encode it to mp3 format, coz my internet connection here sucks
wav is already uploaded .. I dont know how to encode to mp3
3/18/2012 11:42 PM: you should say your worker to work on monthly basis. not daily. :))
3/18/2012 11:42 PM: tell me how to encode to mp3
3/18/2012 11:42 PM: http://www.sendspace.com/file/z51***
3/18/2012 11:43 PM: try google with "wav to mp3 encoder download"
3/18/2012 11:43 PM: there are a lot of free software which can decode
3/18/2012 11:44 PM: now i downloaded it already, no need to encode into mp3. just for the future. will work on it tomorrow morning. now it's late time, will be away for some time
3/18/2012 11:45 PM: are you kidding me ?
3/18/2012 11:45 PM: I told you I need it now because must pay my worker bro
3/18/2012 11:49 PM: say your worker that decode will be ready tomorrow. don't see any problem. please, understand, that i am not a robot and can't work 24h
3/18/2012 11:49 PM: 11:35:20 PM: i can do it now, of course.
3/18/2012 11:49 PM: day is finished, it's morning here. i will have a rest and will continue then
3/18/2012 11:49 PM: I say to my worker tomorrow when you tell me tomorrow .. you already said you can do it now
3/18/2012 11:50 PM: i can do now, i mean - i will do it not right now, but within next 10 hours after i finish other waves. not now means - next week, when noone is hurry.
3/18/2012 11:50 PM: everyone is asking me everytime to do the job right now. i can't work 24 hours a day. now my head is fucked for today, and i go to sleep.
3/18/2012 11:53 PM: if you were here 4-5 hours before, i could do the job within 1 hour. now - tomorow's morning. today's morning already.
3/18/2012 11:54 PM: I understand but I wish you said that early before I give you file . I gave you file because you said you will do it now otherwise I would went to marcus honestly. I am stuck, I must pay my guy.
3/18/2012 11:55 PM: are you the boss for your worker? :)
3/18/2012 11:55 PM: if you're just reseller of decode service, then yes - it's a big problem with time. if you're the boss, say - tomorrow.
3/18/2012 11:56 PM: ok, i gotta go. when i'll get back, please send me a message to offline if i still need to do the job. if ok, will do first thing when i get up.
3/18/2012 11:57 PM: I am not reseller but already have agreement with my worker . he went to install today only because I promised to decode this batch for him -- he should come back tonight with 100+ and I must be ready otherwise I lose the new batch and I lose him too since I am not a man of word.
3/18/2012 11:57 PM: if your worker will not give you any more dumps after waiting, then eitehr this is not good worker or the worker is you :) he's the boss.
3/18/2012 11:59 PM: Maybe but still this does not change the fact that you are a lier. I would prefer if you told me tomorrow and be honest . Anyway, I will not begg you . I like working with you but I am in bad position so I will have to use marcus service . thank you anyway

That was the first time he download file and dont deliver .. ALL dumps were no balance after I used another guy to decode.

The second time was today and I already paste logs.

Ninja, I gave you logs for eveyrthing. HE already confirmed he got tracks . IF its ok and normal to agree about terms then change the deal as he want after he download files then I got nothing to say and my thread should be closed .

But commonsense says its not normal to agree and say will decode now then as soon as he download files he change the whole deal and decide to do it later . very fishy.
Последнее редактирование:


stop, man. you now wasting time on saying me i delayed the files and after that declined the deal.
let's start from beginning.

you state i am a ripper.
did i get files and swiped on pos without you?
did i get pins and took money without you?
did i sell your dumps to someone else?
please, answer.


Yes you are ripper because you agree to deal and as soon as you download file you change deal .

Now I will answer you questions,

did i get files and swiped on pos without you?
Yes ,you did get files , As for POS part I am not sure about that but maybe true since they had no balance

did i get pins and took money without you?
no you didn't take pins but anyone can use tracks without pins

did i sell your dumps to someone else?
Maybe you did or you use them Or you didnt , I don't care . In the end you have tracks which you should not have if you are not decoding.

Its very simple . You take file , you decode then you responsible for my batch . IF you dont want to work then dont ask for file in the start.

You download file , you have tracks .. Anyone here can use tracks for instore, PIN is not important . PIN is only important for ATM CASH!

So yes you are a ripper for taking my tracks and never deliver what you promised.

I will not waste more time talking to you because your stupidity will lead no where. I will wait for Admins . If its ok for them and they believe its normal to download batch full of tracks then stop the deal then thread will be closed.
Последнее редактирование:


so no money were taken, right? (you may go fuck with your "maybe". if you have any proof against me - show to all, please)

your main claim is: deal declined.
yes, i declined the deal.
I agreed to work. I downloaded files. While I was working on it I was talking to some respectable guys. After this discussion I decided that it's not secure for me to work with you. I declined the deal before I took pins.

I did not sell any tracks, I did not cashout in pos, I did not use them anywhere else.

If you think that _I_ took money from your dumps (and not your installer, or your partners, or other decoders) - please proof.
Otherwise deal is stopped. And I am happy I made right decision.



No need to proof since you already agreed on all my claims. You already showed proof on all what I've said . You agreed that you downloaded files and stopped deal . So you got my tracks, I did not paste you link to download files and get my tracks for free because tracks can be used and swiped . Simple.

You claim you did not use or sell but this does not change the fact you downloaded and decoded my tracks two times and did not deliver for stupid reason.

I am not here to talk with you anymore. I am here waiting for Admins to decide and whatever they decide I will live with .

Ninja, Can you say your opinion ?

Thank you
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