saer - 578275361 - time waster and not deliver what's asked for

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i made payment on that day, because you don't respond for that many days. what exactly did you confirm? That I wanted 4 credit reports? Where does it say in any of your messages that good ones cost more? Nowhere. I told you in PM I wanted good ones, so that is what anybody with a brain would assume they are getting. nowhere did you ever fucking mention +750, neither did I. I said I wanted "GOOD" you gave me "BAD" "BK" all accounts are closed or seriously delinquent. Why the hell would I replace a card like that? do you understand that? YOU SAY YOU HAVE GOOD SCORES. YOU NEVER FUCKING TOLD ME IF I WANTED A BAD SCORE? NO! I SAID I WANTED GOOD SCORE, WHY WOULD I CHANGE MY MIND AND WANT A BAD SCORE? tell me einstein!!

fucking genius. now quit wasting time. ESSEN DOES NOT VEND BAD SCORES IDIOT! 800 scores, he sells for a little bit more, but nowhere do you have to choose that you don't want a bad report. This is a common sense?! you think we're in this business to work shit with no money? For practice?


---------- Сообщение добавлено в 12:15 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 12:13 AM ----------

where the fuck did i ask you for free samples? Read your shit you are posting moron! you paste them in windows without me asking anything! Any vendor with half a brain, if they're showing example data, will use false info. You my friend, are the stupidest person I've had the pleasure of meeting on any forum, since CP/SC. 2 words only to describe you, is FUCKING IDIOT!
by test it does not mean sample. It means test order. If they are good, I will buy 10, like I originally asked you for in the PM.

ok, this is the last post i'm making.. sorry, but i don't really know what else to tell you. I'll let ninja make his decision. Ninja do you know anyone who would originally ask for good scores, and then when they order want a bad one?

Friday, June 10, 2011 the user asked free samples:

Sunday, June 19, 2011 user made payment and i asked what he want:

i confirmed with user on what he looking for. there is no record about score on order request details if there was "+750 score" word on order details i will said +80$ instead of 50$. (essen even sell for 100$ high score profiles with DL#)
the profiles you got are not bad. i asked what you wanna do and you said you wanna call the bank and request replace card and other accounts. the profiles you got have several open accounts. so it is good. score is different story


Im agreed with sa3er in that.
Coz in last icq convo i didnt saw what u're asking GOOD score. Coz u asked for full data.
Lets do with this please. U said what data was truncated. What that means? And where they're truncated?
truncated means that the is not the full account number it is on credit report partial meaning it is 41427XXXXXXXXX. and that is what is on it.


Refund ALL report which was truncated, means NOT FULL.

Waiting for confirmation from both of you. It really become a mess.
here was last posting now, but i wrote a novel, so it timed out, and I have to repost for you.

The whole deal was done in PM's you're an admin, and you have access to check our pm box. the only reason I even log onto ICQ was get delivery of my order, and paste him LR transfer. I asked this guy for good credit from the beginning, am I really going to want a bad credit where the account is seriously delinquient, with negative balance? Good credit does not mean a +750 score. That is EXCELLENT credit. Which I never asked for. I only wanted good CR's. Not junk that was given. Look, it's proof here, that the guy is wrong. There is plenty of proof. He even posts proof contradicting his self. how long must we play his game?

(1:37:12 PM) 364000:   Payment Mode  Account    Date  06/18/2011 20:36    Batch  63642810    From  U5104772 (krylon)    To  U5469504 (ash)    Amount  $200.00  
(10:12:22 PM) 578275361: ok
(10:13:07 PM) 578275361: 4 CA cr ?
at 10:13:07 he is asking me I only wanted 4
I have confirmed nothing yet.
Notice I sent LR, he replies 9hr later. HE is confirming the NUMBER of reports i wanted that we discussed. He never mentioned anything of having varying type of better grade or worse grade. He knows from beginning I only want good score. So I don't know where he is getting this +750 he is talking about. There was never discussed EXCELLENT CREDIT. only good credit. And he never mention even having variety of score etc. etc. everything was believe to be good quality from him.
(11:05:59 PM) 364000: 5 bro
I have told him I paid for 5 because he told me in the PM, it was 40. Still no confirmation on my end like he is saying I confirmed

(11:06:34 PM) 364000: you said 40 each with mmn/ssn/dob living in caiifornia, southern. like laguna hills, orange county.  with credit report that has full account numbers

Can you see My request? southern california right? full account numbers on credit report right?
This is the last message I sent him, just a reminder of what I was supposed to get. There is still no confirmation that he keeps talking about that I sent him to send me bad reports?There is no talk of +750 or different prices for that because He never even talked about having differnt levels. I asked him if he had good scores with full infos in the credit report, and he says yes. So, why I need to bring it up when I paste LR, and wait the .rar?

(11:07:28 PM) 578275361: man i said 50 ...
(11:07:35 PM) 364000: i have msg on
(11:07:37 PM) 364000: i can paste
(11:07:39 PM) 364000: but 4 is cool
(11:07:41 PM) 364000: i don't care
my confirmation telling him to send 4 then. As you can see, he has already read my msg to him at 11:06:34 of me telling him what I want exactly. not how he is making it seem, that he has somehow sent my order, without knowing what I wanted exactly.
(11:07:53 PM) 364000: men bro, not 80 years old please. :)
(11:08:05 PM) 578275361: ok wait

now he agrees to send me what I have requested right?

Now he tries to make an extra 10LR per each report off me, when I have logs in PM. But you know what? I don't care. 10LR is nothing. You must put money so you can test, and find new business right?

so, look, ALL deal on specifications of what I wanted and what he is selling to me is in PM. logs have been pasted you have seen.

He is asking me how much do I pay essen for reports(never talked about essen's +750 excellent credit at all either. by the way, I highly reccommend essens stuff to everyone. . And I told him 80. And he said next time pay me 80. So he obviously is comparing the stuff he is going to give me is A+++ quality like essens correct? Not D-- So you see, he knows what I wanted, and how much I pay, and he knows he is charging me 50(was supposed to be 40, original agreed upon price)for the same thing.
(11:16:15 PM) 364000: he double price now
(11:16:29 PM) 578275361: how much their price ?
(11:16:45 PM) 364000: 85 bro, for specific 
(11:16:50 PM) 364000: like age range, male female , cities
(11:17:03 PM) 578275361: next time pay me more then :D
Refund ALL report which was truncated, means NOT FULL.

Waiting for confirmation from both of you. It really become a mess.
He is cheating , there is 3 credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and Transunion
their credit reports never contain full card numbers for security! and the user know it very well. if he ever got a CR which card numbers are not truncate tell him post it here as proof then i will refund full money because i'm 100% sure they never give full card numbers on credit reports. (i wonder why you don't know it lol)
however he don't need full card numbers bcoz as i explained before this Nigerian bastards will call banks and tell them my card is damaged and request replacement card with full info...

ps: i hate Nigerians


Seems like you ignoring what i wrote before.
Its your choice.
You have 48hrs to fix that problem.
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