saer - 578275361 - time waster and not deliver what's asked for

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saer -
ICQ: 578275361

buying credit reports. He deliverd, but only on 1/2 criteria, then won't replace ones that I cannot use.

here's pm's:
Originally Posted by krylon

Originally Posted by krylon
can i request criteria? I need males , california addresses southern if possible. if you can do city, that's great. do you have any with DL, and MMN, like essen has?

let me know

[email][email protected][/email]

Originally Posted by krylon
do you have mmn? and DL too? msg me on jabber. i have LR ready to order.. must be california, southern. I pickup cards, so..

Originally Posted by sa3er

yes i have fullz info. i can give their credit report too. i can give credit report of your fullz too
Originally Posted by sa3er
how much you wanna buy ? send the LR
so, i sent him 200LR, then go on ICQ and he changes story saying that he said 50$. No biggie. 10$ more per. I don't care. I specifically tell him, I need MEN, and in southern california, and he sends me, 2 that are in southern california, (not orange county, but I can work with it, and 1 is a woman, and 1 is from northern california) I politely ask him to replace, since it is his mistake. Guy act like he is a god or something, and pasts some logs, but leaves out part where I said i need only men. So, i paste full log and show him, where it says I need men, that he conveniently forgot to include in his paste, and basically refuses to complete agreed upon deal. It shows in my PM's on this site, that I said men, southern california, and via my ICQ Logs. I want my money back on the Norcal, and female, or replaement, with my criteria. I'd rather go to essen and pay double then deal with these guys that think they're a god. hehe.

ICQ Logs:
(8:43:34 AM) 578275361: send the LR and tell me how many u want
(1:25:57 PM) 364000: send it where?
(1:26:59 PM) 364000: what is your LR account?
(1:37:12 PM) 364000:   Payment Mode  Account    Date  06/18/2011 20:36    Batch  63642810    From  U5104772 (krylon)    To  U5469504 (ash)    Amount  $200.00  
(10:12:22 PM) 578275361: ok
(10:13:07 PM) 578275361: 4 CA cr ?
(11:05:59 PM) 364000: 5 bro
(11:06:34 PM) 364000: you said 40 each with mmn/ssn/dob living in caiifornia, southern. like laguna hills, orange county.  with credit report that has full account numbers
(11:07:28 PM) 578275361: man i said 50 ...
(11:07:35 PM) 364000: i have msg on
(11:07:37 PM) 364000: i can paste
(11:07:39 PM) 364000: but 4 is cool
(11:07:41 PM) 364000: i don't care
(11:07:53 PM) 364000: men bro, not 80 years old please. :)
(11:08:05 PM) 578275361: ok wait
left out some part, has nothing to do with..
(11:54:22 PM) 364000: bro? youhere?
(11:54:55 PM) 364000: i'm waiting. .when will you send?
(11:55:33 PM) saer: wait
(11:55:41 PM) 364000: ok..
(12:01:06 AM) saer: [url][/url]
(12:01:20 AM) saer: delete:[url][/url]
(12:02:39 AM) 364000: bro, one is a female, and one is in Northern california
(12:03:37 AM) 364000: can you replace them? i cannot use them.
(12:03:41 AM) 364000: it's like 12 hours away
(12:03:51 AM) saer: i don't know what is north what is south. california is california beach
(12:04:15 AM) 364000: i'll give list of zipcode range.
(12:04:16 AM) 364000: one second
(12:04:55 AM) saer: you wanna buy more ?
(12:05:01 AM) 364000: i can't use a female
(12:05:08 AM) 364000: and the norcal i can't use it. :(
(12:05:14 AM) 364000: [url][/url]
(12:05:22 AM) 364000: this zip codes is good, i can work fine with the other 2
(12:05:29 AM) 364000: they're a little far, but not too far. only 2 hour driving
(12:05:41 AM) saer: find a girl then
(12:05:41 AM) 364000: oh, here is easier way
(12:05:45 AM) saer: i'm busy
(12:05:47 AM) 364000: look for phone # 949-714
(12:05:52 AM) 364000: bro, i tell you from start, i need men.
(12:05:53 AM) 364000: lol
(12:05:53 AM) saer: do not message me till u want buy more
(12:06:23 AM) 364000: i said i can't use women one bro.
(12:07:00 AM) saer: don't spam plz
(12:07:21 AM) 364000: well, can you replace it? is your mistake. not mine
(12:08:07 AM) saer: [01:07] ShadowKid: Payment Mode Account Date 06/18/2011 20:36 Batch 63642810 From U5104772 (krylon) To U5469504 (ash) Amount $200.00
[09:42] 578275361: ok
[09:43] 578275361: 4 CA cr ?
[10:36] ShadowKid: you said 40 each with mmn/ssn/dob living in caiifornia, southern. like laguna hills, orange county. with credit report that has full account numbers
(12:09:06 AM) 364000: bro, i'm not trying to play games. i'm no kid man.  
(12:09:07 AM) 364000: ving in caiifornia, southern. like laguna hills, orange county.  with credit report that has full account numbers
(11:07:28 PM) 578275361: man i said 50 ...
(11:07:35 PM) 364000: i have msg on
(11:07:37 PM) 364000: i can paste
(11:07:39 PM) 364000: but 4 is cool
(11:07:41 PM) 364000: i don't care
(11:07:53 PM) 364000: men bro, not 80 years old please. :)
(12:09:54 AM) saer: i said 4 CA CR and u said ok cool.
(12:10:01 AM) saer: if you not happy use essen next time
(12:10:03 AM) saer: bye
(12:10:15 AM) 364000: heh.. fucking lamer
(12:10:17 AM) 364000: peace
(12:10:20 AM) 364000: i will
(12:10:28 AM) 364000: rather send double then deeal with your disrespectful ass
(12:10:30 AM) 364000: that can't read
Последнее редактирование:
(1:37:12 PM) 364000: Payment Mode Account Date 06/18/2011 20:36 Batch ******* From U5104772 (krylon) To ******** (ash) Amount $200.00
(10:13:07 PM) 578275361:ok 4 CA CR ?
(11:06:34 PM) 364000: you said 40 each with mmn/ssn/dob living in caiifornia, southern. like laguna hills, orange county. with credit report that has full account numbers
(11:07:28 PM) 578275361: i said 50 ...
(11:07:39 PM) 364000: but 4 is cool
(11:07:41 PM) 364000: i don't care
(11:07:53 PM) 364000: men bro, not 80 years old please
(11:08:05 PM) 578275361: ok
before sending i asked 4 CA CR is good? and the kid confirmed...
no, obviously you don't see the log that says 11:07:53, where i say men bro, not 80 years old?
then below your log where YOU says 'ok'?

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 10:37 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 10:34 AM ----------

you post proof of yourself agreeing to what i ask for. LOL, how is that defending yourself?

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 10:44 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 10:37 AM ----------

on second thought, I want a full refund, because he says he gives credit report with the full account info. Is truncated data. Also, all the report is garbage. What will someone do with a fucking bad credit profile? Go fucking apply at rent a center for a couch? Fuck Yo couch!!!
what the hell are you saying? before I agreed, i told you that you said it was 40, not 50?

(11:07:39 PM) 364000: but 4 is cool
(11:07:41 PM) 364000: i don't care
(11:07:53 PM) 364000: men bro, not 80 years old please

was all between 1 minute, how the hell you say I agree to on 4 CR CA? post your proof.

*admin, make him refund his garbage reports.

** ps, i buy saer also hooked on phonics.
was all between 1 minute, how the hell you say I agree to on 4 CR CA? post your proof.
(1:37:12 PM) 364000: Payment Mode Account Date 06/18/2011 20:36 Batch ******* From U5104772 (krylon) To ******** (ash) Amount $200.00
(10:13:07 PM) 578275361:ok 4 CA CR ?
(11:06:34 PM) 364000: you said 40 each with mmn/ssn/dob living in caiifornia, southern. like laguna hills, orange county. with credit report that has full account numbers
(11:07:28 PM) 578275361: i said 50 ...
(11:07:39 PM) 364000: but 4 is cool
(11:07:41 PM) 364000: i don't care
(11:07:53 PM) 364000: men bro, not 80 years old please
(11:08:05 PM) 578275361: ok
Последнее редактирование:


1. He asked you for males, right? U gave him females. (check PM)
california addresses southern if possible.
means its NOT MANDATORY, so if you gave him california - that ok.

So make refund for females or change it.

And we will end with it.

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 11:57 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 11:55 AM ----------

If you can proove that
on second thought, I want a full refund, because he says he gives credit report with the full account info. Is truncated data. Also, all the report is garbage.

You will be able to ask for full refund.
when i asked him 4 CA CR he didn't said must be male (i only listen after payment if he say something on his PM floods i will not remember)
anyway as you asked i refunded 50$ for the female to him
Payment Mode Account

Date 06/19/2011 09:21

Batch 6366****

From U*******

To U5104772 (krylon)

Amount $50.00
now plz remove the topic

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 12:26 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 12:25 PM ----------

i can't use this garbage..truncated info, and the data is garbage.. everyone is all bankruptcy and collections.


Ok. u refunded female which krylon NOT ASKED AT ALL.
That is clear.

Now tell me about information which u sent to him.

You agree what he just said? Information u provided is what he asked for?
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