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i gave HIM dumps 6 to cashout.. for 1 week and 2 months happen ..and nothing when i check 3 of the more important dumps (corporate) all are used declined/holdcall.. also he gaveme 1 dp to cashout .. i cashout 600 in my country (latin america)and he are saying that i cashout 1600 more IN NY..(usa) and are posting that i am ripper... and i am honest

this problem is from long time ago but i think is TIME TO REPORT it

this is from 2-3 monhts ago this user. addme some time ago but we only talk and talk and never bussines.. then he say he have..friendlys to WORK and he giveme somes USA RARE BINS TO WORK 404601 BB&t BANK he say are good bins that work good in EUROPE 2. to 4k euro (logs are in SPANISH)

zeus 05/09/2011 18:14

y eso si son buenas se hacen rapido
PlraX 05/09/2011 18:14

osea esta bien
PlraX 05/09/2011 18:14

muy bien
zeus 05/09/2011 18:15

pues fue lo que me dieron bro
zeus 05/09/2011 18:15

3k o 4k
PlraX 05/09/2011 18:15

asi es
zeus 05/09/2011 18:15

fue lo que dieron
zeus 05/09/2011 18:15

no mas
zeus 05/09/2011 18:15

PlraX 05/09/2011 18:15

guardalas bien y acuerdate de la keno va
zeus 05/09/2011 18:15

pero me conformo tal y como estan las cosas
PlraX 05/09/2011 18:15

y tu me das noticias el domingo o lunes
PlraX 05/09/2011 18:15

zeus 05/09/2011 18:16

la que no va
zeus 05/09/2011 18:16

ya la borre
zeus 05/09/2011 18:16

no bro
zeus 05/09/2011 18:16

jueves noche como tarde
zeus 05/09/2011 18:16

tendras noticias
zeus 05/09/2011 18:16

y si bien, hay que tener mas para sabado noche
PlraX 05/09/2011 18:16

PlraX 05/09/2011 18:16

asi es kiero trabjar contigo
zeus 05/09/2011 18:16

yo te informo casi online
zeus 05/09/2011 18:16

me gusta trabajar asi
PlraX 05/09/2011 18:17

si logramos darle
PlraX 05/09/2011 18:17

2 veces de 200k como tuenes
zeus 05/09/2011 18:17

el otro vendedor siempre me espera
PlraX 05/09/2011 18:17

romperas tu propio record
zeus 05/09/2011 18:17

y online le cuento
zeus 05/09/2011 18:17

a veces me ha enviado por ejemplo 4
zeus 05/09/2011 18:17

y sino van
zeus 05/09/2011 18:17

me envia de nuevo
zeus 05/09/2011 18:17

vuelvo a casa y vuelvo a grabar para volver al sitio
zeus 05/09/2011 18:17

funciona muy bien y eso importante para mi
PlraX 05/09/2011 18:18

si si te endiendo
zeus 05/09/2011 18:18
porque una vez metes algo el pos lo matan pronto

zeus 05/09/2011 17:54

como tu veas
zeus 05/09/2011 17:54

envia si quieres
zeus 05/09/2011 17:54

zeus 05/09/2011 17:54

PlraX 05/09/2011 17:55


zeus 05/09/2011 17:55

yo te voy informando
PlraX 05/09/2011 17:55

zeus 05/09/2011 17:56

zeus 05/09/2011 17:56

PlraX 05/09/2011 17:56


PlraX 05/09/2011 17:57

la primera no va
PlraX 05/09/2011 17:57

osea la ******4839
PlraX 05/09/2011 17:57

PlraX 05/09/2011 17:57

le envie a lagien la primera y dio 1.5k
PlraX 05/09/2011 17:57

PlraX 05/09/2011 17:57

PlraX 05/09/2011 17:57

osea ke en teoria las otras deven dar de 1.5 a 2k algo asi
PlraX 05/09/2011 17:58

tu le das como tu puedas total tiene 5 verdad
zeus 05/09/2011 17:59

zeus 05/09/2011 17:59

porque la primera 4893 ya usada, noe?
PlraX 05/09/2011 17:59

zeus 05/09/2011 17:59

ese bien no lo probe
zeus 05/09/2011 17:59

me dices es del mismo banco pero platinium
PlraX 05/09/2011 17:59

PlraX 05/09/2011 17:59


PlraX 05/09/2011 17:59

zeus 05/09/2011 17:59

probaste en españa
PlraX 05/09/2011 17:59

usa todas MENOS ESA
PlraX 05/09/2011 18:00

para ke no pases mal rato entiende
PlraX 05/09/2011 18:00

PlraX 05/09/2011 18:00

zeus 05/09/2011 20:37

VALIDE la primera tuya 4046011191427884=12071010000059200000
zeus 05/09/2011 20:37

me dio aproval

he keep to.. giveme results .. 1 week or soemting like that after i give him dumps....
but he always say.. i dont have friendlys right now will be 1 monht later. or few weeks its ok. is not big deal is just 4 or 5 dumps..

i almost forget this deal.. we talk and talk about somes things along the monhts. then.. some monhts ago from this.. he say that he have D+p to cashout that him know the ONWER OF D+P thing that i agree i ve casheout a lot of d+p in the pass from some user from this forum etc..
he sendme d+p.. i casheout just 600 euro. in my country then i toldO him that dont give more... and i send to anoter PARTHER in pakistan that cashout for me too somes good dumps more thatn 7k. . and dont work too i just get 600 in my country that is all... then somes day later he TOLDME that some one cashout... 1600 euro in NY.. i dont know How because i dont know nobody in NY and i never send to nbody IN NY.. and partner from pakistan say dont give to nobody TOO. i say its ok i will pay is my mistake i give to OTHER PERSON whitout your adivice (my partner in pakistan) i say giveme few days to pay you the MONEY i send in 1st $350 troguht lr.. and the rest later.. and he agree.. but he menaceme ervery day that will KILL my name if i dont pay that will post in all forum bla bla.. every day just blaming me.. that i am a thief .. etc. every day . bro i say I WILL PAY i not cashout nothing but i will pay.. HE NEVER SENDME PROOF THAT SOME ONE CASHOUT in.. NY but i agree to pay ..
but the things that i hate is that him . say that will say that pirax is a ripper in all forums also he know my othe nick like vendor that will kill tha name too saying that is ripper ..but then... i think to do something and CHECK THE DUMPS i gave him SOME MONTHGS AGO AND ALL DUMPS WAS HOLD/CALL declined.. even when he say I CHECK 1 and is aproval.. (in spanish) .. and i think this GUY WANNA PLAY WHITME... he used the dumps i gave him and gave the D+P maybe to another person in NY. and say that was me.. he just wanna used me i will only PAY the 6600 i cashout.. in my country and i wanna that ADMIN do someting becasue he is a DEER and also is syaing i am a ripper iam a honest user whit good feedback and rep.. here are the logs of D+P and the deer
zeus 07/10/2011 11:56

PlraX 07/10/2011 11:56

tiene tres tracks?
zeus 07/10/2011 11:56

tiene tres tracks
PlraX 07/10/2011 11:56

ah ok
PlraX 07/10/2011 11:56

si solo con el
zeus 07/10/2011 11:56

te mando el 2 y el pin
zeus 07/10/2011 11:56

zeus 07/10/2011 11:56

zeus 07/10/2011 11:56

PIN: 9812

zeus 08/10/2011 19:40

voy a estar una hora por aqui, si puedes ya me diras, sino mañana
PlraX 08/10/2011 20:15

solo e podido
PlraX 08/10/2011 20:15

sacar 600
PlraX 08/10/2011 20:15

asta ahora
PlraX 08/10/2011 20:15

ubo una demora
PlraX 08/10/2011 20:16

saco 600 mas dentro de 5 horas
zeus 08/10/2011 20:16

zeus 08/10/2011 20:16

pero funciono ok
PlraX 08/10/2011 20:16

zeus 08/10/2011 20:16

seguira dando
zeus 08/10/2011 20:16

PlraX 08/10/2011 20:16

bueno me voy ando en la calle ok
PlraX 08/10/2011 20:16

la verdad ayer no le di no pude
PlraX 08/10/2011 20:16

le di ahora mismo have 20 minutos
zeus 08/10/2011 20:16

una cosa cuandohablamos
zeus 08/10/2011 20:16

PlraX 08/10/2011 20:16

dio 600 de 2 tiors
zeus 08/10/2011 20:16

PlraX 08/10/2011 20:16

500 euros
zeus 08/10/2011 20:16

mierda perdimos un dia
PlraX 08/10/2011 20:16

luego en otro cajero
zeus 08/10/2011 20:16

PlraX 08/10/2011 20:16

$100 euro mas
PlraX 08/10/2011 20:17
algo asi
zeus 03/11/2011 20:18

PlraX 03/11/2011 20:18

i am hones i only CASHOUT 600 EURO IN MY COUNTRY
zeus 03/11/2011 20:18

kerozene its ripper cause its the same person as piraz
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:18

and u dont have 1 monhth waiting
zeus 03/11/2011 20:19

kerozene = pirax
zeus 03/11/2011 20:19

no bro
zeus 03/11/2011 20:19

how many then?
zeus 03/11/2011 20:19

how many?
zeus 03/11/2011 20:19

let me know ripper
zeus 03/11/2011 20:20

now liying
zeus 03/11/2011 20:20

im stupid to have confiance in you
zeus 03/11/2011 20:20

for you only important ripp me
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:20

how maby
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:20

i am looking logs
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:20

its like 20 days sometihg like that
zeus 03/11/2011 20:20

i thought you were my friend
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:20

i have good repuation i manage
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:20

PlraX 03/11/2011 20:20

PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

talk in english
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

i dont have affraid
zeus 03/11/2011 20:21

OK you say pay instant
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

only the honest will survive
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

zeus 03/11/2011 20:21

de veras tengo un gran dolor
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

talk in engloish
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

zeus 03/11/2011 20:21

tener que hacer te esto crei eas mi amigo
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

i am your friend we tak TO WAIT FOR NINJA TO BE VERFIED
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

what fucking MONEY
zeus 03/11/2011 20:21

i thought you were my friend
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

i told u i will pay you
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

i get 600.$
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

form my part just that
zeus 03/11/2011 20:21

its hard loose my money
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

and i will pay the other u say
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:21

some one cshout
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:22

zeus 03/11/2011 20:22

and loose what i thought was a friend
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:22

u say its ok no pay we go to wait for ninja for ADV
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:22

then form 1 day to another u say
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:22

i wanna money
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:22

yes 2220 usd...
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:22

i will pay
zeus 03/11/2011 20:22

ahaaa in spanish you write me to pay 2220
zeus 03/11/2011 20:23

and know you only want to pay for 600
zeus 03/11/2011 20:23

aha very clever
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:23

i got 600 and other poeple i dont know.. who GET THE OTHER
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:23

PlraX 03/11/2011 20:23

be honest and u need to say
zeus 03/11/2011 20:23

you said you will pay to me 2220 usd
zeus 03/11/2011 20:23

and now you say onley for 600
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:23

PlraX 03/11/2011 20:23

PlraX 03/11/2011 20:23

PlraX 03/11/2011 20:24

i cashout 600 form my SIDE
zeus 03/11/2011 20:24

ok i hope admin see what you write in spanish
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:24

yes i say i will pay 2200
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:24

but i dont know WHO GET THE OTHER
zeus 03/11/2011 20:24

you said in spanish
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:24

u understand
zeus 03/11/2011 20:24

you had to pay me 2200
zeus 03/11/2011 20:24

and now you said 600?
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:24

u send to my COUNTRY
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:24

then some one in NY get the other
PlraX 03/11/2011 20:24

maybe u send to another people
to end this.. he use the dumps i send him some monhts ago and say THAT DONT USE YET.. MORE THAT 2 MONTHTS SAYING DONT HAVE WHERE TO WORK.. now... when i check dumps yesterday are holdcall.. and him wanna that i pay all money .. i say yes.. but when i see this... i know that him are playing whit me and wanna exortsme. becasue he say will post in blacklist .. just wanna exortsme.. admind do something
Последнее редактирование:
The history its close as he said, but he lie.
I meet him sometime ago, and i ask many things cause i was new, and he answer me many things.
After time i bought some pcs, and sell me shit, that replace with more shit,and finally dont replace.
I angry time with him, but said future will send something....blabla
Send me some usa bins, for my friendlies,and i said 10% of total swipes, i checked one was aproval but dont worked, zero euros,i dont know if block or what happen, and didnt work the rest as i said.
This happen moths ago , i hadnt friendlies again, its no easy, and we wait with no problems, i dont used this dumps.
Start to me a possible biz, friends give me its cards with pin, spain 201, so i decided try with him,20% him rest cardholder and i, to see if 201 work, i knew balance, how many limit...all.
So he went one day and said to me cashout 600euros, but next day couldnt go (before die) cause he travel to rumania, we talked possibility he sent to someone if he couldnt use more than one day.
But said me that he travel and finally didnt send to nobody, i was no so happy, a pitty dont use more days.
Surprise come when my friend tell me that cashout no 600euros, cashout 2.020 euros, so i contact Pirax, and he said that really he sent to a friend in Pakistan,but he said that was death and no cashout, i was angry cause i must pay for the cardholder as i agree with him,
then Pirax said was guilty and he will arrange with his friend Pakistan, but he will pay as we agree all that the card cashout, but was on travel and spent money,that i waited, more than one moth ago, i said ok,but never pay me, and i paid the card holder.
One week ago, i said if no paid, i will come to forums to say he ripp me,
so he said me ,friday no late saturday will pay 500lr (must pay 2.220lr in total), i wait and nothing again, so i said finish, and said monday will pay, monday pay me 350lr, i angry again, and said monday night pay 150lr, and day by day will pay, but no pay nothing more, so today i m angry,and he started with stupids things that he never said,
that i used the dumps that he sent moths ago..., he only will pay for 600lr,cause he didnt cashout in NY....blabla, i said i will pos in forums saying he ripp me, and he write before, telling a history its similar but lie.
Im new in tecnology, i record something perphas not all, and i have the cashout total, my friend give to me the paper, for me the problem its that most its in spanish,and that we tell same that me,but changing things,and not possible to proof he cashout in NY, i just come show he said i will pay and now dont want to pay,cause say that he dont cashout in NY,and new stupid things cause now dont want to pay, its dificult for the moderator, i can send what moderator want.
But for me the most important its to clean from rippers like Pirax (icq 609548857) the forums, that ripp people ,be carefull with him and Kerozene (icq 259422) cause its same person.
Moderador hope clean forum from this kind of RIPPERS, what you need to see the true please contact me. Thanks
oooh im a lucky man moderador, i said i never use the dumps pirax said i used.
Now i went to the checker i put one just to see, and surprise i can show its a lyer
4616081103719033=1207 [00] APPROVAL (voided) 6.77 84322:UT:CACHE:LOGAN Nov 9 2011, 19:40:10

my god i can show its a lyer,its aprival as i said i dont use
i believe you Zeus coz he fucked over my guy donnell j and has me caught in the middle he is full of shit..........................
Последнее редактирование:
its a lyer, i check another more that he said i used , and i said i didnt use, and..............
4616081102895263=1202 [00] APPROVAL (voided) 9.30 39163:MS:MADISON:SHARON Nov 10 2011, 00:06:10

APROVAL so only said stupid things for dont pay me


This is a drama, you guys should just try to sort the issue amicably, you don't have to spoil each other reputation, I have known this guy for long time and been dealing with him (PlraX) and I never regret for once, and I can see that Zeus is right and honest, but I think there is mixed up some where, Maybe the Pakistian guy that Plrax gave the D+P to send it to NY to another person and never tell Plrax the truth. You guys are friend try to sort it. More grace to you guys Job and Stay cool.
This is a drama, you guys should just try to sort the issue amicably, you don't have to spoil each other reputation, I have known this guy for long time and been dealing with him (PlraX) and I never regret for once, and I can see that Zeus is right and honest, but I think there is mixed up some where, Maybe the Pakistian guy that Plrax gave the D+P to send it to NY to another person and never tell Plrax the truth. You guys are friend try to sort it. More grace to you guys Job and Stay cool.

Bro as i explained the cardholder was my friend, when Plrax said me only 600, i said him, but after he come angry to show me paper where said in NY.... so i pay all the money, why cause he has my word.
So if Plrax send to his friend Pakistan, and lie him, its his problem, he must pay to me, as i pay to the cardholder, for me the biz work like this.
You give your word, if theres problems the other part its no guilty, very easy for me said to cardholder, someone lie me....but no its no his guilty.
I hope you understand, sorry for my english
yes. i try to resolve this... in nice way.. but he wanna just make bad to me... and ahamr who are u?..
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