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<b> Vendor of wu drop </b>
this guy has just changed his icq in his signature and forgot to look at all thread.....

this is thread in which he sells all his shit .....

and this is his another thread where he is posted his old icq through which he had cheated me 100$..... fuck that 100$ but this guy is not worth in our forum...forget closed not even in the open forum.....


DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 18:39):
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 19:13):
how may I help you?
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 19:27):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 20:49):
do u have german cvv?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:01):
do u have ?
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:04):
yea I have Germany Visa Master
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:04):
Normal cvv2 and with DOB ID
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:05):
what cost just ccv2?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:05):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:05):
i need them every day
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:06):
Normal De Visa Master 10$
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:06):
DOB ID 15$
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:06):
Accept wmz
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:06):
and u not selling in csu right only in carder.info?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:07):
give me ur wmz
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:07):
i will buy first 3 and need male names
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:07):
I'm legit hacker from 3 famous forum blackhat on China US

DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:07):
if it goes well then i buy more
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:07):
every day
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:07):
just know to carder.info
and my friend will vouncher for me join csu soon
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:08):
how much you want to buy? Normal cvv or with DOB ID
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:08):
i am vendor there
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:08):
i provide wu drop
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:08):
i will for sure vouch u if all goes well
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:08):
normal cvv
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:09):
first i take 3 if it goes well then 10 a day
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:09):
alway like that

Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:09):
you can take first now 5visa and 5master for test first
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:09):
how much i pay >
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:09):
only 8$

Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:10):
cheap price for first deal
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:10):
wait me get fresh order for you
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:10):
because I dont take cc on shop data if havent buyer want to get
this mean my cc alway fresh and well
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:11):
replace if not work on 7days
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:11):
look bro i will take 5 first 3 master and 2 visa and see how it goes then i buy tomorrow rest
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:11):
give me female names better
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:11):
not male
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:12):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:12):
these bins even better
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:12):
ok I see man
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:12):
but why take 10 first? 5 visa and 5master
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:13):
i dont want to take chance
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:13):
first timeusing ur service
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:13):
thats why
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:14):
hey man dont worry about quality
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:15):
rules business on world if not work must replace, you pay for get real stuffs not for bad and doesnt work anything
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:15):
give me ur wmz
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:15):
i send u 80
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:15):

Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:16):
I need to search your bins first
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:16):
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:21):
Vailding Visa 415974,525615,540043
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:22):
u have thse three?
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:22):
yes 3 bins I have alot of cc but with visa 490762 only 30cc
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:23):
ok mix and give me 10
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:23):
female names but
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:24):
who is ur friend in csu?
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:24):
10cc Card Hold Name Famale?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:24):
if possible
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:24):
with what bins type you give me?
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:24):
no problem I will get it now
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:24):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:25):
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:26):
but what kind of bins type you give me?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:27):
490762 540043
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:28):
4bins with 10cc?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:28):
mix and give me
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:28):
why you not get with 1bins 3cc
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:29):
total 4bin = 12cc
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:29):
or give me orther 1bins
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:29):
you can take 1bins 2cc
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:29):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:30):
give any other bin
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:30):
no issues
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:30):

Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:38):
549003 Famale have alot

DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:38):
ok give me
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:38):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:38):
whats ur nick in carder.info
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:40):
you get my icq first why not ask man?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:40):
no forgot
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:40):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:40):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:40):
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:41):
5bins with 10cc NameOnCard ready now
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:41):
so you live on Des man?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:41):

DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:41):
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:41):
I can shipping T-Mobile to Munchen and Hanorver
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:41):
no issues
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:42):
I hope we can make more business
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:42):
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:42):
yes man
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:42):
if you not mind for pick the items
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:42):
u wana card online and need a drop ?
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:42):
I will shipping Laptop for you too
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:42):
can u ship to India?
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:42):
Drop for pick items man
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:43):
yes I can ship to India but not much
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:43):
best drops as india is not hotlisted for online shoping
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:43):
last my friend on Bombay get it on 11/2008

DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:43):
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:44):
Ship delay from UK to India
Not direc
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:44):
give me ur wmz
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:44):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:44):
emm i can get u uk drop if u want
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:44):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:44):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:45):
uk canada
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:46):
dude give me cvv
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:46):
my cofnirmer is waiting
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:47):
Z372871108599 my wmz
Des: Payment Mobile Themes
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:48):
send cc here or by email man?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:49):
send 80$
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:49):
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:49):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:49):
confirm payment
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:50):
Z372871108599 my wmz
Des: Payment Mobile Themes
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:50):
send alreasy
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:51):
check ur payment i have already send u the payment 80$
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:51):

DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:51):
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:51):
why 80$?
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:51):
you choice bins must 10$
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:51):
u said right 8 for each
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:52):
yes 8$ for randoom man but there you give me bins for get famale carder
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:52):
ok fine send me 8
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:52):
withou 20$
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:53):
sorry we deal with legit, if you not make fullz payment then we must stop here and I'm pay back your money now
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:53):
we accept 10cc of 5bins
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:53):
ok fine pay back
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:53):
i guess i am right
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:54):
u never said me 10$ and i say now thats fine and asking u to send me only 8 and u say i am not legit?

Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:54):
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:54):
8$ for randoom Visa or Master normal, not by choice bins and get famale name on card man
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:55):
now what is the story tell me
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:55):
u wana deal or not>?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:55):
if not send me back the $$$$
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:55):
or paste me the cvv
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:56):
u gona reply?
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:57):
why you not send next 20$?
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:57):
you think this hight cost for get bins and famale name on card?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:58):
now what is that u wana do tell me
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:58):
need a another 20$
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:58):

Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:58):
for well done first deal dude
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:58):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:58):
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:58):
and you'll never walk alone with me
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:59):
dont forget give me your details for get first 2 Iphone 3GS
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 21:59):
you take 1 and send me 1
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 21:59):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:00):
check ur wmz
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:00):
total 100
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 22:00):

DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:02):
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 22:03):
I'm save on file.txt and send now
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:03):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:10):
how long bro?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:12):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:17):
respond dude
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:20):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:22):
dude u there?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:37):
thats it ?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:38):
or should i wait for more
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 22:38):
wait bro, my PC just disconection
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:38):
ok fine
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 22:38):
I'm use IPhone for online now
Escrow ‎(09-11-2009 22:38):
plz wait
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:38):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:53):
how long more bro ?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 22:58):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 23:00):
how long man ????
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 23:00):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 23:26):
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 23:37):
so man thats it ?
DONVOTO ‎(09-11-2009 23:37):
just 100$?
DONVOTO ‎(10-11-2009 00:07):
u wana just be happy with is 100?


<b> Vendor of wu drop </b>

Dont 4get. This is open forum. support words.

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 04:11 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 04:08 PM ----------

And i think carder And visa = same. since after i got message frome visa.
look screenshot http://my.jetscreenshot.com/demo/20091111-jjw3-187kb

I agree to your words and also stells,This is more dangerous as the Adds are also FREE


This wanker is one big motherfu*ker ...He cheated me 45$ on private paypal checker.
And i have seen posts when he cheated people selling cc's and "email:pass".
I already helped him to get in to black list on CW.
Just ban him =)
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