vipserv is ripper

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this guy made deal with be he was going to open 4 bank accounts with physical people for 5k and asked for 3k upfront he was sopposed to send 1 account on monday i soppse to receive and other account by wensday now today is friday i have 2 days i dont see him log on in icq so ive been ripped
i contacted on his icq 221113

importrepublica 3/15/2011 11:54 PM

you will send him wmz
VIPServ accounts 3/15/2011 11:54 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/15/2011 11:54 PM

$500 for test
importrepublica 3/15/2011 11:55 PM

importrepublica 3/15/2011 11:55 PM

let me give them ur icq
VIPServ accounts 3/15/2011 11:55 PM

importrepublica 3/15/2011 11:56 PM

ok so tommorow i will be sending that out when i refill my liberty i will ask for yours
importrepublica 3/15/2011 11:56 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/15/2011 11:56 PM

nps, what did the exchanger say?
importrepublica 3/15/2011 11:57 PM

you dont have a phone number to be in contact i know thats probably not posible but i ask in case
importrepublica 3/15/2011 11:57 PM

hold im waiting for response
VIPServ accounts 3/15/2011 11:57 PM

ok, yes i can provide a phone, just not right now
importrepublica 3/15/2011 11:58 PM

importrepublica 3/15/2011 11:58 PM

i guess he is attending other customer i wait for his response
VIPServ accounts 3/15/2011 11:59 PM

ok thanks
importrepublica 3/15/2011 11:59 PM

bro but you should make guys post there results with you people will use you more
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:00 AM

well maybe, but now i already work with some people so i dont really need to build a reputation on a forum
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:01 AM

when we do work, you probably wouldnt leave feedback
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:01 AM

unless i asked, but asking i dont think is right
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:02 AM

better things to do with time than post
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:02 AM

i work with serious guys from maza and dc
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:03 AM

some serious people from .biz
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:04 AM

can you give me link to those forum
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:04 AM

i dont even have a link to these forums
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:05 AM

VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:05 AM

there is no url, they are russian private boards..
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:05 AM

personal cert required to get to it also
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:05 AM

VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:05 AM

my friends post on these boards for me
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:05 AM

as i dont have access
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:05 AM

VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:05 AM

i have worked for years
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:06 AM

payroll, drop systems, drops etc
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:06 AM

so you have a big base of people to work with to send them out for account
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:07 AM

thats good
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:07 AM

VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:07 AM

i provide drops
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:07 AM

for transfers
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:07 AM

what you ask, not many people ask for
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:07 AM

not to many people do what i do
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:08 AM

this is new this year
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:08 AM

but i want to make as much as i can butr i want to be prepared for next january \
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:08 AM

because this is over in october
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:09 AM

then we start febuary
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:10 AM

my exchanger is not saying nothing i guess you will have to use another one
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:11 AM

its ok
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:13 AM

ok bro soim going to sleep talk tommorow
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:13 AM

its 12 am
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:13 AM

in my time
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 12:13 AM

ok, gd night
importrepublica 3/16/2011 12:13 AM

peace bro
importrepublica 3/16/2011 3:24 PM

hey bro
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 3:24 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 3:24 PM

hows things man
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 3:24 PM

new service opened on .biz and .su
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 3:24 PM

about latvian banks
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 3:24 PM

importrepublica 3/16/2011 3:25 PM

ive been a liltle busy but iwill send transfer tonigh so we can start working
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 3:25 PM

no probs man, i need to grab some food and relax
importrepublica 3/16/2011 3:26 PM

i wish everything goes well i know 3k is nothing but is still alot of money
VIPServ accounts 3/16/2011 3:29 PM

yeah everything will be fine, short term and long term
importrepublica 3/17/2011 1:24 PM

wa sup bro
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 1:24 PM

hi bro
importrepublica 3/17/2011 1:24 PM

so we ready to start working
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 1:25 PM

yep, my team just waiting on payment
importrepublica 3/17/2011 1:26 PM

give me lr
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 1:26 PM

importrepublica 3/17/2011 1:26 PM

are you going to give me a phone contct
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 1:26 PM

yea 1 sec
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 1:28 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 1:28 PM

i cant talk now man, in front of family
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 1:29 PM

i dont like them knowning certain business
importrepublica 3/17/2011 1:29 PM

importrepublica 3/17/2011 1:29 PM

when i contact you my name is mike
importrepublica 3/17/2011 1:30 PM

im waiting for exchanger ok
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 1:30 PM

no probs
importrepublica 3/17/2011 1:30 PM

give me like 15 minute
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 1:30 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 1:46 PM

any luck bro? i go soon
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 1:48 PM

i will try to correct with WU firstly
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 1:48 PM

sorry, wrong message man, was meant for a friend
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:01 PM

popping out in 20 minutes
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:02 PM

im ready
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:02 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:02 PM

do you have my LR?
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:05 PM

bro out of the 3000 echanger sent me 2845
thats what im sending you

VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:06 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:06 PM

all exchangers charge a fee
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:06 PM

i know im just letting you know \
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:06 PM

give me lr again
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:06 PM

importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:07 PM

bro i never trusted a stranger with so much money withpout guarantee i hope your seriuos man
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:07 PM

of course im serious
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:08 PM

To Account U0690696 (XChangeLR)
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:08 PM

confirm thats you
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:08 PM

importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:08 PM

importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:08 PM

sent bro
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:09 PM

let get started
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:09 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:09 PM

give me your drop address
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:09 PM

importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:09 PM

importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:10 PM

remem good checking not simple the one that needs a high limit to maintain
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:10 PM

with savings
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:10 PM

alright, you may not recieve the first packet until monday, but it will be sent today
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:10 PM

did you make corrections to that one
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:10 PM

i will pay my team when im back later, and have them get to work on your other accounts
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:11 PM

yes, corrections made
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:11 PM

we are dicussing working on percent in future
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:11 PM

importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:11 PM

ok brother
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:11 PM

ill be waiting
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:11 PM

ok well, i will speak to you shortly bro
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 2:11 PM

chat soon
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:12 PM

ok bye
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:45 PM

bro i forgot apt number
importrepublica 3/17/2011 2:45 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 4:47 PM

got it bro
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 4:47 PM

sorry was busy
importrepublica 3/17/2011 4:47 PM

importrepublica 3/17/2011 4:47 PM

i forgot to give you apt
importrepublica 3/17/2011 4:47 PM

importrepublica 3/17/2011 4:47 PM

got it
VIPServ accounts 3/17/2011 4:47 PM

yes, got it
importrepublica 3/17/2011 4:47 PM

importrepublica 3/17/2011 4:47 PM

importrepublica 3/17/2011 10:03 PM

hello u there bro?
importrepublica 3/18/2011 12:00 AM

importrepublica 3/18/2011 1:42 PM

importrepublica 3/18/2011 9:54 PM

bro so why you offline line now im getting worried if i dont hear from by monday i will think you ripp me and the number you gave me is not good is bs.......let me know whats up
VIPServ accounts 3/19/2011 5:23 AM

im still around
importrepublica 3/19/2011 5:23 AM

importrepublica 3/19/2011 5:23 AM

had me worried
VIPServ accounts 3/19/2011 5:23 AM

not ripping you
VIPServ accounts 3/19/2011 5:23 AM

its the weekend bro
importrepublica 3/19/2011 5:23 AM

i know but since you told me you were going to send something for monday i assumed ypou was going to confirm or something
VIPServ accounts 3/19/2011 5:24 AM

we dont track the parcels
VIPServ accounts 3/19/2011 5:24 AM

for many reasons
VIPServ accounts 3/19/2011 5:24 AM

nor do we recorded addresses
VIPServ accounts 3/19/2011 5:24 AM

once sent everything is scrapped
importrepublica 3/19/2011 5:25 AM

ok so how are the plans coming along
importrepublica 3/19/2011 5:25 AM

for next week
VIPServ accounts 3/19/2011 5:25 AM

as far as i know, another 2 of your accounts are just waiting the cards and papers
VIPServ accounts 3/19/2011 5:25 AM

another 1 will have to be arranged on monday
importrepublica 3/19/2011 5:25 AM

sounds good
importrepublica 3/19/2011 5:25 AM

lets wait
importrepublica 3/19/2011 5:26 AM

bro in your thread you say that you provide service letters and scan so i canm make my own drop
importrepublica 3/19/2011 5:26 AM

how does that work
importrepublica 3/21/2011 11:13 AM

hi bro
VIPServ accounts 3/21/2011 11:13 AM

VIPServ accounts 3/21/2011 11:13 AM

you recieve?
importrepublica 3/21/2011 11:13 AM

not yet
VIPServ accounts 3/21/2011 11:14 AM

oh ok, if not today , tomarrow 100%
importrepublica 3/21/2011 11:14 AM

its 11 am
importrepublica 3/21/2011 11:14 AM

is still early
VIPServ accounts 3/21/2011 11:14 AM

your other accounts will be sent tomarrow
importrepublica 3/21/2011 11:14 AM

VIPServ accounts 3/21/2011 11:14 AM

i will msg for address
importrepublica 3/21/2011 11:14 AM

same address
VIPServ accounts 3/21/2011 11:14 AM

ya i delete
importrepublica 3/21/2011 11:14 AM

importrepublica 3/21/2011 11:14 AM

VIPServ accounts 3/21/2011 11:14 AM

dont save infos
importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:10 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:11 PM

hi man
importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:11 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:11 PM

recieve yet?
importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:11 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:11 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:11 PM

later thannormal
VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:11 PM

i need your address again
VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:11 PM

for new packets
importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:11 PM

i give it to you now
importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:13 PM
importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:13 PM

importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:16 PM

so they received cards on mail already?
VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:17 PM

yes, today
VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:17 PM

well i hope so, its the usual time
importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:17 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:17 PM

waiting on partnet coming online
importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:20 PM

please find out status of everything i have anciuos partners you know and yousay i was suppose to receive yesterday then today and no sign of it no tracking number i mean its a liltle weird
VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:43 PM

we dont track them
VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:43 PM

its probably running late
VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:44 PM

they are posted from netherlands
importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:44 PM

importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:44 PM

importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:44 PM

sorry for caps
VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:45 PM

importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:45 PM

VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:45 PM

its the way my guys work
importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:45 PM

lets wait
VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 12:45 PM

dont worry youll recieve them
importrepublica 3/22/2011 12:45 PM

allright bro lets wait
importrepublica 3/22/2011 4:56 PM

did you talk to your partner ?
VIPServ accounts 3/22/2011 4:57 PM

yup, were sent
importrepublica 3/22/2011 4:57 PM

importrepublica 3/22/2011 4:57 PM

should be here by friday then correct
importrepublica 3/23/2011 12:47 PM

bro nothing yet i find it very strage you dont have tracking number im realy starting to have negative thoughts when you get online let me know whats up
importrepublica 3/24/2011 12:56 PM

bro no word from you or my stuff so tommorow i open ripper thread on you its a shame that people waiste time and money like this 3k down the drain
Последнее редактирование:


Paste there icq number or jabber which u used to contact with him.


This is the icq number which was used for those conversations?

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 09:40 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 09:36 PM ----------

Is it so hard to check some tips about our board?

And not being greedy and use escrow to get rid of rippers?

+ if some person said "im ferkin cool and im on private boards... bla bla" - that a BIG RED

If person have 200 bux to pay for the thread - that doesnt means his intentions is clear.

U've got 48hrs to make refund.
no contact with this guy yet the funny thing is someone vouched for him in his thread he should be banned also is not fair anyone can say i vouche for him and give you a story of how they worked together its probably the same person admin please look into it


no contact with this guy yet the funny thing is someone vouched for him in his thread he should be banned also is not fair anyone can say i vouche for him and give you a story of how they worked together its probably the same person admin please look into it

Why should I or vouchers be banned for vouching ? I vouched because I done a deal with Vip months back which went well, You can't be mad because yours did not go well, Thats like saying a member who sells logs to buyers gets great feedback from buyers then all of a sudden scams someone, should all the people who received the logs from the seller be banned to??? You should have done Escrow! Stop trying to blame vouchers for your loss!

I haven't noticed him online, try adding again using a different ICQ to get response if he has ripped or blocked you, icq#: 221113.

I have known him since ghostmarket it does seem unusual off him, I guess you cannot trust anyone, some good just turn into scammers which is ashame really!
Hope you get it sorted.
Последнее редактирование:


Show me logs of your conversation with VIPServ to prove what:

Can't go back that far Ninja, That was a while back,No History for that time, he did use different ICQ though, he added me like a month back. But I hope you are not thinking I am him or Partner, Me, I only buy lloyds,hsbc,natwest,abbey logs & at 1 point sell boa, that's all what I'm here for. Thanks

There have been times where people recommended me buyers for logs that were good and then scammed, al200,wizz,inkignito... It does happen but I am not involved just because i vouched.
Последнее редактирование:


All u're telling me here - is "bla bla".

I dont say u're guilty. But u vouched for person, not said "i had dealt with him before, thats it". U vouched for him.

I need to explain you meaning of word "vouch"?


All u're telling me here - is "bla bla".

I dont say u're guilty. But u vouched for person, not said "i had dealt with him before, thats it". U vouched for him.

I need to explain you meaning of word "vouch"?

Oh, I had dealt with him before hence the reason for the vouch. So my vouch was to say I have dealt with him b4 & all was good, Feedback in other words. but just because of that, It doesn't mean that anyone is safe hence the use of escrow services. Nearly everyone has a vouch/Feedback on here & some cannot be trusted, never take anyones words is what I have learned myself being on here.
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