

He ripped me 5K in full which is MY share from a 10K wire to his drop which gotten cashed out. He sent WU according to him and when I went to WU, BOTH MTCN's were already picked up, I told him this and he didn't believed at 1st and then checked, And said that WU teller who used to work there got suspicious that it was fraud money and stuff and he re-routed that money to somewhere else. And told me it was police case for larceny and that WU will refund and its like 2 weeks ago this whole thing..Then kept prolonging and finally said WU paid for 1 MTCN, For next they will pay tomorrow cuz his other sender was not available so he will send 1 payment 1 day..next payment..next day..And that very next day when I asked him for MTCNs, He stopped replying all of my msgs and went offline. Here are just logs which are enough to get him a ripper status, IF ANYONE is in biz with him should stop cuz I can't believe this guy ripped me for mere 5K.

Here are logs.

(1:58:52 AM) prime: here ?
(2:06:03 AM) Me: Yes.
(2:06:42 AM) prime: u recieved my txts ?
(2:06:45 AM) Me: No.
(2:06:47 AM) Me: I did not.
(2:07:01 AM) Me: On Mobile or ICQ?
(2:07:10 AM) prime:
(3:44:54 PM) prime: broo
(3:44:55 PM) prime: here ???
(3:44:56 PM) prime: ??
(3:44:59 PM) prime: have very good enws :)
(3:45:18 PM) prime: lr hasnt arrived ! , but wu paid me the one mtcn today , other will be tommorow because my guy wasnt available to go with me
(3:45:20 PM) prime: i will send today
(3:45:23 PM) prime: in the night
(2:07:37 AM) Me: Ok.
(2:07:42 AM) Me: Thats good.
(2:07:56 AM) Me: But send 5k in complete man. U said u will make it upto me.
(2:08:05 AM) Me: I'm not even asking for extra.
(2:08:31 AM) Me: My biz has been delayed alot.
(2:08:41 AM) Me: Plus I need drops from ur end.
(2:09:25 AM) prime: yes i understand but pls understand me , im going to send today 2200 , and tommorow remaining , but i lost the fees bro :/
(2:09:59 AM) Me: Bro it was a problem on ur end yes.
(2:10:13 AM) Me: I'm making less % too.
(2:10:24 AM) Me: In that way I'll make nothing.
(2:11:01 AM) Me: Send 2200 today, Send 2800 tomorrow and we're good bro.
(2:11:18 AM) Me: For future wires u should be more careful about everything.
(2:12:37 AM) prime: and the drops are ready
(2:15:23 AM) Me: Re-paste me ur last msgs.
(2:15:27 AM) Me: (2:12:37 AM) prime: and the drops are ready
(2:15:29 AM) Me: Got this only.
(2:18:47 AM) prime: 4:10:19 PM) prime: this shit wont happen again
(2:18:58 AM) Me: Ok.
(2:19:02 AM) Me: But pay 5k in full man.
(2:19:15 AM) Me: to make this upto me for this time and all this shit.
(2:19:22 AM) Me: 2200 today ..and 2800 tomorrow.
(2:55:55 AM) Me: (2:18:58 AM) Me: Ok.
(2:19:02 AM) Me: But pay 5k in full man.
(2:19:15 AM) Me: to make this upto me for this time and all this shit.
(2:19:22 AM) Me: 2200 today ..and 2800 tomorrow.
(2:56:26 AM) prime: ok bro dont worry
(2:57:12 AM) Me: Ok.
(3:00:12 AM) Me: Send the WU now bro so I can pick up in morning and forward the money to my partner immediately..
(3:01:38 AM) prime: dont worry , ill send in few bro , im waiting for my friend to come out of work
(3:01:42 AM) prime: here is only 5:00pm
(3:03:13 AM) Me: Ok.
(3:03:29 AM) Me: Leave me the MTCN info in offline msgs then.
(3:03:45 AM) Me: And pls gimme ur cell # or get that cell topped up..

Please Ninja give him Ripper Status. Sick of these liars and big mouths.


Dont see the part about him quoting mtcn and u telling him about they're picked up.


That logs are in my laptop, These are from my desktop, If these logs are not suffice enough Ninja, I can go ahead and paste logs outta my laptop if you say so.


Read those logs yourself which u just posted and tell me if they're enough to understand something?


(8:55:32 PM) Me: Bro u sent them to a different country...
(8:56:06 PM) Me: I went to WU today and it says NO MATCH..
(8:56:08 PM) Me: WTF man?
(8:56:22 PM) Me: I was calling u and u were not answering and now it says that the number u dialed is not registered..
(9:37:42 PM) Me: When ur online msg or call me IMMEDIATELY..
(9:37:48 PM) Me: That's very fucked up men..
(9:38:57 PM) Me: Man ur guys REFUNDED..
(9:39:03 PM) Me: WTF is this shit?
(9:40:41 PM) Me: One is showing "picked up:
(9:40:46 PM) Me: Other is showing AVAILABLE.
(9:40:52 PM) Me: But both MTCNs are no match here in PK.
(9:40:59 PM) Me: WTF is going on man??
(9:41:11 PM) Me: Are u trying to ripp me off with a petty amount now?

(11/10/2012 10:08:49 PM) prime: are you fucking crazy
(11/10/2012 10:08:49 PM) prime: i sent you that amount and you told me all good
(11/10/2012 10:08:49 PM) prime: wtf is yourproblem
(11/10/2012 10:08:57 PM) prime: my guys will never refund and none of that crap
(11/10/2012 10:09:07 PM) prime: i gave u all info good and u said u went are u insane ??????????
(11/10/2012 10:09:12 PM) prime: why the fuck would i ripp for 4k
(11/10/2012 10:09:15 PM) prime: wtf is that bro
(12:14:46 AM) Me: I'm NOT fucking crazy.
(12:14:54 AM) Me: Check the status of BOTH MTCNs...
(12:14:57 AM) Me: I didnt even picked up ..
(12:15:01 AM) Me: Its showing NO MATCH FOUND.
(12:15:06 AM) Me: CALL WU...
(12:15:11 AM) Me: I called USA customer service.
(12:15:18 AM) Me: They told me this money is NOT sent to Pakistan.
(12:15:27 AM) Me: Why the fuck would I say that shit if I picked up?
(12:15:47 AM) Me: U sent me $600 for some d+p and I picked up just fine long ago ..I didnt said shit.
(12:15:51 AM) Me: But this time IT IS a problem..
(12:15:58 AM) Me: Its NOT EVEN SENT to Pakistan.
(12:16:06 AM) Me: PLUS the 1st MTCN shows "PICKED UP"
(12:16:26 AM) Me: WU customer service dont tell me to which country its sent to ..but they say its not sent to Pakistan.
(12:16:43 AM) Me: So obviously its either u or the people u used to send money fucked up.
(12:18:25 AM) Me: No wonder why u were not answering my calls..
(12:18:44 AM) Me: And I DIDN'T said all good.
(12:18:51 AM) Me: I'd say all good when I would pick up.
(12:19:12 AM) Me: I'm not here to fight with u over fucking 4.4k, But something is not good.
(12:19:19 AM) Me: So fucking fix it and re-send or whatever.
(12:19:27 AM) Me: Cuz 1 mtcns shows PICKED UP other shows AVAILABLE.
(12:19:38 AM) Me: And both MTCNs show NO MATCH in Pakistan..
(12:19:42 AM) Me: Cuz they are NOT sent to Pakistan.
(12:20:04 AM) Me: Then I called USA customer service of WU, And gave them this info and they told me THIS MONEY IS NOT SENT TO PAKISTAN, ITS SENT TO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
(12:20:12 AM) Me: U think I'm fucking crazy writing all of this?
(12:22:50 AM) prime: bro , go to wu
(12:22:54 AM) prime: and see what they tell you.
(12:22:59 AM) prime: i will show u pictures of reciepts.
(12:23:00 AM) prime: im not crazy
(12:23:08 AM) Me: Bro..
(12:23:11 AM) Me: I WENT TO WU TODAY.
(12:23:16 AM) Me: Yesterday was a local holiday..
(12:23:24 AM) prime: And one said PICKED UP ?
(12:23:24 AM) Me: So thats why I didnt go yesterday...
(12:23:27 AM) Me: YES.
(12:23:29 AM) prime: you sure about this bro ?
(12:23:36 AM) prime: because if its it true i will kill one of the guys i used.
(12:23:39 AM) prime: so dont lie pls
(12:23:45 AM) Me: Go check it urself on WU website NOW!!!!
(12:23:46 AM) prime: or go again
(12:23:48 AM) prime: i tried
(12:23:51 AM) prime: and it dont wanna work
(12:23:56 AM) Me: LOL
(12:24:00 AM) prime: but i have reciepts and all
(12:24:01 AM) prime: and called
(12:24:07 AM) prime: and they said its available for reciever
(12:24:11 AM) Me: ITS NOT.
(12:24:28 AM) prime: ok.
(12:24:32 AM) prime: dotn worry ill find out later wassup
(12:24:35 AM) Me: I WAS SO FUCKING MAD when I went to WU and they told me its NO MATCH..
(12:24:50 AM) Me: Man I have to pay my partner as well..
(12:24:52 AM) prime: ok , brb
(12:24:59 AM) prime: dont worry about this ill find out .
(12:25:06 AM) Me: Find out now.
(12:25:14 AM) Me: I can tell u which MTCN shows PICKED UP.
(12:25:18 AM) Me: Or let me re-check...
(12:25:34 AM) Me: On wu website if the other is available or what..
(12:28:04 AM) Me: Transfer Status

Status*:picked upcheck status of another transfer
(12:29:43 AM) Me: This one TOO is picked up now.
(12:29:57 AM) Me: When I came back from WU, I checked both ..1 was picked up and the other was available..
(12:30:26 AM) Me: There I know for sure that something is not rite..
(12:30:36 AM) Me: Then I called WU USA customer service...
(12:30:41 AM) Me: And gave them this info ..
(12:31:09 AM) Me: They told me exactly this "Sir this payment is not made to Pakistan but a different country, You should contact the sender"
(12:31:47 AM) Me: Keep ur phone ON now and get this FIXED!!!

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 04:04 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 03:58 PM ----------

(11/12/2012 12:45:46 AM) prime: bro
(11/12/2012 12:45:47 AM) prime: here ?
(1:40:29 AM) Me: Yes.
(1:40:31 AM) Me: Here now
(1:40:46 AM) prime: listen bro i swear on god i sent this good , yesturday i went to wu bro
(1:41:02 AM) prime: and the guy the works in the night tought it was some kind of money laundering , and he redirected the payment
(1:41:05 AM) prime: to somewhere else
(1:41:10 AM) prime: to cash for him self.
(1:41:25 AM) prime: for luck bro we sent with real people id... and we call police and wu is refunding the money.
(1:41:29 AM) prime: they arrested the guy
(1:41:35 AM) prime: i have bro reciepts of everything and all bro
(1:41:40 AM) prime: i swear i did not did anything wrong
(1:41:45 AM) Me: Ok I believe u.
(1:41:52 AM) Me: Now u believe me too?
(1:41:54 AM) Me: That I wasnt lying
(1:41:57 AM) Me: Or making this up?
(1:41:58 AM) prime: yes i belieave bro
(1:42:02 AM) prime: why would u make this up
(1:42:04 AM) prime: is only 4k bro
(1:42:09 AM) Me: Yes EXACTLY.
(1:42:13 AM) Me: I was like..
(1:42:19 AM) prime: and u should know im not gonna fuck for 4k
(1:42:22 AM) prime: thats NOT MONEY BRO
(1:42:25 AM) Me: I'm gonna do biz worth millions with u and 4k is a petty amount against that..
(1:42:36 AM) Me: I know but u know when something like this happens.
(1:42:48 AM) prime: i was so fucking mad.... i almost killed one of the guys that went
(1:42:57 AM) Me: U start getting the feeling like WTF, So that were my emotions cuz I trust u AS a REAL BLOOD brother.
(1:43:01 AM) prime: i really had them tied up bro i tought they stole the money , then we went to find out what happened
(1:43:26 AM) prime: i will trow pictures of everything bro and send to you so you can see im not lieing.
(1:43:38 AM) prime: the arrest record of the guy , and all what he did ,and wu reciept.
(1:43:48 AM) prime: the wu claim reciept.
(1:44:00 AM) Me: Can u do that now?
(1:44:32 AM) prime: ill do that in a lil bit because everything was done under my guys name , so he has all documents , cause he went to police precinct to do file.
(1:44:43 AM) prime: really bro , im very sorry about this... ny is fuckin corrupted
(1:45:44 AM) Me: Yeah I can see that..
(1:45:46 AM) Me: Damn..
(1:45:51 AM) Me: WU worker did this shit..
(1:45:56 AM) prime: yes
(1:46:04 AM) prime: it was in washington heights
(1:46:07 AM) prime: all fuckin corrupt fuckers
(1:46:13 AM) prime: if they see something wierd they take action
(1:46:28 AM) prime: u dont even imagine how many mtcncs ive lost cause ive sent with fake ids cause of this.
(1:46:33 AM) prime: this time everything was real and we filed claim.
(1:46:42 AM) prime: they saw in cameras him changing everything bro
(1:46:55 AM) Me: Hmmm..
(1:47:00 AM) Me: Thats fucked up..
(1:47:07 AM) Me: So when will I get the money?
(1:48:30 AM) prime: im waiting wu to give back to me bro
(1:48:36 AM) prime: and send INMEDIATLY and with something extra
(1:48:40 AM) prime: im really sorry bro , fuck up shit happnes
(1:48:49 AM) prime: but i want you to know is not my fault
(1:48:54 AM) prime: i would not fuck up our relation for 4k bro
(1:48:58 AM) prime: not in a million years
(1:49:01 AM) prime: we can make hundreds of thousands
(1:49:03 AM) prime: with our connections
(1:49:08 AM) Me: EXACTLY.
(1:49:11 AM) Me: Thats what matters.
(1:49:17 AM) Me: But when will they refund?
(1:49:40 AM) Me: Also how much extra u will send, Cuz even b4 u didn't sent 4.8k, U sent 4.4k..
(1:49:46 AM) Me: U'll send 6k now? :)
(1:50:12 AM) prime: something lil extra ;)
(1:50:16 AM) prime: dont worry.
(1:50:36 AM) Me: Will see the extra, 4800 + extra would be dont know much..
(1:50:47 AM) Me: But they are gonna refund u anyway..so why not send now from ur own pocket?
(1:50:58 AM) Me: Because we're delaying business here man.
(1:51:04 AM) Me: Urs..mine and my guys..
(1:53:19 AM) prime: because i only made 1k bro :/
(1:53:36 AM) prime: but ill see if they give fast to send , if not ill send from my pocket
(1:53:40 AM) prime: but u gonna get ur share
(1:53:43 AM) prime: but please understand me...


Im loosnig my time with you
is it hard to post full logs from start to end excluding sincitive data like names and numbers?


The first post is the last convo we had, Underneath that you see the logs which is fair enough to understand everything. Secondly, Their is useless logs in which he didn't replied, It's waste of ur time to read those, That are excluded. MTCNs infos obviously I havent pasted cuz it has names and numbers.


He came online today, I msgd him from my jabber for my money and he blocked me and I saw that he forgot to block me on ICQ, Please Ninja give him ripper status.


From what i see now - i have no reason to do it.
And seems г dont have intention to show me what г was right.


Ninja their is OTHER biz conversation in the logs which I have minused, I only put that info which is necessary to show whats needed to show. I do not understand what is hard for you to get? The laptop logs are posted in my 2nd post, Rest I have taken out and posted.
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