Xtremecarderz ICQ 568288438 RIPPER!!!

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John Dillinger

Проверенный продавец
so i NEVER do this...prolly been ripped by 50 customers so far on carder and this is the first post ill make ..i have dumps thousands i have np fronting my good customers and helping them make money without puttin theirs upfront but this guy right quick is just greedy ..u guys can look at my thread history and see this is a good customer of mine, recommended alot of his friends and always had experience with high lmimts..he tells m he can make great money from Cash Advance and if i am willing to front him dumps we can get alot of money together so i say sure..give him 26 dumps..(loose change ) and heres the logs of what he has to say

Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 7:22 AM

I'm up
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 7:22 AM

Gettin readt
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 7:23 AM

To go n work
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 7:23 AM

Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:04 PM

At the first spit now
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:05 PM

ion need no play by play homie
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:05 PM

just haev fun
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:05 PM

Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:05 PM

No doubt
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:09 PM

Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:39 PM

1k sob far off 2 pieces only
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:39 PM

Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:39 PM

N still going
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:39 PM

what i like 2 hear
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:39 PM

glad u what u doing when u doing it
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:40 PM

Only 2 peicesd!!
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:40 PM

First 2 I gave her
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:40 PM

do i lie to you
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:40 PM

if not fresh
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:40 PM

i say not fresh
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:40 PM

if fresh i say fresh
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:41 PM

no point lying u gonna find out sooner or later ..hopinh u can brnig good profit off this batch .. for u and me
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:41 PM

Check thsat
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:41 PM

Yea broo cuzz what I don't finish today I finish tomm
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:41 PM

Broo how u want ur pc?
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:42 PM

John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:42 PM

WU/MG is best
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:42 PM

Ok perfect
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:42 PM

John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:42 PM

ill never ask for as much asu think
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:42 PM

so be honest with results ok
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:42 PM

John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:42 PM

like how u say
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:42 PM

outa 2 pcs
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:42 PM

alot of ppl would be scared
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:42 PM

to tell m that
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:43 PM

bcuz they think ill ask for more money
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:43 PM

I am so far 1k
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:43 PM

but im not like that llljust tell me what u do so far
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:43 PM

i mean at the end
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:43 PM

of all
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:43 PM

and then once all on the table
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:43 PM

we say o
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:43 PM

whats fair for both of us
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:43 PM

and go from there
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:43 PM

Bro if I do 10k just an exampkle and then I give worker 30 percent what's left its 50 50
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:43 PM

No more no less
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:44 PM

U feel me
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:44 PM

I don't gotta lie
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:44 PM

Y lie
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:44 PM

When we can all eat
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:45 PM

Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:45 PM

Just don't blow up my secret
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:45 PM

Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:45 PM

Noones doing it
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:47 PM

naw i got you
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:47 PM

ill feed you
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:47 PM

u do it
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 1:47 PM

we both mkae $
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:50 PM

Yo bro the 2 pieces declined for another 250 250
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:50 PM

Gave her 2 fresh
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:50 PM

So 500 from each I ghot cadh can't complain dats y I use debit
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 1:51 PM

Fuk it if I get 500 from a piece cash y complain?
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:10 PM

Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:11 PM

4 for 4
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:11 PM

With 15 rbis lmao
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 2:11 PM

hopefully fucking 26/26
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 2:11 PM

Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:12 PM

Hopefully lol
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 2:12 PM

ur funny lol ur one o like 10 ppl i chit chat with online outa the 600+ ppl in my contact list
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 2:12 PM

cuz ur cool AND make me money at same time
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 2:12 PM

when i have to pick u dont get much convo
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:12 PM

That's how it gotta be there be a lot of stupid niggas
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 2:13 PM

Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:13 PM

Hiopefully she gets 500 more with that same piece she just got 500 from
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:14 PM

Thatl be 2k off peices
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:14 PM

John Dillinger 4/13/2011 2:14 PM

niceb ro
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 2:14 PM

u just tell me bins u need
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 2:14 PM

if u can keep doingthi
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 2:15 PM

and when i update
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 2:15 PM

i wont eeven put in update
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 2:15 PM

theyll be only yours
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:15 PM

486796 474473
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:17 PM

Has been doing good for me
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:31 PM

Mission abort
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:31 PM

They snsatched her id
John Dillinger 4/13/2011 2:32 PM

womp womp ....why they do that
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:34 PM

Don't know
Xtremecarderz 4/13/2011 2:34 PM

1500 4 pieces still have 22
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:18 AM

can u send me 750 today
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:18 AM

750 aint ur cut
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:18 AM

Only 500 only made 1500 gave shorty
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:18 AM

im saying work more
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:18 AM

John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:19 AM

send me 750 today
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:19 AM

Oo ok well I'm trying to get a hold of my worker
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:19 AM

have the freshest shit in life
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:19 AM

right now
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:19 AM

Bro its all on my worker I'm trying to get a hold of her
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:19 AM

I knowww
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:19 AM

Broo I knoww
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:19 AM

Ur shit is da best
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:20 AM

andi wanna send u somethin else but ya moving really really really slow lol no offense , but u should be goin thru like 2-3hun a week not like 20
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:20 AM

this a hustle not a job
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:20 AM

Bro u gotta understand
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:20 AM

I don't shop
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:20 AM

Or I don't do it I have a worker I'm a boss
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:20 AM

John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

ok "BOSS"
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

U feel me and I have to depend on someone else
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

To work
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

aint tryin to eat
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

like u made 500
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

worker made 500
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

i made 500
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

over 3-4 days correct
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

so like
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

That's the orob u think I don't need money I got rent insurance n car payment in 2 weeks lol
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

1 soemthing a day
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:21 AM

u can get regurlar job
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:32 AM

ok looks heres a drop id like you to send the 500 today..can u plz add the drop fee or 10%?

so send 550

John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:36 AM

sound good
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:36 AM

Dasmn my g I gotta pay drop fee lol shit my g I rather send u money pack
John Dillinger 4/15/2011 8:38 AM

u making free money on me...u have a preauth dump thath as gaunteed 2k + on it ...job that could potentially make ua millionare..? u trop over 50 drop fee ...hehe ..small picture u see ..if it hurt u i bite the drop fee
Xtremecarderz 4/15/2011 8:39 AM

na its cool justv let me finish these peaes n ill send u more bro

ion kno how much money i been ripped for ...was suppose to split cut 50/50 all i knoso far is 1500 off 4 pcs then i get blocked .so i feel im entitled at least $750...ninja, admin please look at logs and until matter..and bann this ripper accordingly..i went thru all proper procedures in proving my case..thanx in advance
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John Dillinger

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---------- Сообщение добавлено в 04:55 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 03:13 AM ----------

[/COLOR]Money Recieved..problem resolved !
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