
Little drugster detected on



This ripper cashed $800 successfully from my cc and was to give me $360 as my share but he hasn't.

Below are the logs


Ninja:*i here

Ninja:*a u heere?


Me:*Have u started depositing?

Ninja: Yep

Me: ok

Me:*How much hav u deposited?

Ninja: 800usd

Me:*ok , should i send more cc?

Me:*Can u cash 2 at the same time?

Ninja:*Hmmm ... let a little later ... after a few days .. since I'm working on this card ... and there's still the case in real life ... to the same bit of finalizing a scheme for the conclusion ... I'll re-sent authorization ... but again, you're offline

Ninja: do u have only cc or something more?

Me: just cc for now

Ninja:*if u have neteller, skrill i think about cash from this system

Me:*So u said cashout should take like 2 days right? So can i get my share in lr 2morrow?

Ninja:* i sad next)

Ninja:[email protected] (21:18:16 15/07/2012)
How many days to cashout?

*[email protected] (21:18:32 15/07/2012)
And how much can u cashout from one cc?

*(21:18:40 15/07/2012)
about 3-7 days

*(21:19:27 15/07/2012)
2-4 days to discharge and 2-3 days for cash out

Ninja: u a very quckly)

Me: ok

Ninja:*let's wait a few days ... because has recently been a break ... so I can not tell you 2-3 days to cash the money ... so I can not now withdraw large sums of money for a couple of days ... let's wait a bit ... and then we will decide ...

Ninja: I go sleep

Ninja: good luck

Me:*But u have done this in the past successfully right?

Ninja: yeah

Me:*How much did you totally deposit?

Ninja: 800 usd

Me:*U have icq?


Me:*And by 2morrow i get my share?

Ninja: ok

Me: you are offline on icq

Ninja:*now I will come

Me and this ripper's conversation on icq

Ninja:*fuck ... is throwing so much on the forum .... I do not know who to believe now
bitch ... just lost $ 120

Ninja :I brought that part ... you have to pay you ... money on the web ... you want to translate ... and now I threw my

Me:*You are suppose to send $360 lr

Ninja:*i know

Me:*While you are waiting for exchanger, can u cashout another cc now?

Me:*Should i paste another one now?

Ninja:*no....i'm sorry...not now

Me: ok

Ninja:*I will try to convert you today ... 240 and later 120 ... ok?

Me:*But the 120 should be paid like tomorrow or next tomorrow

Ninja:*I do not like trick people ... but to sum up on the forum ... as you can see a lot of throw .. and I find it difficult to work in such conditions


Ninja:*u have cc with balance...are u sell them?*

Me:*u have cc with balance...are u sell them? , only for cashout

Ninja:*are u have cc with enroll?

Me: ok

Ninja:*mmm...all of your cards has good balance or some of them invalid?

Me:*All valid

Ninja:*do u have cc always&


Ninja: 7

Me:*Yes i have valid cc always

Ninja:*well ... I'll decide my problem ... I turn to you to cash out cc

Me:**What is 7?


Ninja:*just without shifT)

4 days after

Me:*Man if I don't get my $360 liberty reserve today, I will open ripper thread on you and post logs!!*

Ninja: Hi

Ninja :*Hi ... I have thrown $ 500 ... first on the 120 ... and then another 400 ... now collecting money for you ... but can not pay ... because they do not find this amount ... so sorry ... but now I can not give ... if you write threw ... ok ... I understand you ... but I threw the same participants in the forum ... as I do

Me:*So how much do u have now ??

Ninja:*I am now at the zeros ...

Next 3 days

Me: ?

Me:*Ok send the $360 to my lr account

Me:*shouldn't be more than a week or i open ripper thread

Ninja:*in 1 week i don't earn this money...sorry

A month after

Me: so?

Ninja:*hi jim i'm sorry...my scheme died ... plus I threw for 500 bucks ... I'm sorry ... I'm ashamed ... not even know what to say

Me:*So when do i get paid?

Me:**Because now i think u are a liar and a ripper!

Me:*I gave you over one month grace and all you keep saying are dumb escuses all the time

Me:*Today is the final day! If I don't get my money today, I will open blacklist ripper thread and post all the logs!!

1. ALLWAYS use PM, but my icq NEVER changed.
2. If you're here (coz its impossible to find ur nickname (except ME) or icq number - drop a message in that thread, i want to see whats wrong with ur mouth.
3. i never use such stupid words like: "throw, throwing" so before blackmailing me - make some research.
4. I never cashout ccs coz its useless.
5. Come one - i know ure here, i dont know who are you - come here to talk.

PS. now i see what its just an copy/paste of this blacklist vs vilya . Im just interested who is this shit who posted my icq number with copy paste from other blacklists.


Thanx. But ive allready knew who was the author of this blacklist, who is ripper.
But i wonder who changed rippers name to mine and posted to pastebin. :)

He really think what even such stupid blackmailing works? haha.


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