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Nick : WayToPay
Profile : http://carder.pro/showthread.php?t=80384
Amount : $120
jabber : [email protected]

Logs :

(10:34:17 PM) msrv: Hello
(10:34:22 PM) msrv: Need UK Login.
(10:34:37 PM) msrv: http://carder.pro/showthread.php?t=80384
(10:34:42 PM) msrv: Message me if online. thanks
(10:55:23 PM) [email protected]: hi
(10:55:25 PM) [email protected]: online
(10:55:27 PM) msrv: hi
(10:55:29 PM) msrv: Yes,
(10:55:37 PM) msrv: Do you have uk login? or Uk fullz?
(10:55:42 PM) [email protected]: logins only
(10:55:52 PM) msrv: what other info u get with login?
(10:56:12 PM) [email protected]: abbey, lloyds, natwest, alliance , halifax - have all info, have inject in my trojan, get all info what want to transfer
(10:56:21 PM) msrv: Okay
(10:56:35 PM) msrv: Can u check if u have this login with cc no. 44xxxx , abbey
(10:56:49 PM) [email protected]: what balance u want?
(10:56:53 PM) msrv: 3-4K
(10:57:04 PM) [email protected]: wait please
(10:57:06 PM) msrv: ok
(10:59:03 PM) [email protected]: 44xxxxXXXXXX0012 - Business Banking Visa Debit Card - 2.9k have
(10:59:11 PM) msrv: Okay
(10:59:19 PM) msrv: what other info with it?
(10:59:34 PM) msrv: just to be clear before buying.
(11:00:16 PM) [email protected]: personal id, pass, 2pass, dob, mmn, email adress, and secret word
(11:00:34 PM) msrv: No cc no, cvv, expiry, sort code ,account no?
(11:00:52 PM) [email protected]: this info included in account and email adress of holder
(11:01:08 PM) msrv: but u don't have it isin't?
(11:01:22 PM) [email protected]: i can cut this info from email
(11:01:23 PM) msrv: becuase cc no is not full in login, some no always hidden.
(11:01:28 PM) msrv: Please if u can.
(11:01:55 PM) msrv: If all good, I will buy more tomorrow
(11:02:08 PM) [email protected]: ok, i find regular buyer of uk accounts
(11:02:26 PM) msrv: How much for it?
(11:02:44 PM) [email protected]: 5% of balance all uk accounts
(11:03:08 PM) msrv: How much is that?
(11:03:23 PM) [email protected]: 180
(11:03:31 PM) msrv: expensive.
(11:04:05 PM) [email protected]: but this account inactive, holder no login 2 months
(11:04:18 PM) msrv: means locked?
(11:04:29 PM) [email protected]: no... inactive = no login
(11:04:32 PM) msrv: Okay.
(11:04:51 PM) [email protected]: owner did not know that you went to the account
(11:04:57 PM) msrv: Okay.
(11:05:04 PM) msrv: but still price is expensive bro.
(11:05:25 PM) [email protected]: what price would you good for you, if you buy now?
(11:05:34 PM) msrv: I will buy now only.
(11:06:02 PM) msrv: $120 is good for me, becuase its not sure job.
(11:07:01 PM) [email protected]: if a successful transfer, you send another $ 30? If yes, I agree
(11:07:08 PM) msrv: yes.
(11:07:31 PM) [email protected]: send me your nickname on carder pro
(11:07:33 PM) msrv: I will buy many more logins.
(11:07:42 PM) msrv: whats ur nick on c.pro?
(11:07:48 PM) [email protected]: WayToPay
(11:07:48 PM) msrv: i will send u pm.
(11:07:50 PM) msrv: ok.
(11:08:04 PM) [email protected]: waiting
(11:08:44 PM) msrv: can u give url to ur profile.
(11:09:02 PM) [email protected]: http://carder.pro/member.php?u=45872
(11:09:36 PM) msrv: can u reply please.
(11:10:15 PM) [email protected]: Done.
(11:10:32 PM) msrv: Okay cool.
(11:10:49 PM) msrv: can u cut the info pls , cc, cvv, expiry, sort code, account no, dob.
(11:10:57 PM) [email protected]: already.
(11:11:02 PM) msrv: okay.
(11:11:10 PM) msrv: let me contact ninja for escrow.
(11:11:15 PM) [email protected]: ok
(11:13:21 PM) msrv: Ninja is not replying.
(11:13:30 PM) msrv: can u show me login on TV.
(11:13:34 PM) [email protected]: TV?
(11:13:36 PM) msrv: So I can send payment directly
(11:13:42 PM) msrv: teamviwer just to be sure.
(11:14:22 PM) [email protected]: sorry now. But i have private registration on *******.cc from 2010 (price 150 LR ), and carder.pro 2011 registration.
(11:15:05 PM) msrv: Bro, people ripp, if u old registration that doesn not mean people can not ripp.
(11:15:16 PM) msrv: and I am not saying u r ripper but i want to be safe.
(11:15:22 PM) msrv: I dont see harm in that.
(11:15:42 PM) msrv: and if ninja were replying i wouldn't have asked u to show me login.
(11:16:44 PM) msrv: I want to buy now.
(11:16:47 PM) [email protected]: no problem we can wait escrow, but if I have new customer , i selling his account, I am an honest seller, I work for a long time. It's up to you to work with me or not
(11:16:57 PM) [email protected]: You registration very fresh.. sorry
(11:17:00 PM) msrv: Okay.
(11:17:14 PM) msrv: Okay let me try u.
(11:17:19 PM) msrv: Give me ur lr account.
(11:17:58 PM) [email protected]: I have ten accounts and I understand that we make more, if it is to work well together on the fair, you know?
(11:18:03 PM) msrv: I hope I will not get ripped.
(11:18:17 PM) msrv: give me ur lr account.
(11:18:36 PM) [email protected]: So we can make more money, if now deal its good. U3757341
(11:18:50 PM) [email protected]: and remember +30 after , if transfer success
(11:18:58 PM) msrv: Yea.
(11:19:08 PM) [email protected]: give me your email pls to send acc
(11:19:31 PM) msrv: [email protected]
(11:20:39 PM) msrv: Your transfer was successful! Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve!Payment ModeAccountDate03/27/2013 22:20 Batch137613880 FromU718xxx (xxxxx)ToU3757341 (Quest)Amount$120.00Memo

(11:20:55 PM) [email protected]: pls wait i check..
(11:21:05 PM) msrv: ok
(11:22:38 PM) [email protected]: got it
(11:22:43 PM) msrv: ok
(11:22:44 PM) [email protected]: wait , i send acc to your email
(11:24:45 PM) [email protected]: done, check it pls, if u no have email , i can send in jabber
(11:25:25 PM) [email protected]: restart jabber, 2 min, dont worry. Write me if u no get email
(11:25:29 PM) msrv: not recieved
(11:25:35 PM) [email protected]: ok
(11:25:35 PM) msrv: please paste here.
(11:27:25 PM) [email protected]: here
(11:27:28 PM) [email protected]: wait i resend to your email
(11:27:30 PM) msrv: yes
(11:30:20 PM) msrv: u again went offline.
(11:31:59 PM) [email protected]: got it
(11:32:12 PM) msrv: no
(11:32:29 PM) msrv: Man, why u playing
(11:32:36 PM) msrv: 3 times u went offline.
(11:32:56 PM) msrv: and everytime u sent nothing an keep saying sent.
(11:33:31 PM) msrv: I asked u to paste me info on jabber.

I sent him $120 for Uk login, After sending payment 3 times he went offline and did not send the login keep saying login sent. Logs Paste for better understanding.

Admin Please bank this cheap ripper. if any more info needed, I will be happy to provide.

Thank you
Последнее редактирование:
He is old ripper from omerta.cc forums... can't believe you fall for this kid's words. I remember him being pretty awfull when he tried his magic on me some times ago :))
I just wanted to try, If he really had what he was talking about.
Its not the loss of the money, what hurting is these tiny rats keeping coming out on this board. my bad.


Dont spam this board with ur UPs. We have time - we take action.
We'here not 24/7 especially for you, capiche?

Ripper status assigned to him and his clones.
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