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I got DEER for begging cc one day only. try to buy some cc and got RIPed

This member
[email protected]

who I think got banned for 1 month for advertised cc sale in the unverified section selling cc with out address, the advert got deleated my a mod.
advert was for 4000 for $500.
seeing he was new on the forum I offered to spend $100 for 350cc with out address

I sent him $100lr he sent me 350cc list I check all cc instant all cc was dead.
I told him he said his software mixed up cc cvv.
He sent new 350cc list
I checked again only 2 cc was valid from the 350 the 2 valids had no money on them,

I told him he chat shit then went off line,
he also tried to get me install remote pc controller to see my screen,

here is jabber logs
he is banned for 1 month i think for advertising cc sale in unverified section
he should get ripper status. low life scum

Thursday, 6 September 2012 - [email protected]

4:21:17 [email protected]: you there?
Changed status to Away: (Away as a result of being idle more than 5 min) (4:23:18)
Changed status to Online (4:23:55)
4:27:18 [email protected]: u there dude

Thursday, 6 September 2012 - [email protected]

5:05:56 [email protected]: im here
5:07:04 [email protected]: ?
5:21:42 [email protected]: u there
5:21:51 [email protected]: ?
5:21:52 [email protected]: yes
5:22:45 [email protected]: can you give me a better deal on the cc 250 is way too low for $100 none address plus 70% valid
5:24:08 [email protected]: can you make it 400cc for $100?
5:24:39 [email protected]: mmm
5:24:46 [email protected]: come on dude
5:26:09 [email protected]: trust me, ill buy them all from you after i make some money
5:26:14 [email protected]: 300 for 100
5:26:38 [email protected]: 350
5:26:49 [email protected]: am going to resell them
5:27:02 [email protected]: that the only reason
5:27:18 [email protected]: yea kk
5:27:22 [email protected]: cool
5:27:47 [email protected]: can you mix them usa, and eu, ?
5:27:59 [email protected]: and can you check from 4 bins
5:28:58 [email protected]: yep whichbins
5:29:45 [email protected]: and yes itll be usa/ca/eu
5:29:52 [email protected]: and tell me what format u want
5:30:08 [email protected]: ie cc/exp/cvv/name or name=cc=cvv=exp or w.e
5:30:36 [email protected]: cc/exp/cvv/name
5:30:37 [email protected]: or is yyyy-mm-dd|cvv|VISA|numberNAME alright
5:30:51 [email protected]: kk
5:30:56 [email protected]: u paying today or?
5:32:12 [email protected]: yea
5:32:20 [email protected]: hold on just looking for bin
5:32:33 [email protected]: kk
5:36:20 [email protected]: 482880






5:37:10 [email protected]: if you dont have any of those bins no prob also pop a could business and platinum bins,
5:37:45 [email protected]: dont send too much 2012 exp
5:38:03 [email protected]: let me know when you finish sorting them out
5:38:14 [email protected]: whats your lr?
5:39:46 [email protected]: lol in my whole db
5:39:52 [email protected]: only got 1x 476153
5:40:07 [email protected]: lol
5:40:24 [email protected]: but im adding it
5:40:30 [email protected]: cool
5:40:54 [email protected]: drop me a few business bins and plats
5:40:56 [email protected]: lol
5:41:20 [email protected]: 80% of them will be bussiness/signature/plats
5:42:04 [email protected]: sweet
5:42:46 [email protected]: is this format OK
5:42:59 [email protected]: otherwise will take extra 30mins
5:43:01 [email protected]: 
5:43:15 [email protected]: yep
5:43:27 [email protected]: fomat is fine
5:45:50 [email protected]: \d\d\d\w\w\w\w\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d
5:46:17 [email protected]: ?
5:46:24 [email protected]: nvm almost done anyway
5:46:36 [email protected]: whats nvm?
5:56:23 [email protected]: done
5:57:44 [email protected]: U6855216
5:57:46 [email protected]: cool
5:57:52 [email protected]: ill send funds now
5:58:16 [email protected]: ty
5:58:19 [email protected]: how u want me to send this
5:58:50 [email protected]: send to ********@gmail.com
5:58:55 [email protected]: kk
6:02:02 [email protected]: sent
6:04:40 [email protected]: did you received the Lr?
6:06:59 [email protected]: u there ?

HE went off line no response after i send payment

Changed status to Offline (6:10:30)
Changed status to Online (6:11:03)
6:11:06 [email protected]: bloody oath
6:11:10 [email protected]: must be the worst timing
6:11:15 [email protected]: fucking prepaid internet ran out lol
6:11:36 [email protected]: did you received the Lr?
6:11:49 [email protected]: sec ill check
6:11:54 [email protected]: cool
6:13:04 [email protected]: how long as I have to hit the road soon
6:13:17 [email protected]: got it ty
6:13:25 [email protected]: sending now
6:13:26 [email protected]: soz about that
6:14:06 [email protected]: *******@gmail.com
6:14:07 [email protected]: ?
6:14:17 [email protected]: yep
6:14:24 [email protected]: its in .rar
6:14:27 [email protected]: pass:
6:14:35 [email protected]: sweet
6:14:37 [email protected]: email name is fedex invoice or somethin 
6:14:43 [email protected]: cool
6:14:57 [email protected]: enjoy bro let me know how u go
6:15:03 [email protected]: will do
6:22:51 [email protected]: just checked 10 cc and all 10 dead
6:23:02 [email protected]: ill check the rest wen i get home
6:23:08 [email protected]: tonight
6:25:40 [email protected]: ouch 
6:25:45 [email protected]: just bad luck there, dw
6:25:51 [email protected]: i will replace if ur not happy with it
6:26:11 [email protected]: no prob ill check and chat to you later I have to hit the road.
6:26:14 [email protected]: later

Thursday, 6 September 2012 - [email protected]

9:49:27 [email protected]: you there

Thursday, 6 September 2012 - [email protected]

10:16:41 [email protected]: all the cc is dead
10:34:21 [email protected]: here
10:34:23 [email protected]: hey dude
10:34:26 [email protected]: lol /
10:34:27 [email protected]: ?
10:34:39 [email protected]: all cc is dead
10:35:03 [email protected]: what the hell r u checking it with
10:35:08 [email protected]: Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5178058752005515/01/2014/477/Regina Henderson

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4344990041471037/04/2013/866/kathleen sanders

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466160143460267/03/2014/324/Katharine Adams

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4186210002666413/03/2013/468/Howard W Fisher

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5491048250641341/01/2015/203/Jonathan D Martin

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5524751000973176/10/2012/204/V C Coyle

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147099470590595/08/2013/735/" "Richard Horn

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4784558029378396/03/2015/987/kim lam

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5491670025299954/01/2015/379/Jack Nunes

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5121079660676526/09/2014/251/Shantel Nicole Edmonds

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4128004084957944/03/2015/052/Howard N Morof

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147290048587516/11/2015/114/Christian Waitschies

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147110270424644/05/2013/396/Sripal Adhi

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4266880049251735/05/2015/957/Charles Green

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466264003646799/11/2013/126/Trevor Scott

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466160047937394/03/2013/966/mimi dao

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147098271056657/06/2014/992/Claire H Baker

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4266901022879365/11/2014/796/bernd eibisch

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4385600000944912/05/2014/697/MRS NICOLA J HIND

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5191230114109037/09/2013/661/debra a zielinski

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4520850001048611/05/2013/069/Robert Graf

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5407890286071420/03/2016/541/Eric Wang

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466160201511712/05/2013/238/Bonnie Fau

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147099798737704/05/2015/311/nacasha ruffin

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147110652813224/05/2014/270/Nancy Xeller Gartner

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466160122463399/06/2015/267/Derek J Parkinson

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5301270587886015/05/2013/755/MRS SHARON WILLIAMS

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147202050731916/12/2013/716/Maureen Connolly

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466380004781730/11/2013/810/Craig Wrobel

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466160187432420/04/2016/641/Douglas Hodgins

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5191230014896295/10/2012/598/Suzanne R. Coler

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4262452000313971/05/2015/777/Brandy Sinisi

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4893940126522027/11/2013/500/" "tosha marquardt

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4388540024044991/05/2013/540/Stacey Klewer stanton

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4828705618123018/05/2015/064/Peter Brown

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4514011602012369/05/2014/412/Mary Ann Johnston

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4388540026434281/01/2013/732/TARDIP GILL

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5424180635550251/05/2015/409/Shari K Petersen

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4266841194383095/10/2013/475/Susan Westover Giali

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4388576049363412/09/2014/449/Shubhi Rajnish

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4315682256797488/10/2012/523/gail emelkko

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466160166784510/10/2013/475/Susan WestoverGiali

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4264285019132679/05/2014/270/Nancy Xeller Gartnee

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4640182058436365/07/2014/396/Kellyann Cilio

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4514011602113571/07/2014/275/Peter Coleman

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147202066980176/05/2013/102/Linda Arnold

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4640182058929138/12/2015/484/Jennifer H Fariss dead

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4300230032989610/02/2013/704/Jessica Booth

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466160187583933/11/2013/500/tosha marquardt

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5491130022687628/04/2013/385/V H MACLACHLANVAL

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5524810000458008/10/2012/523/Gail Emelko

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147092626189487/05/2014/120/Joan m McCullough

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5264308824700964/05/2015/141/Barrie Butler

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4929102370457008/04/2014/834/Sarah nassaji

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5545764000050460/10/2012/068/Matthew Stoneback deda

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4266902036184586/05/2015/053/William Hineline

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466160200516316/03/2015/730/DONNA LAKATOSH

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5451984600042095/09/2013/451/Joseph N DeMontigny

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5490500024992708/04/2014/124/Ching Chen

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147099842621060/02/2015/978/Lynn Worden

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147202081082826/06/2016/481/Emma LugoBlake

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4032134000574146/05/2014/119/Andrew A Wolf

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466160348467034/01/2015/301/Ms Wendy M Cowin

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466264004297170/03/2015/700/Christine Black

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5178840000324479/05/2014/183/Lauren Barrett

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147098095505483/01/2013/130/E Maher

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466160136115639/08/2014/925/Wendy Wolf

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4888936175883796/03/2014/073/kathleen liu

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466160067126969/04/2014/701/Rachel G Spears

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4550252202438639/04/2014/448/Thom S Nelson

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4505500018730110/01/2013/911/Michelle Bouyea Sclafani

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466388411212959/01/2014/768/Samantha Chang

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5258975001182998/10/2014/137/Robin J McDonald

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4663090179777488/09/2013/987/Chenny Wang

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4312281006933718/09/2014/364/Linda Ruckman

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4388576050456659/03/2015/356/Henry K Chen

Invalid[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4510155017625176/06/2012/076/Kirk R Cerny

Invalid[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4411042513192820/05/2012/798/Jennifer Millett

Invalid[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4264520046016481/05/2012/798/Jennifer M Millett

Invalid[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4388576050146326/08/2012/237/Robert White

Invalid[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4765591137722836/05/2012/400/JENNIFER WONG

Invalid[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4388576024759303/08/2012/002/Scott A Kagiwada

Invalid[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4264285019787977/07/2012/604/Jodi G. Sinker

Invalid[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4388576043803520/05/2012/744/Erol Gund

Invalid[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4339932002100103/07/2012/991/mr k f corrigan

10:35:28 [email protected]: u checked all cc?
10:35:45 [email protected]: I check 30 via online software shop then ran the rest in ugg none charge
10:36:11 [email protected]: sec
10:36:12 [email protected]: yea all dead cost me $15 to check them all
10:36:57 [email protected]: Live[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4264283847947277/02/2013/460/JANICE CASELLI

Live[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5466380004781730/03/2013/966/Mimi dao

Live[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5264308824700964/05/2013/680/Lotte Furlong

10:37:24 [email protected]: those show up live but none of them had $20 for software
10:38:21 [email protected]: fuck
10:38:31 [email protected]: i extracted wrong lmfao
10:38:34 [email protected]: wrong cvv + exp
10:39:01 [email protected]: sorry bro
10:39:03 [email protected]: my fault
10:39:05 [email protected]: give me 30 mins
10:39:08 [email protected]: no prob
10:39:09 [email protected]: ill extract properly
10:42:15 [email protected]: ok
11:07:51 [email protected]: ok
11:07:55 [email protected]: u got teamviewer?
11:08:09 [email protected]: no what is it ?
11:08:36 [email protected]: u on linux or windows?
11:08:57 [email protected]: apple mac
11:09:08 [email protected]: http://www.teamviewer.com/download/TeamViewerQS.dmg
11:09:11 [email protected]: get this
11:09:14 [email protected]: tell me when u run it
11:09:30 [email protected]: why do i need it?
11:09:39 [email protected]: need 2 show u somethin
11:09:43 [email protected]: when u open it
11:09:48 [email protected]: paste me user ID & pass
11:09:52 [email protected]: u will
11:09:53 [email protected]: c
11:09:59 [email protected]: ok
11:12:02 [email protected]: got it?
11:12:30 [email protected]: hold on
11:12:37 [email protected]: k
11:17:51 [email protected]: bro come on lol
11:17:52 [email protected]: 
11:17:58 [email protected]: its like 500k
11:18:08 [email protected]: 920 628 234
11:18:18 [email protected]: pass
11:18:52 [email protected]: what is this software for
11:19:03 [email protected]: so i can see ur computer screen
11:19:14 [email protected]: lol why
11:19:15 [email protected]: ...
11:19:20 [email protected]: tell u when i connect
11:19:20 [email protected]: gogo
11:19:21 [email protected]: pas
11:19:22 [email protected]: pass
11:19:29 [email protected]: no mate
11:19:41 [email protected]: why do you want to see my screen
11:19:54 [email protected]: so i can see u delete old .txt file 
11:20:20 [email protected]: what old cc file ?
11:20:31 [email protected]: the one i sent u
11:20:34 [email protected]: need to send u new 1
11:21:03 [email protected]: that dont seems correct, the cs in it is dead you can check for your self
11:21:27 [email protected]: all the cc is dead why do you need to see me delete dead cc list
11:21:49 [email protected]: no
11:21:51 [email protected]: just cvv/exp mixed up
11:21:55 [email protected]: cc's are valid
11:21:56 [email protected]: so
11:21:58 [email protected]: ...
11:22:16 [email protected]: dw about it bro
11:22:19 [email protected]: just delete that file pls lol
11:22:32 [email protected]: upping new 1 for u now
11:22:53 [email protected]: well if that is the case I wont be able get the correct exp
11:23:19 [email protected]: yes I will delete the file i have no use for it
11:23:23 [email protected]: its still blacklisted since sum1 still has
11:23:28 [email protected]: ty
11:23:30 [email protected]: 5 mins pls
11:23:33 [email protected]: ok
11:24:19 [email protected]: dont worry, I check them all and they all show up dead, ther is no way I can use them,
11:24:34 [email protected]: did you send new file to gmail?
11:45:14 [email protected]: u there ?
11:45:35 [email protected]: wont be long bro just makin sure it doesnt fuk up again 
11:46:08 [email protected]: sweet
sells cc 4k for 500 tarchys is offering to send file cc.txt (11:55:24)
11:55:33 [email protected]: sorry about the fuck around br, these will be good for u
11:55:49 [email protected]: fucking 2 hours on the minute working xD
Starting transfer of cc.txt from sells cc 4k for 500 tarchys (11:56:34)
11:56:36 [email protected]: did u delete old file?
11:57:05 [email protected]: yes i delete olf file
11:57:11 [email protected]: olf file
11:57:14 [email protected]: old
11:57:17 [email protected]: ok ty
11:57:23 [email protected]: tell me what u find valid on this
Transfer of file cc.txt complete (11:57:25)
11:57:28 [email protected]: will be 7--80
11:57:31 [email protected]: 70-80%
12:06:50 [email protected]: sweet
12:07:14 [email protected]: good?
12:07:19 [email protected]: can you send in format like you sent before
12:07:44 [email protected]: yea
12:07:54 [email protected]: please do
12:08:35 [email protected]: wont be long
12:22:55 [email protected]: ok
12:26:17 [email protected]: i checked 20 and find only 2 valid
12:28:22 [email protected]: shouldnt be right
12:29:06 [email protected]: 29 cc has has exp
12:29:40 [email protected]: send me the better format ill run them through ugg
12:30:27 [email protected]: yea hold on
12:30:30 [email protected]: very hard to change around now
12:30:43 [email protected]: do you have cc checker?
12:31:55 [email protected]: go here and try to buy this-black
12:32:15 [email protected]: randomly try some of the cc that you sent to me
12:37:22 [email protected]: VISA/4313031895110038/Adam J Marts/2013-05-01/599/

VISA/4147202086815584/Jeffrey S Phillips/2014-07-01/956/

MAST/5491980823432834/Lilia Poliakova/2013-09/094/

Visa/4388540023627143/Sharon m Polonia /2014-08-01/479/

VISA/4418409321395502/HEIDI S POPE/2015-04-01/059/

MAST/5466309031565808/deanne m. potter/2015-02-01/986/

VISA/4500040020080795/Valerie Shackman/2012-12-01/567/

MAST/5466160100123262/Cindy Shipman/2015-03-01/442/

VISA/4043070357978026/CS Shapiro/2012-08-01/220/

VISA/4124530015915928/IRINA SHARAPOVA/2012-03-01/010/

VISA/4032134000632290/Ann B Brenkert/2012-11-01/660/

MAST/5191230107505480/e gina chu/2012-11-01/929/

MAST/5178059181394819/Louis Chui/2012-06-01/748/

VISA/4147202018298040/William Hamilton/2013-10-01/448/

VISA/4266841205445594/Bruce Haney/2013-05-01/660/

VISA/4147099808152837/Karen M. Hansen/2012-11-01/439/

MAST/5466309207230500/Carol Hanson/2015-04-01/646/

VISA/4862367867826432/Mark Hardee/2014-01-01/487/

VISA/4147371082010449/Jay Hardesty/2015-03-01/177/

VISA/4147202091111441/Cheryl Hardig/2013-03-01/996/

MAST/5466760035002257/Amy Johnson/2014-06-01/369/dead

VISA/4802139264845593/Mary M. Johnson/2014-08-01/650/daed

VISA/4121742468026805/CHRISSY JONES/2012-09-01/134/

MAST/5460648274463791/Klara Kandel/2014-11-01/944/

MAST/5401683037717292/antonios kapsouris/2013-07-01/812/

MAST/5491040570027541/Shelby Kaplan/2013-01-01/130/

12:37:43 [email protected]: all dead only found 2 valid
12:39:47 [email protected]: give me 10 mins.
12:46:11 [email protected]: VISA/4313072846021593/Leslie D Kilpatrick/2014-09-01/452/

VISA/4147098486043367/Peter Kim/2014-04-01/586/

VISA/4147202072714916/Lawrence R Klein/2014-06-01/527/

VISA/4388540012275391/Thomas King/2013-11-01/040/

VISA/4147202079675003/Michael klein/2012-12-01/414/

VISA/4147202053396667/Rietje Knapton/2013-01-01/084/

MAST/5122571018555336/TIMOTHY E KNOTTS/2012-09-01/474/

MAST/5122571024835664/Timothy E. Knotts/2013-12-01/118/

VISA/4266901011267382/TIMOTHY E KNOTTS/2013-12-01/756/
12:46:14 [email protected]: dead
Changed status to Away: (Not available as a result of being idle more than 15 min) (1:01:43)
Changed status to Online (1:01:47)
Changed status to Away: (Not available as a result of being idle more than 15 min) (1:03:31)
Changed status to Online (1:03:33)
You have disconnected (1:09:19)
You have connected (1:10:13)
[email protected] is now known as talbot.

Changed status to Away: (Not available as a result of being idle more than 15 min) (1:17:08)
Changed status to Offline (1:17:30)
1:27:48 [email protected]: u there

Friday, 7 September 2012 - [email protected]

1:54:08 [email protected]: what happened?

Friday, 7 September 2012 - [email protected]

3:26:32 [email protected]: ?

Friday, 7 September 2012 - [email protected]

12:47:43 [email protected]: hey man

Friday, 7 September 2012 - [email protected]

1:03:22 [email protected]: yo bro
1:03:40 [email protected]: sorry man, it took me honestly like 3 fucking hours to get the digits right
1:03:52 [email protected]: top half of the ones i sent u are correct
1:03:54 [email protected]: bottom half arent
1:04:55 [email protected]: here?
1:05:19 [email protected]: hey man what up
1:05:26 [email protected]: yo
1:05:31 [email protected]: yer lemmie send u updated list -_-
1:05:33 [email protected]: did u get
1:05:37 [email protected]: how many valids did u ge
1:06:06 [email protected]: i manually check them 1 by 1 last light on 2 valid all dead
1:06:23 [email protected]: 2 valid
1:06:24 [email protected]: impossible
1:06:25 [email protected]: out of 300
1:06:28 [email protected]: only 2 valid
1:07:34 [email protected]: yes believe me the valid had only 10$ seems your base is compromised or maybe you send me ones that you already sold
1:07:47 [email protected]: I really need some valids
1:08:15 [email protected]: impossible
1:08:20 [email protected]: just wrong cvv dw
1:08:23 [email protected]: i updated it
1:08:24 [email protected]: all good
1:08:27 [email protected]: not impossible do you have checkere?
1:08:31 [email protected]: checker
1:08:38 [email protected]: yesss
1:08:39 [email protected]: tested
1:08:43 [email protected]: first 10
1:08:44 [email protected]: 5/10
1:08:45 [email protected]: second 10
1:08:48 [email protected]: 9/10
1:08:49 [email protected]: please do a check for your self
1:08:50 [email protected]: third 10
1:08:52 [email protected]: 4/10
1:08:56 [email protected]: tested 40 cards
1:09:06 [email protected]: all up more than 70%
1:09:07 [email protected]: valid
1:09:17 [email protected]: its fixed now
1:09:22 [email protected]: sec gotta do something
1:09:23 [email protected]: then send u
1:09:24 [email protected]: 1 min 
1:10:06 [email protected]: no mate I checked them one by one for software $10 and $20 purchace, then i ran some through ugg checker none worked
1:11:12 [email protected]: please do send me valids. I find a few cardable sites and i need to hit them before they get charge back for previous purchase
1:11:32 [email protected]: -_-
1:11:36 [email protected]: listen to me
1:11:41 [email protected]: the ones i sent u
1:11:44 [email protected]: had wrong cvv
1:11:47 [email protected]: cos i extracted bad
1:11:49 [email protected]: now i fixed i
1:11:51 [email protected]: ok?
1:12:25 [email protected]: what the second set had wrong cvv too?
1:15:42 [email protected]: u there ?
1:15:59 [email protected]: sec
1:16:04 [email protected]: ok
1:16:07 [email protected]: fucking banned from carder.pro
1:16:13 [email protected]: for selling cvv without paying?
1:16:16 [email protected]: for how long
1:16:24 [email protected]: 1 month
1:16:39 [email protected]: fuck their $33
1:16:41 [email protected]: or pay $33
1:16:44 [email protected]: loool
1:16:48 [email protected]: i got fucking $8k LR
1:16:51 [email protected]: fuck their $33 
1:17:01 [email protected]: i thinks its because you post your cc add in the unverified section
1:17:23 [email protected]: the admin are very stricked now
1:17:48 [email protected]: unverified .......but iam unverified
1:18:22 [email protected]: they gave me deer for cc begging, because only one day I really need 1 cc to pay bills so i post in public, they hit me with deer
1:18:42 [email protected]: whats deer mean lol
1:18:58 [email protected]: no the unvarified section you post in rules say no cc sale is allowed ?
1:19:14 [email protected]: fucking russians lol i will show them kaliskanov i will shove down their mouth and pull trigger 
1:19:47 [email protected]: you get red DEER below your user name, cant send nor receive PM. cant start any new threads ?
1:19:58 [email protected]: hm ok
1:21:12 [email protected]: so will you send me better cc list ?
1:21:32 [email protected]: sec
1:21:39 [email protected]: give me ur checker login
1:21:44 [email protected]: i want see for myself on ur checker
1:24:38 [email protected]: i cant dont trust. www.UG-Market.com very cheap checker $5lr for 500 checking points, 2-points per check
1:25:11 [email protected]: ...
1:25:42 [email protected]: or try here register, you can check here free, i cc per time http://electronicpromo.net
1:26:19 [email protected]: if I give you my login you can easily change the password
1:29:05 [email protected]: yea they have deleted your cc advert on carder.pro, so Am guessing thats the reason they banned you
1:40:23 [email protected]: did you check?
1:53:26 [email protected]: this software shop do not need cvv I check 20cc on here for $29 without using cvv and all are dead,
1:54:26 [email protected]: go here and check a few just fill out checkout form with crap info. eg, name wwww address www, email: [email protected]
1:54:31 [email protected]: https://store.freeverse.com/browse.php?browseType=game&browseGame=6003
Changed status to Offline (2:00:19)
2:32:00 [email protected]: dude you are messing around. I want a refund
2:32:20 [email protected]: no more time wasting
2:45:51 [email protected]: whats up

Friday, 7 September 2012 - [email protected]

3:39:32 [email protected]: hey man
3:40:11 [email protected]: u there

Friday, 7 September 2012 - [email protected]

4:22:46 [email protected]: hey

Friday, 7 September 2012 - [email protected]

4:59:43 [email protected]: so you rip me
4:59:50 [email protected]: ripper
5:46:44 [email protected]: hey
5:46:54 [email protected]: u are there
5:46:57 [email protected]: reoly
5:47:00 [email protected]: reply
5:58:48 [email protected]: dude
6:00:07 [email protected]: i know you are online
6:00:22 [email protected]: I need my refund of send me valid cc
6:20:45 [email protected]: am posting this in ripper section on carder.pro.
You have disconnected (7:02:20)
You have connected (7:12:07)

12:17:30 [email protected]: fucking ripper man
12:18:21 [email protected]: how many people have you rip today ?
12:19:14 [email protected]: am going to voodoo your ass.
12:19:50 [email protected]: you will be fucked soon , from your dump carding in australia,

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 01:00 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 12:46 AM ----------

DEER cant edit thread
here is one of the ripper thread http://carder.pro/showthread.php?t=63578
Yes this guy asked me for Australian dumps, and I provide him 10, that he said works very good.. And he was supposed to pay -me 10$ each, but started asking if I can send some more free. So I just blocked him, and didn't report, because hadn't logs... But keep eyes open people...


after days of ignoring me the ripper reply with lying staements today.
saying his base is 80% valid
when he send these cc I checked them 1 by 1 on sites that sells software. dead for $10 and $29.
i chen ran the though ug-checker that i know do not kill cc I have test this site and use this site for 3 years

9:36:50 [email protected]: lol
9:36:52 [email protected]: hi..
9:38:04 [email protected]: so how many did u buy again
9:38:41 [email protected]: u here or not?
Changed status to Away: (Away as a result of being idle more than 5 min) (9:46:40)
Changed status to Online (9:49:20)
Changed status to Away: (Away as a result of being idle more than 5 min) (10:32:25)
Changed status to Online (10:33:24)
10:35:53 [email protected]: yea am here
10:36:12 [email protected]: why did you rip me
10:37:18 [email protected]: not good man am just like you
10:38:10 [email protected]: trying to make some money you took my $100 and gave me dead cc that you pulled from forum
Changed status to Away: (Away as a result of being idle more than 5 min) (10:38:32)
Changed status to Online (10:42:58)
10:43:11 [email protected]: listen fucker
10:43:15 [email protected]: they wre not from forum
10:43:20 [email protected]: give me proof
10:43:22 [email protected]: they ar invalid
10:43:24 [email protected]: and i will replace
10:43:36 [email protected]: ok replace then
10:43:48 [email protected]: PROOF
10:43:59 [email protected]: give me history of check
10:44:49 [email protected]: i told you 5 mins after you send them that they where all dead i told you to check for your self
10:45:16 [email protected]: do you think i would lye ?
10:45:45 [email protected]: VISA/4147097781973070/Richard P Aldridge/2012-05-01/957/

MAST/5186945586261001/Shahd Saleh Almohsen/2013-09-01/091/

VISA/4266902011255518/Patricia Alvarez/2013-10-01/766/

VISA/4514011607694773/Karl Jay Armstrong/2012-07-01/657/

MAST/5452100001012822/Rachel E Babcock/2014-09-01/278/

MAST/5491237310581981/Lacey Baker/2013-03-01/794/

VISA/4465420168417780/Jamey M Banowetz/2012-07-01/498/

VISA/4888901018672194/Deanna Barba/2014-02-01/880/

VISA/4388576046937598/Deanna M Barba/2014-07-01/286/

VISA/4266841267923199/Marlene B Barbe/2015-09-01/224/

VISA/4003449374262630/Rachael J Beam/2012-07-01/237/

MAST/5121079759126615/Gregory A Beck/2014-09-01/353/

VISA/4266902024668608/Rebecca S Belanger/2015-07-01/204/

MAST/5490500031758266/Sheryl Bennett/2013-11-01/429/

VISA/4147202085601928/james s bernard/2013-05-01/184/

VISA/4149830025130190/Mike Bertoluzza/2013-10-01/490/

VISA/4991630000017522/Laurie mcNulty Bird/2013-01-01/328/

VISA/4117706000395453/David Blum/2014-02-01/553/

VISA/4147340031963248/Christi Boora/2015-01-01/595/

VISA/4417123044987732/Linda N Bornstein/2014-02-01/984/

VISA/4118165006800132/Sharon B Bowles/2014-04-01/328/

VISA/4032130960002383/Ann B Brenkert/2012-11-01/785/

VISA/4271382515483556/Douglas Brooks/2013-08-01/141/

VISA/4465420393746052/RENEE M WIMBERLY/2014-11-01/017/

VISA/4388576053361898/Kannan Cangro/2015-06-01/788/

MAST/5466160087011241/Sally a Carl/2015-02-01/396/

MAST/5491237315855992/Steven R Carroll/2015-03-01/960/

MAST/5522896001587657/anna r l casali/2016-06-01/154/

VISA/4751170045825134/Miss Pauline Casey/2015-05-01/448/

VISA/4888936181556303/Arlene R Casiple/2015-03-01/059/

VISA/4147099650568254/Lisa c castro/2013-06-01/679/

Visa/4388576048131224/Carol Champagne/2014-10-01/956/

VISA/4085860002050679/Yuni Choi/2014-11-01/446/

VISA/4557016843681318/Natalie Chang/2015-03-01/814/

MAST/5446122435133866/Patrick H Charron/2015-02-01/175/

VISA/4264298410618030/cathy chung/2014-09-01/420/

VISA/4388540020742143/LANE M CHERAMIE/2014-03-01/607/

VISA/4502310000112100/Rosalba Ciligot/2012-11-01/499/

VISA/4264283951799431/Nicholas J Cirulli Jr/2013-09-01/119/

MAST/5401683052515126/Annette Clemente/2013-12-01/689/
10:45:49 [email protected]: check these
10:46:02 [email protected]: tell me
10:51:05 [email protected]: send me this format
Changed status to Away: (Away as a result of being idle more than 5 min) (10:51:06)
10:51:06 [email protected]: 4730970600031564/04/2014/280/Alvin Blue
Changed status to Online (10:51:57)
10:52:00 [email protected]: dont have time for this today
Changed status to Offline (10:54:45)
Changed status to Online (10:55:11)
10:59:42 [email protected]: Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4266902011255518/10/13/766

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5452100001012822/09/14/278

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4465420168417780/02/14/880

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4388576046937598/07/14/286

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5121079759126615/09/14/353

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4266902024668608/07/15/204

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147202085601928/05/13/184

10:59:49 [email protected]: smae dead shit
11:00:06 [email protected]: I have no time to waste checking dead shit
11:00:23 [email protected]: I w1ant a refund
11:00:41 [email protected]: i want a refund so i can go buy cc from cc shop
11:01:20 [email protected]: these is not fresh, you said they where fresh they are not fresh
11:01:32 [email protected]: you are a ripper
11:04:19 [email protected]: Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4149830025130190/10/13/490

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4991630000017522/01/13/328

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4117706000395453/02/14/553

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147340031963248/01/15/595

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4417123044987732/02/14/984

11:04:24 [email protected]: all dead
11:05:12 [email protected]: you there?
11:08:20 [email protected]: Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4118165006800132/04/14/328

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4032130960002383/11/12/785

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4465420393746052/11/14/017

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4388576053361898/06/15/788

11:08:35 [email protected]: there is your proof
11:08:39 [email protected]: all dead shit
11:09:36 [email protected]: lool]
11:09:38 [email protected]: dw bro
11:10:04 [email protected]: dw?
11:10:17 [email protected]: go FUCK yourself\
11:10:40 [email protected]: no karma will fuck you in the ass
11:10:45 [email protected]: fucking ripper
11:10:56 [email protected]: those cards
11:10:58 [email protected]: 80% legit
11:10:58 [email protected]: you rip for $100 lame
11:11:06 [email protected]: 80% valid **
11:11:07 [email protected]: are you blind
11:11:08 [email protected]: i will prove this
11:11:12 [email protected]: dont u worry
11:11:39 [email protected]: how can you prove cards are 80% live when they are dead
11:11:55 [email protected]: cos u are using stupid fucking checker
11:11:57 [email protected]: stealing ur cc's
11:12:01 [email protected]: test on real website stupid fuck
11:12:27 [email protected]: i made post in carder.pro ripper section. I suggest you pay the 33lr and defend your self there
11:13:13 [email protected]: i told you fuck face, the second sent me i check on software site I send you the link,
11:13:26 [email protected]: i test them one buy one all fucking dead
11:13:58 [email protected]: i want a refund
11:14:09 [email protected]: fucking fipper
11:14:11 [email protected]: i already sent u them
11:14:11 [email protected]: no refund
11:14:23 [email protected]: you sent dead shit
11:14:48 [email protected]: then made up story that info was mixed up
11:15:14 [email protected]: fucking ripper
11:15:25 [email protected]: karma will get you
11:15:27 [email protected]: Order Submitted

Thank you for your order c, Your order ref is BXF41177, please make a note of this in case you need to contact us regarding your order.
11:15:27 [email protected]: lmfao
11:15:31 [email protected]: second card i checked
11:15:32 [email protected]: valid
11:15:34 [email protected]: fuckin liar FUCK
11:15:35 [email protected]: go FUCK
11:15:36 [email protected]: URSELF
11:15:38 [email protected]: LIEING
11:15:39 [email protected]: CUNT
11:15:50 [email protected]: whats the card
11:15:56 [email protected]: send me the cc
11:16:01 [email protected]: go fuck urself
11:16:09 [email protected]: VISA/4500033601170762/Fabiana Albanese/
11:19:49 [email protected]: thats one of the live cc that I told you i found
11:19:59 [email protected]: check some more
11:20:36 [email protected]: shit
11:20:50 [email protected]: you think you are smart
11:21:16 [email protected]: I have all the cc checking logs
11:21:20 [email protected]: bullshit fucker
11:21:21 [email protected]: FUCK YOUd
11:21:26 [email protected]: i know they are VALID
11:21:27 [email protected]: fuck you
11:21:30 [email protected]: dont fuck me ucker
11:21:33 [email protected]: they are not valid
11:21:33 [email protected]: go fuck urself
11:21:52 [email protected]: Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4266902011255518/10/13/766

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5452100001012822/09/14/278

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4465420168417780/02/14/880

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4388576046937598/07/14/286

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 5121079759126615/09/14/353

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4266902024668608/07/15/204

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147202085601928/05/13/184

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4118165006800132/04/14/328

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4032130960002383/11/12/785

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4465420393746052/11/14/017

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4388576053361898/06/15/788

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4149830025130190/10/13/490

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4991630000017522/01/13/328

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4117706000395453/02/14/553

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4147340031963248/01/15/595

Die[www.UG-Market.com]==> 4417123044987732/02/14/984
11:21:59 [email protected]: go check jose
11:22:05 [email protected]: go check those
11:23:54 [email protected]: go and check these
11:23:56 [email protected]: MAST/5466760035002257/Amy Johnson/2014-06-01/369/dead

"VISA/4147098154473987/Marilee Dullea/2015-08-01/943/

VISA/4147099758109225/William J Ederington/2014-07-01/197/

VISA/4388540026155480/Michael Elpern/2012-09-01/787/

VISA/4388540026155480/Phyllis Elpern/2011-01-01/730/

MAST/5491237315923188/Francis H Eppler/2014-10-01/730/

MAST/5140218901017903/Cynthia Fagiano/2015-03-01/895/

MAST/5402190008849798/Christopher A Fidler/2016-01-01/457/

MAST/5466160178408611/Myron Fliegel/2013-06-01/635/

VISA/4514090024317259/Adam Floyd/2012-08-01/657/

MAST/5396550176322209/john friberg/2013-10-01/593/

VISA/4751320009247383/Mr M A Fuller/2013-10-01/477/

VISA/4327491090001586/Richard Garner/2015-05-01/413/

"Master Card"/5178058840055555/Jeff D Gerber/2016-05-01/691/

"Master Card"/5466160052917083/Adrienne Garrison/2015-01-01/187/

MAST/5466576000372453/Merrilee C Gordon/2014-12-01/162/

MAST/5466042013104912/Mark A Gould/2014-10-01/232/

MAST/5186751210878529/Mrs Sarah J Greatrex/2013-06-01/898/

MAST/5588320039679965/Elizabeth Greene/2013-07-01/138/

VISA/4538018086723017/John M. Greenough/2014-01-01/269/

VISA/4388576025475842/Gris Griffin/2016-03-01/516/

VISA/4388576011103937/Scott Hamilton/2013-02-01/584/

MAST/5524841100021503/Cheryl A Hamilton/2015-04-01/422/

VISA/4147202018298040/William Hamilton/2013-10-01/448/

VISA/4266841205445594/Bruce Haney/2013-05-01/660/

VISA/4147099808152837/Karen M. Hansen/2012-11-01/439/

MAST/5466309207230500/Carol Hanson/2015-04-01/646/

VISA/4862367867826432/Mark Hardee/2014-01-01/487/

VISA/4147371082010449/Jay Hardesty/2015-03-01/177/

VISA/4147202091111441/Cheryl Hardig/2013-03-01/996/

MAST/5466160072397936/Jonathon Harrison/2014-10-01/600/

VISA/4428288813004105/Mary C Hastings/2013-02-01/377/

MAST/5410654887066519/Christie D Hebert/2015-02-01/813/

VISA/4802139264845593/Mary M. Johnson/2014-08-01/650/daed

VISA/4121742468026805/CHRISSY JONES/2012-09-01/134/

VISA/4147099284162847/Lauren Stilley/2012-10-01/593/

MAST/5524754001620267/Richard Jones/2014-08-01/432/

VISA/4147309891414444/stefan joselowitz/2013-05-01/449/

MAST/5457568595734396/Jacqueline Kalia/2014-10-01/844/

MAST/5460648274463791/Klara Kandel/2014-11-01/944/

MAST/5471209051439012/MISS R SUGUDHAV/2013-09-01/572/

MAST/5466160179724149/Earl M Kaplan/2015-02-01/990/

MAST/5401683037717292/antonios kapsouris/2013-07-01/812/

MAST/5491040570027541/Shelby Kaplan/2013-01-01/130/

VISA/4313072846021593/Leslie D Kilpatrick/2014-09-01/452/

VISA/4147098486043367/Peter Kim/2014-04-01/586/

VISA/4147202072714916/Lawrence R Klein/2014-06-01/527/

VISA/4388540012275391/Thomas King/2013-11-01/040/

VISA/4147202079675003/Michael klein/2012-12-01/414/

VISA/4147202053396667/Rietje Knapton/2013-01-01/084/

MAST/5122571018555336/TIMOTHY E KNOTTS/2012-09-01/474/

MAST/5122571024835664/Timothy E. Knotts/2013-12-01/118/

VISA/4266901011267382/TIMOTHY E KNOTTS/2013-12-01/756/

VISA/4147097781973070/Richard P Aldridge/2012-05-01/957/

MAST/5186945586261001/Shahd Saleh Almohsen/2013-09-01/091/

VISA/4266902011255518/Patricia Alvarez/2013-10-01/766/

VISA/4514011607694773/Karl Jay Armstrong/2012-07-01/657/

MAST/5452100001012822/Rachel E Babcock/2014-09-01/278/

MAST/5491237310581981/Lacey Baker/2013-03-01/794/

VISA/4465420168417780/Jamey M Banowetz/2012-07-01/498/

VISA/4888901018672194/Deanna Barba/2014-02-01/880/

VISA/4388576046937598/Deanna M Barba/2014-07-01/286/

VISA/4266841267923199/Marlene B Barbe/2015-09-01/224/

VISA/4003449374262630/Rachael J Beam/2012-07-01/237/

MAST/5121079759126615/Gregory A Beck/2014-09-01/353/

VISA/4266902024668608/Rebecca S Belanger/2015-07-01/204/

MAST/5490500031758266/Sheryl Bennett/2013-11-01/429/

VISA/4147202085601928/james s bernard/2013-05-01/184/

VISA/4149830025130190/Mike Bertoluzza/2013-10-01/490/

VISA/4991630000017522/Laurie mcNulty Bird/2013-01-01/328/

VISA/4117706000395453/David Blum/2014-02-01/553/

VISA/4147340031963248/Christi Boora/2015-01-01/595/

VISA/4417123044987732/Linda N Bornstein/2014-02-01/984/

VISA/4118165006800132/Sharon B Bowles/2014-04-01/328/

VISA/4032130960002383/Ann B Brenkert/2012-11-01/785/

VISA/4271382515483556/Douglas Brooks/2013-08-01/141/

VISA/4465420393746052/RENEE M WIMBERLY/2014-11-01/017/

VISA/4388576053361898/Kannan Cangro/2015-06-01/788/

MAST/5466160087011241/Sally a Carl/2015-02-01/396/

MAST/5491237315855992/Steven R Carroll/2015-03-01/960/

MAST/5522896001587657/anna r l casali/2016-06-01/154/

VISA/4751170045825134/Miss Pauline Casey/2015-05-01/448/

VISA/4888936181556303/Arlene R Casiple/2015-03-01/059/

VISA/4147099650568254/Lisa c castro/2013-06-01/679/

VISA/4500030106226529/Bruce R Steeves/2015-02-01/485/

Visa/4147202076380466/Stefanie Stoler/2014-01-01/352/

VISA/4147202090839331/tao sun/2014-10-01/225/

MAST/5466322643026515/Cynthia M Swaim/2015-02-01/836/

VISA/4147099496285378/John Swigart/2014-04-01/195/

VISA/4147202086815584/Jeffrey S Phillips/2014-07-01/956/

MAST/5491980823432834/Lilia Poliakova/2013-09/094/

Visa/4388540023627143/Sharon m Polonia /2014-08-01/479/

VISA/4418409321395502/HEIDI S POPE/2015-04-01/059/

MAST/5466309031565808/deanne m. potter/2015-02-01/986/

VISA/4500040020080795/Valerie Shackman/2012-12-01/567/

MAST/5466160100123262/Cindy Shipman/2015-03-01/442/

VISA/4043070357978026/CS Shapiro/2012-08-01/220/

VISA/4124530015915928/IRINA SHARAPOVA/2012-03-01/010/

VISA/4032134000632290/Ann B Brenkert/2012-11-01/660/

MAST/5490961390145075/Linda J. Moorhead/2016-04-01/605/

VISA/4130220002241759/Jen curry/2014-06-01/377/

VISA/4313075281438644/Boyce M Morrison Jr/2014-03-01/467/

VISA/4417129331129318/Robert Nakisher/2014-01-01/962/

VISA/4129850758881037/MR D NEEDHAM/2013-01-01/742/

VISA/4402602811890226/ciara o'sullivan/2015-07-01/466/

"Master Card"/5401683095961154/Sherri R Odell/2013-06-01/756/

"Master Card"/5452100001819127/Barbara Papantoniou/2014-08-01/640/
11:24:03 [email protected]: go and check these
11:24:07 [email protected]: dead as fuck
11:24:30 [email protected]: MAST/5466760035002257/Amy Johnson/2014-06-01/369/dead

"VISA/4147098154473987/Marilee Dullea/2015-08-01/943/

VISA/4147099758109225/William J Ederington/2014-07-01/197/

VISA/4388540026155480/Michael Elpern/2012-09-01/787/

VISA/4388540026155480/Phyllis Elpern/2011-01-01/730/

MAST/5491237315923188/Francis H Eppler/2014-10-01/730/

MAST/5140218901017903/Cynthia Fagiano/2015-03-01/895/

MAST/5402190008849798/Christopher A Fidler/2016-01-01/457/

MAST/5466160178408611/Myron Fliegel/2013-06-01/635/

VISA/4514090024317259/Adam Floyd/2012-08-01/657/

MAST/5396550176322209/john friberg/2013-10-01/593/

VISA/4751320009247383/Mr M A Fuller/2013-10-01/477/

VISA/4327491090001586/Richard Garner/2015-05-01/413/

"Master Card"/5178058840055555/Jeff D Gerber/2016-05-01/691/

"Master Card"/5466160052917083/Adrienne Garrison/2015-01-01/187/

MAST/5466576000372453/Merrilee C Gordon/2014-12-01/162/

MAST/5466042013104912/Mark A Gould/2014-10-01/232/

MAST/5186751210878529/Mrs Sarah J Greatrex/2013-06-01/898/

MAST/5588320039679965/Elizabeth Greene/2013-07-01/138/

VISA/4538018086723017/John M. Greenough/2014-01-01/269/

VISA/4388576025475842/Gris Griffin/2016-03-01/516/

VISA/4388576011103937/Scott Hamilton/2013-02-01/584/

MAST/5524841100021503/Cheryl A Hamilton/2015-04-01/422/

VISA/4147202018298040/William Hamilton/2013-10-01/448/

VISA/4266841205445594/Bruce Haney/2013-05-01/660/

VISA/4147099808152837/Karen M. Hansen/2012-11-01/439/

MAST/5466309207230500/Carol Hanson/2015-04-01/646/

VISA/4862367867826432/Mark Hardee/2014-01-01/487/

VISA/4147371082010449/Jay Hardesty/2015-03-01/177/

VISA/4147202091111441/Cheryl Hardig/2013-03-01/996/

MAST/5466160072397936/Jonathon Harrison/2014-10-01/600/

VISA/4428288813004105/Mary C Hastings/2013-02-01/377/

MAST/5410654887066519/Christie D Hebert/2015-02-01/813/

VISA/4802139264845593/Mary M. Johnson/2014-08-01/650/daed

VISA/4121742468026805/CHRISSY JONES/2012-09-01/134/

VISA/4147099284162847/Lauren Stilley/2012-10-01/593/

MAST/5524754001620267/Richard Jones/2014-08-01/432/

VISA/4147309891414444/stefan joselowitz/2013-05-01/449/

MAST/5457568595734396/Jacqueline Kalia/2014-10-01/844/

MAST/5460648274463791/Klara Kandel/2014-11-01/944/

MAST/5471209051439012/MISS R SUGUDHAV/2013-09-01/572/

MAST/5466160179724149/Earl M Kaplan/2015-02-01/990/

MAST/5401683037717292/antonios kapsouris/2013-07-01/812/

MAST/5491040570027541/Shelby Kaplan/2013-01-01/130/

VISA/4313072846021593/Leslie D Kilpatrick/2014-09-01/452/

VISA/4147098486043367/Peter Kim/2014-04-01/586/

VISA/4147202072714916/Lawrence R Klein/2014-06-01/527/

VISA/4388540012275391/Thomas King/2013-11-01/040/

VISA/4147202079675003/Michael klein/2012-12-01/414/

VISA/4147202053396667/Rietje Knapton/2013-01-01/084/

MAST/5122571018555336/TIMOTHY E KNOTTS/2012-09-01/474/

MAST/5122571024835664/Timothy E. Knotts/2013-12-01/118/

VISA/4266901011267382/TIMOTHY E KNOTTS/2013-12-01/756/

VISA/4147097781973070/Richard P Aldridge/2012-05-01/957/

MAST/5186945586261001/Shahd Saleh Almohsen/2013-09-01/091/

VISA/4266902011255518/Patricia Alvarez/2013-10-01/766/

VISA/4514011607694773/Karl Jay Armstrong/2012-07-01/657/

MAST/5452100001012822/Rachel E Babcock/2014-09-01/278/

MAST/5491237310581981/Lacey Baker/2013-03-01/794/

VISA/4465420168417780/Jamey M Banowetz/2012-07-01/498/

VISA/4888901018672194/Deanna Barba/2014-02-01/880/

VISA/4388576046937598/Deanna M Barba/2014-07-01/286/

VISA/4266841267923199/Marlene B Barbe/2015-09-01/224/

VISA/4003449374262630/Rachael J Beam/2012-07-01/237/

MAST/5121079759126615/Gregory A Beck/2014-09-01/353/

VISA/4266902024668608/Rebecca S Belanger/2015-07-01/204/

MAST/5490500031758266/Sheryl Bennett/2013-11-01/429/

VISA/4147202085601928/james s bernard/2013-05-01/184/

VISA/4149830025130190/Mike Bertoluzza/2013-10-01/490/

VISA/4991630000017522/Laurie mcNulty Bird/2013-01-01/328/

VISA/4117706000395453/David Blum/2014-02-01/553/

VISA/4147340031963248/Christi Boora/2015-01-01/595/

VISA/4417123044987732/Linda N Bornstein/2014-02-01/984/

VISA/4118165006800132/Sharon B Bowles/2014-04-01/328/

VISA/4032130960002383/Ann B Brenkert/2012-11-01/785/

VISA/4271382515483556/Douglas Brooks/2013-08-01/141/

VISA/4465420393746052/RENEE M WIMBERLY/2014-11-01/017/

VISA/4388576053361898/Kannan Cangro/2015-06-01/788/

MAST/5466160087011241/Sally a Carl/2015-02-01/396/

MAST/5491237315855992/Steven R Carroll/2015-03-01/960/

MAST/5522896001587657/anna r l casali/2016-06-01/154/

VISA/4751170045825134/Miss Pauline Casey/2015-05-01/448/

VISA/4888936181556303/Arlene R Casiple/2015-03-01/059/

VISA/4147099650568254/Lisa c castro/2013-06-01/679/

VISA/4500030106226529/Bruce R Steeves/2015-02-01/485/

Visa/4147202076380466/Stefanie Stoler/2014-01-01/352/

VISA/4147202090839331/tao sun/2014-10-01/225/

MAST/5466322643026515/Cynthia M Swaim/2015-02-01/836/

VISA/4147099496285378/John Swigart/2014-04-01/195/

VISA/4147202086815584/Jeffrey S Phillips/2014-07-01/956/

MAST/5491980823432834/Lilia Poliakova/2013-09/094/

Visa/4388540023627143/Sharon m Polonia /2014-08-01/479/

VISA/4418409321395502/HEIDI S POPE/2015-04-01/059/

MAST/5466309031565808/deanne m. potter/2015-02-01/986/

VISA/4500040020080795/Valerie Shackman/2012-12-01/567/

MAST/5466160100123262/Cindy Shipman/2015-03-01/442/

VISA/4043070357978026/CS Shapiro/2012-08-01/220/

VISA/4124530015915928/IRINA SHARAPOVA/2012-03-01/010/

VISA/4032134000632290/Ann B Brenkert/2012-11-01/660/

MAST/5490961390145075/Linda J. Moorhead/2016-04-01/605/

VISA/4130220002241759/Jen curry/2014-06-01/377/

VISA/4313075281438644/Boyce M Morrison Jr/2014-03-01/467/

VISA/4417129331129318/Robert Nakisher/2014-01-01/962/

VISA/4129850758881037/MR D NEEDHAM/2013-01-01/742/

VISA/4402602811890226/ciara o'sullivan/2015-07-01/466/

"Master Card"/5401683095961154/Sherri R Odell/2013-06-01/756/

"Master Card"/5452100001819127/Barbara Papantoniou/2014-08-01/640/
11:24:33 [email protected]: check them
Changed status to Away: (Away as a result of being idle more than 5 min) (11:26:49)
Changed status to Online (11:29:46)
11:29:54 [email protected]: check them
11:30:38 [email protected]: you are trying to tell me that your cc is 80% live ,, not true and you know it
11:31:08 [email protected]: reply
11:31:35 [email protected]: MAST/5466760035002257/Amy Johnson/2014-06-01/369/dead

"VISA/4147098154473987/Marilee Dullea/2015-08-01/943/

VISA/4147099758109225/William J Ederington/2014-07-01/197/

VISA/4388540026155480/Michael Elpern/2012-09-01/787/

VISA/4388540026155480/Phyllis Elpern/2011-01-01/730/

MAST/5491237315923188/Francis H Eppler/2014-10-01/730/

MAST/5140218901017903/Cynthia Fagiano/2015-03-01/895/

MAST/5402190008849798/Christopher A Fidler/2016-01-01/457/

MAST/5466160178408611/Myron Fliegel/2013-06-01/635/

VISA/4514090024317259/Adam Floyd/2012-08-01/657/

MAST/5396550176322209/john friberg/2013-10-01/593/

VISA/4751320009247383/Mr M A Fuller/2013-10-01/477/

VISA/4327491090001586/Richard Garner/2015-05-01/413/

"Master Card"/5178058840055555/Jeff D Gerber/2016-05-01/691/

"Master Card"/5466160052917083/Adrienne Garrison/2015-01-01/187/

MAST/5466576000372453/Merrilee C Gordon/2014-12-01/162/

MAST/5466042013104912/Mark A Gould/2014-10-01/232/

MAST/5186751210878529/Mrs Sarah J Greatrex/2013-06-01/898/

MAST/5588320039679965/Elizabeth Greene/2013-07-01/138/

VISA/4538018086723017/John M. Greenough/2014-01-01/269/

VISA/4388576025475842/Gris Griffin/2016-03-01/516/

VISA/4388576011103937/Scott Hamilton/2013-02-01/584/

MAST/5524841100021503/Cheryl A Hamilton/2015-04-01/422/

VISA/4147202018298040/William Hamilton/2013-10-01/448/

VISA/4266841205445594/Bruce Haney/2013-05-01/660/

VISA/4147099808152837/Karen M. Hansen/2012-11-01/439/

MAST/5466309207230500/Carol Hanson/2015-04-01/646/

VISA/4862367867826432/Mark Hardee/2014-01-01/487/

VISA/4147371082010449/Jay Hardesty/2015-03-01/177/

VISA/4147202091111441/Cheryl Hardig/2013-03-01/996/

MAST/5466160072397936/Jonathon Harrison/2014-10-01/600/

VISA/4428288813004105/Mary C Hastings/2013-02-01/377/

MAST/5410654887066519/Christie D Hebert/2015-02-01/813/

VISA/4802139264845593/Mary M. Johnson/2014-08-01/650/daed

VISA/4121742468026805/CHRISSY JONES/2012-09-01/134/

VISA/4147099284162847/Lauren Stilley/2012-10-01/593/

MAST/5524754001620267/Richard Jones/2014-08-01/432/

VISA/4147309891414444/stefan joselowitz/2013-05-01/449/

MAST/5457568595734396/Jacqueline Kalia/2014-10-01/844/

MAST/5460648274463791/Klara Kandel/2014-11-01/944/

MAST/5471209051439012/MISS R SUGUDHAV/2013-09-01/572/

MAST/5466160179724149/Earl M Kaplan/2015-02-01/990/

MAST/5401683037717292/antonios kapsouris/2013-07-01/812/

MAST/5491040570027541/Shelby Kaplan/2013-01-01/130/

VISA/4313072846021593/Leslie D Kilpatrick/2014-09-01/452/

VISA/4147098486043367/Peter Kim/2014-04-01/586/

VISA/4147202072714916/Lawrence R Klein/2014-06-01/527/

VISA/4388540012275391/Thomas King/2013-11-01/040/

VISA/4147202079675003/Michael klein/2012-12-01/414/

VISA/4147202053396667/Rietje Knapton/2013-01-01/084/

MAST/5122571018555336/TIMOTHY E KNOTTS/2012-09-01/474/

MAST/5122571024835664/Timothy E. Knotts/2013-12-01/118/

VISA/4266901011267382/TIMOTHY E KNOTTS/2013-12-01/756/

VISA/4147097781973070/Richard P Aldridge/2012-05-01/957/

MAST/5186945586261001/Shahd Saleh Almohsen/2013-09-01/091/

VISA/4266902011255518/Patricia Alvarez/2013-10-01/766/

VISA/4514011607694773/Karl Jay Armstrong/2012-07-01/657/

MAST/5452100001012822/Rachel E Babcock/2014-09-01/278/

MAST/5491237310581981/Lacey Baker/2013-03-01/794/

VISA/4465420168417780/Jamey M Banowetz/2012-07-01/498/

VISA/4888901018672194/Deanna Barba/2014-02-01/880/

VISA/4388576046937598/Deanna M Barba/2014-07-01/286/

VISA/4266841267923199/Marlene B Barbe/2015-09-01/224/

VISA/4003449374262630/Rachael J Beam/2012-07-01/237/

MAST/5121079759126615/Gregory A Beck/2014-09-01/353/

VISA/4266902024668608/Rebecca S Belanger/2015-07-01/204/

MAST/5490500031758266/Sheryl Bennett/2013-11-01/429/

VISA/4147202085601928/james s bernard/2013-05-01/184/

VISA/4149830025130190/Mike Bertoluzza/2013-10-01/490/

VISA/4991630000017522/Laurie mcNulty Bird/2013-01-01/328/

VISA/4117706000395453/David Blum/2014-02-01/553/

VISA/4147340031963248/Christi Boora/2015-01-01/595/

VISA/4417123044987732/Linda N Bornstein/2014-02-01/984/

VISA/4118165006800132/Sharon B Bowles/2014-04-01/328/

VISA/4032130960002383/Ann B Brenkert/2012-11-01/785/

VISA/4271382515483556/Douglas Brooks/2013-08-01/141/

VISA/4465420393746052/RENEE M WIMBERLY/2014-11-01/017/

VISA/4388576053361898/Kannan Cangro/2015-06-01/788/

MAST/5466160087011241/Sally a Carl/2015-02-01/396/

MAST/5491237315855992/Steven R Carroll/2015-03-01/960/

MAST/5522896001587657/anna r l casali/2016-06-01/154/

VISA/4751170045825134/Miss Pauline Casey/2015-05-01/448/

VISA/4888936181556303/Arlene R Casiple/2015-03-01/059/

VISA/4147099650568254/Lisa c castro/2013-06-01/679/

VISA/4500030106226529/Bruce R Steeves/2015-02-01/485/

Visa/4147202076380466/Stefanie Stoler/2014-01-01/352/

VISA/4147202090839331/tao sun/2014-10-01/225/

MAST/5466322643026515/Cynthia M Swaim/2015-02-01/836/

VISA/4147099496285378/John Swigart/2014-04-01/195/

VISA/4147202086815584/Jeffrey S Phillips/2014-07-01/956/

MAST/5491980823432834/Lilia Poliakova/2013-09/094/

Visa/4388540023627143/Sharon m Polonia /2014-08-01/479/

VISA/4418409321395502/HEIDI S POPE/2015-04-01/059/

MAST/5466309031565808/deanne m. potter/2015-02-01/986/

VISA/4500040020080795/Valerie Shackman/2012-12-01/567/

MAST/5466160100123262/Cindy Shipman/2015-03-01/442/

VISA/4043070357978026/CS Shapiro/2012-08-01/220/

VISA/4124530015915928/IRINA SHARAPOVA/2012-03-01/010/

VISA/4032134000632290/Ann B Brenkert/2012-11-01/660/

MAST/5490961390145075/Linda J. Moorhead/2016-04-01/605/

VISA/4130220002241759/Jen curry/2014-06-01/377/

VISA/4313075281438644/Boyce M Morrison Jr/2014-03-01/467/

VISA/4417129331129318/Robert Nakisher/2014-01-01/962/

VISA/4129850758881037/MR D NEEDHAM/2013-01-01/742/

VISA/4402602811890226/ciara o'sullivan/2015-07-01/466/

"Master Card"/5401683095961154/Sherri R Odell/2013-06-01/756/

"Master Card"/5452100001819127/Barbara Papantoniou/2014-08-01/640/
11:31:58 [email protected]: my checker do not kill cc
11:34:02 [email protected]: man up, and stop being a ripper
11:34:21 [email protected]: no reply from you
11:34:33 [email protected]: shows you are a fucking ripper
11:42:17 [email protected]: you are a fucking lyer that cc that you said is live you bought item with is dead
11:42:51 [email protected]: VISA/4500033601170762/Fabiana Albanese/2015-06-01/274/ just tried spending $20 its dead as fuck

11:44:27 [email protected]: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce CREDIT GOLD/PREM Canada Toronto Ontario ON dead
11:47:27 [email protected]: just checked
11:47:33 [email protected]: and 4/5 valid
11:47:35 [email protected]: i say again
11:47:35 [email protected]: go
11:47:36 [email protected]: fuck
11:47:37 [email protected]: urself
11:49:09 [email protected]: you are funny
11:49:34 [email protected]: send me all the ccc that you checked
11:49:57 [email protected]: 1 valid cc from 350 cc
11:50:05 [email protected]: its that your proof
11:50:39 [email protected]: no
11:50:41 [email protected]: you finf one valid cc from your so call 350 80% valid base.
11:50:43 [email protected]: i am selling the 5 to someone
11:50:51 [email protected]: thats why i checked them
11:50:54 [email protected]: i am not chcking shit for u
11:50:58 [email protected]: i know u r fucking idiot ripper
11:51:04 [email protected]: dont talk again
11:51:09 [email protected]: ur not getting refund
11:51:36 [email protected]: well if you are not refunding send me valid cc that i paid your for
11:51:49 [email protected]: i want my valid cc
11:52:12 [email protected]: so you are selling the same cc you send me to some one else
11:54:37 [email protected]: different cc idiot
11:54:42 [email protected]: i deleted the ones sent u
11:54:45 [email protected]: thats what you said
11:54:55 [email protected]: its same DB
11:54:59 [email protected]: same validity
11:55:39 [email protected]: this is going no where so ill leave you to it. have a good life. karma will get you for ripping a young person
11:55:59 [email protected]: ok bro
11:56:00 [email protected]: they are dead
11:56:00 [email protected]: bye
11:56:27 [email protected]: go fuck your mother

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 12:39 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 12:06 PM ----------

12:06:22 [email protected]: pay ninja the 33lr and defend your self in forum
12:06:31 [email protected]: you are rippo
12:07:02 [email protected]: you are ripping money to buy dumps and gamble on sites
12:07:59 [email protected]: this is where you gamble your ripping money
12:08:00 [email protected]: http://www.anonym.to/?http://i7box.com/game/history.php?ref=U6855216
12:08:16 [email protected]: http://i7box.com/game/history.php?ref=U6855216
12:09:49 [email protected]: lol nice site
12:10:09 [email protected]: thats where you gamble my $100
12:10:25 [email protected]: lame
12:10:45 [email protected]: how many members did you rip today?
12:29:41 [email protected]: Credit card declined: This transaction has been declined.

Please check your billing address information, or try with a different credit card. [2-N]

Billing address

12:29:45 [email protected]: Credit card declined: This transaction has been declined.

Please check your billing address information, or try with a different credit card. [2-N]

Billing address

12:29:46 [email protected]: Credit card declined: This transaction has been declined.

Please check your billing address information, or try with a different credit card. [2-N]

Billing address

12:32:16 [email protected]: fuck face


update, tarchys has reply to me, seems there was a problem with software that mixed up ccv and exp that caused the cc to show up dead on sites and checkers ,

Ninja can you close or delete this thread as all problems are now solve with me and tarchys.
he is not a ripper.
very ligit seller problem solved. thanks you
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