TaoBao , the hosting guy is a ripper

LInk to his profile :

Summary : I bought a vps from him for spyeye , i asked him , what happens if ip goes into tracker , he said tracked ip gets suspended.

My first 2 ips went into tracked , he suspended , gave me new ips , I asked him what happens if i point my tracked domain to one of those ips , he said tracked ip get suspended. I did that and he suspended all my ips , now hes asking me to pay him a fee to unblock.
I want backup of my data + refund , for the time and money I lost with this guy.


(2:22:44 AM) 642138961: hello
(2:22:50 AM) 642138961: what is wrong with the server this time :((
(2:23:11 AM) TaoBao: do u get my message about domain?
(2:23:16 AM) 642138961: no i didnt get
(2:23:18 AM) 642138961: any message
(2:23:26 AM) TaoBao: TaoBao, 04.08.2011 10:59:01:

hi, I told that need change domain if it was listed

TaoBao, 10:59:19: - pls dont use this domain, change it
(2:23:40 AM) 642138961: ok , but still
(2:23:42 AM) 642138961: all ips
(2:23:43 AM) 642138961: are fucked
(2:23:44 AM) 642138961: :(
(2:23:56 AM) 642138961: i asked u many ips cuz u said only the tracked ip will get suspended
(2:23:58 AM) 642138961: not all of them
(2:24:26 AM) TaoBao: only ip and domain need change. what is wrong with other ips?
(2:24:35 AM) 642138961: well none of them work
(2:24:36 AM) 642138961: are timedout
(2:24:37 AM) 642138961: all of thm
(2:24:40 AM) 642138961: them
(2:24:53 AM) 642138961: example
(2:24:53 AM) 642138961:
(2:24:58 AM) 642138961:
(2:25:36 AM) TaoBao: sec, I will check
(2:37:04 AM) TaoBao: network was locked because you dont change domain, new ips will be soon (12-24 hours)
(2:37:46 AM) 642138961: looooooooool
(2:37:47 AM) 642138961: CMON!
(2:37:57 AM) 642138961: u said only tracked ip will get blocke
(2:37:58 AM) 642138961: d 
(2:37:59 AM) 642138961: not all
(2:38:35 AM) TaoBao: YOU DONT CHANGE DOMAIN. police LOCKED ALL OUR NETWORK. I told few times - change only domain and use new ip
(2:38:48 AM) 642138961: u retard man
(2:38:51 AM) 642138961: shit services
(2:38:59 AM) 642138961: i cant instantly change the fucking domain
(2:39:31 AM) TaoBao: domain was listerd 30.07
(2:39:39 AM) 642138961: lol
(2:39:44 AM) 642138961: yesterday when i aked u for many ips
(2:39:52 AM) 642138961: i asked so i can redirect that fucking domain to 1 of them
(2:39:54 AM) 642138961: so i can update my bots
(2:39:57 AM) 642138961: thats what i did
(2:40:03 AM) 642138961: yesterday i pointed that domain to one of those ips
(2:40:04 AM) 642138961: 91.211
(2:40:11 AM) 642138961: and i got all my ips suspended
(2:40:14 AM) 642138961: cuz u r an iidiot
(2:40:18 AM) 642138961: u said only 1 will get suspended
(2:40:24 AM) TaoBao: just never use listed domains. create new and use new ips. it is simple..
(2:40:49 AM) 642138961: yes its simple for you
(2:40:56 AM) 642138961: cuz of ur shit servevices i m losing money
(2:41:04 AM) 642138961: why did i pay u for new ips in the first place?
(2:41:05 AM) TaoBao: so, need waiting few hours for new ip now ...
(2:41:08 AM) 642138961: lol
(2:41:10 AM) 642138961: fuck you
(2:41:57 AM) 642138961: i wll post this crap on verified
(2:42:01 AM) 642138961: your services suck
(2:42:02 AM) 642138961: fuck you
(2:42:04 AM) TaoBao: ok
(2:42:14 AM) 642138961: wtf is wrong with you ppl?
(2:42:18 AM) 642138961: u said 1 ip will get suspended
(2:42:20 AM) 642138961: and u suspend all
(2:42:46 AM) TaoBao: police suspend all ips, not I. because you dont change fucking domain
(2:42:56 AM) 642138961: i think you are very retarded
(2:42:58 AM) 642138961: i asked u
(2:42:59 AM) 642138961: yesterday
(2:43:05 AM) 642138961: u said only tracked ips get suspended
(2:43:12 AM) 642138961: now u tell me police suspended them all 
(2:43:13 AM) 642138961: instantly
(2:43:17 AM) 642138961: police doesnt suspend u retard
(2:43:23 AM) 642138961: if no complaint
(2:43:25 AM) 642138961: they cant suspend
(2:44:43 AM) 642138961: answer me retard
(2:44:49 AM) 642138961: when u took my money u promised something
(2:44:53 AM) 642138961: u cant keep ur fucking promises
(2:46:37 AM) 642138961: please dont get new ips
(2:46:38 AM) 642138961: just 
(2:46:40 AM) 642138961: make me backup
(2:46:42 AM) 642138961: and i want refund
(2:47:00 AM) 642138961: retard
(2:48:07 AM) TaoBao: [01.08.2011 23:42:29] <[email protected]> if 1 ip goes in tracker

[01.08.2011 23:42:32] <[email protected]> will you suspend both? 	  				 	 	 	   	 	  	   		  	 

[01.08.2011 23:42:46] <TaoBao> of course no, only tracked IP

its correct. also I need pay me fee for breaking the hosting rules
(2:48:24 AM) 642138961: lol
(2:48:26 AM) 642138961: u r funny :)
(2:48:29 AM) 642138961: exteremely funny
(2:48:35 AM) 642138961: u see
(2:48:37 AM) 642138961: ONLY TRACKED IP
(2:48:42 AM) TaoBao: VPS working fine. IPs will be soon, because you break the rules and need change ALL ips now
(2:48:44 AM) 642138961: i had all my ips go down
(2:48:51 AM) 642138961: i didnt break any rules idiot
(2:48:55 AM) 642138961: i bought BULLETPROOF HOSTING
(2:48:57 AM) 642138961: not normal hosting
(2:48:58 AM) 642138961: idiot
(2:49:01 AM) 642138961: thats why i paid u
(2:49:01 AM) TaoBao: fuck you, ignor
(2:49:05 AM) 642138961: ok ;)
(2:49:06 AM) 642138961: ignor
(2:49:09 AM) 642138961: we talk on the forum
(2:49:09 AM) 642138961: cya
(2:55:33 AM) TaoBao: dont forgot write on the black this log:

[25.07.2011 20:57:12] <[email protected]>: are you 100% sure it will hold ?


[25.07.2011 20:57:18] <[email protected]>: if it goes in tracker or in spamhaus?


[25.07.2011 20:58:09] <TaoBao>: server uptime is 99%.

    if your domain catch to tracker or spamhause - need change ip (we

    provide it free) and domain. and continue work
(2:55:55 AM) 642138961: thats not the problem dude
(2:55:57 AM) 642138961: the problem is
(2:56:00 AM) 642138961: 1ip got tracked
(2:56:02 AM) 642138961: u suspended all
(2:56:04 AM) 642138961: thats the prolbem
(2:56:45 AM) 642138961: thats what u call bulletproof?:)
(2:56:49 AM) TaoBao: you dont change domain (I informed you) and break hosting rules. you need pay me compensate
(2:57:17 AM) 642138961: again we go there :)
(2:57:20 AM) 642138961: same problem as before
(2:57:32 AM) 642138961: the only domain i put in the spyeye config was rthat domain
(2:57:34 AM) 642138961: in the tracker
(2:57:35 AM) 642138961: that domain
(2:57:41 AM) 642138961: was pointed on that 194 ip
(2:57:43 AM) 642138961: that got suspended
(2:57:45 AM) 642138961: yestetrday
(2:57:49 AM) 642138961: i boightn new ips from yopu
(2:57:51 AM) TaoBao: problem - your domain, our ips was locked because you use listed domain on the our ips
(2:58:05 AM) 642138961: ok let me post the log u r very stupid
(2:58:09 AM) 642138961: give me backup + refund
(2:58:16 AM) 642138961: and we continue this on and verified
(3:09:06 AM) TaoBao: http://************/showthread.php?p=326855
блеки на идиота:

если вкратце:
с ним сразу было оговорено, что при попадении в трекер надо менять IP (мы выдаём бесплатно и сразу) и домен:
[25.07.2011 20:57:12] <[email protected]>: are you 100% sure it will hold ?

[25.07.2011 20:57:18] <[email protected]>: if it goes in tracker or in spamhaus?

[25.07.2011 20:58:09] <TaoBao>: server uptime is 99%.
if your domain catch to tracker or spamhause - need change ip (we
provide it free) and domain
. and continue work

сам сервер как работал так и работает, ипы изза мудака меняем, требую компенсацию за грубое нарушение правил (о которых было оговорено в самом начале работы).
Post in english man.
You suspended all my ips for no reason , and now you're asking me money.
I want backup + refund.
you broke the rules of service.

Dont change listed domain - network was locked - I am waiting compensate from you.
lol, what explanation?

I informed him:
if your domain catch to tracker or spamhause - need change ip (we
provide it free) and domain.

And I informed that his domain moved to tracker:
[01.08.2011 18:41:43] <TaoBao>: # tracker 30.07
# tracker 30.07


And he didn't change domain!!! Network was locked and now I am waiting for change our IPs. Because he broke the rules of service (dont change domain)
seriously you need to enlighten me.
how can i change domain.that was the only domain i put in the spyeye config.
and you said ONLY TRACKED IPS GET SUSPENDED , you suspended my entire ip block.
Please read the entire log i posted . I lost everything because you lied to me , now you are asking me for more money.
All I want is backup of my data + refund of my server because clearely , you can't provide bulletproof servers.


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