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- Nickname: skazzi
- Link: http://carder.pro/member.php?u=33
- ICQ: 550500911
- LR: U3221392


- 180LR - He must return me 300LR.


- On ICQ; first contact on this forum.


[19:35] skazzi: are you still selling iphoness
[19:35] MyFriend: no
[19:35] skazzi: why?
[19:35] MyFriend: small buz
[19:35] MyFriend: i work with T/T
[19:35] MyFriend: cashout now
[19:36] skazzi: its not small
[19:36] skazzi: bro
[19:36] skazzi: what the method
[19:36] skazzi: now is dead
[19:36] skazzi: also ars methot to

[19:36] MyFriend: ARS never dead, u must have all info
[19:36] MyFriend: IMEI, SERIAL
[19:36] MyFriend: all
[19:37] skazzi: i allready have themm
[19:37] skazzi: tried
[19:37] skazzi: and is not working

[19:37] MyFriend: apple which tell u?
[19:37] skazzi: apple off course
[19:37] MyFriend: never tried in this month
[19:38] MyFriend: it's small for me
[19:38] MyFriend: i cashout cc
[19:38] MyFriend: and make more money then 1 iphone
[19:38] skazzi: yes i know
[19:38] skazzi: fpr
[19:38] skazzi: for now
[19:38] skazzi: i am working
[19:38] skazzi: more
[19:38] skazzi: with dumps

[19:38] MyFriend: u buy stuff?
[19:38] MyFriend: or u swipe and split?
[19:42] skazzi: swipe
[19:42] skazzi: and split
[19:42] skazzi: 50/50
[19:42] skazzi: its better
[19:42] skazzi: big amounts
[19:42] skazzi: but now
[19:42] skazzi: i am looking
[19:42] skazzi: for some dumps
[19:42] skazzi: no one off sellers
[19:42] skazzi: is not online
[19:43] skazzi: adn dont have to much LR
[19:43] skazzi: :S:S:S

[19:43] MyFriend: eheh which country u swip?
[19:43] skazzi: most ue
[19:44] skazzi: turkeye and swiss

[19:44] MyFriend: cause i need a people to swip
[19:44] MyFriend: or buy with dumps some stuff
[19:44] MyFriend: like iphone etc etc
[19:44] skazzi: i gave jsut found
[19:44] skazzi: one
[19:44] skazzi: well
[19:44] skazzi: wich country you have dumps
[19:44] skazzi: from where
[19:44] skazzi: eu usa

[19:45] MyFriend: eu, usa
[19:45] MyFriend: the same
[19:45] MyFriend: i've my personal seller
[19:47] skazzi: well
[19:48] skazzi: i cant cashout some usa bins

[19:48] MyFriend: eu 101 or 201?
[19:48] skazzi: do you have dumps from kuwait and egypt?
[19:48] skazzi: mos 101
[19:48] skazzi: 201 only DE

[19:49] MyFriend: if i provide u, which is my %?
[19:49] skazzi: how much you want
[19:49] skazzi: ?

[19:49] MyFriend: discuss
[19:49] MyFriend: tell me
[19:49] skazzi: hmmmmmm
[19:49] skazzi: well
[19:49] skazzi: now got lets say some workers
[19:50] skazzi: that works for me
[19:50] skazzi: i gave them dumps
[19:50] skazzi: emposed

[19:50] MyFriend: yep
[19:50] skazzi: cards , id everything
[19:50] skazzi: and the work for me

[19:50] MyFriend: u are not in IT right?
[19:50] skazzi: i can check your stuff and let you know how is going work]
[19:50] skazzi: no
[19:50] skazzi: i am not

[19:50] MyFriend: cause if u are in IT i need also iphone and apple
[19:51] skazzi: no i am not
[19:51] skazzi: in italy

[19:51] MyFriend: ok np
[19:51] skazzi: where do you live
[19:51] MyFriend: now in IT
[19:51] skazzi: aha
[19:51] MyFriend: it's a fucking country
[19:51] MyFriend: trust me
[19:51] skazzi: i dont know
[19:51] skazzi: i have never tried carding in italy

[19:52] MyFriend: mhh...ok...so...how we can accord?
[19:52] skazzi: well
[19:52] skazzi: do you have
[19:52] skazzi: usa dumps?

[19:53] MyFriend: also eu, i buy frm my seller
[19:53] MyFriend: is not a problem
[19:53] MyFriend: u tell me bins
[19:53] MyFriend: and i give u
[19:53] skazzi: better is usa
[19:53] skazzi: dont costs to much
[19:53] skazzi: and you can trust me more
[19:53] skazzi: :p
[19:53] skazzi: hahahaha

[19:54] MyFriend: why?
[19:54] skazzi: wait a sec
[19:54] skazzi: cuz
[19:54] skazzi: some special bios in eu i use only for big swipes
[19:54] skazzi: not for buying stuff
[19:54] skazzi: why to invest 120$ per 1 eu

[19:54] MyFriend: i prefer if u swipe sir
[19:54] skazzi: while i can buy 30$ isa sing/corp
[19:55] skazzi: and swipe around 3 k

[19:55] MyFriend: money are always best :)
[19:55] skazzi: yess
[19:55] skazzi: i have some plans for turkye and swiss
[19:55] skazzi: big swipess
[19:55] skazzi: bro

[19:55] MyFriend: it's hard to find owners
[19:58] MyFriend: to swipe
[19:58] MyFriend: [19:55] MyFriend: it's hard to find owners
[19:58] MyFriend: to swipe
[19:58] skazzi: how do you mean?
[19:58] MyFriend: u know the owners shop to swipe
[19:58] MyFriend: right?
[19:59] skazzi: yess
[19:59] MyFriend: and give him %
[19:59] skazzi: off course
[19:59] skazzi: 50/50

[19:59] MyFriend: here it's hard to find
[19:59] skazzi: no its not so hard
[19:59] skazzi: i allready got some

[19:59] MyFriend: the POS go offline for 1 month sir
[19:59] MyFriend: nobody wanna risk
[19:59] skazzi: i work with them since 2007
[20:00] MyFriend: good
[20:01] MyFriend: then...which documents u need sir?
[20:01] MyFriend: in IT i can do
[20:04] skazzi: 546632
[20:04] MyFriend: ?
[20:04] skazzi: 545116
[20:04] skazzi: bins

[20:05] MyFriend: but we dont accord about %
[20:05] MyFriend: :)
[20:05] skazzi: 414740
[20:05] skazzi: 422695
[20:05] skazzi: yess
[20:05] skazzi: we did not

[20:05] MyFriend: so how u wanna work? :)
[20:06] skazzi: i dont i have never worked with somebody
[20:06] skazzi: like
[20:06] skazzi: you
[20:06] skazzi: i always buy dumps
[20:06] skazzi: but now nobody is on and i dont have to much
[20:06] skazzi: LR
[20:06] skazzi: so
[20:06] skazzi: what do you thing
[20:06] skazzi: think
[20:06] skazzi: ?

[20:07] MyFriend: i've a good base of LR
[20:07] MyFriend: i know u are VIP on c.pro so i can trust u
[20:07] MyFriend: but we must accord on %
[20:07] skazzi: i dont know what to say
[20:07] skazzi: i told i have never worked with somebody
[20:07] skazzi: like
[20:08] skazzi: how much you want?

[20:08] MyFriend: which are your cost?
[20:08] MyFriend: 50% of owners
[20:08] MyFriend: then?
[20:08] skazzi: lets be clear
[20:09] skazzi: 30$
[20:09] skazzi: is mine
[20:09] skazzi: if you
[20:09] skazzi: give me 6 X 30$ wil coust for you 180$
[20:09] skazzi: and than i will cashout them
[20:10] skazzi: i will give you at lis 300$ and then others my workes gonna work good

[20:10] skazzi: understand
[20:10] skazzi: i dont make a deal with anyone with these dumps
[20:10] skazzi: exapmle
[20:10] skazzi: i a got 1000 i give you 300
[20:10] skazzi: if more
[20:10] skazzi: i give you more

[20:11] MyFriend: so u give me 30%?
[20:11] skazzi: yesss
[20:12] MyFriend: mhh
[20:12] skazzi: what do you think?
[20:13] MyFriend: i work with a partner called LLEGEM, on c.pro..maybe u know
[20:13] MyFriend: now i tell him to send u a PM, and u must reply
[20:13] MyFriend: then i give u 180$

[20:13] skazzi: yess
[20:14] MyFriend: so, if u rip me i speak with LLEGEM and send him the logs
[20:14] MyFriend: but i think is not our problem
[20:14] skazzi: hahahha
[20:14] skazzi: ok
[20:14] skazzi: no is
[20:14] skazzi: not

[20:14] MyFriend: so many child
[20:14] MyFriend: u know
[20:14] skazzi: how do you thing i will rip you for 180$
[20:14] skazzi: but
[20:14] skazzi: ok

[20:14] MyFriend: sir
[20:14] skazzi: its your right
[20:14] skazzi: to ask about
[20:14] skazzi: it
[20:14] skazzi: today

[20:14] MyFriend: 1 time llegem
[20:14] skazzi: so many rippers
[20:15] MyFriend: was ripped for 10$
[20:15] skazzi: hahhahaha
[20:15] skazzi: so funny

[20:15] MyFriend: so stupid
[20:15] skazzi: hahhahaha
[20:15] skazzi: oke
[20:15] skazzi: its llegem
[20:15] skazzi: ready?

[20:15] MyFriend: yes speaking with him
[20:17] MyFriend: sent
[20:19] skazzi: replied
[20:19] MyFriend: your L
[20:19] MyFriend: LR
[20:19] skazzi: Hello Sir, are u SKAZZI on this ICQ 550500911
that are speaking with my partner jvkya (ICQ: 577047768)?

[20:19] skazzi: U3221392
[20:20] MyFriend: To Account U3221392 (aardian)
[20:20] MyFriend: confirm?
[20:20] skazzi: yesss
[20:21] MyFriend: Payment Mode Account

Date 06/21/2011 18:20

Batch 63842568

From U3192604 (Llegem)

To U3221392 (aardian)

Amount $180.00

[20:22] MyFriend: need more ?
[20:22] skazzi: just
[20:22] skazzi: a
[20:22] skazzi: sec

[20:22] MyFriend: np
[20:23] skazzi: yess
[20:23] skazzi: money
[20:23] skazzi: received
[20:23] skazzi: thanks
[20:24] skazzi: waiting
[20:24] skazzi: for robot
[20:24] skazzi: to be on
[20:24] skazzi: cuz
[20:24] skazzi: track2.name
[20:24] skazzi: its not release yet
[20:24] skazzi: megabase

[20:36] MyFriend: so?
[20:37] skazzi: i am waitng
[20:37] skazzi: robot
[20:37] skazzi: he is not talking
[20:37] skazzi: maybe he is bussy
[20:37] skazzi: well
[20:37] skazzi: when
[20:37] skazzi: i got
[20:37] skazzi: money
[20:37] skazzi: i will
[20:37] skazzi: send you
[20:37] skazzi: so thanks againn
[20:37] skazzi: K

[20:38] MyFriend: and how i know if u get money and how much?
[20:38] skazzi: i guarantee for 300 i got or not even if i get only 1$
[20:38] skazzi: i will send you
[20:38] skazzi: 300
[20:38] skazzi: and how to now you how much
[20:38] skazzi: i will tell
[20:38] skazzi: you

[20:39] MyFriend: 300 each? or in total?
[20:39] skazzi: total
[20:39] skazzi: bro
[20:39] skazzi: for each are you crazyy

[20:40] MyFriend: how much u swipe sir...if u swipe 1000 each = 6000... 3000 for u and 3000 for owners. 30% of 3000 are about 1000 or not?
[20:40] skazzi: yes
[20:40] skazzi: it is
[20:40] skazzi: i sed
[20:41] skazzi: first off all i will give you 300$
[20:41] skazzi: even i will get only 1 $ or not
[20:41] skazzi: and then
[20:41] skazzi: if get more
[20:41] skazzi: i will give you more
[20:41] skazzi: read it plz
[20:41] skazzi: i dont like
[20:41] skazzi: to call
[20:41] skazzi: me ripper

[20:41] skazzi: thennn

[20:41] MyFriend: no sir
[20:41] skazzi: i thank you
[20:41] skazzi: for the money
[20:42] skazzi: but i dont wanna you to call me ripper
[20:42] skazzi: cuz are just 180$

[20:42] MyFriend: why? for 180? no sir
[20:42] skazzi: its not 180k
[20:42] MyFriend: but i dont like track2.name
[20:42] skazzi: let me ask
[20:42] skazzi: you something
[20:42] skazzi: else

[20:42] MyFriend: i prefer source4.cc
[20:42] skazzi: i usually make orders from robot
[20:42] skazzi: let me ask you somthing
[20:43] skazzi: friend off mine is asking]
[20:43] skazzi: for blank visas
[20:43] skazzi: ?
[20:43] skazzi: can you find some how
[20:43] skazzi: its about big money

[20:43] MyFriend: blank visas?
[20:43] skazzi: yess
[20:43] MyFriend: dont understand
[20:43] skazzi: with no foto no name no couontry
[20:43] skazzi: no nothing

[20:43] MyFriend: blank is blank, visa is visa
[20:43] skazzi: just visa vwith hologram
[20:43] MyFriend: u need DOCUMENTS?
[20:43] skazzi: yesss
[20:44] skazzi: to put in passport
[20:44] skazzi: for countrys
[20:44] skazzi: that cant fly without visas

[20:44] MyFriend: sir, i can supply u IT ID card
[20:44] MyFriend: not DL, ID CARD
[20:44] skazzi: how much
[20:44] skazzi: each?
[20:45] skazzi: can peopletravel
[20:45] skazzi: inly with ID
[20:45] skazzi: like germans do

[20:45] MyFriend: yep is like this
[20:45] MyFriend: passport only for outside EU
[20:45] skazzi: aaa passport
[20:45] skazzi: i thought only id card
[20:45] skazzi: how much?

[20:46] MyFriend: 1 i can give for 350?
[20:46] skazzi: real passport
[20:46] skazzi: ?

[20:46] MyFriend: dont know, must tell with partner
[20:46] MyFriend: id card is like this
[20:48] MyFriend: back http://www.comune.maser.tv.it/it/No...-/contentParagraph/0/image/carta identità.jpg
[20:48] MyFriend: is not my pict sure
[20:48] MyFriend: http://ilpaddino.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/immagine.jpg
[20:48] MyFriend: sure not with cuchk norris
[20:52] skazzi: is not
[20:52] skazzi: passport
[20:52] skazzi: and is not
[20:52] skazzi: id

[20:52] MyFriend: is ID card sir
[20:53] MyFriend: italians ID Card
[20:53] MyFriend: called CARTA IDENTITA
[20:53] skazzi: ni
[20:53] skazzi: no

[20:53] MyFriend: sir
[20:53] MyFriend: im in IT
[20:53] skazzi: search
[20:53] MyFriend: is the ID CARD
[20:53] skazzi: in google
[20:53] skazzi: for it id cards
[20:53] skazzi: i dont
[20:53] skazzi: now
[20:53] skazzi: but
[20:53] skazzi: i dont
[20:53] skazzi: need
[20:53] skazzi: them
[20:53] skazzi: i need
[20:53] skazzi: passports
[20:53] skazzi: and visa blank
[20:53] skazzi: hey
[20:53] skazzi: bro
[20:53] skazzi: i am away for 20 minutes
[20:53] skazzi: be back
[20:53] skazzi: again
[20:53] skazzi: k

[20:54] MyFriend: dont have visa blanks, for passport must speak with 1 person but not now...
[20:54] MyFriend: for ID card, in italy we have CARTA IDENTITA
[20:54] skazzi: ok ok

[20:17] skazzi: sorry for delay
[20:17] skazzi: got
[20:17] skazzi: probss
[20:17] skazzi: i will refund as soon as possible
[20:17] skazzi: Best Regards
[20:17] skazzi: and sorry
[20:17] skazzi: again

[22:15] MyFriend: ASAP means max 5 days.. from now.


-On Forum: http://imageshack.us/f/97/69361856.jpg/
-Payment: http://imageshack.us/f/15/57537844.jpg/

This is a Vip Member. He have 5 days, from now. For more info, admin can contact me.


Thanx for rightly filled blacklist.

You have 48hrs to fix that problem.


Hey thats my partners ICQ, add me on 628493134 I will try to solve the problem Ill contact him and get this fixed asap :)


Noone care about it.
He have access to your account on board = its you.

Im checking you for clones now.


I take responsibility for action from my user, I never said its not me and you know its 2 of us operating so I talked to my partner he will come online on ICQ and fix the problem with llegems friend.


***** TODAY NEWS *****​

[16:27] 628493134: sup

[16:27] Llegem: sorry who are u sir?

[16:27] 628493134: skazzi

[16:28] Llegem: oh ok
[16:28] Llegem: waiting your money, u know

[16:28] SKAZZI: waiting for my partner
[16:28] SKAZZI: im not the one who u dealt with
[16:28] SKAZZI: im not in my country cant contact him til im back
[16:28] SKAZZI: i already did but weird he didnt pay back

[16:28] Llegem: sir u have choose a good partner
[16:28] Llegem: :)

[16:29] SKAZZI: lately we having bad times
[16:29] SKAZZI: but yh

[16:29] Llegem: ok

[16:30] SKAZZI: what u do

[16:30] Llegem: nothing im waiting u sir
[16:30] Llegem: when money are in my pocket i delete 3d in c.pro
[16:30] Llegem: and tell to ninja that u send me my money

[16:30] SKAZZI: hope my partner comes faster then

[16:30] Llegem: dont know

[16:31] SKAZZI: what u do in this industry

[16:31] Llegem: t/t
[16:36] Llegem: cashout,
[16:36] Llegem: order
[16:36] Llegem: all sir

[16:36] SKAZZI: u know any eu fullz seller

[16:37] Llegem: myself
[16:37] Llegem: i've my botnets
[16:37] Llegem: and work with this

[16:37] SKAZZI: price

[16:37] Llegem: dont sell sir
[16:37] Llegem: im sorry

[16:37] SKAZZI: can we work then
[16:37] SKAZZI: together

[16:37] Llegem: cant sir
[16:37] Llegem: u have my 300LR

[16:37] SKAZZI: I dont fucking have ur money
[16:37] SKAZZI: its my partner
[16:38] SKAZZI: fuck him

[16:38] Llegem: we can speak only after money are in my pocket
[16:38] Llegem: i know
[16:38] Llegem: but indirectly are u
[16:38] Llegem: u know this
[16:38] Llegem: thanks to your partner

[16:39] SKAZZI: whatever
[16:39] SKAZZI: fuck u, have a nice lif
[16:39] SKAZZI: life
[16:39] SKAZZI: i dont care
[16:39] SKAZZI: what u and my partner
[16:39] SKAZZI: do
[16:39] SKAZZI: thats ur business
[16:39] SKAZZI: not mine

[16:39] Llegem: i know sir
[16:39] Llegem: but he have access to your account on c.pro
[16:39] Llegem: so its your responsability

[16:40] SKAZZI: bye
[16:40] SKAZZI: i dont care

[16:40] Llegem: bye
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