Scammer Warning .... Uid: 56795 icq:2497926


ICQ: 2497926
So this random guy added me on icq and asked about exchange and he said he's deputat (Vendors of dumps on vms and cpro)

After a min he has given me negative rep here.

Beware from this scamming cunt

Chat Logs with ... :

(4:32:45 PM) Deputat: about exchange, I am ready to buy 1.5k LR for INR, what bank better BOI or Bank of Madura ?
(4:32:55 PM) Deputat: do you have jabber?
(4:33:17 PM) 385000000: nope icq only and why are you offline?
(4:34:08 PM) 385000000: and bro i don't accept wire transfer from unknown buyers, cash deposit only
(4:34:13 PM) Deputat: I don't deal with ICQ, sorry.
(4:34:47 PM) Deputat: I am not uknown buyer, I am known vendor, but only in jabber I deal
(4:34:51 PM) 385000000: what's your jabber then/
(4:34:52 PM) 385000000: ?
(4:35:03 PM) 385000000: i will make acc and will add you
(4:35:18 PM) Deputat: dеpуtа[email protected] w8 you
(4:35:55 PM) 385000000: ok
(4:39:15 PM) 385000000:
(4:39:19 PM) 385000000: what's this?
(4:39:32 PM) 2497926 is now known as Deputat. 
(4:52:06 PM) Deputat: Сумма кидка: 35$ lol ?? I am vendor of dumps, you think I rip for 1 dump amex 35$ ?))
(4:52:45 PM) 385000000: don't know :P
(4:53:00 PM) Deputat: that fake from another dumps seller
(4:53:10 PM) 385000000: you are not indian,how will you transfer money?
(4:53:39 PM) Deputat: rivalry from dumps seller. 
(4:54:07 PM) Deputat: my customer want to buy dumps for 1.5k LR but he has only INR
(4:54:11 PM) 385000000: ok
(4:54:24 PM) Deputat: how much INR for 1500 LR ?
(4:54:48 PM) 385000000: 81000
(4:55:08 PM) Deputat: ok, how we make the deal ?
(4:56:15 PM) 385000000: your customer needs to transfer money into my acc, cash deposit if possible
(4:56:28 PM) Deputat: wait
(4:56:57 PM) Deputat: but how can I know that you are not ripper? I have alot feeds, and u ?
(4:57:29 PM) 385000000:
(4:57:34 PM) 385000000: my feedback
(4:57:52 PM) 385000000: i am doing currency exchanges there from 1 year
(4:58:12 PM) Deputat: You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:  we both members of cpro, and I sell dumps 3 years. 
(4:58:40 PM) 385000000: i know but m not going to send LR first in any case
(4:58:49 PM) Deputat: send LR first, then you receive the 81K inr cia cash deposite
(4:58:59 PM) 385000000: no need
(4:59:03 PM) Deputat: jabber ?
(4:59:08 PM) 385000000: i have alot customers who pay me first
(4:59:10 PM) 385000000: :)
(4:59:21 PM) Deputat: but no one in cpro)
(4:59:28 PM) Deputat: ok, forgot 
(4:59:29 PM) Deputat: bye
(4:59:36 PM) 385000000: sallubhaiismart
(4:59:37 PM) 385000000: k
(4:59:41 PM) 385000000: np
(5:04:36 PM) 385000000: ok
(5:04:40 PM) 385000000: so you are ... guy
(5:04:44 PM) 385000000: fuck you idiot
(5:04:49 PM) Deputat: ?
(5:05:03 PM) 385000000: what's your profile?
(5:05:04 PM) 385000000: id?
(5:05:09 PM) Deputat: because you can't rip me ?
(5:05:14 PM) Deputat: deputat I am
(5:05:24 PM) 385000000: no link me to your profile
(5:05:48 PM) Deputat: I already link you to my feeds
(5:05:59 PM) Deputat: but no deal with you, I think you want rip me
(5:06:05 PM) Deputat: ignore
(5:06:15 PM) 385000000: i don't need to deal with you idiot
(5:06:20 PM) 385000000: just give me your profile link
(5:06:33 PM) 385000000: i know depytat and he doesn't replied me on jabber yet
(5:07:14 PM) 385000000: scamming cunt
(5:07:42 PM) Deputat: fuck of
(5:07:45 PM) Deputat: I am deputat 
(5:08:02 PM) 385000000: no you are not
(5:08:09 PM) 385000000: pm me on or on vms
(5:08:30 PM) Deputat: ignore I already say
(5:08:37 PM) 385000000: why ignore asshole
(5:08:40 PM) Deputat: you don't send first - I am to
(5:08:45 PM) Deputat: asshole is your mother
(5:08:46 PM) 385000000: why you have given me negative feedback?
(5:08:50 PM) 385000000: why -1???
(5:08:56 PM) Deputat: ignore
(5:08:58 PM) 385000000: motherfucker son of a bitch
(5:09:01 PM) 385000000: scammer cunt

Chat Log with real depytat:
(4:41:45 PM) Currency Xchanger: hi
(4:42:16 PM) Currency Xchanger: 2497926 your icq?
(5:06:49 PM) Currency Xchanger: you there?
(5:15:49 PM) [email protected]: here but its not my icq
(5:15:58 PM) Currency Xchanger: ok
Последнее редактирование:
even that jabber id is not real deputat's jabber. anyway whats the big deal with deputat? he is zoOmer, known for reselling pure shit on the underground. maybe he does this on purpose by black pr


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