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Because I was wrongfully labeled ripper on Stells site for no apparat reason and I haven't had a chance to discuss it with him yet and I don't want you formulating an opinion of me based only on that.


th3rd fucking ripper

asshole u got answer for everyhting except my package detials, where the fuck is my package, u asked for 3 days , its 6 days past even no fucking package, u dont take any responsibility, u just give a fucking tracking and you expect me to pay?
Последнее редактирование:


Whats the status of this tracking number?

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 12:14 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 12:08 PM ----------

Its not even international express.
Its "International Letter" and sometimes its come 3-4 weeks later after sending.

Current status is:
Processed through Sort Facility
on 8 august.

so wtf someone in so hard hurry?


i am posting proof from starting

1.he evaded me to go for direct deal and offered me 100$ less if i skip escrow, his answer for this is lr-wu exchange shit, but i was about to pay him lr,still he offered me 100$ to avoid escrow

(2:59:01 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: if you would like to send directly and save time which I would rather do I can give you 100$ off total cost

2. as he was saying here the deal was not for original bezel but for ready to work skimmer+cam,not for bezel for which i have to make the mould

(2:29:01 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: upload to min.us and send direct link
(2:29:30 AM) 767687: ok
(2:31:11 AM) 767687: http://minus.com/mtNJqg
(2:33:35 AM) 767687: sent chk and let me know
(2:35:13 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: yes it works with that atm
(2:35:40 AM) 767687: they are looking the same, u sure it goes over that easily?
(2:35:54 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: yes
(2:36:23 AM) 767687: so i get ready to use skimmer+cam right?
(2:36:49 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: the reader and cam are ready to use on arrival
(2:37:02 AM) 767687: reader=skimmer right?
(2:37:12 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: yes
(2:37:23 AM) 767687: ok i will buy it deal
(2:37:30 AM) 767687: pass on the ninza icq to me

3.he promised the delivery in 3-5 days and i paid extra 50$ for that,but after 14 days there is no package and its still in usa but he claims it left to my country and no tracking update from usps

(2:47:37 AM) 767687: when can u ship?
(2:47:47 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: what country are you in
(2:47:53 AM) 767687: *********
(2:48:17 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: i can do ******* for free but shipping take 10-14 days or for 50$ extra i can do 3-5 day
(2:48:44 AM) 767687: 50$ i love to pay for 3-4 days
(2:49:37 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: ok so total for full package is 935$ LR

4.He gave me lr no for payment, when i searched for that on google it gave me alink for dispute, here is the link

5.He was about to send next day through express shipment but his batteries suddenly started behaving abnormal so he asked for 3 days and again 3 days and after that he shipped on 9th of this month, i still i dint received the product, payment was made to escrow on 3rd of this month and till now no product received, before the payment he made a comitment for 3-5 days max shipment time, here is the chat proof

(3:09:27 AM) 767687: when can i have tracking?
(3:09:59 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: soon as it is sent out which would be tomorrow if you send payment sometime today
(3:10:09 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: i send via usps but they close at 3pm which it is past now
(3:12:50 AM) 767687: u sure usps will send in 3-4 days to india?
(3:12:58 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: 3-5
(3:13:08 AM) 767687: ok 3-5 u sure?
(3:13:22 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: positive
(3:13:41 AM) 767687: ok

6.When i contact him about package he claims that i received the package and acting strange but when i tracked the package it says "international letter" and status is processed in sort faciltiy, l0l skimmer in a letter

wht the fuck paid for express shipping and still package is in usa and its aletter but he claims that he called usps and they told him that package left the country so cannot have update on it, proof for that

(10:12:52 PM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: i Will contact usps out here with that info then cause last time they said it shipped out of us and was out of their reach anymore so maybe it's still in transit i will talk to them and if they don't know then we wait 3 days and if still not received their is problem

7.he got banned and got ripper status on i n f r au d. C C and here is the link

i posted all the info i got about this asshole here


th3rd: the reader and cam are ready to use on arrival
Yes i said the reader and cam are ready to use on arrival and at least 8 timse in my thread it says you make the mold so why are you complaining.

& I told you I do not have an LR account that is my partner in russia's account who handles all that since theirs like a .000001% chance of anything happening to him in his country where I am in the usa where they are strict on these laws.

As for the international letter that is not my problem they marked it as that it was in a 8x8 box so stfu :)
As ninja said just wait maybe they are processing it like a letter it might take a while so please stop your complaining and be patient I paid for the fastest shipping they misunderstood it why complain ?

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 09:58 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 09:40 PM ----------

BTW I spoke with rector on that bullshit scam report you made and fixed the problem on *******.

Now my status on here is mirrored on that site.

Why do you use different nicks on all sites ?
Crypt/Orian/Provider and always different ICQ's ?
69**96 and7676**


u never told me that u sending a original bezel] i askked u clearly, dont just lie to people, i am not a fucking idiot to accept what ever u say,you are a fucking cunt nothing more than that?

(2:35:13 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: yes it works with that atm
(2:35:40 AM) 767687: they are looking the same, u sure it goes over that easily?
(2:35:54 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: yes
(2:36:23 AM) 767687: so i get ready to use skimmer+cam right?
(2:36:49 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: the reader and cam are ready to use on arrival
(2:37:02 AM) 767687: reader=skimmer right?
(2:37:12 AM) skimmer sellet frm ******* th3rd: yes
(2:37:23 AM) 767687: ok i will buy it deal
so why the fuck u told me that shipping is only 3-5 days and even u contacted usps and told u that package already left usa, dint u said that? so its a lie right
and the deal was for shipping in 3-5 days not after a month you asshole and every thing with u is misunderstanding , usps lablelling it as aletter and it still the package is in usa is an error right, so i have to wait one more month for the letter to arrive ? i paid for express shipping , then why u dint posted in express international letter, u got answer for this ????? again its fucking mistake right for which i have to wait another month
so u got another month to rip people around here

and coming to different usernames, i dont have multiple accounts on same forum and i dont have to explain why i used different icq accounts and btw i have a nick on crdsu from 2007 how abt that, thats none of ur business fucking asshole amd ur status still on other forum is with problems and one is ripper
Последнее редактирование:


Is it my fucking problem that the fucking shipping company labeled it as international letter ?
I've asked you this over 10 times now wtf do you not understand that I do not run a fucking shipping company and I cannot fucking control how they ship I paid 50$ for them to ship it the quickest possible they made an error it's out of my control quit your bitching and just acccept it mk.

Where do you see my status as ripper on any forums ?
Only problems which is cause of you :)

As for multiple ICQ's and accounts mk fine don't explain just look guilty...

If you post one more time complaining about the shipping which is out of my control and complain about errors they made trying to say these are my errors I promise I will come down to your third world village and fucking murder you ok so just let ninja handle it he said we will wait till it arrives so we will wait no more need for your useless complaining.


i am sorry i don't mean to bug in. but can i give my point of view? i clearly think that th3rd was planning to rip him off.. i have a 6th sense on rippers, and this was a ripping attempt..and no one has many user names unless he is planning on ripping :) i just know its a ripping attempt. sorry for putting my nose in. but we should all share what we think. if it can help :)


so what u want me to do wait another month for the shit and mistakes u did? or u mean u need more time to rip more people,if ur so bad about my third world country why the fuck u sold at first point , ok did u took any oth to kill/murder all your buyers ?
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