RIPPER!! msr606 aka therealguru icq 573758848

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ICQ: 573758848 aka therealguru aka msr606 on sale

owner of website: and aka MSR606 on icq is a RIPPER.

AMOUNT IN QUESTION: First time $400 . Second time $1.4k +++ because he out to come back with atleast 5k to 6k like others did with the type of dumps I gave him.

The first time he escrowed with me $250 and came back lying he made 400usd with dumps so i told him to fuck off it was obvious he was gonna lie. Then we reconciled he said he wants to proof himself ... so recently i gave him more dumps and he finally disappears

He ripped me first time $400 on dumps. But I was so mad him just said fuck off. And didn't say anything later then we reconciled and now he rips me $1,400! + (Because I sent him couple of platinum dumps to cashout and he said he would send 30% of proceeds then been offline for about 3days since then). He tells me he have got 1.4k from few dumps was still analysing how much made then went off. He's a bloody liar too.


DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:18 AM
you are lame as fuck!
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:18 AM
fuck you!
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:19 AM
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:19 AM
you are lame as fuck!
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:19 AM
wat the fuck i did to you?
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:20 AM
i denoted that you must be the shit head saying shit about me on the board
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:20 AM
you didn't say how you ripped me over dumps!
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:23 AM
bro i told i m ready to pay back... u just keep blaming on me.. u think that i m fucking lamer.. so ok.. no proble... you can difference between you and me.. i m kool and respective.. you can see your action and reaction... and thanks for dis-respecting me.. and it was my pleasure that you rip me for 250 nice doing business with you... but some time people forget what other person can do for him..
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:24 AM
You can't do shit for me
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:24 AM
My worker in FL dead around $800 each on thos dumps
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:24 AM
how the fuck you think i should believe you
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:24 AM
ok thanks.. well u can stop bothering me now
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:24 AM
when you hit them for $100 each
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:24 AM
and you go down forum saying i took $250 from you FUCK YOU!
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:24 AM
ok thanks.. i m lier and i m piece of shit..
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:27 AM
the day you will calm and relax and anger free.. take a another chance.. and i will see and you will see and again respect you what ever you have done for me but you have problem of trust and sorry i m not a Jesus Christ that can solve it... i salute you what ever u r Sir
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:28 AM
You talking humble eh eh eh
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:29 AM
You know why I gave you dumps? Because I believe you have money escrowed with ME
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:29 AM
i m always humble.. thats why i run easly my racket in New York and i never dispect you.. you just come top off me.. and firing your words towards me
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:29 AM
Well I respect that then
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:30 AM
IWell nevermind
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:30 AM
How are you fairing?
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:30 AM
I have
2 Indian
4 Black
5 Russian
3 White Girls
2 Black Girls
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:31 AM
and i run new york city..
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:31 AM
All shoppers
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:31 AM
and no one can
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:31 AM
yes all shopper
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:31 AM
I have similar setup in Cali
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:31 AM
now i got this new Army guy he will go in Bmnks to open a account for me so now another member added
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:32 AM
and again No one Runs New York City Better then us
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:32 AM
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:32 AM
If you have money to escrow with me $200 I supply you 20 dumps right now
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:32 AM
11 years in Buisness
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:32 AM
and dont be on it like shit wtf
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:32 AM
well be in here all along too
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:32 AM
not a kid
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:33 AM
i told you i respect you what ever you do.. i expect same things.. i m a humble and kool person and thats the reason.. successfull... and for Me Idenity Theft is a Art
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:33 AM
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:34 AM
No crime is Crime... its a ART
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:34 AM
or Professoin
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:34 AM
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:34 AM
Well i m a Artist.. haha
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:34 AM
I'm an Artist
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:34 AM
i know that
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:35 AM
no doughts
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:35 AM
Graphic . Music . Video
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:35 AM
Complete multimedia artist
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:35 AM
Do u know Jay Sean and Yandel ?
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:35 AM
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:36 AM
If you get chance ask them about me.. Real GURU .. and what i have done for them.. hope my picture and image will be more clearer after that
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:36 AM
where you want me to escrow ?
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:37 AM
YOu know what you talking about
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:37 AM
The ARTIST ? musicians?
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:37 AM
you escrow with me
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:38 AM
ok and when i will get dumps ?
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:38 AM
right now
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:38 AM
and can you let me know its hacked and skimmed and which bins we are talking about ?
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:38 AM
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:39 AM
which bins
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:39 AM
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:39 AM
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:39 AM
Bank of America
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:39 AM
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:39 AM
do u have any 414709 ?
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:40 AM
414734102 Wao FIA !!!
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:42 AM
i send 20 dumps your way
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:42 AM
you escrow $200 with me. I expect just 30% of proceeds
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:43 AM
Well can we do .. $100 and you just give me 10 ? is that fine with you ?
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:43 AM
ok no problem
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:43 AM
whats your Z PURSE
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:43 AM
bro the $100 is nothing. result is something
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:43 AM
and dont send carded wmz
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:44 AM
hello i dont have carder wmz
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:44 AM
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:46 AM
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:46 AM
thats my Z
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:47 AM
i send you the dumps right away
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:47 AM
let me know when you sent money
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:47 AM
what u want me to declare in Memo ?
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:48 AM
ok i have declare : Biography and information
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:54 AM
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:54 AM
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:54 AM
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:54 AM
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:57 AM
ok seen
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:57 AM
proof me wrong this time
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:57 AM


MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:57 AM
time will tell
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:57 AM

**** DUMPS *****

DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 1:57 AM
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 1:58 AM
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 2:02 AM
once u back i also need some one who can get me blank plastic
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 2:14 AM
Bro going to sleep wil chat in morning i mean in couple of hour
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 2:31 AM


DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 10:56 PM
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 10:56 PM
share the good news
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 10:57 PM
give me few min
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 11:03 PM
ok let me have results here though
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 11:04 PM
no problem i got tickets for $700 for tinted windows
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 11:04 PM
and ?
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 11:04 PM
remember you have 10 plastics
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 11:05 PM
i know
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 11:05 PM
i m on phone so this guy can waive my tickets so just give me few min
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 11:06 PM
I want to know how much that was made intotal first
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 11:06 PM
from all the dumps
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 11:06 PM
i have someone else have another 10 fromt his series in NY
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 11:06 PM
and another person in FL that had 10 they're all back with results
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 11:07 PM
650 n 760
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 11:07 PM
ok continue
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 11:08 PM
please give me few min
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 11:08 PM
just give me total summary when you get complete word from your workers
MSR606 on SALE6/2/2010 11:08 PM
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 11:11 PM
and if I'm away
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 11:11 PM
do the math
DocumentManager/Bank6/2/2010 11:11 PM
you know my WMZ account
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