Realzs is an Agent, please BAN this fool!


He is a verified logs vendor on b* - I suggest everyone delete their accounts on that board, as even the moderator is a fishy ass dude. Check out my previous post for more logs!!

(3:58:01 PM) Tr1n1ty: you said u a reseller correct?
(3:58:34 PM) monster: yes
(3:58:42 PM) monster: basicaly its firsthand stuff.
(3:58:57 PM) Tr1n1ty: aight
(4:01:23 PM) monster: What bank from usa do you need?
(4:02:06 PM) Tr1n1ty: i needed boa
(4:02:27 PM) Tr1n1ty: I never experimented with boa, but heard they were easy to transfer
(4:02:46 PM) monster: Will ask my guy about the balances on it,hold on
(4:06:52 PM) monster: 8.4 ; 11.1
(4:08:51 PM) Tr1n1ty: yea 8.4 sounds good, dont have sufficient in LR now. What if rather than paying you 2.5%, i'll pay you 25% of a 3k transfer I'll do tomorrow evening
(4:09:33 PM) monster: I preffer wu anyways.
(4:09:48 PM) monster: Too much hassle with lr exchange
(4:09:51 PM) Tr1n1ty: my exchanger will send you WU once i send him LR
(4:09:57 PM) monster: insane fees
(4:10:25 PM) Tr1n1ty: its ok, we dont have to pay fees out of our pockets
(4:10:44 PM) monster: heh
(4:11:03 PM) monster: So,whe ndo you need that login?
(4:11:14 PM) monster: Will arrange a new wu drop,be right back.
(4:11:32 PM) Tr1n1ty: whenever you are ready to send it
(4:12:21 PM) monster: well , I'm recieveing the stuff right after my supplier confirms the wu my dro pguy forwards to him,so basicaly it depends on you.
(4:12:49 PM) Tr1n1ty: I told u already, im mostly looking for partnership because I dont have sufficient LR now
(4:13:01 PM) Tr1n1ty: so what you prefer 25% or 2.5%
(4:13:13 PM) monster: 25% ofcourse
(4:13:31 PM) monster: but as I said,i'll stick to reselling tho.
(4:14:05 PM) Tr1n1ty: ok
(4:14:12 PM) Tr1n1ty: nevermind for now
(4:16:19 PM) monster: Should I reserve that one for you?
(4:18:20 PM) Tr1n1ty: no
(4:19:18 PM) monster: k
(4:20:16 PM) monster: and ,by the way,you dont need to use a lr/wu exchanger to sendout wu to my drops,can do it with your own name aswell,its safe.
(4:20:47 PM) Tr1n1ty: brb
(4:21:13 PM) Tr1n1ty: whats ur name on the boards
(4:22:09 PM) Tr1n1ty: on blkcrdr
(4:23:36 PM) monster: blkcrdr ?
(4:23:48 PM) monster: blackcarding?
(4:24:08 PM) Tr1n1ty: you verified on blackservice?
(4:25:43 PM) Tr1n1ty: ?
(4:25:53 PM) Tr1n1ty: now you taking so long to respond i see
(4:26:36 PM) monster: nope,not there
(4:26:46 PM) monster: im pretty busy atm
(4:26:56 PM) Tr1n1ty: isnt your name realsz
(4:27:05 PM) monster: yes,it is
(4:27:34 PM) Tr1n1ty: you are an agent dude
(4:27:52 PM) Tr1n1ty: I can smell it 1000ft away
(4:27:57 PM) Tr1n1ty: not you are busy I see
(4:28:02 PM) Tr1n1ty: goodbye you PIG
(4:28:09 PM) monster: lol dude
(4:28:25 PM) monster: check my feedback @ blackcarding
(4:28:39 PM) monster: dont u dare to call me a cop
(4:28:53 PM) Tr1n1ty: BUSTED!


Проверенный продавец
Did he rip you off?

What is the profile link?

Please check the rules before posting in this sections.

Once you recover from 1 week ban, please post in the right way.



Команда форума
There is no evidence to call him a cop or a fed. He is not even registered on this board.


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