prophecy - ICQ: 759987 got is a big ripper

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prophecy- icq: 759987 owner of is a big ripper and gonna die young.

First name: Edisson Arnaldo
Last name: Ponce Sanchez
City: Manta
Country: Ecuador

I gave this guy $1002 for 100pcs of Dumps. He is the owner of, all the review in his forum is from him and 50% of the user id's is from him. Anybody that can ddos his site should do so. Below is my proof.

bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:15 PM

how many for 100$ US?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:16 PM

I sell base only
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:16 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:16 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:16 PM

how much?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:17 PM

100 pcs discount offer this week
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:17 PM

how much 100pcs?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:17 PM

depends what type you need..
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:17 PM

100 class/standart - 900$
100 gold/platinum - 1100$
100 business - 1300$
100 mix Amex - 700$
100pcs mix all - 1200$
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:18 PM

100 gold/platinum - 1100$ - half?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:19 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:19 PM

half means?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:19 PM

50 gold 50 platinum?
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:19 PM

50 gold/plat - 550$
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:19 PM

no 50 offers bro
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:20 PM

100 pcs offer in cheap rates
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:20 PM

100 is much for me now
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:20 PM

pls do half for me the first time
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:20 PM

i want worker to work
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:20 PM

sorry brother.
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:21 PM

this facility is for 100 pcs
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:21 PM

i know
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:21 PM

price is less
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:21 PM

but i just don't wanna go for all 100 now
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:21 PM

my shit cashier may mess me up
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:22 PM

dont give him all together
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:22 PM

give in breaks so he dont mess up for you
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:22 PM

he may kill the base if i give him some
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:24 PM

dont give him whole base
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:24 PM

you can handle your cashier with the way you want
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:24 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:24 PM

yeah so its okay
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:25 PM

dumps are virgin and fresh
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:25 PM

so its no problem even if you buy 200
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:44 PM

i know
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:45 PM

can you sell it at 900$?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:45 PM

which one?
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:45 PM

100 gold/platinum - 1100$

Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:45 PM

100 pcs gold/plat?
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:45 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:45 PM

just wanna give all my cashiers a try
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:46 PM

brother normal price is 20$ each and if 100 normal price come 2000$ say about discount and 1800$
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:46 PM

im giving you for 700$ less
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:46 PM

still you wanna give less?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:46 PM

so unfair
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:46 PM

this is buck base bro
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:46 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:46 PM

do it for me
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:47 PM

bro i dont think you would like if i asked 1500$ for 100
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:47 PM

but i sell for 1100$ still u offering me less?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:47 PM

this is not fair
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:48 PM

im giving you in cheapest rate for my base
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:48 PM

and validity rate is 95%
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:48 PM

you should give me 1200$
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:49 PM

my friend sell 150pcs at 750$ but his base is getting late to me it was Dec 26th
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:49 PM

i wanna buy ur base cos it fresh
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:49 PM

sell to me at 900$...i send lr now
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:49 PM

brother 95% validity rate
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:49 PM

we are one..
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:49 PM

sorry bro.. you are being unfair to my stuff
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:49 PM

1100$ is very cheap
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:50 PM

for 100 gold/plat with 95% validity
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:50 PM

my other customer not bargain, because the price is reasonable absolutely!
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:50 PM

ok...i send you 1k
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:51 PM

is the 100 set?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:51 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:51 PM

dont bargain with your brother
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:51 PM

give me your lr details
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:51 PM

the price is very cheap
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:51 PM

thats all i have bro
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:51 PM

common man
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:51 PM

thats unfair
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:51 PM

i try bro
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:51 PM

i give you bonus couple dumps
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:52 PM

take from me
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:52 PM

i jsut wanna give it a try cos i am afraid
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:52 PM

but from price dont mess
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:52 PM

because i give very cheap and reasonable price
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:52 PM

i give you friendly care and you give me a bad care..
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:53 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:53 PM

i give you same care bro
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:54 PM

set the base and give me ur lr details
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:54 PM

bargaining with brother/friend is bad care
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:54 PM

specially when he's being nice and being reasonable
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:54 PM

you know i am also a vendor.
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:54 PM

without much profit
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:54 PM

bro next time i will do better
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:54 PM

if i am able to get my money back from it
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:54 PM

bro i hook you with extra dumps
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:54 PM

no problem
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:54 PM

take it as friend
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:55 PM

because i didn't give 50$ less to a very old buyer
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:55 PM

i dont break my words and rules. this is my motto
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:55 PM

i hope you understand and care my feelings
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:56 PM

so i set you 100 pcs mix of gold/plat
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:56 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:56 PM

you want all visa or mix or visa and master

Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:56 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:56 PM

all visa
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:56 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:57 PM

memo: hosting
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:57 PM

paste me batch so i process the order.
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:58 PM sending 1k for now plsss
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:58 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:58 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:58 PM

dont embarass me
bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:58 PM

i wil get you 100 later
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:58 PM

send all together
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:59 PM

i prepare your order
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:59 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 10:59 PM

are they with original trk 1
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:59 PM

all from POS
Prophecy 1/5/2012 10:59 PM

nothing is generated
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:00 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:00 PM

i have only 1k here bro
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:00 PM

paste me batch of LR
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:00 PM

i can't go far now
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:00 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:00 PM

i know your just saying it
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:00 PM

i told you
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:00 PM

i hook you with extra dumps
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:01 PM

that what i can do
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:01 PM

i think price should change
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:02 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:02 PM

act fast
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:02 PM

because even after giving less price. friends like you are bargaing
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:02 PM

my lr is opened
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:02 PM

you will get better from me...if i gain from it
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:02 PM

you gain 100% gurantee
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:02 PM

i give you couple extra
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:02 PM

to make u chill
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:03 PM

5 pcs bonus from me
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:03 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:03 PM

but dont ask for negotiation
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:03 PM

just sell this to me
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:03 PM

i need to move faster and buy more
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:03 PM

bro im selling you but with price dont insult me
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:04 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:04 PM

the price i gave you
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:04 PM

is very cheap
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:04 PM

if you still want to be like this
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:04 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:04 PM

i have nothing to say
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:04 PM

but feel bad
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:04 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:04 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:04 PM

u make my face like that
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:04 PM

not yours
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:05 PM

you will be happy man
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:05 PM

its my gurantee
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:06 PM

i know you guaranty me
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:06 PM

but i don't have such sorry
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:06 PM

the way we are talking .. looking like im bargaining with a person from cameroon
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:06 PM

no offence
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:06 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:06 PM

are yo from cameroon
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:07 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:07 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:07 PM

many people from cameroon add me and tell me.. they buy very much but need
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:07 PM

you russian and acting this way to me
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:07 PM

all my russian friends are nice to me
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:07 PM

i think you didn't read my words.
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:08 PM

why you?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:08 PM

am i being bad to you?
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:08 PM

you don't wanna sell at 1k to me
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:08 PM

just because i don't have 100$ to complete it..
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:08 PM

man you have
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:08 PM

u just saying u dont
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:09 PM

sure bro...i don't for now
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:09 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:09 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:09 PM

no bargain
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:09 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:09 PM

send LR
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:09 PM

i have 1002 in my acct
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:10 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:10 PM

i dont know why u doing like this
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:10 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:11 PM

this is even a trail deal for me
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:11 PM

do you know any good cashier?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:11 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:11 PM

cos i am using new cashier
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:11 PM

and i don't 100% trust them
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:12 PM

try your new cashier with couple
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:12 PM

and meanwhile i find you a legit cashier in usa
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:12 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:12 PM

have you made the payment?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:14 PM

no problem
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:14 PM

paste me confirmed batch
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:15 PM

paying now bro
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:15 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:15 PM

send the 2 also
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:15 PM

cuz LR detucts fee's
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:15 PM

from receiver
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:16 PM

Transfer Succeed
Your transfer was successful! Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve!

Payment Mode Account

Date 01/05/2012 22:16

Batch 80997831

From U7xxxxxxxxre)

To U1246284 (VM24)

Amount $1,000.00

Memo hosting

Payment Purpose Other

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:16 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:16 PM

send the remaining
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:16 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:16 PM

ah...already sent before i got ur message
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:17 PM

will do that
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:17 PM

no problem
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:17 PM

send now
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:17 PM

no memo for the 2 right?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:17 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:18 PM

you got the 1k?
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:18 PM

didn't check
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:18 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:18 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:19 PM

whats up
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:19 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:19 PM

3$ less
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:19 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:20 PM

Transfer Succeed
Your transfer was successful! Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve!

Payment Mode Account

Date 01/05/2012 22:20

Batch 8xxxxxx

From U737xxxxxxtre)

To U1246284 (VM24)

Amount $2.00


Payment Purpose Other

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:20 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:20 PM

my acct 0,00...
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:20 PM

i am waiting for the base
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:20 PM

one moment
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:21 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:21 PM

still 999
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:21 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:21 PM

fucking LR
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:21 PM

you owe me 100$ more
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:21 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:21 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:21 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:21 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

give me 20 mins
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

to pack your base
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

all visa right?
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

ah...i thought you said its set already
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

yes all visa
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

please scroll
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

i said
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

once you paste batch
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

i process your order
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:23 PM

Prophecy: paste me batch so i process the order.
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:23 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

no problem
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

15mins more
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

catch you back
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

i didn't start
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

hit you back in 20 mins
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:40 PM

sup bro
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:51 PM

21mins friend...
bizcentre 1/6/2012 12:00 AM

30mins now..
bizcentre 1/6/2012 12:11 AM

bizcentre 1/6/2012 12:47 AM

sup bro
bizcentre 1/6/2012 12:50 AM

bizcentre 1/6/2012 1:32 AM

bizcentre 1/6/2012 6:33 AM

bizcentre 1/7/2012 2:41 PM

bizcentre 1/7/2012 2:41 PM

i know you are online now
bizcentre 1/7/2012 2:41 PM

where is my order
bizcentre 1/7/2012 5:11 PM

bizcentre 1/7/2012 10:44 PM

bizcentre 1/8/2012 7:56 PM

bizcentre 1/10/2012 8:16 PM

Hello bro
bizcentre 1/10/2012 8:16 PM

why are you doing this
bizcentre 1/10/2012 8:16 PM

where is my stuff?
bizcentre 1/11/2012 6:22 PM

bizcentre 1/11/2012 6:22 PM

i gave you my many days will you take to send me my stuffs
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:35 PM

bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:36 PM

hello bro
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:36 PM

bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:36 PM

welcome back on my icq
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:36 PM

Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:36 PM

after long time
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:36 PM

i got no mail from you
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:36 PM

why are you flaming my thread?
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:37 PM

you put me on invisible for days bro and i know that
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:37 PM

pls do clear my order
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:37 PM

stop being oversmart with me
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:37 PM

i got no mail from you
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:37 PM

you were not on any invisible
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:37 PM

bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:37 PM

bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:37 PM

never mind
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:37 PM

sorry for that
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:38 PM

my appology...
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:38 PM

[email protected]
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:38 PM

was sent here
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:38 PM

got no mail bro
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:38 PM

send it here
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:39 PM

how can i paste all 100 pcs here
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:39 PM

are you nuts?
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:39 PM

use notepad
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:39 PM

its all there.
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:39 PM

i got noting bro
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:39 PM

i will upload on a link
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:39 PM

no problem
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:39 PM

have u sent my remaining payment?
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:40 PM

will do that when i got my stuff
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:40 PM

you did not send me the stuff
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:40 PM

dont say much
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:40 PM

Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:40 PM

payment clear
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:41 PM

you know what
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:41 PM

send me the one my money take
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:41 PM

send me dumps of 1000$
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:41 PM

cos i can't pay more without getting my dumps
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:41 PM

i have checked 100 pcs and sorted already
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:41 PM

remove some
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:41 PM

Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:41 PM

i cannot put them back to another base
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:41 PM

send me back my money
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:42 PM

you said you ahve sent me the dumps and i cannot see anything
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:42 PM

its your email problem
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:42 PM

not mine
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:42 PM

now you are saying you ahve not send it
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:42 PM

did u check junk?
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:42 PM

when did i say i not send it?
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:42 PM

not my email cos i just receive some documents
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:42 PM

man you're liar i see
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:42 PM

bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:43 PM

i am always with my mail bro
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:43 PM

i don't lie bro
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:43 PM

where the fuck
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:43 PM

i said
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:43 PM

bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:43 PM

bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:43 PM

you didn't say you didn't send
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:44 PM

then why u say that?
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:44 PM

you said you already sent to my mail
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:44 PM

bizcentre: now you are saying you ahve not send it
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:44 PM

i mean now you saiying you need payment first before senidnf it
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:44 PM

my typo
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:44 PM

dont lie around
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:44 PM

bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:47 PM

fund me back my lr
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:48 PM

i am tired
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:48 PM

what sorta biss u do man
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:48 PM

first u order and pay less
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:48 PM

then u want refund
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:48 PM

like what the fuck?
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:48 PM

i told you before i sent you lr before
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:49 PM

Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:49 PM

u said u pay
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:49 PM

but u dont pay
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:49 PM

bo bro
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:49 PM

stop this
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:49 PM

i don't like what you saying
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:49 PM

you trying to play smart
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:49 PM

listen kid
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:50 PM

i dont need to play with a small liar baby
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:50 PM

bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:50 PM

send me my order then
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:51 PM

did u paid the remaining?
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:51 PM

i have the link ready here
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:51 PM

send me the link
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:51 PM

when i confirm i send your payment
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:51 PM

did u paid the remaining?
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:52 PM

you might not pay
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:52 PM

Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:52 PM

so pay first
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:52 PM

i already know one person did that with me
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:52 PM

im not intested
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:52 PM

so fund me back my lr
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:52 PM

i hate people playing game
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:52 PM

why u waste my time?
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:53 PM

you wasted my time
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:53 PM

i didn't waste ur time
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:53 PM

u wasted my time
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:55 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

give me 20 mins
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

to pack your base
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

all visa right?
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

ah...i thought you said its set already
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

yes all visa
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

please scroll
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

i said
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

once you paste batch
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

i process your order
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:22 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:23 PM

Prophecy: paste me batch so i process the order.
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:23 PM

bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

no problem
bizcentre 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

15mins more
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

catch you back
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

i didn't start
Prophecy 1/5/2012 11:24 PM

hit you back in 20 mins

bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:55 PM

see history
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:55 PM

so we have agreed before i sent you money
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:55 PM

Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:55 PM

bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:55 PM

don't play game with me
Prophecy 1/13/2012 1:55 PM

thats past day
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:55 PM

i am not here for game
bizcentre 1/13/2012 1:55 PM

send me my lr or my order

bizcentre 1/13/2012 2:07 PM

you will know me
Prophecy 1/13/2012 2:07 PM

fuck off
Prophecy 1/13/2012 2:07 PM

u are liar
Prophecy 1/13/2012 2:07 PM

bizcentre 1/13/2012 2:08 PM

you create site to rip??
bizcentre 1/13/2012 2:08 PM

nice one for you
bizcentre 1/13/2012 2:09 PM

you gonna die young
bizcentre 1/13/2012 2:09 PM

you bastard


Somebody pls provide any data on prophecy> Iim goin in on a stealth mission. Will contact him wit several icq. We gonna nail the bastard. The days of ripping are gone. Dogs dont eat dogs no more.
I'M sure the mo'fucker is got other nicks in here
T-boy no worry. D mofo go die soon
What did you expect on posting such BL there ? Rippers not from our board , deal made on other board etc ... For me just a bunch of Shitty logs ICQ ...
Our Board have Respected staff & work hard everyday to keep place safe ,maybe its too PREVENT thoose type of seller )))


Whats the reason of buying from useless board with NO NAME at all rather buying from sellers who is verified on our board (pro) and closed one (csu) which is on scene for more than 7 years???

Anyway. Simple question - he have nickname on our board?



yea that was the mistake i made.... i was thinking he ain't gonna rip cos he was the admin of his forum.

I don't know his ID here.


is ID is lozano on every forum. so he is also here on Can you believe the fool se my id to place good feedback in his forum.
This is comments written under your name there

Vendor of:
» Documents

this man dumps are best dumps ever.. his stuff is very very high quality..all approved.. all worked dumps.real tracks high results i use in europe and is incredible the results - i recommend him to all carders..

only to make this in your knowledge
I don't have prof, but i think he is also, Graco!!! Look at his forum and you will see Graco there as well. Only Rippers in his thread, forum!


Seems like he's out of our board.
Next time deal with respected members and ones who you be able to authenthificate here.
This way we can trace all bad members.
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