Panemera ICQ 561076640 Ripped me $50k chase business log

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Here are the logs of this fucking ripper who is not only a time waster but a ripper. Thats from 9th july when he edited his both posts requesting mods to delete it AFTER taking the login from me. He promised that on Saturday I will get the cash. Because on Friday they will deposit the checks and it will clear in 12hrs by his "insider" and after 12hrs all checks will get cleared instantly cause account will be verified.

(3:53:17 AM) Forensic: CHASE PREMIER View details... ******7363 $259.61 $259.61
BUSINESS CLASSIC View details... ******1351 $48,957.46 $19,780.21
INDV RETIRE FUND ******9806 $1,497.36 $1,497.36
CHASE MONEY MARKET View details... ******2817 -$1.98 -$1.98
CHASE PREMIER View details... ******5365 $2,784.33 $2,689.19
INDV RETIRE FUND ******1562 $1,464.26 $1,464.26
(3:53:22 AM) Forensic: Good enough?
(3:53:32 AM) Panemera: Perfect
(3:54:30 AM) Forensic: Ready to make a deposit?
(3:57:03 AM) Panemera: no bro, I don't have any money man
(3:57:09 AM) Panemera: I made 2k last week paid my rent
(3:57:32 AM) Panemera: spent some money on botnet bought food. there's no constant income right now bro, I told you that.
(3:58:17 AM) Forensic: Yes but I'm not sure if u will be able to cashout bro to be honest. Really sorry to be negative about this but I highly doubt u will be able to do this.
(3:58:52 AM) Panemera: Bro, I'm telling you. I'll deal with the it bro. I'm not with the bullshit I am here to make money
(4:01:03 AM) Forensic: I'm here to make money but mostly I have to deal with bullshit from ppl and from my experience with u, It was not good at all.
(4:01:37 AM) Forensic: In this 3rd time I don't know bro how it turns out with u.
(4:01:39 AM) Panemera: Bro, we go over this all the time, I don't have money right now to send you upfront. If you're not gonna let me cash the log. then ok.
(4:02:16 AM) Forensic: Details for BUSINESS CLASSIC (...1351)

Present Balance $21,155.21 Uncollected funds – Total $0.00

Available Balance $19,780.21

Available Credit $29,177.25

Available Plus Credit $48,957.46
(4:02:37 AM) Panemera: Okay
(4:02:45 AM) Forensic: Is that ok?
(4:03:16 AM) Forensic: Because it has available balance and available credit.
(4:03:19 AM) Panemera: No bro the amount is in credit
(4:03:39 AM) Panemera: It has to be in checkings or a deposit account to be authorized from my insider
(4:03:54 AM) Forensic: It shows 48k from available balance.
(4:04:07 AM) Panemera: Okay
(4:04:13 AM) Panemera: what state is it from btw
(4:04:45 AM) Forensic: NY
(4:04:53 AM) Panemera: perfect bro
(4:05:12 AM) Forensic: Howcome perfect?
(4:05:38 AM) Panemera: It's just a plus for the account
(4:05:51 AM) Panemera: the account, and branch is in NY
(4:06:06 AM) Panemera: same state cashout
(4:06:10 AM) Forensic: Yes.
(4:06:14 AM) Panemera: even where you deposit checks matter
(4:06:19 AM) Panemera: sometime if you deposit check
(4:06:22 AM) Panemera: in diff state
(4:06:30 AM) Panemera: takes longer to process
(4:06:41 AM) Forensic: But the problem is that 19k is in cash and 29k is the available credit.
(4:06:50 AM) Panemera: I
(4:07:49 AM) Panemera: I'll have insider have change acct to have checks payments withdrawn from checking accounts, and credit line as secondary account
(4:08:14 AM) Forensic: So we can cash this?
(4:08:20 AM) Panemera: yes
(4:08:32 AM) Forensic: are u 100% GUARANTEED sure about this bro?
(4:08:41 AM) Panemera: Yes Bro
(4:08:42 AM) Forensic: Because I don't want to hear any stories after that.
(4:08:57 AM) Panemera: I understand bro, I'm sure this can be done. You'll see your money
(4:09:16 AM) Forensic: When will I see the money?
(4:09:54 AM) Panemera: saturday morning
(4:10:07 AM) Forensic: Ok.
(4:10:23 AM) Forensic: U know my rules, Don't power off ur cell and reply to my text msgs.
(4:10:45 AM) Panemera: yes
(4:12:25 AM) Panemera: oh didn't
(4:12:27 AM) Panemera: see you just call
(4:12:42 AM) Panemera: phone was on silent call back
(4:16:21 AM) Forensic: I'm sending u a file bro.
(4:16:37 AM) Panemera: I'm on online msnger
(4:16:40 AM) Forensic: Open it, Enter login once..enter password twice and enter the device.
(4:16:54 AM) Forensic: I'm uploading the file.
(4:16:57 AM) Forensic: U can download it.
(4:17:04 AM) Panemera: whats in the file?
(4:17:58 AM) Forensic: The registeration of the email of account holder was dropped because nobody has logged in email for a long time.
(4:18:10 AM) Forensic: So with this file u will be able to login to chase without requiring email.
(4:18:37 AM) Panemera: I don't understand
(4:18:45 AM) Panemera: what kind of file is it ?
(4:18:57 AM) Forensic: browser file..
(4:19:02 AM) Forensic: u will enter details in it ..
(4:19:06 AM) Forensic: login details
(4:19:12 AM) Forensic: and u will get logged onto the chase..
(4:19:20 AM) Forensic: thats how u have to login for this chase account.
(4:19:41 AM) Panemera: why you can't just send info pasted?
(4:19:53 AM) Forensic: Bro ur getting confused.
(4:20:02 AM) Forensic: U CAN'T login to chase without email access.
(4:20:14 AM) Forensic: I mean if u open and enter login/password.
(4:20:20 AM) Forensic: it will send a code to an email ..
(4:20:25 AM) Panemera: ah so you don't have access to the person email
(4:20:25 AM) Panemera: ?
(4:20:34 AM) Forensic: i have but the email is de-activated.
(4:20:40 AM) Forensic: it can't be activated back
(4:20:48 AM) Forensic: cause the owner didnt logged onto the email for a long time.
(4:22:27 AM) Forensic:
(4:22:35 AM) Forensic: Delete Link :
(4:23:05 AM) Panemera: how do I know it's not virus bro
(4:23:14 AM) Forensic: Bro I'm here to make money.
(4:23:20 AM) Forensic: Not to fucking infect and waste my time.
(4:23:22 AM) Forensic: DAMN!!!!
(4:23:25 AM) Panemera: ok bro
(4:23:42 AM) Panemera: sec
(4:26:15 AM) Panemera: Tell me how to log
(4:26:26 AM) Forensic: Opened the file?
(4:26:32 AM) Panemera: Yeah
(4:26:43 AM) Forensic: auth_userId=xxxxxxxxx
(4:26:57 AM) Forensic: Put userid in login
(4:27:09 AM) Forensic: put password in password 1st tab..
(4:27:15 AM) Forensic: put password in password 2nd tab
(4:27:26 AM) Forensic: put device id in device id tab
(4:27:29 AM) Forensic: and click continue
(4:28:31 AM) Panemera: okay logged
(4:28:45 AM) Forensic: Ok good.
(4:28:59 AM) Forensic: Do ur job and tomorrow I will need u to update me.
(4:29:14 AM) Panemera: Okay I will bro.
(4:29:38 AM) Forensic: Ok lemme watch a movie now.
(4:29:44 AM) Panemera: ok
(4:29:57 AM) Panemera: switching connections will be back online in hour
(4:30:07 AM) Forensic: Ok.

Here are the logs of 10th july in which after calling him like 20 times and threatening him that I will kill the log, He responded.

(2:50:09 AM) Forensic: Whats the news?
(2:54:04 AM) Forensic: Whats the news man?
(3:11:41 AM) Forensic: Man WTF is going on?
(3:15:33 AM) Forensic: Man ur doin the SAME SHIT!!!!
(3:15:41 AM) Forensic: I'm gonna go ahead and kill this login now.
(3:19:43 AM) Panemera: We just deposited the check about an hour ago
(3:19:46 AM) Panemera: I just got back in
(3:20:09 AM) Forensic: For what amount u deposited?
(3:27:01 AM) Forensic: ?
(3:40:52 AM) Forensic: DUDE?
(3:40:56 AM) Forensic: I'm asking u something.
(3:41:07 AM) Forensic: for what amount was the check u deposited?
(3:41:19 AM) Panemera: 2 8k bro
(3:41:29 AM) Panemera: sorry I was getting something done in my house
(3:41:34 AM) Panemera: I just see your call
(3:41:40 AM) Forensic: Lemme call u.
(3:44:05 AM) Panemera: call again'
(4:00:16 AM) Forensic: U here?
(4:04:14 AM) Forensic: U here?
(4:04:32 AM) Forensic: Msg me when ur here.
(4:04:39 AM) Forensic: Its IMPORTANT!!!!
(4:35:30 AM) Forensic: ?

On 11th july Saturday the day I was supposed to get cash from him, His phone was powered off, Later it got powered on and he didn't answered any of my calls or text msgs, Then he started rejecting my calls which would take me directly to voice mail and charge me airtime for a call. He answered once and ONLY said, "I have to call you back" rapidly twice and I asked by when, He said in 1hr, Then I called him after 2hrs and again he would do this lame thing, Reject my calls, Sometimes power off his cell for sometime or either answer and immediately hung up. This guy came online really late on icq and immediately went offline after seeing me on icq although he is still coming online on forum and I believe he has another nick on the forum because the moment he saw my post which he "forgot" to edit, He immediately came with his nick and edited and went offline. This guy is a fucking low life panama's jerk. He's from New York and I do have his cell number too which I won't post to get his freedom in danger but that guy pretended and acted like a professional but OBVIOUSLY he's a time-wasting ripper. I request forum administration to give him ripper status IMMEDIATELY!!!!


Here are the logs of this fucking ripper who is not only a time waster but a ripper. Thats from 9th july when he edited his both posts requesting mods to delete it AFTER taking the login from me. He promised that on Saturday I will get the cash. Because on Friday they will deposit the checks and it will clear in 12hrs by his "insider" and after 12hrs all checks will get cleared instantly cause account will be verified.

(3:53:17 AM) Forensic: CHASE PREMIER View details... ******7363 $259.61 $259.61
BUSINESS CLASSIC View details... ******1351 $48,957.46 $19,780.21
INDV RETIRE FUND ******9806 $1,497.36 $1,497.36
CHASE MONEY MARKET View details... ******2817 -$1.98 -$1.98
CHASE PREMIER View details... ******5365 $2,784.33 $2,689.19
INDV RETIRE FUND ******1562 $1,464.26 $1,464.26
(3:53:22 AM) Forensic: Good enough?
(3:53:32 AM) Panemera: Perfect
(3:54:30 AM) Forensic: Ready to make a deposit?
(3:57:03 AM) Panemera: no bro, I don't have any money man
(3:57:09 AM) Panemera: I made 2k last week paid my rent
(3:57:32 AM) Panemera: spent some money on botnet bought food. there's no constant income right now bro, I told you that.
(3:58:17 AM) Forensic: Yes but I'm not sure if u will be able to cashout bro to be honest. Really sorry to be negative about this but I highly doubt u will be able to do this.
(3:58:52 AM) Panemera: Bro, I'm telling you. I'll deal with the it bro. I'm not with the bullshit I am here to make money
(4:01:03 AM) Forensic: I'm here to make money but mostly I have to deal with bullshit from ppl and from my experience with u, It was not good at all.
(4:01:37 AM) Forensic: In this 3rd time I don't know bro how it turns out with u.
(4:01:39 AM) Panemera: Bro, we go over this all the time, I don't have money right now to send you upfront. If you're not gonna let me cash the log. then ok.
(4:02:16 AM) Forensic: Details for BUSINESS CLASSIC (...1351)

Present Balance $21,155.21 Uncollected funds – Total $0.00

Available Balance $19,780.21

Available Credit $29,177.25

Available Plus Credit $48,957.46
(4:02:37 AM) Panemera: Okay
(4:02:45 AM) Forensic: Is that ok?
(4:03:16 AM) Forensic: Because it has available balance and available credit.
(4:03:19 AM) Panemera: No bro the amount is in credit
(4:03:39 AM) Panemera: It has to be in checkings or a deposit account to be authorized from my insider
(4:03:54 AM) Forensic: It shows 48k from available balance.
(4:04:07 AM) Panemera: Okay
(4:04:13 AM) Panemera: what state is it from btw
(4:04:45 AM) Forensic: NY
(4:04:53 AM) Panemera: perfect bro
(4:05:12 AM) Forensic: Howcome perfect?
(4:05:38 AM) Panemera: It's just a plus for the account
(4:05:51 AM) Panemera: the account, and branch is in NY
(4:06:06 AM) Panemera: same state cashout
(4:06:10 AM) Forensic: Yes.
(4:06:14 AM) Panemera: even where you deposit checks matter
(4:06:19 AM) Panemera: sometime if you deposit check
(4:06:22 AM) Panemera: in diff state
(4:06:30 AM) Panemera: takes longer to process
(4:06:41 AM) Forensic: But the problem is that 19k is in cash and 29k is the available credit.
(4:06:50 AM) Panemera: I
(4:07:49 AM) Panemera: I'll have insider have change acct to have checks payments withdrawn from checking accounts, and credit line as secondary account
(4:08:14 AM) Forensic: So we can cash this?
(4:08:20 AM) Panemera: yes
(4:08:32 AM) Forensic: are u 100% GUARANTEED sure about this bro?
(4:08:41 AM) Panemera: Yes Bro
(4:08:42 AM) Forensic: Because I don't want to hear any stories after that.
(4:08:57 AM) Panemera: I understand bro, I'm sure this can be done. You'll see your money
(4:09:16 AM) Forensic: When will I see the money?
(4:09:54 AM) Panemera: saturday morning
(4:10:07 AM) Forensic: Ok.
(4:10:23 AM) Forensic: U know my rules, Don't power off ur cell and reply to my text msgs.
(4:10:45 AM) Panemera: yes
(4:12:25 AM) Panemera: oh didn't
(4:12:27 AM) Panemera: see you just call
(4:12:42 AM) Panemera: phone was on silent call back
(4:16:21 AM) Forensic: I'm sending u a file bro.
(4:16:37 AM) Panemera: I'm on online msnger
(4:16:40 AM) Forensic: Open it, Enter login once..enter password twice and enter the device.
(4:16:54 AM) Forensic: I'm uploading the file.
(4:16:57 AM) Forensic: U can download it.
(4:17:04 AM) Panemera: whats in the file?
(4:17:58 AM) Forensic: The registeration of the email of account holder was dropped because nobody has logged in email for a long time.
(4:18:10 AM) Forensic: So with this file u will be able to login to chase without requiring email.
(4:18:37 AM) Panemera: I don't understand
(4:18:45 AM) Panemera: what kind of file is it ?
(4:18:57 AM) Forensic: browser file..
(4:19:02 AM) Forensic: u will enter details in it ..
(4:19:06 AM) Forensic: login details
(4:19:12 AM) Forensic: and u will get logged onto the chase..
(4:19:20 AM) Forensic: thats how u have to login for this chase account.
(4:19:41 AM) Panemera: why you can't just send info pasted?
(4:19:53 AM) Forensic: Bro ur getting confused.
(4:20:02 AM) Forensic: U CAN'T login to chase without email access.
(4:20:14 AM) Forensic: I mean if u open and enter login/password.
(4:20:20 AM) Forensic: it will send a code to an email ..
(4:20:25 AM) Panemera: ah so you don't have access to the person email
(4:20:25 AM) Panemera: ?
(4:20:34 AM) Forensic: i have but the email is de-activated.
(4:20:40 AM) Forensic: it can't be activated back
(4:20:48 AM) Forensic: cause the owner didnt logged onto the email for a long time.
(4:22:27 AM) Forensic:
(4:22:35 AM) Forensic: Delete Link :
(4:23:05 AM) Panemera: how do I know it's not virus bro
(4:23:14 AM) Forensic: Bro I'm here to make money.
(4:23:20 AM) Forensic: Not to fucking infect and waste my time.
(4:23:22 AM) Forensic: DAMN!!!!
(4:23:25 AM) Panemera: ok bro
(4:23:42 AM) Panemera: sec
(4:26:15 AM) Panemera: Tell me how to log
(4:26:26 AM) Forensic: Opened the file?
(4:26:32 AM) Panemera: Yeah
(4:26:43 AM) Forensic: auth_userId=xxxxxxxxx
(4:26:57 AM) Forensic: Put userid in login
(4:27:09 AM) Forensic: put password in password 1st tab..
(4:27:15 AM) Forensic: put password in password 2nd tab
(4:27:26 AM) Forensic: put device id in device id tab
(4:27:29 AM) Forensic: and click continue
(4:28:31 AM) Panemera: okay logged
(4:28:45 AM) Forensic: Ok good.
(4:28:59 AM) Forensic: Do ur job and tomorrow I will need u to update me.
(4:29:14 AM) Panemera: Okay I will bro.
(4:29:38 AM) Forensic: Ok lemme watch a movie now.
(4:29:44 AM) Panemera: ok
(4:29:57 AM) Panemera: switching connections will be back online in hour
(4:30:07 AM) Forensic: Ok.

Here are the logs of 10th july in which after calling him like 20 times and threatening him that I will kill the log, He responded.

(2:50:09 AM) Forensic: Whats the news?
(2:54:04 AM) Forensic: Whats the news man?
(3:11:41 AM) Forensic: Man WTF is going on?
(3:15:33 AM) Forensic: Man ur doin the SAME SHIT!!!!
(3:15:41 AM) Forensic: I'm gonna go ahead and kill this login now.
(3:19:43 AM) Panemera: We just deposited the check about an hour ago
(3:19:46 AM) Panemera: I just got back in
(3:20:09 AM) Forensic: For what amount u deposited?
(3:27:01 AM) Forensic: ?
(3:40:52 AM) Forensic: DUDE?
(3:40:56 AM) Forensic: I'm asking u something.
(3:41:07 AM) Forensic: for what amount was the check u deposited?
(3:41:19 AM) Panemera: 2 8k bro
(3:41:29 AM) Panemera: sorry I was getting something done in my house
(3:41:34 AM) Panemera: I just see your call
(3:41:40 AM) Forensic: Lemme call u.
(3:44:05 AM) Panemera: call again'
(4:00:16 AM) Forensic: U here?
(4:04:14 AM) Forensic: U here?
(4:04:32 AM) Forensic: Msg me when ur here.
(4:04:39 AM) Forensic: Its IMPORTANT!!!!
(4:35:30 AM) Forensic: ?

On 11th july Saturday the day I was supposed to get cash from him, His phone was powered off, Later it got powered on and he didn't answered any of my calls or text msgs, Then he started rejecting my calls which would take me directly to voice mail and charge me airtime for a call. He answered once and ONLY said, "I have to call you back" rapidly twice and I asked by when, He said in 1hr, Then I called him after 2hrs and again he would do this lame thing, Reject my calls, Sometimes power off his cell for sometime or either answer and immediately hung up. This guy came online really late on icq and immediately went offline after seeing me on icq although he is still coming online on forum and I believe he has another nick on the forum because the moment he saw my post which he "forgot" to edit, He immediately came with his nick and edited and went offline. This guy is a fucking low life panama's jerk. He's from New York and I do have his cell number too which I won't post to get his freedom in danger but that guy pretended and acted like a professional but OBVIOUSLY he's a time-wasting ripper. I request forum administration to give him ripper status IMMEDIATELY!!!!

He is AQ7, AQ7Million, P0is0n. A famous ripper from Brooklyn.
This bitch had ripped me over BOA premium login last month and did the same shit to me. He has too many nicknames and always rip with them.


REALLY? Thats him? He ripped me b4 with a FIA d+p, He cashed 14k and then started begging me from his nick Poison on ICQ to give him logins of BOA or Chase to cashout. No wonder why his voice looked familiar to me. He didn't sounded like a guy from Panama living in states for 20 years. DAMN I fall for this motherfucker again. When I posted his logs b4, He made a post " UNRESOLVED PROBLEMS WITH ME" so he can get that status instead of ripper status. Dude how long u will ripp off? Eventually u will be begging me as usual with ur nick poison :D. I asked him to send me $500 or 1k as an upfront payment b4 giving him the log and he acted like that he has no money. Anyways fuck that motherfucker.
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