Not receiving my share from "johnnyfresh"


Проверенный продавец
I made successful ltransfer of 4900$ and not reseived my share.
[email protected]

*** 2010-12-12
[18:23:35] *** [email protected] is Online
[18:23:23] <[email protected]> are you here ?
[18:23:39] <Frankiewld> yes
[18:23:45] <[email protected]> please
[18:23:50] <[email protected]> i have the suncorp account now
[18:23:54] <[email protected]> can you login
[18:23:56] <[email protected]> and make trf now
[18:24:00] <[email protected]> to the drop info i gave you
[18:24:02] <[email protected]> ?
[18:24:03] <Frankiewld> yes
[18:24:05] <Frankiewld> i can
[18:24:18] <[email protected]> please be fast
[18:24:25] <Frankiewld> ok
[18:24:34] <[email protected]> be fast bro
[18:24:38] <[email protected]> you have the drop info with you?
[18:24:43] <Frankiewld> yes
[18:27:00] <[email protected]> have you seen it
[18:27:11] <Frankiewld> yes i loged in
[18:27:18] <[email protected]> what balance ?
[18:27:24] <[email protected]> you see
[18:27:38] <Frankiewld> about 10k
[18:27:43] <[email protected]> okey
[18:27:45] <[email protected]> so make now
[18:27:51] <[email protected]> you can make now right ?
[18:27:58] <[email protected]> 100%
[18:28:08] <Frankiewld> yes
[18:29:18] <[email protected]> are you doing trf now ?
[18:29:24] <[email protected]> coz i want to call my drop now
[18:30:25] <Frankiewld> yes, wait 5min
[18:30:31] <[email protected]> ok
[18:31:25] <Frankiewld> what is drop name/
[18:31:27] <Frankiewld> ?
[18:31:40] <[email protected]> 1min
[18:32:51] <[email protected]> xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[18:34:29] <Frankiewld> Your transaction has been successfully processed at Monday, 13 December 2010 2:33:34 AM AEST.
Transaction Reference Number: xxxx
Instruction Details
From xxxx
To xxx
Amount $4,900.00
Timing Immediate

[18:34:56] <[email protected]> can he go and witdraw now ?
[18:35:11] <Frankiewld> yes.
[18:35:45] <[email protected]> am calling him now
[18:35:51] <Frankiewld> ok
[18:37:20] <[email protected]> can you make screen shot
[18:37:51] <Frankiewld> ok
[18:44:53] <[email protected]> you make shot
[18:45:07] <Frankiewld> yes
[18:45:11] <Frankiewld> one minute
[18:45:16] <[email protected]> ok
[18:48:51] <Frankiewld> give me your email
[18:49:07] <[email protected]> [email protected]
[18:53:16] <Frankiewld> done
[18:54:25] <[email protected]> ok
[18:54:31] <[email protected]> and again
[18:54:39] <[email protected]> its 3.30 am over there
[18:54:53] <[email protected]> will the money still be available till morning
[18:55:00] <[email protected]> like 6am
[18:55:01] <[email protected]> ?
[18:55:15] <Frankiewld> i think yes. People sleeping
[18:55:51] <Frankiewld> if holder will se that money gone then he call to bank
[18:56:02] <Frankiewld> if not everythink will be ok
[18:58:11] <[email protected]> will you be here in like 4hrs time
[18:58:45] <[email protected]> so you can be checking the login if its still alive or nt
[18:59:15] <Frankiewld> yes i can
[18:59:25] <Frankiewld> it will be alive 100%
[19:01:15] <[email protected]> okey i will be right back in 4hrs
[19:01:27] <Frankiewld> kk
[19:01:35] <Frankiewld> look for more drops
[19:02:13] <Frankiewld> and if account be alive tomorow i can make another transfer
[19:02:17] <Frankiewld> from this account

*** 2010-12-13
[13:52:40] *** [email protected] is Offline
[03:20:23] <[email protected]> here
[13:52:47] <Frankiewld> hi
[13:53:04] <Frankiewld> tell me about progress
[14:50:46] *** [email protected] is Online
[14:50:57] <[email protected]> bro
[14:51:04] <[email protected]> you wont belief what i got bro
[14:51:23] <[email protected]> drop said she cashout from atm
[14:51:30] <[email protected]> about to send wu the police busted her
[14:51:57] <[email protected]> please
[14:52:04] <[email protected]> check if the login is still alive ?
[14:55:07] <[email protected]> are you here ?
[14:55:21] <Frankiewld> yes, one min i check
[14:55:33] <[email protected]> ok tnx
[14:57:41] <Frankiewld> Login dead.
[14:58:06] <Frankiewld> But she must be in police if she busted
[14:58:17] <[email protected]> yeah
[14:58:21] <[email protected]> someone updated me about her
[14:58:33] <[email protected]> now she is looking for money to bail herself
[14:59:27] <Frankiewld> i dont believe this story
[14:59:47] <[email protected]> yeah bro
[14:59:50] <[email protected]> and mee too
[14:59:54] <[email protected]> really strange
[15:00:05] <[email protected]> dont know what to do
[15:00:21] <[email protected]> and the guy who gave me the login is on my neck
[15:00:26] <[email protected]> saying i have to pay him
[15:07:51] <Frankiewld> i dont know what you promise to him.
[15:08:31] <Frankiewld> % from cashout or fixed price
[15:09:46] <[email protected]> percent was 50-50
[15:09:59] <[email protected]> and i give the hacker that gave me the login 20
[15:10:05] <[email protected]> from my 50
[15:11:22] <Frankiewld> If u tell him that you sure 100% you must pay him.
[15:11:46] <Frankiewld> I must answer for your drops.
[15:12:14] <Frankiewld> try explain situation to him.
[15:12:50] <[email protected]> he will think i run away with money bro
[15:13:33] <Frankiewld> u must have proof for him and for me.
[15:18:00] <[email protected]> i dont know what to do bro
[15:33:31] <[email protected]> please write me the login info again
[15:36:00] <Frankiewld> xxxxxx
[15:38:49] <Frankiewld> try to get proof
[15:38:58] <Frankiewld> police must give paper to her.
[15:39:09] <Frankiewld> or somethink like that
[15:55:41] *** [email protected] is Offline
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You better wake up from your dream bro, Firstly i was the one who gave you this login not yours, secondly you made the transfer when it was 3am victoria australia time so before it was 9am aus time, when the drop would have woken up the account as already been busted, So tell me should i send you money out of my own pocket for you or what? and i even said i can get you another login and make transfer yourself, get the drop yourself and see how easy it is for drop cashout money and send you western union. assuming we made the transfer when the drop is set then this whole thing wouldn't have occured. and the drop we are talking of right now she is with the police, Do you want me to go to Australia and tell the police am the one who made the transfer that they should release her and take me huh is that what you want ?


i Belief the Moderator Should Know Better, Firstly I am The owner of this login we are talking about, i bought this login you made transfer from with my money not yours, i only gave you to make transfer for me because my australia dedicated vpn was not good, and anybody can make transfer with australia login because is easy, Secondly am the one who also provided the drop and i told you bro that the Lady was arrested in the morning when she was about going to the atm to cashout, and you are telling me that i should prove to you that she was really arrested by getting you Document from the police in australia sounds crazy to me, I should go to Australia and tell the police to release my drop to me and give me a document to give to you to prove that she was really arrested is that what you are trying to say Mr? if that is what you mean then you are dreaming and as we are talking right now she is yet not release needs someone to bail her off that is the problem am facing right now i need to get her off the police custody


me and johnyfresh also had an unsuccessfull deal some time ago...same story,i never got 2 see my share bcz the female drop got arrested
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Проверенный продавец
There you talk about my share.
[15:07:51] <Frankiewld> i dont know what you promise to him.
[15:08:31] <Frankiewld> % from cashout or fixed price
[15:09:46] <[email protected]> percent was 50-50
[15:09:59] <[email protected]> and i give the hacker that gave me the login 20
[15:10:05] <[email protected]> from my 50

[14:51:23] <[email protected]> drop said she cashout from atm
[14:51:30] <[email protected]> about to send wu the police busted her

Now u teling me this : Lady was arrested in the morning when she was about going to the atm to cashout

And i see you have same story with flippy.
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Mr Flippy Please Paste Log, i have not done any deal with you before and if i ripped you why didn't you report to blacklist, Moderator Please check IP, Holy Christ how many times will i tell you that i am the owner of my login, i only gave you to make transfer for me which even a 10 Years Old baby can make transfer wit australia login, i can show you screen shot of different transfer i have made in the past, now tell me what do you want me to do? Go to australia and get you police report that my drop was arrested is that what you want ? when i told you that my drop as been arrested i told you to CHECK LOGIN IF IS STILL ALIVE and you said LOGIN IS DEAD meaning account is busted So what do you want me to say again....Do i need to write in another language before you understand.....?
am tired of typing Bro, Moderator Please Read all the points am Giving Out
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Проверенный продавец
U think i work for free? I dont care how you get me proof, that is your problem. I posted logs where sayd everything about my share. if you dont have proof you must pay me. So stop posting crap.


Please Moderator Read His Log and Tell Me Where before i gave him the login to make transfer where we both reached an agreement about his percent or share, We never talked about Your percentage nor share of which even though we didn't talk about it, doesn't mean i won't give you something if i get money from my drop, But i didn't get money how many times will i say this or do you think Blacklist is where you just come and paste log to get members removed just like that huh ? i can't loose my account because i know that i did not rip you of your share, if i rip you i wont be wasting my precious time writing all this on blacklist, i wont write again over this issue... Let the Moderator Decide Please am tired of repeating the same thing


Проверенный продавец
we talk about my % day before, but i not saving logs, so cant post it. And u gave me that login becouse i have out of logins.
Everything about my share sayd there.
[15:09:46] <[email protected]> percent was 50-50
[15:09:59] <[email protected]> and i give the hacker that gave me the login 20
[15:10:05] <[email protected]> from my 50
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