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ripper profile: http://carder.pro/member.php?u=12656
ripper jabber: [email protected]
ripper thread: http://carder.pro/showthread.php?t=67544

problem details explained in his own thread here: http://carder.pro/showpost.php?p=479841&postcount=16

another user confirming the same problem here: http://carder.pro/showpost.php?p=479853&postcount=17

my logs with him, edited for ur viewing pleasure

(5:12:36 AM) The privacy status of the current conversation is now: Not Private
(5:12:36 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(10:41:28 AM) me: so tell me more then
(10:41:50 AM) me: about the locker setup u offer, do u have contacts with other legitimate traffic/exploit kit/install vendeors? 
(10:43:30 AM) [email protected]: Yes
(10:44:09 AM) me: so why not just codes?
(10:44:29 AM) me: why do u bother with setting up locker for fuckers like me
(10:44:32 AM) [email protected]: Because I cashout my codes
(10:44:47 AM) [email protected]: If you don't want to buy pls tell me
(10:45:01 AM) me: ok how does a locker work, what do I need and how much will ur services cost me?
(10:45:20 AM) [email protected]: Google it
(10:45:29 AM) [email protected]: $1200
(10:45:43 AM) me: I dont need to google moneypak
(10:45:54 AM) me: I know how the fbi virus works since august 
(10:46:00 AM) me: I dont know how the setup works
(10:46:10 AM) me: pls be more eloquent and specific
(10:46:19 AM) [email protected]: So why are u asking me? I do the setup..u don't need to worry
(10:47:17 AM) me: I want to know the setup works and how many codes should I expect from the initial 1k install that u provide
(10:47:26 AM) me: also how much will 1k more installs cost me
(10:47:42 AM) me: also what monthly costs will I have for hosting 
(10:47:42 AM) [email protected]: $150
(10:47:53 AM) [email protected]: $150 - hosting
(10:48:05 AM) [email protected]: $150 - 1k installs
(10:48:21 AM) [email protected]: 1k installs - 20-30 codes
(10:50:10 AM) me: ok, ull get the hosting inititally and then I have to pay from there on ?
(10:50:31 AM) me: Id like to try it 
(10:50:57 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(10:52:06 AM) me: when can we start
(10:52:30 AM) [email protected]: anytime you are ready
(10:52:42 AM) me: I am now 
(10:52:44 AM) me: LR ?
(10:56:11 AM) [email protected]: Yeaha
(10:56:24 AM) [email protected]: U want to send now?
(10:56:46 AM) me: yep
(10:57:06 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(10:57:09 AM) [email protected]: Hold on
(10:57:29 AM) [email protected]: U2076XXX
(10:58:29 AM) me: Batch  1168XXXXX
(10:59:47 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(11:11:06 AM) me: sup
(11:46:08 AM) me: a msg right about now would be nice
(12:13:42 PM) [email protected]: Hello
(12:15:36 PM) me: hi
(12:15:46 PM) me: what happened? 
(12:16:02 PM) me: I thought u ran away :))
(12:16:38 PM) [email protected]: Naaa
(12:16:52 PM) [email protected]: Am not on pc @ d moment...I will pm u
(12:20:58 PM) me: ok, when should I expect u to finish setup/
(12:25:49 PM) [email protected]: Later tonight
(12:32:04 PM) me: ok
(4:04:41 PM) me: wassup
(4:30:35 PM) [email protected]: Hello
(4:30:47 PM) [email protected]: Hold on
(4:30:50 PM) [email protected]: Will pm u
(2:07:08 AM) me: morning
(3:16:55 AM) [email protected]: Hey
(3:17:05 AM) [email protected]: U there
(3:21:39 AM) me: yeah
(3:21:54 AM) me: I see u r still on mobile, whatsup?
(3:21:58 AM) [email protected]: Let me give u links


(3:30:55 AM) me: AV is picking up on it, even the default ms essentials, can u crypt it
(3:31:03 AM) me: or should I look for a way to do this
(3:31:18 AM) me: also who do I contact for installs and when should I expect the initial 1k installs?
(3:31:59 AM) [email protected]: No initial installs anymore
(3:32:20 AM) [email protected]: I can crypt but that will be later
(3:32:42 AM) me: so where do I get installs?
(3:33:06 AM) [email protected]: My supplier has raised the amount
(3:33:22 AM) [email protected]: 450/1k
(3:33:34 AM) [email protected]: He told me yesterday
(3:33:46 AM) [email protected]: If u want I can pm him
(3:33:54 AM) me: yes, I want you to 
(3:34:04 AM) me: but if I give him that exe that every AV is finding 
(3:34:14 AM) me: I cant see how Im going to get any results out of it
(3:34:21 AM) [email protected]: Yes 
(3:34:23 AM) [email protected]: True
(3:34:36 AM) [email protected]: I crypt $50/exe
(3:36:19 AM) [email protected]: Should we go ahead?
(3:36:54 AM) me: yes, get me a crypted exe and 1k installs and Ill get u 500$ LR
(3:37:03 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(3:37:20 AM) [email protected]: Will u be online today?
(3:37:39 AM) me: yes, will be on mostly in the next 12-14hrs
(3:40:22 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(3:40:29 AM) [email protected]: I will pm u
(3:45:22 AM) me: Ill be waiting anxiously
(3:46:36 AM) me: will u be using some public service for the exe crypting? I might have an option myself, but not sure if its good 
(3:48:45 AM) [email protected]: No
(3:48:54 AM) [email protected]: Private 
(3:49:38 AM) me: oki, Ill let u handle it
(3:53:37 AM) [email protected]: Ok

(8:38:15 AM) me: hi, any news?
(8:50:56 AM) [email protected]: Am still waiting for him
(9:48:23 AM) me: crypt guy or installs guy
(9:48:39 AM) [email protected]: Installs 
(9:48:53 AM) [email protected]: I do crypting myself
(9:49:19 AM) me: cool cool 
(9:49:26 AM) me: can I have the crypted exe ?
(10:24:51 AM) me1: hey man can I have the crypted exe?
(10:25:31 AM) [email protected]: U need it now?
(10:25:59 AM) me1: not this very minute, but I want it so I can try working with other installers
(10:26:09 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(10:39:29 AM) [email protected]: Send $50 - U2076XXX
(10:41:57 AM) me1: Batch  1170XXXXX
(10:42:49 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(10:43:27 AM) me1: when should I expect to have 1k installs?
(10:43:44 AM) me1: and when should I expect the clean executable
(10:45:20 AM) [email protected]: When u send the $450 I will tf to my partner but I can't right now..because of the storm..his internet connection is down
(10:46:11 AM) me1: u told me 1k installs are not included post factum, I expect to get 1k installs and pay afterwards 
(10:46:45 AM) [email protected]: Am not the one doing the installs
(10:46:56 AM) [email protected]: My partner is the one
(10:47:40 AM) me1: u already know Im serious, if u load executable 1k times u know I will pay u the 450$
(10:47:59 AM) me1: I think its far, considering everything, agreed?
(10:48:05 AM) me1: fair*
(10:48:51 AM) me1: now can I pls have the executable?
(10:51:23 AM) [email protected]: Hold
(10:58:24 AM) [email protected]: http://scan4you.net/result.php?id=XXXXXXXXXX
(11:00:00 AM) me1: looks good
(11:00:10 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(11:01:09 AM) [email protected]: password:  XXXXXXXXXXX
(11:05:49 AM) me1: got it
(11:05:57 AM) me1: delete link not working thou
(11:06:11 AM) me1: http://www.sendspace.com/delete/XXXXXXXXXXX
(11:06:12 AM) [email protected]: Hold
(11:06:14 AM) me1: even like this
(11:06:30 AM) me1: pls let me know as soon as ur friend shows up
(11:07:07 AM) [email protected]: Ok 
(11:07:11 AM) [email protected]: No problem
(11:10:39 AM) me1: cool, thanks :) Im eager to see this work, thats why Im a lil anxious
(11:10:56 AM) me1: does silence locker work with anything else but MP?
(11:13:41 AM) [email protected]: Yeah if u upgrade
(11:14:18 AM) [email protected]: U can get ukash/paysafecard
(11:14:18 AM) me1: cool, lets get MP working first
(11:14:27 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(11:14:28 AM) [email protected]: :)
(1:30:12 PM) me1: does the locker ask for 200$ code?
(1:32:28 PM) [email protected]: Yes
(1:34:22 PM) [email protected]: Yes
(1:34:29 PM) me1: ok, thanks
(6:53:48 AM) me: hello
(6:57:58 AM) [email protected]: Hi
(6:58:10 AM) me: any news?
(7:00:52 AM) [email protected]: Yes he came online yesterday
(7:01:02 AM) [email protected]: He will come online today 
(7:01:52 AM) [email protected]: So probably u can send money now...or u want to wait?
(7:02:20 AM) me: I boughtn installs myself, I dont want to get installs from ur friend today so that I dont mix them 
(7:02:51 AM) me: have 250 bots so far and 2 codes, that are both from same ip, so prolly fake
(7:03:27 AM) me: codes are under number 4 and 5, why is that? arent they number 1 and number 2?
(7:03:57 AM) [email protected]: I don't code it,I just sell
(7:03:58 AM) [email protected]: For author
(8:30:53 AM) me: I got one code
(8:31:02 AM) me: its from IR 
(8:31:33 AM) me: the locker activates MP landing page even thou it recognizes some1 not from USA ?
(8:31:59 AM) [email protected]: Yes
(8:34:15 AM) [email protected]: For this version
(9:24:05 AM) me: omg, this is crazy
(9:30:04 AM) [email protected]: How?
(9:30:14 AM) [email protected]: U only target usa traffic
(9:30:32 AM) me: well its 2/3 USA traffic
(9:30:36 AM) me: but some of it isnt 
(9:30:49 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(9:31:12 AM) me: and since the panel obviouisly knows its not USA, it should know not to start MP landing page in ireland
(9:31:33 AM) me: seems obvious other lockers have it
(3:16:00 PM) [email protected]: Hello
(3:16:00 PM) [email protected]: Are. U there
(3:16:17 PM) [email protected]: My partner is here
(1:56:54 AM) me: hi
(4:10:39 AM) me: so far I have 426 connects, 300 of which are from USA, Ive gotten 3 codes, 2 from the same ip (fake) and 1 from IR
(4:10:57 AM) me: these are terrible results ;\
(6:46:13 AM) [email protected]: Sorry
(6:46:29 AM) [email protected]: If u want the installs...send the $450 to my lr
(6:46:32 AM) [email protected]: So I can pay the guy
(6:46:44 AM) me: do u think Ill get any results?
(6:47:40 AM) me: its either 
1. locker not convincing
2. exe isnt 0/35 detected anymore
3. installs I bought are shit and urs will be better
(6:48:10 AM) [email protected]: How many installs usa do u have?
(6:48:52 AM) me: 300++
(6:49:05 AM) me: 308
(6:49:42 AM) [email protected]: That's not enough
(6:49:42 AM) [email protected]: U need it in thousands
(6:49:51 AM) [email protected]: Not mere 300?
(6:49:59 AM) me: I bought 2k, but its going real slow
(6:50:04 AM) me: they are adding up all the time
(6:50:06 AM) me: but its real slow
(6:50:10 AM) me: been 2 days now 
(6:50:37 AM) me: do u reckon exe is still good and I should go ahead and get 1k installs from ur guy?
(6:51:21 AM) [email protected]: Exe is always good
(6:52:06 AM) [email protected]: Yeah
(6:52:16 AM) me: well, if u used some1 to crypt it I give it max 1 week before its detected by AV so its not ALWAYS good
(6:52:19 AM) me: its temporarily good
(6:52:33 AM) me: U207XXXX ?
(6:54:02 AM) me: Batch  1173XXXXX
(6:54:08 AM) me: 450 sent
(6:54:14 AM) me: I assume u still have my exe?
(6:55:05 AM) me: I know u guys are prolly shaving off a few codes for urself, right? :)
(6:55:11 AM) [email protected]: Yeah
(6:58:04 AM) [email protected]: When we do it,we do about 10k installs and up
(6:58:29 AM) [email protected]: So u can imagine
(7:35:51 AM) me: do u know legit sellers of codes?
(7:57:57 AM) [email protected]: Naa
(8:41:45 AM) me: not even 5-6 codes? :)
(4:43:13 PM) me: whatsup?
(3:42:41 AM) me: hello
(3:49:48 AM) [email protected]: Hi
(3:50:28 AM) me: whats the status with installs
(3:52:58 AM) [email protected]: He said he willl get back to me today...that he ran out of traffic...so am waiting
(4:09:53 AM) me: I understand, pls keep me posted
(4:16:15 AM) [email protected]: Ok


(6:07:17 AM) me: hello
(6:11:26 AM) [email protected]: Hello
(6:22:16 AM) me: well, do I have to ask?
(6:22:37 AM) me: its been 1 week and 1.8k USD, Im yet to get a single MP code. I am not happy
(6:31:51 AM) [email protected]: Sorry bro
(6:31:52 AM) [email protected]: But the guy has been having issues with traffic
(6:38:11 AM) [email protected]: If nothing happens dis weekend I will return the installs money
(6:50:22 AM) me: oki
(8:56:44 AM) me: hey man, whaddup?
(9:04:47 AM) [email protected]: nothing much
(9:06:23 AM) me: okay, pls refund me 
(9:06:34 AM) [email protected]: ok 
(9:06:44 AM) [email protected]: $450 right
(9:06:49 AM) me: yes
(9:06:53 AM) [email protected]: ok
(9:06:59 AM) [email protected]: what is your LR?
(9:07:03 AM) me: U24XXXXX
(9:07:08 AM) [email protected]: OK
(2:42:03 PM) me: what is the delay with my refund?
(8:05:11 PM) [email protected]: send your lr again
(3:22:15 AM) me: U24XXXXX
(9:40:12 AM) me: hello
(12:05:00 PM) me: hey
(8:57:52 AM) me: hello

Since then I have msged him multiple times and even thou he is online in jabber and here on forum he is not responding.
also since then it has become clear Silence Locker code available in public (http://carder.pro/showthread.php?t=68692)

Bottom line, if not full reimbursement, atleast the 450$ for installs (didnt get even 1 install from him)

willing to provide screenshots and details on transaction to staff.


keeps making u pay for stuff that was supposed to be included? ninja will make the decision. i support a ban.


UP assigned.
im waiting for explanations from him.

neo da matrix

first of all j.bronowski and techx are the same people because i have never dealt with techx ever in my life so the allegations are lies.as for his $450 its cool...j.bronowski hit me up on jabber lets settle this.
First of all I'm not the same as j.bronowski. Second of all I never said you ripped me off, but I know someone that you dealt with. Let's just say you ended up refunding the installs/traffic remember? Some story about how your supplier raised prices on you... I won't say any names but I will see if he wants to report you himself!

neo da matrix

First of all I'm not the same as j.bronowski. Second of all I never said you ripped me off, but I know someone that you dealt with. Let's just say you ended up refunding the installs/traffic remember? Some story about how your supplier raised prices on you... I won't say any names but I will see if he wants to report you himself!

yeah yeah whatever still waiting on j.bronowski :eek:

(3:56:02 AM) me: hello
(3:57:35 AM) me: U241XXXX - 450$ pls and I will post on c.pro that everything has been resolved and I withdraw my allegations
(4:18:41 AM) [email protected]: Hello
(4:32:03 AM) me: hello
(4:32:05 AM) me: U241XXXX - 450$ pls and I will post on c.pro that everything has been resolved and I withdraw my allegations
(4:32:47 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(5:21:24 AM) me: when?
(5:23:02 AM) [email protected]: This week
(5:23:29 AM) [email protected]: I might send 200 first 
(5:23:34 AM) [email protected]: Then 250 later
(5:28:03 AM) [email protected]: Cool with u?
(5:37:05 AM) me: ok
(5:38:47 AM) [email protected]: Ok

if/when he does that I will post here

p.s. techx and me definitely not the same person
current progress:

(5:52:04 AM) [email protected]: Hello
(5:52:10 AM) [email protected]: Are u there?
(5:56:15 AM) me: yes
(5:57:29 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(5:58:19 AM) me: why?
(5:58:22 AM) [email protected]: I want to send $150 now and next week I $300...
(6:00:50 AM) me: ok
(6:21:36 AM) me: did u send?
(6:27:41 AM) [email protected]: Sending now
(6:28:24 AM) me: lemme know batch
(6:28:55 AM) [email protected]: Ok
(6:29:56 AM) [email protected]: Batch number: 1209XXXXX
(6:29:58 AM) [email protected]: Sent!
(6:30:10 AM) [email protected]: Pls update on forum 
(6:30:22 AM) [email protected]: About ongoing development
(6:31:21 AM) me: when should I expect the rest?
(6:31:38 AM) [email protected]: Next week,wed perhaps
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