mynetthebest ripper for 100LR...

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Hello all,
its strange for me so old date user was ripp me.
He was write me he have scotia ca logs i was pay him 100LR, then dissapear.
His profile:
ICQ: 195713718

Logs here:
(11:45:28 PM) nanoservice:
have all info * Scotia Card number * Password * Access Code * Scotia Card Security Code number * Last 3 digits on back of card * Last IP
(11:45:30 PM) nanoservice: yes
(11:45:53 PM) nanoservice: email access have only for 3 logs
(11:46:02 PM) 639516045: your prices?
(11:46:25 PM) nanoservice: 100$
(11:46:28 PM) nanoservice: minimum balance 3k
(11:46:58 PM) nanoservice: i can give any balance you want between 3k and 10-k
(11:47:09 PM) 639516045: perfect
(11:47:16 PM) 639516045: your nick on
(11:48:22 PM) nanoservice: mynetthebest, you msged me remember, asking for can logs :)
(11:48:47 PM) 639516045: send me pm now on
(11:48:52 PM) 639516045: and we have deal
(11:48:59 PM) nanoservice: ok, sec

6:54:16 AM nanoservice: im here bro, had fuck ups with my wireless internet all day, wasn't working for me
6:54:22 AM nanoservice: I just sent you PM
(10:17:19 PM) 639516045: im here
(10:17:21 PM) 639516045: ready to bizz
(10:18:15 PM) nanoservice: ok good
(10:18:50 PM) nanoservice: how many account you want to buy?
(10:47:30 PM) 639516045: maybe you have with small amount inside i will test with my method and if all works i take as many as you have
(10:49:23 PM) nanoservice: i got only these balances for scotia:
(10:49:58 PM) nanoservice: you can buy 1 account to test, if anything dont work, i can refund, if account still good.
(10:50:58 PM) 639516045: what about security questions i can reset with cvv2 yes?
(10:51:27 PM) nanoservice: yes
(10:54:42 PM) 639516045: if they will be work good you can arrange more?
(10:55:32 PM) nanoservice: Yes, each week have more
(10:55:37 PM) nanoservice: depends on buyers
(11:01:57 PM) 639516045: ok bro for first time you can arrange with @ also? i want check if bank send confirmation letter
(11:03:36 PM) nanoservice: yeah i said earlier, i got 3 accts with email access right now
(11:05:03 PM) 639516045: i need only one with email acces, cause if they dont send confirmation letters i dont need emails access laters

12:21:49 AM The following message received from 195713718 was not encrypted: [When you buying, i got other clients buying them]
(1:12:51 AM) 639516045: there?
(1:46:35 AM) nanoservice: yes still here
(1:51:16 AM) 639516045: ok i can buy, but we go through tv
(1:51:49 AM) 639516045: you will se every my moves and if not possible to make my method you make me refund
(1:52:22 AM) nanoservice: ok
(1:52:26 AM) nanoservice: np
(1:54:46 AM) nanoservice: U27XXX
(1:55:20 AM) 639516045: one sec.
(1:58:29 AM) 639516045: prepare one with @ access, balance doesnt matter
(1:58:53 AM) nanoservice: ok
(2:02:19 AM) 639516045: U27XX (MP)
(2:02:22 AM) 639516045: right yes?
(2:02:41 AM) nanoservice: yes
(2:02:59 AM) 639516045: Payment Mode Account Date 10/18/2012 00:02 Batch 115099081 From U85XX (John Cassidy) To U27XXX (MP) Amount $100.00
(2:03:27 AM) nanoservice: moment
(2:15:01 AM) 639516045: ?
(2:32:49 AM) 639516045: 30mins gone ;/
(2:39:08 AM) 639516045: man i going to sleep now
(2:40:20 AM) 639516045: if log will be not here till next 12hours i go to BL
(11:38:44 AM) 639516045: hello bro
(12:13:36 PM) 639516045: where are u?
(1:39:20 PM) 639516045: where are u?
Последнее редактирование:
first thing is I had a bad experience with a ripper , that has taken my jabber id from my sale thread and ripped me for 75$ for something that i wanted to buy from a member sale thread - and for that I removed and only pm my jabber to customers. also I dont use icq anymore !

the thing is I never received pm from plusman for my jabber I was only contacted directly on my jabber from this jabber:[email protected]

from the start I knew that this guy is a ripper .. everybody knows aquabox is seller of citadel :))


(6:57:19 AM) [email protected]: hi, your mynetthebest, right?
(6:59:02 AM) [email protected]: you have wells fargo?
(6:59:19 AM) [email protected]/791767861350300832934199: yes I have wellsfargo
(6:59:38 AM) [email protected]: can you pm me on, to make sure its you
(6:59:41 AM) [email protected]:
(7:01:57 AM) [email protected]: ??
(7:02:48 AM) [email protected]/791767861350300832934199: done
(7:03:13 AM) [email protected]: got
(7:03:22 AM) [email protected]: need balance with around 9k
(7:03:24 AM) [email protected]: do you have?
(7:03:42 AM) [email protected]/791767861350300832934199: I have on my shop
(7:03:45 AM) [email protected]/791767861350300832934199: reg fee 50$
(7:03:54 AM) [email protected]/791767861350300832934199: you receive back 50$ on second top-up
(7:03:57 AM) [email protected]/791767861350300832934199: on shop

he made me pm him on forum only to try to ripp me for 100$ :))
so I advise everybody to log all conversations.

after i receive pm from plusman with blacklist on forum

i receive pm on jabber from other jabber who tells me that i ripped his friend .. :))

(1:47:22 PM) [email protected]: my friend was told me you was ripp him
(1:48:25 PM) [email protected]: his username on is plusman
(4:30:08 PM) [email protected]/791767861350300832934199: he is trying to ripp me .. , will respond in post in few minutes , and will be banned , also if you are his clone will be banned also

P.S ninja if you need any other details just write here , also take care of this plusman and his clones.
Последнее редактирование:
Sorry for posting here , but i have done many many deal with Mynetthebest , on very different amount ...etc , he never try anything bad .. Aslo Mynet @ NEVER use ICQ only jabber ... and I KNOW HE DONT HAVE TIME FOR RIPPING PEOPLE FOR 100$ ...

Aslo TS can provide screenshot where he got this Famous icq ? :D
Rippers are trying now to put you in blacklist so you can make refund :) this is new way ..
don`t worry .. it`s just a ripper chain - plusman aka birdhumming aka MoneyPak .. and list may be bigger than that. Ninja will solve it out.

The thing is that this forum needs an semi-automatic escrow service like on v*******.ms and this will solve many issues. I see on blacklist big rippers for big amounts .. and this only calls more and more rippers.
Rippers are trying now to put you in blacklist so you can make refund :) this is new way ..
don`t worry .. it`s just a ripper chain - plusman aka birdhumming aka MoneyPak .. and list may be bigger than that. Ninja will solve it out.

The thing is that this forum needs an semi-automatic escrow service like on v*******.ms and this will solve many issues. I see on blacklist big rippers for big amounts .. and this only calls more and more rippers.

Im not ripper. i was ripped for 100lr. It was very strange for me old user like you try ripp me. if you didnt use icq its mean someone was write to me on icq and same time was told you to write me pm. Now im understand it was scam. Sorry mynetthebest if you are not using icq its mean im victim of scam. Ninja please close thread. Sorry again mynetthebest. All of us make mistakes!
Im not ripper. i was ripped for 100lr. It was very strange for me old user like you try ripp me. if you didnt use icq its mean someone was write to me on icq and same time was told you to write me pm. Now im understand it was scam. Sorry mynetthebest if you are not using icq its mean im victim of scam. Ninja please close thread. Sorry again mynetthebest. All of us make mistakes!

mynetthebest is not a ripper.
he is not ripper myself it took me many time to have access to his private shop and another thing is that bcos of him I have jabber bcos he refused to chat on icq I sent activation payment of 50$ immediately i have access to his shop so, bro its clone that riped you
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