
Did a 17k wire to him from citibank to his chase drop. ALL went ok on my end. His end fucked up and ripped him or whatever, It can be stories or it can be anything but anyways he promised to return me the money he owes me as in my share in 2 mondays. The 2 mondays passed and no money received by him. I guess he is just trying to buy more time. So I can be calm but I can't unless I get money or get him the status what he deserves. I tried him at many occassions but he always fucked up on his end. He used to be on before with nick MJ. Here are the logs.

(2:22:50 AM) Unverified conversation with 578720020 started.
(2:33:04 AM) Forensic: WIRE: From Account: 009960437526 Currency: US Dollars
Status: Processed - Confirmation Number is 2650226732.
Wire Fees: $12.50
Princess L Wiggins
13523 Greenview rd
Michigan 48223

Phone: 313-849-2039

ABA: 072000326
Address: Detroit , MI

Beneficiary's Account number: 927893180
Amount: $17,000.00
Date of transfer: Imm
(2:36:36 AM) Forensic: The account has 200k from which the money is wired.
(2:36:54 AM) Forensic: So we have to do it fast and PLEASE DO MAKE SURE if ur drop can SURELY cashout 40k in 1 day.
(2:37:07 AM) Forensic: And I will need another chase drop too so we can wire 40k there as well.
(3:12:28 AM) MJ: okie...i am getting another drop tomorrow
(3:12:43 AM) MJ: wish we could stop the second transfer there
(3:12:55 AM) MJ: i would like to send to another acct....
(3:13:06 AM) Forensic: U mean u don't want to do 40k to same drop?
(3:13:12 AM) MJ: nope
(3:13:21 AM) MJ: i wanna send to another one
(3:13:56 AM) Forensic: But didnt the drop told u that she can cashout?
(3:13:59 AM) Forensic: Is the drop he or she?
(3:14:18 AM) MJ: no it's no problem
(3:14:23 AM) MJ: but they got greedy
(3:14:28 AM) MJ: i was doing it for 5%
(3:14:41 AM) MJ: but cant make anything on it now
(3:15:03 AM) MJ: they changed the deal after the money hit
(3:15:07 AM) Forensic: Bro whats with ur drops..How can u let them have these mood swings?
(3:15:14 AM) MJ: i dont let them
(3:15:17 AM) MJ: they just do
(3:15:27 AM) MJ: so no worries lets hit the other one
(3:15:38 AM) MJ: they will beg me for more
(3:16:02 AM) Forensic: U mean lets hit another 40k to same drop after 17k is cashed out?
(3:16:20 AM) MJ: no i want to send to another drop
(3:16:22 AM) MJ: the 40k
(3:16:26 AM) Forensic: Oh ok.
(3:16:32 AM) Forensic: But u gotta arrange that drop today bro.
(3:16:36 AM) MJ: i will
(3:16:43 AM) MJ: well it will be ready tomorrow
(3:17:04 AM) MJ: 57k and i receive 0 will piss me off :)
(3:17:18 AM) Forensic: Listen we have to empty the 200k.
(3:17:24 AM) MJ: i am doing all the wiring and other stuff for 0
(3:17:27 AM) Forensic: So u have to arrange the best u can on ur end.
(3:17:34 AM) MJ: okie i got ya
(3:18:40 AM) Forensic: But please make sure bro that we get 50% exact after paying WU fee's u know.
(3:18:56 AM) MJ: yep
(3:19:05 AM) Forensic: Ur drop has to send 35% to bulgaria and 15% to me in Pakistan.
(3:19:28 AM) MJ: sure dont care where it goes
(3:20:16 AM) Forensic: Ok.
(3:20:24 AM) Forensic: Do u want me to give u the WU drops right now or tomorrow?
(3:20:41 AM) MJ: either is fine
(3:21:29 AM) Forensic: Ok.
(3:21:36 AM) Forensic: Remember online access for chase drop is a must.
(3:21:46 AM) Forensic: The more chase drops u got, The more money we can make.
(3:23:26 AM) MJ: i got ya
(3:23:52 AM) Forensic: U already have the confirmation info for the wire.
(3:24:38 AM) MJ: yepper, i see it there
(3:27:14 AM) Forensic: Ok good enough.
(3:27:26 AM) Forensic: By what time they'll have the money?
(3:28:26 AM) MJ: well they will probably have it in cashier check form by 9am and then cash before 12
(3:31:54 AM) Forensic: Ok good enough.
(3:32:00 AM) Forensic: I'll call u at 9am.
(3:32:08 AM) Forensic: Please keep ur cell with yourself.
(3:32:36 AM) MJ: ok

(6:58:06 PM) Forensic: Bro why werent u answering my calls?
(7:30:58 PM) Unverified conversation with 578720020 started.
(7:31:44 PM) MJ: here
(7:32:00 PM) Forensic: Ok good.
(7:32:14 PM) Forensic: How long it'll take u to get the other drop bro?
(7:32:26 PM) MJ: give me 10 min
(7:32:32 PM) Forensic: Sure.
(7:32:41 PM) Forensic: Please make sure if he can cashout 40k.
(7:32:52 PM) MJ: ok
(7:32:53 PM) Forensic: And please the one from which u get paid as well.
(7:46:37 PM) MJ: Just send it there...agreed to $500 but i wont be the one wiring it to you
(7:47:00 PM) MJ: wait til i get your cash in hand thou
(7:47:16 PM) Forensic: Send it to same drop?
(7:47:33 PM) MJ: yes, after i get your portion in hand thou
(7:47:43 PM) Forensic: Ok np.
(7:47:52 PM) Forensic: Bro please trustworthy people in this.
(7:48:01 PM) MJ: they are...just greedy
(7:48:10 PM) Forensic: Because the source I have is doing constant wires to me.
(7:48:35 PM) Forensic: I don't want to loose the source + credibility + money.
(7:48:42 PM) MJ: nah, your fine
(7:48:46 PM) MJ: all is good
(7:48:52 PM) Forensic: Ok.
(7:48:59 PM) MJ: let me get a time when i will have it in my hands
(7:49:04 PM) MJ: ohh and drop receivers
(7:49:15 PM) Forensic: Here are the receivers.
(7:50:31 PM) Forensic: Name : xxxx
City : xxxx
State : xxxx
Country : xxxx
Amount to be received : $2550
(7:51:44 PM) Forensic: First name: xxxxx
Last name: xxx
City: xxx
Country: xxxx
Amount to be received : $2975
(7:52:09 PM) Forensic: First name: xxxxx
Last name: xxx
City: xxxx
Country: xxxx
Amount to be received : $2975
(7:52:13 PM) Forensic: Thats all.
(7:53:48 PM) MJ: someone going to get a few hundred less... or whatever the wu fees is. Because i am only getting 500
(7:53:54 PM) MJ: wait nm
(7:54:10 PM) MJ: i will pay for it too
(7:54:26 PM) MJ: got me in 1 hour
(7:54:32 PM) Forensic: Ok bro.
(7:54:37 PM) Forensic: And ur guy changed the password.
(7:54:42 PM) Forensic: to online access..
(7:54:46 PM) MJ: no way
(7:54:49 PM) MJ: he never had it
(7:54:49 PM) Forensic: Just checked it.
(7:54:57 PM) MJ: one sec
(7:55:09 PM) Forensic: Better don't, Too much activity can block the account.
(7:55:17 PM) Forensic: We have to use it for 40k as well today.
(7:56:46 PM) MJ: you killed it
(7:56:51 PM) MJ: with all your attempts
(7:57:07 PM) Forensic: I didn't made too many attempts.
(7:57:25 PM) Forensic: Just once and I told u.
(7:57:34 PM) Forensic: Infact my guy did that.
(7:58:11 PM) MJ: ahhh okie...i will unlock. Please only log in if 100% necersary
(7:58:34 PM) Forensic: Ok. Lemme know once it gets unlocked.
(7:58:42 PM) Forensic: After checking that he will wire 40k.
(7:58:56 PM) Forensic: But have the cash in ur hands 1st.
(7:59:20 PM) MJ: they will unlock it
(7:59:29 PM) MJ: after they have your cash
(7:59:43 PM) Forensic: Ok.
(8:00:01 PM) Forensic: Whats the current update from them?
(8:00:17 PM) MJ: from 10 minutes ago?
(8:00:23 PM) MJ: going to cash the cashier check
(8:01:57 PM) Forensic: Ok.
(8:02:03 PM) Forensic: So ur gonna be here?
(8:02:30 PM) MJ: yep...but upstairs working on something...i have my phone with me
(8:02:33 PM) MJ: so feel free
(8:02:40 PM) MJ: but not every 20 minutes
(8:02:53 PM) Forensic: I will call u in next hr.
(8:02:59 PM) MJ: perfect!
(8:04:47 PM) Forensic: Listen..
(8:04:59 PM) Forensic: U here?
(8:05:18 PM) MJ: yea
(8:06:57 PM) MJ: okie
(8:07:06 PM) Forensic: So can u get another chase drop?
(8:07:11 PM) MJ: yep
(8:07:23 PM) Forensic: He's a professional bro.
(8:07:32 PM) Forensic: I know him for 4 years doin these citi wires.
(8:08:09 PM) Forensic: How long it'll take u to get another one?
(8:08:16 PM) MJ: today
(8:08:47 PM) Forensic: I know today bro but they gotta do the wire b4 the cut-off time.
(8:09:06 PM) MJ: i cant walk on water
(8:09:20 PM) MJ: a few hours is needed
(8:10:01 PM) Forensic: Ok please make it fast if u can.
(8:10:20 PM) MJ: ofcourse
(9:02:42 PM) Forensic: Here?
(9:05:07 PM) MJ: here
(9:06:28 PM) MJ: he is in the place to cashout the cashier check gotta give me 30 more min
(9:06:50 PM) Forensic: He is not cashing out from the bank?
(9:07:15 PM) MJ: okie plz let me explain 1 more time ever
(9:07:26 PM) MJ: the bank wont give you more than about 3-4k cash
(9:07:46 PM) MJ: so you have to get a cashier check and cash the cashiers check at a check cashing place
(9:08:19 PM) MJ: no bank will give you more than 8k cash without ALLOT of scrutiny
(9:08:39 PM) MJ: but they will easily give you a cashiers check
(9:10:10 PM) Forensic: Ok understood.
(9:10:24 PM) MJ: cool
(9:10:35 PM) MJ: its just an easier way to get cash
(9:10:40 PM) Forensic: Np.
(9:10:48 PM) Forensic: Did u got the drop details for 40k?
(9:11:11 PM) MJ: nope it's my same guy...he getting the cashier check cashed first
(9:11:16 PM) MJ: cant do them both
(9:11:21 PM) MJ: at same time :)
(9:12:36 PM) Forensic: OK.
(9:12:43 PM) Forensic: Please bro make it fast.
(9:13:11 PM) MJ: bro, let me say something but dont be offended
(9:13:19 PM) MJ: (12:15:26 PM) Nile: Please bro make it fast.
(9:13:46 PM) MJ: (11:12:44 AM) Nile: Ok please make it fast if u can.
(9:14:12 PM) MJ: redundant statements...i am always working as fast as i can
(9:18:38 PM) Forensic: Ok bro.
(9:18:59 PM) Forensic: Just saying cause my guy is asking for the drop because it's gonna take him sometime as well to get it successfully sent.
(9:42:21 PM) Forensic: Whats up?
(9:42:27 PM) Forensic: 30 mins.
(9:47:17 PM) MJ: okie here it goes
(9:48:49 PM) MJ: chase wont cash the cc until tomorrow. And for some reason the check and go wont let it happen. So i dont want to waste the other wire because it cant be cashed til tomorrow. This is something new.
(9:49:25 PM) Forensic: I need the online access to check that.
(9:49:35 PM) MJ: okie
(9:49:46 PM) MJ: will have it shortly
(9:49:49 PM) Forensic: And thats impossible bro.
(9:50:08 PM) Forensic: I've done wires and the drops cashed out same day or next without issues.
(9:51:00 PM) Forensic: Bro I told you b4 that I want fast drops and good drops.
(9:51:17 PM) Forensic: That drop is not fast plus seems to me like a stupid drop.
(9:51:38 PM) Forensic: Their should be a reason for what ur telling me.
(9:52:55 PM) MJ: agreed
(9:53:22 PM) Forensic: I told you b4 that I don't want to stake my credibility on this.
(9:53:38 PM) MJ: agreed
(9:54:17 PM) MJ: more than yours at stake....mine too
(9:54:39 PM) MJ: but it was suppose to be simple. Just give me a moment but i am sure he will get his money
(9:54:57 PM) MJ: to want more money and get terrible service is ridiculus
(9:55:31 PM) Forensic: Bro the thing has forwarded to tomorrow.
(9:55:35 PM) Forensic: Not to 1-2hrs.
(9:55:48 PM) MJ: agreed
(9:56:06 PM) MJ: honestly we are in agreance
(9:56:10 PM) Forensic: What am I supposed to say to my guy? This is the first time its happening from ur side :/
(9:56:38 PM) MJ: tell him he will get his money tomorrow but never send to me again...i hav shitty workers
(9:56:58 PM) MJ: too difficult in this high fraud state
(9:59:12 PM) Forensic: And we were talking about doin 40k man.
(9:59:18 PM) Forensic: And we're stuck at 17.
(9:59:25 PM) MJ: no i dont want 40k
(10:00:25 PM) MJ: i dont have the ability to do 17k in 1 day
(10:00:42 PM) MJ: after this i will be out of the wire game
(10:00:44 PM) MJ: unless it my own personal acct
(10:00:44 PM) MJ: i know i wouldve gotten it all out in 1 day because i am not scared
(10:00:44 PM) MJ: just hold for online access
(10:02:25 PM) Forensic: I'm waiting for that.
(10:03:01 PM) Forensic: I can see u don't have the ability but don't make try outs bro like being sure about ur people that they can pull 17k in 1 day ..
(10:03:05 PM) Forensic: or 40k..
(10:03:14 PM) Forensic: I mean atleast they should have pulled half today..
(10:03:36 PM) Forensic: U said ppl ask for drops and shit but when it comes to wire ..they don't send it ..
(10:03:52 PM) MJ: i know...but i promise you your money
(10:04:06 PM) MJ: just pissed it will be tomorrow
(10:04:12 PM) MJ: sorry!
(10:04:21 PM) MJ: they talk a good game
(10:10:56 PM) Forensic: DAMN!!!!!
(10:11:23 PM) MJ: i know i am sorry
(10:11:30 PM) MJ: simple task
(10:11:33 PM) MJ: small money
(10:11:47 PM) Forensic: But bank don't have any reason to stop him to withdraw anything today because the wire is cleared.
(10:12:16 PM) MJ: agreed
(10:12:50 PM) Forensic: So whats the problem he's having if bank don't have the reason to stop? :?
(10:12:53 PM) Forensic: :/
(10:30:37 PM) Forensic: Online access?
(10:31:12 PM) MJ: give it another 20 min
(10:31:18 PM) MJ: he just got to a computer
(10:31:24 PM) Forensic: Ok.
(10:32:32 PM) Forensic: He would've went with a 9.9k cashier check and another same amount like that ..
(10:32:38 PM) Forensic: and i'm sure he wouldn't have issues..
(10:32:53 PM) Forensic: the only reason is that he opened a 50$ account with no transaction history..
(10:33:06 PM) Forensic: and he went in to a check cashing place instead of a bank with a 11.5k check.
(10:33:50 PM) MJ: he went to both
(10:34:07 PM) Forensic: But he went to a check cashing place 1st.
(10:34:32 PM) MJ: yep...i will contact u when he fixes online
(10:34:49 PM) Forensic: Ok.
(11:10:43 PM) Forensic: Bro why doesn't the drop cashout from his ATM?
(11:10:53 PM) Forensic: Like POS and ATM both for today?

(5:05:01 PM) Forensic: Bro online acccess?
(5:05:02 PM) Unverified conversation with 578720020 started.
(5:31:13 PM) Forensic: Bro these fucking people u got are fucking backstabbing lying bastards.
(5:31:33 PM) Forensic: Tell them if the money is "frozen" then tell the bank to reverse that money back to the owner.
(5:31:49 PM) Forensic: Because I'm sure they will have another fucking excuse for that because if frozen, Bank can only return the money to owner.
(5:32:17 PM) Forensic: Secondly if account is frozen, Then u get this account is inactive msg on chase website..
(5:32:58 PM) Forensic: Not incorrect login/password.
(5:33:10 PM) Forensic: I even spoke to chase customer service.
(5:33:15 PM) Forensic: Now I don't know who is lying.
(5:33:31 PM) Forensic: But now I need the online access or FULL ACCOUNT details to verify everything by myself.
(5:34:17 PM) Forensic: But their is only 1% chance that the bank has frozen the account and if that is the case. Then tell ur drop to return that money to keep our account live as long as its possible.
(5:36:35 PM) Forensic: ITS VERY SIMPLE thing to understand that the online banking password got changed during he was cashing out, So as soon as the money was cashed out, Ur guy who gave u the drop changed the password so u can't see the withdrawl and that they can make up a fucking excuse.
(5:37:21 PM) Forensic: Because if they were honest, U still had this online access working..Or u could've checked the balance of the account from all the details :)
(5:37:31 PM) Forensic: So bro u have today to get this fixed.
(5:39:09 PM) Forensic: If its not fixed till today, Then I'll just go ahead and post ur logs because in the end its YOUR people who are fucking it up, NOT MINE!!!! I always gave u good oppurtunities but ur people are the ones who are fucking up with u. How could you stake ur credibility on loosers like that?
(5:39:41 PM) Forensic: And u know I still need another drop for today to send another 40k wire :)
(5:40:02 PM) Forensic: And ur drop is "frozen", Yeah right bro.
(6:58:21 PM) Forensic: Man I'm calling u why aren't u answering my calls?
(7:21:39 PM) Forensic: Man thats just making me more and more pissed off.
(7:21:50 PM) Forensic: I'm calling u since morning and ur not answering nor replying my msgs here
(7:22:03 PM) Forensic: I need the final verdict on this with a PROOF.
(7:28:16 PM) Forensic: Dealing with u is always a bad experience for me now.
(7:29:57 PM) MJ: i will answer you when i have the proof....i am meeting all parties in 1 hour
(7:30:23 PM) Forensic: Read all what I wrote above.
(7:30:24 PM) MJ: dont need the stress of you badgering me when i am trying to find the proof
(7:30:56 PM) MJ: i found her social but that didnt let me reset the login
(7:31:05 PM) MJ: so i am taking next steps
(7:31:22 PM) MJ: i am more concerned than you trust me
(7:31:29 PM) MJ: bye until i know soemthing
(7:31:36 PM) Forensic: It's the logic I'm talking about.
(7:31:50 PM) Forensic: During cashout, Password changed.
(7:31:58 PM) Forensic: Then can't cashout story.
(7:32:11 PM) Forensic: Then can't rest online, Then frozen. It's all stories bro.
(7:32:34 PM) MJ: we both agree
(7:32:34 PM) Forensic: If the money is frozen, He can go to bank and tell them to return it, It's that simple.
(7:32:50 PM) MJ: that why i am gettign to the bottom of it
(7:33:06 PM) Forensic: Ok. I'm calling u in 1hr.
(7:33:15 PM) Forensic: Or if ur on here in 1hr..
(7:33:20 PM) MJ: call
(7:33:20 PM) Forensic: I'll msg u here 1st
(8:35:45 PM) Forensic: Whats up?
(8:36:15 PM) Forensic: What happened?
(8:38:04 PM) MJ: not met them yet give me more time
(8:38:24 PM) Forensic: How much more time man?
(10:44:23 PM) Forensic: So whats up?
(10:44:23 PM) OTR Error: You sent encrypted data to 578720020, who wasn't expecting it.
(10:44:27 PM) Private conversation with 578720020 lost.
(10:44:35 PM) Forensic: So whats the verdict?

(8:26:59 PM) Forensic: Why are u not answering my calls man? :mad:
(8:31:53 PM) MJ: i didnt recover anything yet..
(8:32:06 PM) MJ: i am not answering because i know what your going to say
(8:34:17 PM) Forensic: I guess man that u should pay me something so I can pay my source because he's not doin any business with me further because of ur fucked up drop.
(8:35:53 PM) MJ: u want me to pay you back for stolen money?
(8:36:16 PM) Forensic: Man do I know if its u or ur own drop?
(8:36:27 PM) Forensic: I'm not there with u so I don't know who fucked up.
(8:36:31 PM) Forensic: Stolen money?
(8:36:47 PM) MJ: nope you dont know
(8:37:00 PM) MJ: but if i ripped you i would change my number and icq
(8:37:03 PM) Forensic: Dude everyone in this business is doin stolen money. The wire money is different.
(8:37:24 PM) Forensic: Once it reflects and stays there then its all ur job.
(8:37:26 PM) MJ: wire money is wiring stolen money
(8:37:34 PM) Forensic: Our job is to get that money hit ur drop thats all.
(8:37:37 PM) Forensic: AFTER that its ur job.
(8:37:40 PM) MJ: agreed
(8:37:55 PM) MJ: and you want me to pay you 5k out of my pockets?
(8:37:57 PM) Forensic: Listen YOU gave me the drop so it becomes ur responsibility to recover that money.
(8:38:08 PM) Forensic: Pay like 3k or something.
(8:38:13 PM) Forensic: So I pay my source.
(8:38:17 PM) Forensic: I DONT want that damn money.
(8:38:19 PM) Forensic: fuck my share.
(8:38:25 PM) Forensic: I'm loosing my source here.
(8:38:39 PM) Forensic: Although u promised that I will get the money.
(8:38:44 PM) MJ: okie when i have it i have can you lose your source and you did 40k on the same acct
(8:39:09 PM) Forensic: SAME ACCOUNT?
(8:39:20 PM) Forensic: I did the 40k wire to a better drop not like ur fucked up drops.
(8:39:26 PM) MJ: agreed
(8:39:43 PM) MJ: okie i got ya..
(8:39:50 PM) MJ: when i have some you have some
(8:40:28 PM) Forensic: How would I know when will u have?
(8:40:40 PM) Forensic: Man I TOLD YOU B4 that I don't want to loose my source.
(8:40:56 PM) Forensic: And just because of trusting u, I'm loosing the source here who has been giving me constant wires.
(8:41:12 PM) Forensic: If ur drops were so fucking unreliable like all ur other insiders and every deal u offered..
(8:41:16 PM) Forensic: why would u give me one?
(8:41:44 PM) MJ: why are we continueing o talk about it? I said i will pay you...but i have nothing today...
(8:42:13 PM) Forensic: Bro all people say that they pay but they never, The thing ends chaper close and everybody moves on so I need a timeframe.
(8:42:47 PM) MJ: you give me a timeframe
(8:44:28 PM) Forensic: If I give u a time frame and u don't arrange then what?
(8:44:59 PM) MJ: you can shoot me!
(8:45:05 PM) MJ: wtf!
(8:45:16 PM) Forensic: Tomrrow.
(8:45:22 PM) Forensic: Tomorrow*
(8:45:52 PM) Forensic: That's why I asked u to give me a time frame.
(8:45:53 PM) MJ: deal i have nothign today and if i dont have 3900 tomorrow you can shoot me
(8:46:11 PM) Forensic: Shoot u?
(8:46:18 PM) Forensic: Man talk sense not bullshit.
(8:46:28 PM) Forensic: I can't shoot u and I'm not a person who shoot or fuck around with people.
(8:46:39 PM) Forensic: I care about business.
(8:47:28 PM) MJ: then i suggest you give me a reasonable timeframe
(8:48:02 PM) Forensic: 1 week.
(8:50:23 PM) MJ: monday to monday i will probably be able to do 1/2
(8:50:31 PM) MJ: maybe near 2k
(8:50:38 PM) MJ: not 100% sure
(8:50:58 PM) Forensic: Then how much time u need man?
(8:51:43 PM) MJ: 2 mondays for total
(8:51:57 PM) Forensic: It's a promise and 100%?
(8:53:45 PM) MJ: its a goal
(9:05:04 PM) Forensic: Bro I want 100% assurity.
(9:05:12 PM) Forensic: That u will send 3900.
(9:05:22 PM) Forensic: And by when..
(9:05:52 PM) MJ: i cant assure you of will be my goal. But cant squeeze blood from a turnip
(9:05:58 PM) Forensic: So u tell me the time so I don't have to hear any more stories.
(9:06:20 PM) MJ: ignoring you now...gave you my agreement
(9:06:52 PM) Forensic: Ur the one who gave me a fucked up drop and ur the one ignoring me.
(9:06:54 PM) Forensic: WOW!!!!
(9:07:24 PM) Forensic: A "professional" business man. Impressed with the kinda calliber u possess.
(9:08:53 PM) MJ: (11:54:21 AM) 578720020: 2 mondays for total
(9:09:01 PM) MJ: nothing more to say
(9:13:29 PM) Forensic: I'll msg u when 2 mondays pass and lets see what u have to say then.
(9:14:32 PM) MJ: msg me in 1 monday
(9:14:42 PM) MJ: i will send 1/2 then
(9:14:57 PM) MJ: or close to 1/2 as possible
(9:15:20 PM) Forensic: Ok.

(10:38:30 PM) Forensic: Still no refund in that citi account for 17k though.
(10:39:59 PM) MJ: okie, cant be my concern..they are fucked..... only conern is paying u back monday so i dont need any updates on the citi acct
(10:40:18 PM) Forensic: Ok np.

AFTER 2 MONDAYS, When he was supposed to pay me the money...

(6:45:25 PM) Forensic: WU?
(6:46:07 PM) Forensic: Where is the MTCN info for all of the money? :)
(6:46:23 PM) Forensic: Or their is a new story for today?
(7:41:52 PM) Forensic: So? :D
(7:42:06 PM) Forensic: Not answering my call, Not answering my msgs here.
(7:42:14 PM) Forensic: Hiding from me mate?
(7:42:50 PM) MJ: first of all i just got up and next i dont need sarcasm..
(7:43:08 PM) MJ: i will get with you when i have a chance
(7:43:23 PM) Forensic: What do u mean get with me?
(7:43:29 PM) Forensic: Ur supposed to send WU today.
(7:43:36 PM) Forensic: ALL of it as u promised.
(7:43:53 PM) MJ: yep working on it
(7:44:09 PM) Forensic: U've been working on it for 2 mondays now :)
(7:44:18 PM) Forensic: U havent sent a dime till now.
(7:56:29 PM) Forensic: Are u gonna send the money today or not?
(7:56:32 PM) Forensic: Just tell me that.
(7:57:54 PM) MJ: i have a check that cleared in an acct today and my people are about to cash it if we can
(7:58:29 PM) MJ: i wont send you my hard earned money. But i will send op money np
(7:58:35 PM) MJ: bottom line really
(7:59:03 PM) MJ: first one failed but this one looking good...i will know shortly
(7:59:26 PM) Forensic: I've never heard once a good news from u. EVER since I know u.
(7:59:50 PM) Forensic: So let's wait for another story today. :)
(8:00:22 PM) MJ: okie how about i just blocked you til i have it done!
(8:00:25 PM) MJ: good idea!!
(8:00:59 PM) Forensic: Ok. How about I post ur logs and screens on the forum till u get the money.
(8:01:05 PM) Forensic: Good idea.
This guy was also known as michael jordan on crdsu...if i am correct he had a dispute of ripping than he claimed that his icq was hijacked...he came back with this new icq and new nick...back than crdsu was CI an open forum...always he tells something gone bad with drop this the third story i read about this....anyway bro sometimes you have to fall to learn


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