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1. ICQ 643237275


2. Money owed: $400 within few days or $2400 by Oct. 17

3. Short story:
I sent the fullz with the value of $200 to the guy who makes money with tax fraud. He was supposed to deliver more funds from valid fulls within 2-3 weeks. Since that we's still trying to load debit cards or bank accounts but without any result. Finally, he agreed to pay me a double price of $400 for the fullz only by Oct. 3 but also failed.

4. The full logs are very long so I put only essential parts:

27.07.2012 18:01:00, McDonalds
ok i got it. i will create the greedot cc's today and tomorrow. once i see how much are valid i will let u know how much to expect. remember if i cant make the greendot cc's work then i will put them on placstic card and send it to u as LR, cool?
02.08.2012 16:38:29, Doday
ok, by the way when do u expect deposits from the records i've sent u?
02.08.2012 16:39:48, McDonalds
next week. if all goes right.but so far everything is looking good. by next week wedenesday
23.08.2012 00:19:36, Doday
hi, any news on cc loads?
23.08.2012 07:33:52, McDonalds
hey, am getting some delays so no news yet. i have been tring higher numbers but i guess i need to stic to the numbers that were working so i will have something soon

20.09.2012 22:44:12, Doday
hey, did u forget about me?
21.09.2012 06:35:27, McDonalds
no. i actually have one u can use but it not for a big amount. u can charge it 200usd if u want but others i am working got delayed. soem cards i had got blocked and this shit is strating to get stressful. if u been on fourm u can see am am looking for someoen with a bank drop i can send to cuz this is strating to get annoying
26.09.2012 23:05:36, McDonalds
ok, like i told u, i said something and it didnt go as planed, another way of business is to try and make things right , and i am going to make it right, but the easiest way we can slove this issue is for me to pay u for those names i used, i would gladly give u 400LR for all those names, even though all of them we not usable bcuz ur not going to make it seem like am trying to rip u
26.09.2012 23:15:59, McDonalds
but like i said if u want i will pay u double for each name u gave to me. if u want to wait i will try my best to get a some more cvv's u can use but u have to use them as soon as i send them to u bro, if u wait days later to use them then u are risking that on your own bcuz now greendot is blocking cards
26.09.2012 23:22:32, McDonalds
ok dont try and make it seem like am playing with u but whatever going back and forth with u will not resolve shit, tell me what do u want me to do
26.09.2012 23:24:13, Doday
because you made me see this situation like this.. you always have blocks, cancellations etc.. and that was your idea
26.09.2012 23:24:25, Doday
as I said ..I need to know when and how many u gonna send me from those ccs?
26.09.2012 23:29:06, McDonalds
to get u a working cvv well it will take a week for so for the IRS to deposit fund, thats not my timeframe, thats just how deposits go with them, u submit them, u wait a week later, and if it gose right it gets on a cvv, if not u may have to wya a week more or it will never come, so with that if u still want the cvv, i will get u 4 cvv with a 600usd balance, the reason for 600usd as i see amount like that dont get delayed. but u need to allow me 2 to 3 weeks, it can b sooner then that but allow me that time if not the simpleist way is for me to pay u for what u gave me and i will have your funds by Wednesday
26.09.2012 23:35:09, Doday
If I choose to wait, is it correct u send me ccs for $2400 by Oct. 17 the latest?
26.09.2012 23:38:36, McDonalds
Oct 17, is fine as last day to file is Oct 15, now lets discuss incase i have problems getting the cvv for u, like i tiold u greendot is blocking ccs, what u want me to do. i can say send 600 to prepaid account but i dont have any prepaid account that will allow me take take full balance of bcuz most only allow u to use as credit, if i order cards to a drop, i can use as debit but i have no drops to order to that i can b assured that the card will come, so as a back up plan can i just pay u double for the names
26.09.2012 23:43:29, Doday
if it goes wrong u suggest me to wait 3 weeks to get 400 which u can send me now?
26.09.2012 23:46:11, McDonalds
i told u i can send u 400 wednesday, i dont have funds now, i havent seen any funds for two weeks, if u dont want to wait the three weeks i can just send the 400 on wednesday, or u can wait the three weeks, or i can still send u the 400 on wednesday, still work on getting the cvv for u and if i do get them, u just give me 400 worth of names for me, u let me know what u want to do, i am trying to make things right between us again
27.09.2012 00:46:17, Doday
400 by Oct 3 and we forget all this
27.09.2012 00:47:45, McDonalds
fine i will agree to 400 by Oct 3,
03.10.2012 23:05:58, Doday
Today is a payday!
03.10.2012 23:27:13, McDonalds
yes i know but think are not looking up on my end. i cant ask u for more time as you waited long enough already buy am in a bad spot. eveything i have pending in order to pay u is either am still waiting or i have not got it yet. but i owe u so no excuses.
04.10.2012 00:07:52, Doday
there is a good status of Unresolved Problems before calling a ripper.. it wont guarantee me my payment but be a reminder for u.. anyway u dont want to call date of paayment but in blacklist u have to do it.. Ninja will ask for this..
04.10.2012 00:48:18, Doday
so u agree to move to blacklist?
04.10.2012 00:58:37, McDonalds
ok i will agree

I ask a status of Unresolved Problems for him now as he says he made efforts to pay me. This topic is created as a reminder for him and to discuss the terms he pays me.


i knew something was fishy about this guy from start :)

toxic STFU and get out the thread with your fucking unwanted opinions. This is between me, doday and the Admins, keep your fucking 2cents in your piggy bank fagget. If your not willing to see both sides of the story b4 u pass judgement then go kill yourself.

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 11:39 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 11:38 AM ----------

Ok yes he is right, i did promise him something that i didnt deliver on but i will tell my side about what happen and
we first did business concering my thread abut the ssn of people born oo or after 1990 here is link


this is how things went, i never ripped the guy, bcuz our business was really me buying names from him, which i mention to him which were a bit pricey
but i know what i could do with them so it didnt matter at the time

doday 7/8/2012 11:54 PM
hi, i'm from c.pro re ssn above 1990

McDonalds 7/9/2012 8:33 AM
you have above 1990 mean 93,94,95 and stuff. If u do i really am looking forward to doing business with u. get back with me when u online again

doday 7/9/2012 12:13 PM

doday 7/9/2012 12:14 PM

McDonalds 7/9/2012 1:15 PM
u here

doday 7/9/2012 1:16 PM

doday 7/9/2012 1:17 PM
tell me more about stuff u need

McDonalds 7/9/2012 1:18 PM
i need ssn, dob and name of people 18yrs of age and younger. I would perfer 16 and 17 if u can get those

doday 7/9/2012 1:19 PM
what age exactly?

doday 7/9/2012 1:19 PM
write years

McDonalds 7/9/2012 1:20 PM
1995, 1994, 1993 those three birth year would b excellent

doday 7/9/2012 1:21 PM
no matter what states?

McDonalds 7/9/2012 1:21 PM
no matter what states. I only care about the year. where do you get your info if you dont mind me asking.

doday 7/9/2012 1:23 PM
different sources.. i have many for children 2000 and higher, interested?

McDonalds 7/9/2012 1:26 PM
2000, hmmm i am but at the moment I am not in need of them yet, but I will buy some from you soon so that way when I need them I have them. So how much you willing to sell them for

doday 7/9/2012 1:28 PM
how many u need?

McDonalds 7/9/2012 1:29 PM
it depends on how much you selling them for. But I can tell you now I will be buying a lot of them. And how do u take payment. If its LR i will buy some on Wednesday. Thats when I will fund my LR account again

McDonalds 7/9/2012 1:30 PM
hey i will go use the bathroon really quick so I will b right back to continue or conversation

doday 7/9/2012 1:32 PM
ok, but what u mean "a lot", e.g. 200 records weekly

McDonalds 7/9/2012 1:53 PM
ok, when I say a lot i mean probally 50 a week can what I use them for I can only do so much. I can buy 200 but I wont b able to use them as fast as I can buy them.

doday 7/9/2012 2:01 PM
for this volume 7 lr each, take more pay less.. the info goes as it is recorded in the database.. i don't verify records.. extra verification +$1 per record (address, name mismatch)

McDonalds 7/9/2012 4:32 PM
ok so if i want you to give me names that are correct it would b about 8LR each then. Thats not bad. Well you can work on getting me a bacth ready for Wednesday. I will buy 20 names to see how good your stuff is. And if its good, I will but more. Is that ok

doday 7/10/2012 5:39 AM
if u buy 20records the price is 9LR each, +$1 for verification.. as i told u the price depends on the amount. If ok, confirm I could start parsing

McDonalds 7/10/2012 9:06 AM
ok that fine, I just hope they are good names. Cuz when I submit them, it will tell me if names are correct. So go ahead and start getting them ready. I will b contacting you tomorrow when I have funded my LR.

doday 7/10/2012 10:49 AM
ok, tomorrow the payment should go the first.. i'll prepare 20 records for u

doday 7/12/2012 12:40 AM
your order for 20 younger names is ready

McDonalds 7/12/2012 7:59 AM
ok ran into some money problems but I did fund my LR account. I just wont b buying 20 names yet. For now I will get the first 10 and the next ten soon. I am ready when u are. Send me your LR details

ok now from this piont i was buying records, i could say i bought about 40 to 50records from him by this point but from here our business started to chnage, were i could make
cvv from him to cash out and we split profits here are logs mainly summarized cuz as he stated b4 we have alot of history

doday 7/12/2012 8:56 AM
ok, i also saw you offer us prepaid ccs with loaded funds?

McDonalds 7/12/2012 8:56 AM
yes, u think u can cash out

doday 7/12/2012 8:57 AM
what kind of cards?

doday 7/12/2012 8:57 AM
any name? or bin?

McDonalds 7/12/2012 8:58 AM
no, it only works with a certain company. the bin is 530332 u can research it if u want. but funds are on the cards and it will not be reported as fraud. they are my accounts that I made.

doday 7/12/2012 8:59 AM
why do u load then on cards? can u do loading to bank acounts?
(this is not apart of the log, this is me just adding something. he told me to do this, i am doing it now by send it to bank drops of other carders, if i did this i probally wouldnt be in this mess :)

McDonalds 7/12/2012 9:01 AM
yes but creating is more complicated that creating a pre paid account. there is no verifaction when it comes to pre paid. u open it, load i and use it. that simple. with bank you have to open, verify, then make and opening deposit 1st

doday 7/12/2012 9:01 AM
it is mango card.. is the account goes activated with plastic card?

McDonalds 7/12/2012 9:03 AM
but for right now lets just work on this what we are doing. I can offer u a partnership in where i can create cc fro u to use or u can buy a cc and I load it up for u. yes its mango. i guess u know the company

doday 7/12/2012 9:04 AM
if the mango account is not activated u can catch a block on the account quickly.. u know this?

McDonalds 7/12/2012 9:06 AM
bro relax. I know a trick where that doesnt even matter. like i said a partnership with would help u learn somethings but for right now lets conduct this business 1st. so whats your LR details

doday 7/12/2012 9:07 AM
)) why not to go in parallel.. i'm working in the same direction

ok from this piont we did some biz, i used the names i bought fromhim to create cc's and he cashed out 2 or 3 i believe, not to sure but i have more logs hold on

doday 7/16/2012 10:13 AM
not i dont need login details.. but now i can cashout $400 a day.. later on if u give me volumes, I can increase cashout

doday 7/16/2012 10:14 AM
just remeber I won't be responsible if your mango accc gets block.. u said u know a trick so it is on u

McDonalds 7/16/2012 10:15 AM
if it get blocks i dont care. ok let me get u the cc details

doday 7/16/2012 10:15 AM
i'm be able to procees in 2 hours

doday 7/16/2012 10:16 AM
if u give me cc and LR details.. i'll do it myself and let u know here

McDonalds 7/16/2012 10:17 AM
ok hold up

doday 7/16/2012 10:17 AM
u mean we come back here in 2 hours?

McDonalds 7/16/2012 10:21 AM
ok. here are cc deatils 5303-3201-2554-1313 06/13 164 Angel Bello 10411 SE Terrapin Place, Apt 109C, Jupiter, FL 33469 305-764-1938 LR details U****393 Account Name: ***Rich

McDonalds 7/16/2012 10:22 AM
and dont forget to resned the names if u can please.

McDonalds 7/16/2012 10:22 AM
o yea, cc has 895usd.

doday 7/16/2012 10:23 AM
ok, i'll do.. talk to u later in 2 hours.. i need to go now if we finished

ok that was just to show what our business relationship was like. He is trying to paint a picture that i str8 up ripped him when it wasnt like that, Admins i know i should keep all info relavant to the situation but i needed
to show that to show everyone how it got to that point, but now i will show about what he is talking about, b4 we started the the deal i explained to hime the risk, that there is chance things may not go as planned, here are logs

doday 7/25/2012 10:04 AM
ok, thanks for the theory.. so if wwe deal i need to know exactly, how many accs I get loaded and for what amounts

McDonalds 7/25/2012 10:09 AM
well bro i am sure your busy and i also have to run out again, so if you want me to start doing those accounts for you u can send them. i may b gone for a while but just send the sendspace links and i will have them ready by tomorrow hopefully if i can find matching names, ok we are not going by how much u send me, we are going by how much names are valid names. so if u send 20, 13 names are valid. u get 7 account i get 6. but i must advise u just bcuz names are valid does not mean account will get funded or account wont b close. u already know in this game shit doesnt go according to plan. but i can tell u there is a good chance all accounts will b funds. but just think of it as an investment. even if you only get 2 working cc's out the deal u still come out on top. and i wont screw you my key to making money. if anything if all goes bad i can put they on plastic card and send you funds on LR but with that way you will get about 70% of funds off the card. if its goes for 600, u will b able to get 400 off if i use the plastci card way

doday 7/25/2012 10:14 AM
ok, i'll check the names

McDonalds 7/25/2012 10:18 AM
ok cool. remember if you have common names those help a bucnh. and just to let u know when i say valid names yes i do mean name,dob,ssn are good, but i also mean for the tax refund part as well. IRS has been a real bicth this year sometimes some names may not get funded, but like i said there is a good chance all name will get funded but just keep that in mind. i dont want us to fall out over a misunderstaing when we can help each other make some good money

ok from that point if i wanted to i could have told him u know what everything went bad and nothing ever worked, sorry u lost your investment, we can try again or thats it, but he is my guy, i need him, i wanted to try and do as much as i can but things were not going
so smooth. But he claims he wants 2400LR or USD or Moneypak or whatever the fuck, but i told him y should i pay that much when his records would only b worth that much is i use what I know to make it come out as so. So i told him if anything I will pay him double for the
names so he wouldnt lose out, its as if i would b buying it from just as it was at the start. But that was how this deal he is talking about came to start and what happened. But we both agreed upon I will have unresolved problems stauts until i pay him bcuz I ant to pay him, i want to make
things right between us. Ii i wanted to b an asshle I could have told him, i explained risk and u agreed and now it didnt work so u lost out, boo-hoo. But i am not like that. So admins i will take the stauts but I dont want it until Oct 17, we never agreed upon it. I want It for the end of Oct
if possible, i am working on something to pay and and one other guy i know, but i dont want to set myslef up for failure again bcuz of time so pleae, until the end of Oct admins if u see that i deserve it.
why u try to show only the better side? I did not say anything about your sending me a cc with 0 balance 'coz someone's cashed it out
02.09.2012 00:10:02, McDonalds
someone who works with me when i use my info as cc to order phones told me that he could gget the funds so i went with his word. i believe he use it for himself since i have not been suply him with constant cc's but no excuses ur right. i am coming off as untrust worthy so o accept the blame. well i guess b4 we can proceed with doing business i have to clear that up first
, about late communication. If everything went wrong it's not my poblem at all and u know this. Don't say my stuff is pricy and not worth we've agreed on that and u accepted this. Moreover, after u fucked up u still needed my fullz:

01.09.2012 19:58:01, McDonalds
hey my LR has been funded so i would like to buy some records please. i will b online later so i guess you can get them ready.
01.09.2012 23:38:53, Doday
very good but before working with you further i'd like you to close your debt (ccs loaded with funds)
01.09.2012 23:54:17, McDonalds
yes i know. and i will. but i told u i have delays with the funds. and also i tried checking today to see if i will have cc;s for u this week but the IRS website is down. u can check for yoursefl at w w w . irs.gov/Refunds/Where%27s-My-Refund-It%27s-Quick,-Easy,-and-Secure. sodont think i will not get u a cc with funds, you will have them. but for now the only thing i can do is create more so that way if the old ones dont fall thru i can make some new ones so let me know if i can buy some records
01.09.2012 23:57:30, McDonalds
either way it goes i need u. i dont plan on messing up our business even if i have to pay u for using those 20 records that didnt get u a cc for. but i need the records asap, if i can buy some let me know and i will send the funds now if not then i guess i have to come back when i have a cc for u then

I didnt want to post all this and took only important parts which prove my words. But now u try to look the situation as I'm begging for money "But he claims he wants 2400LR or USD or Moneypak or whatever the fuck". By saying this I provide only options for u to pay me back. If u dont like this so we can reverse the question WHAT U CAN OFFER ME?


ok there is two sides to a story bro, u trying to show everyone that am a str8 up ripper without telling the whole story. and you know it is ture, our main business was me buying fullz from u, i never ripped u on that, i offered u something else that i can do with your fulls and i told you the risk. Yes i fucked up when i trusted someone else while doing business but that y i felt i should make it right. I could have told u all info was bad, end of story, what would you have said then. and like i told u, I am not going to pay you 2400LR when the only reason it would turn out that way is if I use my knowledge to make it so, thats y to avoid from u have to take a loss, i would pay you double for each full u gave me, just as if i was buying them from u in the first place when u sold me fulls where DOB is in correct I never came to you for a replacement, out of 10 names, verified names u claimed u had, there was always a few with not correct info but i never brought that to you and i took it as a loss, so now when things dont work in your favor you want me to bend over backwards to make it right. you know what, when i get your money, i will send it to u. 400LR, am not paying 2400LR when you wouldnt even had been able to get 2400 off of the cc anyway
First, it's really bad u put our talk about details, prices. It doesnt affect the situation in any way.
Second, if u read my thread I never told u ripped me. This is how u position youself!
Third, I never told u to pay me 2400 LR. This can be loaded on ccs as u offered. I didnt want to wait but as u have no money and I'm forced to wait and I'm giving u this option.
Forth, tell me just one reason to wait for u? u looked positive by saying u pay me back. That's why I asked for UP status. But now u make me look like a begger and I really hate this. At the same time, u make business with other people and offer them to load funds to their drops. This means u have tools to improve the situation but u dont want to do this.

I think Oct. 17 is a relevant date for u to find drops, load funds and finish this. Otherwise, u can be assigned a Ripper status and then to have ages to pay or stay a ripper.


hey i dont know what happen i am new member here just registered and i see that i cant access the forum untill i pay 33lr so i contact ninja and he ask me to send lr which i did now i got my self here in ripper list for what reason ................

i registered on forum and i got a message that i am banned untill i pay 33lr to lift my banned


@Ninja and doday, i see am not going to win here, i will just pay 400LR by Oct 17, and the reason why i am making deals so you can see am trying to get your funds, but you putting my name in ripper section is not helping one bit, and am not trying to make u seem like a beggar, as you stated about me, u assume yourself to b one. but i guess thats the end of it as i am not going to go back and forth with u. But by Oct 17, i will pay, if i dont just hit me with the ripper status. And i will deal with it from there. @Moneypak, i can do more then write, i can cashout moneypak to, u need to let me work for u. :)
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