lockman1470 - [email protected], [email protected]
WebMoney WMID 140457538355
on private market dot su he is zatcher

ripped 1000$

[email protected] - MoneyPak (7) (lockman1470)
[email protected] - me

[COLOR="White"] MoneyPak (7) (00:23:39 11/11/2012)
Запрос авторизации

 [email protected] (00:23:47 11/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) (00:23:59 11/11/2012)
am from carder.pro 

 MoneyPak (7) (00:24:01 11/11/2012)
u wanted money pak ?

 [email protected] (00:24:08 11/11/2012)

 [email protected] (00:24:21 11/11/2012)
what % u want?

 MoneyPak (7) (00:24:29 11/11/2012)
ok talk with ninja we make escrow 

 MoneyPak (7) (00:24:36 11/11/2012)
i dont need cashier only selling 

 [email protected] (00:24:47 11/11/2012)
ok, np

 [email protected] (00:24:53 11/11/2012)
what %?

 MoneyPak (7) (00:25:06 11/11/2012)
right now i only have $500 codes at 50%

 [email protected] (00:25:07 11/11/2012)
i will pay escrow, instant

 MoneyPak (7) (00:25:14 11/11/2012)
ok good 

 [email protected] (00:25:18 11/11/2012)
ok, good

 [email protected] (00:25:21 11/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) (00:25:21 11/11/2012)
lets finish this 

 MoneyPak (7) (00:25:25 11/11/2012)
how many codes u need?

 [email protected] (00:25:45 11/11/2012)
now can bay 2-3k mp

 MoneyPak (7) (00:26:05 11/11/2012)
ok 2k = $1000 3k = $1500 

 [email protected] (00:26:12 11/11/2012)
ok ok

 [email protected] (00:26:22 11/11/2012)
u want sell now?

 MoneyPak (7) (00:26:26 11/11/2012)
u can send to ninja money ill send u codes after he confirms 

 [email protected] (00:26:45 11/11/2012)

 [email protected] (00:26:47 11/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) (00:27:03 11/11/2012)

 [email protected] (00:27:54 11/11/2012)
now I am on carder.pro

 [email protected] (00:27:59 11/11/2012)
can u send pm?

 MoneyPak (7) (00:28:12 11/11/2012)
ok 1 sec

 [email protected] (00:28:15 11/11/2012)
I am Dr.X

 MoneyPak (7) (00:28:33 11/11/2012)
k 1 sec

 MoneyPak (7) (00:30:16 11/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) (00:32:04 11/11/2012)
got it?

 [email protected] (00:32:12 11/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) (00:32:27 11/11/2012)
k u can talk with ninja and send him money 

 MoneyPak (7) (00:32:29 11/11/2012)
and ill send u codes

 [email protected] (00:33:30 11/11/2012)
5 sec,I am writing pm to ninja

 MoneyPak (7) (00:34:00 11/11/2012)
k bro 

 MoneyPak (7) (00:34:24 11/11/2012)
if u r pn ************* also i am selling there also with many feedback can show u also

 [email protected] (00:37:16 11/11/2012)
he not answer yet, but i can pay first

 [email protected] (00:37:25 11/11/2012)
u accept webmoney?

 MoneyPak (7) (00:37:43 11/11/2012)
ur webmoney account is verified?

 MoneyPak (7) (00:37:47 11/11/2012)
or new account?

 [email protected] (00:37:52 11/11/2012)

 [email protected] (00:37:57 11/11/2012)

 [email protected] (00:38:07 11/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) (00:38:22 11/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) (00:38:30 11/11/2012)
its possible then 

 MoneyPak (7) (00:38:33 11/11/2012)
if new account i dont want

 [email protected] (00:38:43 11/11/2012)
2years or mone

 MoneyPak (7) (00:38:56 11/11/2012)
ok thats good

 MoneyPak (7) (00:39:02 11/11/2012)
how many codes you want

 [email protected] (00:39:02 11/11/2012)
so i take 2000mp for start

 MoneyPak (7) (00:39:17 11/11/2012)

 [email protected] (00:39:38 11/11/2012)
give me your wmz purse

 MoneyPak (7) (00:40:02 11/11/2012)

 [email protected] (00:40:12 11/11/2012)
5 sec

 MoneyPak (7) (00:40:22 11/11/2012)

 [email protected] (00:42:12 11/11/2012)

 [email protected] (00:42:13 11/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) (00:42:24 11/11/2012)
k let me log in 

 MoneyPak (7) (00:43:39 11/11/2012)
ok its good

 MoneyPak (7) (00:45:34 11/11/2012)
ok give me your cards i will load for u 

 [email protected] (00:46:50 11/11/2012)
i want add 500 to paypal and 500 to rush

 MoneyPak (7) (00:47:58 11/11/2012)
and rest ?

 [email protected] (00:47:58 11/11/2012)
i can give you rdp to access my paypal and rush account

 MoneyPak (7) (00:48:14 11/11/2012)
u dont want to add to greendot?

 [email protected] (00:48:27 11/11/2012)
rushcard.com and paypal.com

 MoneyPak (7) (00:48:57 11/11/2012)
and other 1k ?

 MoneyPak (7) (00:49:00 11/11/2012)
to where?

 [email protected] (00:49:15 11/11/2012)
sec, i check

 [email protected] (00:53:35 11/11/2012)
do u know how much you can add per day in Paypal?

 [email protected] (00:53:42 11/11/2012)
1000? no?

 MoneyPak (7) (00:53:54 11/11/2012)

 [email protected] (00:57:38 11/11/2012) administrator:tooth

 [email protected] (00:58:23 11/11/2012)
paypal and rushcard accounts logged in

 [email protected] (00:58:30 11/11/2012)
please add maximum

 [email protected] (00:58:55 11/11/2012)
rushcard 1000 and paypal if 500 add 500 if more - more

 MoneyPak (7) (00:59:19 11/11/2012)
ok iw ill try for paypal 

 MoneyPak (7) (00:59:23 11/11/2012)
if its not possible ?

 [email protected] (01:00:48 11/11/2012)
i try to contact my friend. he have many rush card accounts. if not possible i gave u one more paypal account

 MoneyPak (7) (01:01:15 11/11/2012)

 [email protected] (01:07:06 11/11/2012)
i must to go.. when u can add moneypak?

 MoneyPak (7) (01:07:21 11/11/2012)
when u will be back ?

 [email protected] (01:08:01 11/11/2012)
tomorrow i think

 MoneyPak (7) (01:08:31 11/11/2012)
ok will be there by then 

 [email protected] (01:09:58 11/11/2012)
maybe do all tomorrow?

 MoneyPak (7) (01:10:30 11/11/2012)
u want me to do today or tomrrow?

 MoneyPak (7) (01:10:45 11/11/2012)
if u need moeny to be there by tomorrow it will be done 

 [email protected] (01:10:57 11/11/2012)
if u cannot now better tomorrow

 MoneyPak (7) (01:11:22 11/11/2012)
in how many hour u will be online?

 [email protected] (01:11:27 11/11/2012)
becouse you cannot login to my paypal and rushcard accounts witout me

 [email protected] (01:11:40 11/11/2012)
i am not shure, maybe one hour

 [email protected] (01:11:44 11/11/2012)
authorize my jabber please here

 MoneyPak (7) (01:12:22 11/11/2012)
ok if u need it in onw hour i can do if u need tomorrow i can do also just tell me when to meet

 [email protected] (01:13:17 11/11/2012)
i think i write u tomorrow when i see u online

 MoneyPak (7) (01:13:40 11/11/2012)
ok no problem let me know when u r online 

 [email protected] (01:13:48 11/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) (01:14:00 11/11/2012)
 c u 

 [email protected] (03:27:58 11/11/2012)
u here?

 [email protected] (03:31:04 11/11/2012)
leave here 1000mp codes if i will not answer

 [email protected] (17:25:01 11/11/2012)
i found rushcard accs

 MoneyPak (7) (20:30:24 11/11/2012)
am here now 

 MoneyPak (7) (20:31:11 11/11/2012)
r u there?

 [email protected] (20:37:29 11/11/2012)
i am here

 MoneyPak (7) (20:41:17 11/11/2012)
how many cards you have?

 [email protected] (20:44:35 11/11/2012)
I have 4 rushcard
every card has a limit 1000$ per day

 MoneyPak (7) (20:44:48 11/11/2012)
yes i know that 

 [email protected] (20:44:59 11/11/2012)
I also have few cards with limit 500$ per day

 MoneyPak (7) (20:45:27 11/11/2012)
ok so i can load for u . if you want 

 [email protected] (20:45:48 11/11/2012)
and also about 10 paypal accounts
on every account you have to add 200-500$

 MoneyPak (7) (20:46:27 11/11/2012)
ok but you only paid me for $2000 MP 

 MoneyPak (7) (20:46:35 11/11/2012)
how much you wanted funded bro ?

 [email protected] (20:49:37 11/11/2012)
if I will usually buy from you 3000-5000 MP then for what % you can sell?

 MoneyPak (7) (20:50:16 11/11/2012)
40% for up to 5k and 35% up to 10k 

 [email protected] (20:51:22 11/11/2012)
40% is perfect but why u don't want to give me the codes, why u want to upload money by yourself?

 MoneyPak (7) (20:52:07 11/11/2012)
thats how i deal bro. i load my self if you are on *************.su i can show u my feedback with manypeople buying for 5k + everyday no problems 

 [email protected] (20:54:49 11/11/2012)
ok, how do you want to load money on rushcard if it is possible only from the private cabinet (online bank)? or in paypal, you also have to go to paypal account, you have to know the passwords and username to load money there. How will ou do that?

 [email protected] (21:01:33 11/11/2012)
ok, wharever. Load now 2000 MP to the rushcard, mango and paypal. Tommorow we will begin to load from 3-5k to my cards

 [email protected] (21:05:56 11/11/2012)
Load by yourself to those cards: 
5303320132676813 mango 500$mp, 4104891154879208 rushcard 1000$mp, pp [email protected] 500$mp

 MoneyPak (7) (21:07:25 11/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) (21:07:32 11/11/2012)
wait a sec

 MoneyPak (7) (21:12:49 11/11/2012)
<cit> thats how i deal bro. i load my self if you are on *************.su i can show u my feedback with manypeople buying for 5k + everyday no problems
<dr.x-ray> ok, how do you want to load money on rushcard if it is possible only from the private cabinet (online bank)? or in paypal, you also have to go to paypal account, you have to know the passwords and username to load money there. How will ou do that?
<dr.x-ray> ok, wharever. Load now 2000 MP to the rushcard, mango and paypal. Tommorow we will begin to load from 3-5k to my cards
<dr.x-ray> Load by yourself to those cards:
5303320132676813 mango 500$mp, 4104891154879208 rushcard 1000$mp, pp [email protected] 500$mp
<cit> ok
<cit> thats how i deal bro. i load my self if you are on *************.su i can show u my feedback with manypeople buying for 5k + everyday no problems
<dr.x-ray> ok, how do you want to load money on rushcard if it is possible only from the private cabinet (online bank)? or in paypal, you also have to go to paypal account, you have to know the passwords and username to load money there. How will ou do that?
<dr.x-ray> ok, wharever. Load now 2000 MP to the rushcard, mango and paypal. Tommorow we will begin to load from 3-5k to my cards
<dr.x-ray> Load by yourself to those cards:
5303320132676813 mango 500$mp, 4104891154879208 rushcard 1000$mp, pp [email protected] 500$mp
<cit> ok
4104891154879208 see if its loaded

 MoneyPak (7) (21:13:04 11/11/2012)
4104891154879208 see if its loaded

 [email protected] (21:18:19 11/11/2012)
nothing loaded

 MoneyPak (7) (21:21:43 11/11/2012)
k wait 1 sec

 [email protected] (21:22:03 11/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) (21:27:59 11/11/2012)
will you load more today after wards?

 MoneyPak (7) (21:27:59 11/11/2012)
or this is only job for today ?

 [email protected] (21:29:51 11/11/2012)
today can add this 2k

 MoneyPak (7) (21:31:45 11/11/2012)
i am asking do you want more after this 2k or only 2k for today ?

 [email protected] (21:32:54 11/11/2012)
start from 2k, after 3-5k per day[/COLOR]

[email protected]- MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (lockman1470)
[email protected] - me

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (21:43:50 12/11/2012)
Запрос авторизации

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (21:44:20 12/11/2012)
hi its me for $2000 MP 	  				 	 	 	   	 	  	   		  	 

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (21:44:55 12/11/2012)
my jabber server is having problems untill now and i can not login. so i did a new jabber 	  				 	 	 	   	 	  	   		  	 

 [email protected] (22:42:47 12/11/2012)

 [email protected] (22:42:49 12/11/2012)
u here?

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (22:52:21 12/11/2012)
yes man . my jabber server is not working since yesterday u can go and check @jwchat.org

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (22:52:21 12/11/2012)
its down this is why i couldnt talk to u

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (22:52:21 12/11/2012)
so i made new jabber id 

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (23:01:13 12/11/2012)
bro did u get my msgs? 	  				 	 	 	   	 	  	   		  	 

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (23:01:47 12/11/2012)
my jabber is messing up. server for @jwcha.org is down since yesterday u can check i cant log in  	  				 	 	 	   	 	  	   		  	 

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (23:01:51 12/11/2012)
i had to make new jabber to contact u  	  				 	 	 	   	 	  	   		  	 

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (23:10:12 12/11/2012)
hello r u there? 	  				 	 	 	   	 	  	   		  	 

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (23:19:43 12/11/2012)

 [email protected] (11:48:49 13/11/2012)

 [email protected] (11:48:54 13/11/2012)
i need my codes

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (11:50:21 13/11/2012)
ok bro i can load 5k today  	  				 	 	 	   	 	  	   		  	 

 [email protected] (11:51:43 13/11/2012)
i paid for 2k 3 days ago

 [email protected] (11:51:50 13/11/2012)
firt add my 2k

 [email protected] (11:52:06 13/11/2012)
and after this we can add more

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (11:54:34 13/11/2012)
i know  my guys saying if you will add all today he wants to add all at once. if your worried you can send the rest to ninja i will add all at once

 [email protected] (11:56:42 13/11/2012)
leave here my codes or add it to my cards

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (11:57:51 13/11/2012)
u dont want to continue business? i told u i will add all at once. u do not have to worry 

 [email protected] (11:58:26 13/11/2012)
i want to  continue 

 [email protected] (11:58:53 13/11/2012)
but i paid 2k and u not add my mp

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:00:36 13/11/2012)
u paid 1k to me

 [email protected] (12:01:06 13/11/2012)
yes, for 2k mp

 [email protected] (12:01:16 13/11/2012)
3 days ago

 [email protected] (12:01:30 13/11/2012)
why u not add money yet?

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:02:05 13/11/2012)
i know i ask you if you want it now . and you said tomrrow is better. and tom @jwchat.org server down u can check i could not log in yesterday or today so i made new jabber to contact you 

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:02:42 13/11/2012)
if you will buy more i will send you codes for all at once . cause i got now 1k codes in stock 

 [email protected] (12:03:02 13/11/2012)
for start give me minimum is 5x200 codees

 [email protected] (12:03:05 13/11/2012)
is 1k

 [email protected] (12:03:39 13/11/2012)
if codes is good, i will contact ninja

 [email protected] (12:03:53 13/11/2012)
for make bigger deal with u

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:05:03 13/11/2012)
dont worry about me . are you on *************? i will show you feedback i am selling for weeks with dealsover 5k. you dont have to worry about anything. many customers 

 [email protected] (12:06:03 13/11/2012)
give me link

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:06:59 13/11/2012)
even better i will msg you on forum what is your name 

 [email protected] (12:10:32 13/11/2012)
i will make acc and write u

 [email protected] (12:11:10 13/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:11:24 13/11/2012)
bro registration costs $200 but if you want i can give you my login so you check no problem. privaemarket.su

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:16:31 13/11/2012)
do u want to check ?

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:16:49 13/11/2012)
i have many customers its no problem i dont need to run and mess up my business

 [email protected] (12:30:16 13/11/2012)
ok,  give me u login

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:33:39 13/11/2012)
ok i can trust you with my password on forum? i dont want to lose it and you give me a bad man. only reason i am sending you is because you bought for 1k and this shows you are serious, other wise i wouldnt do this. i can gibe you codes today up to 10k its not a problem 

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:34:09 13/11/2012)
i have your word as a man ?

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:34:29 13/11/2012)
when you are ready to log in tell me  i will send you 

 [email protected] (12:35:30 13/11/2012)
erver not found
          Firefox can't find the server at www.privaemarket.su.


  Check the address for typing errors such as
    ww.example.com instead of
  If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
  If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
    that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:35:41 13/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:35:47 13/11/2012)

 [email protected] (12:36:36 13/11/2012)
i am ready

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:36:53 13/11/2012)
username zatcher

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:37:04 13/11/2012)
password 761726h

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:38:09 13/11/2012)
r u in?

 [email protected] (12:38:25 13/11/2012)
yes, i am reading you post

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:38:48 13/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:39:41 13/11/2012)
tell me when u r done please

 [email protected] (12:41:12 13/11/2012)
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 118
Rep Power: 3
senator is an unknown quantity at this point
Have issues with him. Do not deal with him until he refunds me or send me my codes. 1000lr
Will keep you guys updated when issue is resolved or not.


---------- Post added 10-30-2012 at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was 10-29-2012 at 02:34 PM ----------

blacklist ripper!
Last edited by senator; 10-29-2012 at 07:33 PM. 

 [email protected] (12:41:16 13/11/2012)
what is it?

 [email protected] (12:41:27 13/11/2012)
in c.pro same

 [email protected] (12:41:47 13/11/2012)
i can bay codes by u, but by garant

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:42:04 13/11/2012)
this guy is an idiot who wants me to send him for cashout 

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:42:38 13/11/2012)
if he has claim he will go to blacklist and post and not sa i ripped him for 1k and not have any logs or anything 

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:42:55 13/11/2012)
i didnt even bother replying to his comment i just move on 

 [email protected] (12:43:17 13/11/2012)
ok bron, np

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:43:18 13/11/2012)
many people buy for up to 5k and no problems. and i can use gurant any amount its fine

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:43:25 13/11/2012)
and where is cliam in c,pro?

 [email protected] (12:44:17 13/11/2012)

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:44:51 13/11/2012)
639473573 this my icq

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:45:01 13/11/2012)
i jus see now but i will read rest of thread

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:45:06 13/11/2012)
wow i didnt even know about this

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:46:42 13/11/2012)
wow this guy is an idiot thats not even my name. my name is lockman1470 and my icq is different and my icq name is different. its sandman. u can check my previous posts on c,pro where i even tell dumps vendors to send order to me SANDMAN ON ICQ 

 [email protected] (12:49:45 13/11/2012)
bro, give me some good codes first,i must to no that u is not bullshit

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:51:21 13/11/2012)
am not bullshit believe me . i am 100% serious. i have no problem using escrow ninja. for any much of money i can give you for 10k moneypak its not a problem. believe me. today someone bought 4k MP codes with no problems

 [email protected] (12:52:17 13/11/2012)
why u not give me my 2k if somebody bougt 4k?

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:53:07 13/11/2012)
u saw my thread ? today someone bought few hours ago no problem. cause i sold last 500 codes. today i will get another 10k fresh 

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:54:34 13/11/2012)
believe me i am good. i dont need to run for 1k. when i will lose much more 

 [email protected] (12:56:15 13/11/2012)
i pay not more wm/lr if u not give me mp what i paid

 MoneyPak (7) Kid2 (12:59:52 13/11/2012)
if u want to continue business and buy load more daily its ok. if u will buy more codes after i send u ur 1st order then why not just boy all? if i want to run from u i will not add u with new jabber swaying what is wrong. and if u do not feel safe i will give u codes in minutes with escrow ninja. but if u dont want to continue business i will send u 2k MP 

 [email protected] (13:08:13 13/11/2012)
send me 2k mp

 [email protected] (13:08:33 13/11/2012)
i dont need more than 2-3k per day on this week


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