lego2309 icq 632681619 childish ripper

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icq 632681619
name lego2309

he told me he can cash brazil 201 dumps with pin. i sent him 40 dumps with pin hoping that he was legit from all his talk. but then ofcourse he turned out to be another ripper claiming that the dumps did not work, when in the logs he clearly states that he checked few pcs and that they were fine and that he will go and cash them.

so first i tried contacting ninja for escrow but no reply. so then i decided to go first. and i asked him if he can send half when he receives and rest when he works. he agree and gave his promise. after i sent he checks and says they r good, but then says that he say no money and he will send WU.

i asked him how he will do escrow if ninja was there he says ESCROW takes WU LR PM. thats when i say 1st red flag and knew i was DOOMED. then he comes after 1 hour saying all dumps are shit.....then i check few more and they are valid. and other decline.....then he says maybe he had porblem in formatting them and he will try again......then he says he doesnt want them and they are shit........then he says he will pay me for the trouble and asks for how much.....then he says he wont pay because they didnt work....he just makes excuses everytime and he is not a man and can not keep his words.....he is a kid he could have made a lot more.....if he cant cash brazil 201 then he should not say he can...but i know he cashed them 100% and i demand he pays for them or gets ripper status. he is nothing but kid

here is chat LOGS where he only changes al his words and keeps saying i am a ripper and i tried to rip him....but all his words confirm dumps are good and he changed all his promises and actions which means he is a liar about everything. his excuses make no sense

Tri3ump 9:24 PM
if u can cash also let me know normal without pin

bear 9:24 PM

bear 9:25 PM
its a cool bin if not flagged pin is better i can get cash easier

bear 9:27 PM
transaction declined for 23.90 bro gotta do better than that

Tri3ump 9:27 PM

Tri3ump 9:28 PM
look at these bins bro
see which u think will be good
base is at 91%

Tri3ump 9:31 PM
r these better bro ?
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bear 9:32 PM
bro not good you might wanna check them... send 1 with pin

Tri3ump 9:34 PM
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pin xxxx
this is fresh 100%

bear 9:34 PM

these 2 good

Tri3ump 9:35 PM
base is big bro many pcs inside dont knoww hat to do need someone

bear 9:36 PM
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pin xxxx
transaction declined 25.13

Tri3ump 9:37 PM
what code r u getting?

bear 9:37 PM
bro in order for me to work we gotta have better numbers bro it takes time to make plastics and all 05 code insufficent funds
not hold call or pick up just no funds

Tri3ump 9:38 PM
damn bro
see i know dumps r good
but money in them
i dotn know how much u know what i mean
thast why i need someone to work a 100 pcs at a time

bear 9:38 PM
yea they are good because no hold call or pickup

Tri3ump 9:38 PM
cant keep sending and getting chump change bro

bear 9:39 PM
bro i do good business but need good shit to do the business with dumps with pin i will get us paid

Tri3ump 9:40 PM
i know what u mean bro. u can see dumps are good some have cash in them some dont
i dont know which do and which dont but base is super fresh
like i want someone i can trust and send out a 100 at once

bear 9:42 PM
bro 100 is nothing i can seperate good from bad dumps in like 10 min so i make it easy for us both..

Tri3ump 9:43 PM
ok bro
so what do we do ill get a 100 ready

bear 9:44 PM

Tri3ump 9:46 PM
alright bro
we can do this today ?
really want to get some progress
u will see am an honest man

bear 9:48 PM
bro cool lets do it.. you can check me out on im well liked and talked about and all the big vendors have positive feed back for me.. lets do dump with pin its busy in usa now with holiday we can get paid

Tri3ump 9:50 PM
i trust u bro just i want something upfront u know to be secure. only for first time. and then i will send 500 at 1 time its all good
am getting 50 pcs ready now

bear 9:54 PM
ok we both have to contact moderator to set up escrow and they will give us instructions then and once we do the 50 they will release funds back to us its easy they will charge %8 but i will pay that

Tri3ump 9:56 PM
i really dont like involving 3rd parties but nothing else to do. with al them kids that messed it up

Tri3ump 10:01 PM
i sent msg to this man 1223956
Tri3ump 13:56 PM
hello r u free for escrow?

Tri3ump 10:02 PM
i got everything ready bro

bear 10:08 PM
ok bro we gotta get escrow... ninja or belveue is not on icq right now bro

Tri3ump 10:09 PM
damn bro
so how long will this take

bear 10:10 PM
when they come on its late night in there country bro

Tri3ump 10:10 PM
damn i hate having to wait
do u want to work on trust ?
ill send u the pcs

Tri3ump 10:11 PM
if u can promise to send half payment once u get them

bear 10:11 PM
what else can we do bro you want escrow.. i can work it however you want bro

Tri3ump 10:11 PM
i dont mind sending first
if u r a man of ur word
ill show u i am not a child

bear 10:12 PM
bro once i start running them you will be getting a lot of cash if they are good i have no reason to fuck over you if you have a connection that you say you do bro

Tri3ump 10:13 PM
i know bro but they all say same stuff and then dont come back bro
the dumps are ready
just need to upload them bro

Tri3ump 10:14 PM
i can send u them if u give me a mans word to pay for half for now and rest when u complete the work
believe me if u r good
it willl be a lot of money
for u

bear 10:15 PM
bro it will be a lot of money for us not just me bro

Tri3ump 10:16 PM
ok so i send u now? u will send half to me now and rest when u work them ?

bear 10:18 PM
yes bro cool

Tri3ump 10:19 PM
ok ill upload
man i am keeping u to ur wordbro u will see i dont play around

bear 10:19 PM
dumps with pin right

Tri3ump 10:19 PM
yeah bro thats what i need now

Tri3ump 10:20 PM
this is the link when u download tell me
i will delete
and then give u the password bro

bear 10:20 PM

Tri3ump 10:20 PM

Tri3ump 10:21 PM
u got it bro?

bear 10:21 PM
ok got bro im checking a few 1 min

Tri3ump 10:22 PM
ok bro

bear 10:26 PM
bro 3 out of 10 good im gonna format and run at atm send me a WU drop and i will send you half in 30 mins brro

Tri3ump 10:26 PM
damn bro i dont deal with wu bro
for security

Tri3ump 10:27 PM
i thought u have lr damn man
i dont know how u were going to do escrow with ninja with wu
damn bro
i guess i got ripped once again damn

bear 10:28 PM
bro bullshit i would not fucking rip you thats not cool i can fund lr in 20 mins and send to you why say that bullshit bro not cool at all

Tri3ump 10:28 PM
i dont know bro i just keep getting ripped
i send guys and they rip me

Tri3ump 10:29 PM
cause i really want to find someone to work with damn man
i told u if i am sending u 40+ pcs now
i can send u 100 a day as long as i can trust u bro
but u said lets do escrow but i dont want to wait bro i like to trust people and u seemed cool bro

bear 10:30 PM
bro send lr info and i will send funds but you gotta be cool bro and not say stuff to disrespect each other..

Tri3ump 10:31 PM
i didnt say anything bad bro. i didnt even swear i just was shocked bro cause i told aksed if u will give me a mans word to send half when i send u and u said ok didnt hear anything about wu lol

Tri3ump 10:32 PM
i dont disrespect no one bro am an oldman and i keep my words bro i dont play games
when i say something i do it 100% no excuses no delays i am straight forward bro

bear 10:34 PM
ok bro going to send WU to fund lr it will be 30 mins im formatting now so i will check at atm when i send funds also

Tri3ump 10:36 PM
ok bro i hope ur word is good. l just am a bit vary cause u said u want to use moderator but if moderator was here i dont know how u were going to send him. but i hope ur words r good bro damn

bear 10:38 PM
bro moderator takes PM, LR, AND WU
bro when generating t2 use any right like a dump

Tri3ump 10:39 PM
ok bro i will wait for u 30 mins bro
and we can mobe on to the big stuff hopefully bro

bear 10:30 PM
bro send lr info and i will send funds but you gotta be cool bro and not say stuff to disrespect each other..

Tri3ump 10:31 PM
i didnt say anything bad bro. i didnt even swear i just was shocked bro cause i told aksed if u will give me a mans word to send half when i send u and u said ok didnt hear anything about wu lol

Tri3ump 10:32 PM
i dont disrespect no one bro am an oldman and i keep my words bro i dont play games
when i say something i do it 100% no excuses no delays i am straight forward bro

bear 10:34 PM
ok bro going to send WU to fund lr it will be 30 mins im formatting now so i will check at atm when i send funds also

Tri3ump 10:36 PM
ok bro i hope ur word is good. l just am a bit vary cause u said u want to use moderator but if moderator was here i dont know how u were going to send him. but i hope ur words r good bro damn

bear 10:38 PM
bro moderator takes PM, LR, AND WU
bro when generating t2 use any right like a dump

Tri3ump 10:39 PM
ok bro i will wait for u 30 mins bro
and we can mobe on to the big stuff hopefully bro
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bear 10:58 PM

bear 10:59 PM

bear 11:01 PM
also bro send LR info

Tri3ump 11:02 PM

Tri3ump 11:04 PM
Uxxxxx thats my LR bro
like how long u think it will take
been 30 min already bro

bear 11:07 PM
bro going now was formatting cards im not gonna rip u bro really...

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Tri3ump 10:39 PM
ok bro i will wait for u 30 mins bro
and we can mobe on to the big stuff hopefully bro

bear 10:58 PM

bear 10:59 PM

bear 11:01 PM
also bro send LR info

Tri3ump 11:02 PM

Tri3ump 11:04 PM
Uxxxxx thats my LR bro
like how long u think it will take
been 30 min already bro

bear 11:07 PM
bro going now was formatting cards im not gonna rip u bro really...
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bear 11:45 PM
Bro what is this crap

Tri3ump 11:46 PM
what is what crap damn bro

bear 11:46 PM
Check all dumps you sent so you can see

Tri3ump 11:47 PM
whats the problem bro? damn man
cna u explain bro
i hate this kind of stuff damn

bear 11:48 PM
Bro none good on pos.. I will give u funds but I don't want u thinking u got me

Tri3ump 11:49 PM
i dont understand bro?

bear 11:49 PM
What do u gain doing this stuff

Tri3ump 11:49 PM
what do u mean got u damn bro
i dont understand bro u said yourself they r good
now u r telling me they r not good

Tri3ump 11:50 PM
i really dont know whats going on with people

bear 11:52 PM
I checked 10 on checker 3 approve for $10 and under.. Not working on pos.. Are u serious or joking bro.. I will send you funds just because the effort you are going thru

Tri3ump 11:52 PM
wow bro
so u think i am here trying to rip u off?
wow man
just wow

Tri3ump 11:53 PM
if anything i am the victim here

bear 11:53 PM
Bro it's not ripping its a hustle how much do you want maybe after I send funds you will keep it real

Tri3ump 11:53 PM
i put my trust in people and i get a knief in the back damn

bear 11:54 PM
Are you joking or serious check the stuff no way I ran 42 cards in an hour bullshit check ya stff

Tri3ump 11:55 PM
bro i will not tell u anything on how much to send or anything. i will not put a price . cause if what u r saying is true then u really did go out and wasted ur time but had no luck, or maybe the bins r not good in ur region. i dont know what the problem is. i said i need brazil cashiers bro
if u said 3 apprve from 10
then maybe u chose the bad ones but i am not playing any games here damn bro

Tri3ump 11:56 PM
i dont want to fight with am old enough and its just a waste of energy bro

bear 11:56 PM
Bro check the stuff I just ran all thru airport pos it takes any card check stuff

Tri3ump 11:57 PM
and what did u get bro? bad card hold decline inssufient pick up
what was code bro

bear 11:58 PM
Not able to authorize no code.. They take any card at this airport

Tri3ump 11:58 PM
and what does that mean
does it mean dump is bad
or wrong

Tri3ump 11:59 PM
or from pos terminal
cause 100% dumps r good
no way they r bad
is it fault of dumps or what ?

bear 12:00 AM
Dumps are bad I said check them bro real easy to figure it out

Tri3ump 12:01 AM
1 sec

Tri3ump 12:03 AM
CC_number Auth_code DEFINITION Auth_result Amount Void
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=xxxx 05 Do Not Honor DECLINE 7.65 -
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=xxxx 00 Approved And Completed APPROVAL 1.31 voided
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=xxxx 00 Approved And Completed APPROVAL 2.79 voided
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=xxxx 05 Do Not Honor DECLINE 16.65

Tri3ump 12:04 AM
thats from 4 bro damn
i dont know whats up with your results seriously but its cool bro
what can i do? nothing i cant do anything damn

Tri3ump 12:05 AM
its ur word more stronger than mine ur the one with the power damn
bear 12:15 AM
Bro have some1 else run them then maybe I formatted wrong or something

Tri3ump 12:15 AM
100% problem is not from me bro. u saw for urself i dont need to lie damn

bear 12:16 AM
Format 5 that are approved and send to me so I can track them on reader writer and let me check on pos

bear 12:17 AM
Ok bro

Tri3ump 12:17 AM
bro checker kills brazil in seconds bro damn

bear 12:18 AM
No bro it does not not true

Tri3ump 12:19 AM
am working brazil for 2 years i know that for a fact. when it gets a charge and then use anywhere else it declines
usa dumps can work

Tri3ump 12:20 AM
brazil asia die fast

bear 12:21 AM
Well bro let some1 run others you see I'm not using them at all

Tri3ump 12:21 AM
have u cashed brazil before bro honestly?

Tri3ump 12:22 AM
so i just consider this a total loss and move on bro? damn

Tri3ump 12:23 AM
smh to my luck

bear 12:24 AM
Yes I have cashed every country I work for JIM are you serious.. Cashing any dump is all the same bro no regional on these in my area main hub in USA

bear 12:25 AM
U got USA bro

Tri3ump 12:26 AM
actually bro there are many locks in usa. even from coast to coast block on usa dumps. and 201 are different from 101 bro. 201 are blocked 80% more than 101

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Tri3ump 12:30 AM
am just looking for a partner thats all nothing else

bear 12:36 AM
Bro u see I'm not using what you sent clearly USA with pin do you have

Tri3ump 12:37 AM
damn man.

Tri3ump 12:38 AM
i cant send u usa bro . i was going to send after if i had some results with these bro
that was the plan from the begging i told u before i want usa guys. but i tried u out with brazil first to see where u stand

bear 12:45 AM
Bro lets don't get it twisted I tried you out I'm the best at this now I think we both know what's up with that stuff you sent now if you wanna do real business lets do it if not cool

Tri3ump 12:46 AM
damn bro so i just consider this a loss and move on? thats not cool bro

bear 12:49 AM
What do you want me to do I don't want any1 to loose but those dumps have not or will not be touched I say they are bad

Tri3ump 12:53 AM
first they were god for u but then they are bad. u check em they r good and then u say they are bad. then i check again and i still see good. come on bro its not fair seriosuly its not. like i trusted u . i even sent u first bro. put faith in u.

bear is busy

Tri3ump 12:54 AM
first they were god for u but then they are bad. u check em they r good and then u say they are bad. then i check again and i still see good. come on bro its not fair seriosuly its not. like i trusted u . i even sent u first bro. put faith in u.

bear 12:59 AM
bro if they are checking good that means i have not used.. what do you want from me seriously just say im preparing for my order from JIM its important you are to i want to do business with you as well

Tri3ump 1:02 AM
bottom line is if u say u r as serious as u r i want to work with u. for now i would like some sort of payment like u said u would do and if i see u r legit i will send u some usa work to complete and give true results with no games

Tri3ump 1:17 AM
i guess u dont want to respond to that damn

Tri3ump 1:23 AM
i got ripped looks like it

bear 1:23 AM
bro u have games

Tri3ump 1:24 AM
u playing me well like beathoven plays the piano bro

Tri3ump 1:25 AM
thos dumps are half dead now u checked many and i did also
now they bad
40 dumps gone
$0 made
thats reality of whats going on

Tri3ump 1:29 AM
shouldhave waited for escrow my fault for being impatient. i know i was doomed as soon as u said u will send wu to moderator/ even after u gave a mans word that u will send as soon as i send u, that u will pay half. then u confirm they are goodthen u say they are bad
bear 16:52 PM
I checked 10 on checker 3 approve for $10 and under.. Not working on pos.. Are u serious or joking bro.. I will send you funds just because the effort you are going thru

bear 1:34 AM
how much do u want for that crap

Tri3ump 1:34 AM
bro u put the price i just want to know i didnt go wrong with u
to see if u actually have money or was i being fooled
its ur call man

Tri3ump 1:36 AM
if u r real u wont go wrong with me ill give u another shot with some usa

Tri3ump 1:52 AM

Tri3ump 1:53 AM
Uxxxxx thats my lr

Tri3ump 2:09 AM

Tri3ump 2:24 AM
hey bro u playing me like a donkey

Tri3ump 2:26 AM
Tri3ump 9:56 PM
what happened bro tell me some good new please

madMAN madMAN 9:58 PM
ya dude
few wrked
bt nt for big amount

Tri3ump 10:01 PM
for how much bro?
how many worked from the 20 i sent u

madMAN madMAN 10:04 PM
9 wrked dude
rest were insuff

Tri3ump 10:05 PM
nice am glad to hear that

madMAN madMAN 10:06 PM
made bout $1750
ill send ya yo cut when i arrve home

Tri3ump 2:27 AM
Tri3ump 10:07 PM
thanks bro damn am happy to hear that

madMAN madMAN 10:08 PM
ya dude dnt worry
whn can u get more
i can wrk em now dude

Tri3ump 10:09 PM
after u pay me bro i will send u more

madMAN madMAN 10:11 PM
k dude can ya send more
ths time so i cn wrk all togter

Tri3ump 10:12 PM
we will talk when i get my cut bro
i dont want to rush things
step by step

madMAN madMAN 10:15 PM
k dude ill msg ya when home

Tri3ump 10:16 PM
alright bro am here waiting
msg me once you come back

madMAN madMAN 10:19 PM
k dude tnx

i think u clealry ripped me bro thanks

Tri3ump 3:25 AM
damn bro i should have known u cant pay anything this was a well played rip damn
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bear is busy

bear 3:30 AM
bro the mere fact u are serious blows me really like what the fuck do you think i can do with that shit bro really.. i said how much do you need cause i dont owe you but i will let you have a few bucks really what do you need you are going hard not needed

Tri3ump 3:31 AM

Tri3ump 3:39 AM

bear 3:41 AM
you are a fucking weirdo off dumps i never used bro good luck really this is bullshit...........

Tri3ump 3:42 AM
bro what do u think is fair
i told u pay what u think is right
20 pcs died from sending to u
and the rest of 20 i sent to another guy he got 9 working

Tri3ump 3:43 AM
i dont understand didnt work for u but was well for someone. even when u checked them us said they were fine
maybe u formatted wrong i dont know but all i know dumps are 100% working bro
not hold not decline not pick up
but working damn bro

bear 3:44 AM
i think u do drugs not cool bro really

Tri3ump 3:44 AM
thing is u keep chageing your words thats what makes me skeptical
u tell me to tell u price then u say no
u say working then u say no
u say u willl pay when i send then u say no

Tri3ump 3:45 AM
u say escrow then u say u would send by wu
come on man i feel like a fool here
maybe didnt work for u i dont know. but if u r true
i will make ur loss come if u say u r who u say u r

Tri3ump 3:46 AM
i will make u profit a 100x more just dont want to be donked again and again bro

bear 3:46 AM
bro i didnt use those dumps why should i pay u

Tri3ump 3:47 AM
thats what i mean once again u said u would pay then again changing ur words
so basically eveything u told me was not true thats how i feel
look at ur history and see everything points to me being right bro

bear 3:48 AM
why are you being serious please just say bro im joking or something i feel like im on punked..

Tri3ump 3:48 AM
what do u mean why am i being serious?

Tri3ump 3:49 AM
u think am joking with u
damn man
if u r not serious then i wont be also just next time dont makes promises that u cant keep its not how men act

bear 3:49 AM
i think you are pushing ripper to another level bro really its amazing to see you try so damn hard

Tri3ump 3:50 AM
try ? hard ?
look at ur words
and ur history
and then see who is a ripper

bear 3:50 AM
im gonna blacklist myself you are insane bro really

Tri3ump 3:50 AM
u lied about everything
all ur words didnt add up
everything u changed
and u calling me the ripper

Tri3ump 3:51 AM
all prood is in ur words not mine

bear 3:52 AM
bro really relax im not sending you shit cause you sent me shit and i never used now get some rest make a real order with JIM tomm please cause you must be on crack dude


1. Ur icq is: 583397372 ? dont have even one message from it
2. Contact me about cashing ur stuff - MAYBE we can figure out something.
3. So he didnt sent you ur part, right?
icq its old
i will contact
no this man have not paid his words only manipulate and change he promise 1 thing buy acts on another, how to trust his words?


this is a bum

this guy is a real liar.... his shit was dead as it gets i checked 10 on phone checker 3 approved 45 min later i checked all on pos at airport none worked then i told him in same time frame and said none are good.. he said he want s me to give him $800 yea right bullshit not gonna happen. not 1 worked then he said he sent 20 out and a guy made $1750 mind you all this happen in a 3 hour span how is that possible unless the guy already had dumps.. i told this guy to setup escrow he claimed he sent ninja a message liar.. im not paying this guy a penny.. i told him that several times i checked his shit in 45 min none good on pos at all look at logs... if he is reading this he should really stop the games

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Tri3ump 11/9/2012 12:51 AM
Tri3ump ([email protected]) has added you
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 12:52 AM

hey man jim told me u can cash d + p ?
bear 11/9/2012 1:41 AM

ok whats up
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:42 AM

i need someone for a big job all over usa
bear 11/9/2012 1:42 AM

ok what do u need
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:43 AM

d + p cashiers who can work up to 200 cards a day
bear 11/9/2012 1:43 AM

ok cool thats cool
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:43 AM

you can handel it?
bear 11/9/2012 1:44 AM

if you can
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:44 AM

its fine here
bear 11/9/2012 1:44 AM

here to bro
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:45 AM

when can you start
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:45 AM

when can you start
bear 11/9/2012 1:46 AM

whenever u can send
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:46 AM

i can send now its fine
bear 11/9/2012 1:46 AM

Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:47 AM

how can i trust you? jim vouched for you but still
bear 11/9/2012 1:48 AM

jim is enough ask him about me best i can tell you bro
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:49 AM

forking over about 100k is different
bear 11/9/2012 1:51 AM

thats change bro but why start big always start small and progress
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:51 AM

cause i need people to get the job done asap before my dumps are flagged you understand me
bear 11/9/2012 1:54 AM

they dont get flagged with me bro
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:54 AM

its not bout you its where dumps were skimmed from
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:55 AM

when the banks notice
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:55 AM

they will flag all the base
bear 11/9/2012 1:57 AM

bro i got this on my end i dont get stuff flagged im done with 100 pcs in 8 hrs
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:57 AM

i hope thats true
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:58 AM

do you know ninja? admin of i can start you off with 50 pcs for first trial
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 1:58 AM

and move up the ladder
bear 11/9/2012 1:59 AM

bro however you feel
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:00 AM

i feel we need to work step by step
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:01 AM

cause this is be long
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:01 AM

and i only demand 50/50
bear 11/9/2012 2:03 AM

60/40 bro i gotta do supplies and stuff i get the best from jim already
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:04 AM

i dont have the time or the crew to work them. i can accept 60/40 since i am working solo
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:04 AM

but are you willing to work with ninja? you know him ? he is admin of
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:05 AM

for first deal
bear 11/9/2012 2:05 AM

cool thats ok bro however
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:06 AM

alright when can we start ? ninja seems to be online now
bear 11/9/2012 2:08 AM

Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:09 AM

1 more question will you be cashing out at atm? pos? casino ?
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:09 AM

cause my guys told me
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:09 AM

at pos with pin can go up to 15k
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:09 AM

and at casino 2.5k
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:09 AM

3.5k sorry
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:09 AM

and atm up to $500
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:10 AM

can you add me please i do not see you online in my list
bear 11/9/2012 2:14 AM

i do it all over bro..
bear 11/9/2012 2:15 AM

im checking with jim now about you on his new icq then i will add u
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:16 AM

i dont stay am an outside guy. my friend is the one who got your icq from jim. he is a big buyer of jims. ill tell him to msg him now
bear 11/9/2012 2:24 AM

no jim dont know u bro and whats jim ne mask of his new icq not looking good bro
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:25 AM

my guy is talking to him now
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:25 AM

supposedly he never gave your contact
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:26 AM

625600510 is this contact familiar to you my guys saying its jims
bear 11/9/2012 2:30 AM

no bro no where close whats up with you
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:31 AM

Jimservice #3 14:21 AM I think you mixing chats together broi didnt give you any cashout icq
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:31 AM

this is not one of jims supports?
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:35 AM

Jimservice #3 9:30 AM and pls always verify that you are talking to the right supportyou can do this by asking the person you are talking to give you the code to your last order
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:35 AM

i dont know whats going on but this dont look good
bear 11/9/2012 2:37 AM

bro u are not talking to the real jim really
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:37 AM

Jimservice #3 9:36 AM you need to always verify its me
bear 11/9/2012 2:37 AM

ok verify its jim then cause its not
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:38 AM

am deleting this prick
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:38 AM

but how the hell did my friend give me your icq?
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:39 AM

he is on the also his name is lockman1470
bear 11/9/2012 2:39 AM

i dont know but im kinda not feeling this bro
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:40 AM

you can check my friend out he is a serious buyer on the forum longterm in this game
bear 11/9/2012 2:41 AM

well bro i dont know send me 1 good dump let me see what you are about
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:42 AM

like now i am paranoid. i dont know whats going on. i am looking for serious people and everywhere i turn the corner i am ready to be fucked
bear 11/9/2012 2:43 AM

well bro i cant fuck you cause u found me i didnt find u.. send 1 with pin and let me see if u are legit
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:45 AM

i need people who will work 200 a day bro. hearing 1 dump to "check" doesnt sound good. please if you are serious. just contact my friend on the forum and see for yourself. confirm with him. i dont stay in forums cause too much heat
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:45 AM

i got my own work and operations setup
bear 11/9/2012 2:48 AM

bro damn your friend i can do all you got but i need to see something plus u said lets deal with ninja but how can u if u are not on fourm bro get ya shit together u are getting caught up
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:50 AM

i deal with ninja cause my friend gave me his contact and said use this guy for any deals. i am not on the forums. he is my guy inside the carding forums . i stay out. thats how serious i am
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:50 AM

and i am ready to set up link now. with ninja i told you from the start we will deal with ninja. cause am not just going to fork over 100k
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:51 AM

i need a guy who can run and who has a dream and makes the dream happen
bear 11/9/2012 2:52 AM

a dream aint shit we live in reality...
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:53 AM

if you contact my friend you will see in the forum he is a big buyer for 4 years from all the sellers. check him out lockman1470 and confirm with him
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:53 AM

i got my own skimmer a month back
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:54 AM

and this is teh first base i took
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:54 AM

and looking to cash it out
bear 11/9/2012 2:54 AM

good luck bro and be safe
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:55 AM

you too man sorry we couldnt come to a conclusion
bear 11/9/2012 2:56 AM

there is no conclussion u are asking me to ask a friend i dont need to ask u got goods thats are friend
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:57 AM

i am looking to work with someone . but you are saying my guy has contact messed up and its not real jimservice. so i dont know who you are. + i dont need to work on 1 dump. i want heavy runners doing 200 a day. and i want to work with ninja 1st time
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:58 AM

am talking about over 100k for me and for you in the end
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:58 AM

need to build trust
bear 11/9/2012 2:59 AM

i already got 100k bro and if you are real u should deal with ninja lets do it set up the escrow with ninja
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 2:59 AM

[Fri Nov 9 2012 14:06:01 PM] Tri3ump: are u available for escrow?
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 3:00 AM

am already 1 step ahead of you bro i already contacted him from the first minute
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 3:00 AM

cause my guy game me your contact i wanted to start work asap
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 3:00 AM

but untill now no answer from him
Tri3ump 11/9/2012 3:00 AM

you can msg me also
bear 11/9/2012 6:15 AM

start escrow
bear 11/18/2012 2:56 PM

here bro
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 12:53 PM

hey guys am looking for new people who can cash brazil dumps with pin. who can do this let me know.ASAP i have 600 dumps and i need cashiers brazil ONLY FOR NOW

bear 11/19/2012 12:54 PM

bro u never got back with me
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 1:36 PM

hey sorry i was busy bro
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 1:37 PM

i want to work with u but u dont want to work with escrow bro. i tried few people and got robbed!!!!!
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 1:37 PM

now am down to 560 dumps
bear 11/19/2012 2:07 PM

bro i said do escrow with ninja what are you talking bout you can do escrow set it up with ninja
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:18 PM

alright bro
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:19 PM

so ill send u 50 pcs for start can u deposit 3k for start?
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:19 PM

we r working on 50/50
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:19 PM

u minus the 3k from the profits and send me my share bro
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:19 PM

and then if all is good bro we can continue
bear 11/19/2012 2:22 PM

escrow with ninja cool and its 60-40 set it up asap
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:22 PM

Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:22 PM

can u work these bins ?
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:22 PM

u can check to make sure they valid or not
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:22 PM

i have 500 + with pin and 4000 without pin
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:24 PM

if u can cash also let me know normal without pin
bear 11/19/2012 2:24 PM

bear 11/19/2012 2:25 PM

its a cool bin if not flagged pin is better i can get cash easier
bear 11/19/2012 2:27 PM

transaction declined for 23.90 bro gotta do better than that
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:28 PM

Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:28 PM

look at these bins bro
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:28 PM

see which u think will be good
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:28 PM

base is at 91%
Tri3ump 11/19/2012 2:31 PM

r these better bro ?
bear 11/19/2012 2:33 PM

bro not good you might wanna check them

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 06:12 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 06:11 AM ----------

read all the logs JIM does not even know this guy at all i think this is a real ripper really fucking bullshit
you dont make sense first you say say they are good then you say i killed them? you told me you did not touch any dumps, he said use them. but when i checked more than 80% are dead cause of you, but they were fine before that. means you used them

he talk on 100k how he is big man in japan but all i am seeing is small cockroach

+ only reason i put this thread is because all his lies and child stories . EVERY thing he said he came and changed it

YOU ARE not a MAN ok. a man gives his words and does it, YOU are child who can not keep word but can talk talk. when come to real deal he cry

this is a pig who does not fly straigh.

4 lies here he put
1 - he sayed he will pay half as soon as he get dump, he gots and he check and he not payed
2- i wait for escrow he said he will wait also, after i send him he sayed he was going to use WU WITH ESCROW, he dont have LR NOW :)
3- he sayed he will pay for problem cause, but when i say ok pay, he say never no work, so why u say u wil payed?
4- he sayed maybe he have problem with formmatting track and he will send to another person to try it , then he say he dont want after 1 hr he say all dead

this is why i put here or otherwise i wont even open this topic and consider it loss but this child act to much deceive and waste time much so i put here
Последнее редактирование:


Tri3ump 3:42 AM
bro what do u think is fair
i told u pay what u think is right
20 pcs died from sending to u
and the rest of 20 i sent to another guy he got 9 working

that is same i told you, that i gave to someone , beause you sayed to me that you did not touch anything but what we find? you use all, and in end only 9 work from original 42, so where is other 32? some has used, and THAT IS YOU WHO USED THEM.

now he is here anrgy like a little school girl. he cry look at him. he is angry only thing he can do is say bad words like angry teenager

now he is saying more lies
he says 5 hours later., i confirm with him other person got result in 30 min later. and he was not talking to me more long time u can see he was reply every msg 20-25 min later.. he was only buy time after he used all he sayed not good and HE WILL PAY FOR TROUBLE. after i ask pay to see what ripper will say and i TELL HIM HE CAN PAY WHAT HE WANT... ripper man say FUCK YOU I AM NOT PAY YOU ANYTHING.

no one trust this cockroach he soon will be STEP on and all his SHIT WILL COME OUT
Последнее редактирование:
this man dont want accept responsibility . he will run with the money and enjoy nice holiday. so when he can come he can be ripper status


You shows your stupidity and way how to treat your work even in this message where you didnt cleared sensitive information (cc data) which can EASY track down you or your partner who gave you dumps.

This is not a right way to treat your partner.

Anyway - you cashed money, where is his part?
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