Usename: lakesinc


Sent him 24k on his dating drop. He forwarded half of the money in Nigeria and half to another of his dating. 12k sent to another dating were blocked after transfer. he owes me 6k.

This is a business to rip someone 12k and after u can buy how many accounts u want on paid forums

Take care with this nigerian. Nigerians sucks and they are very hungry. They dotn have money to eat

I have also online access with screenshot. I will not write any more I was ripped to many times here.

(11:24:21 AM) INC: you called me ripper on forum wht the herk
(11:26:06 AM) Alex: ripper on forum ????????
(11:26:20 AM) INC: in my inbox
(11:26:35 AM) Alex: look
(11:26:47 AM) Alex: i understand u that u have money now and u dont care
(11:26:52 AM) Alex: but try to work
(11:27:00 AM) Alex: because money in the account afre from 2 days ago
(11:27:19 AM) INC: nigeria money havent arrive yet
(11:27:21 AM) INC: untill 2mmrw
(11:27:33 AM) Alex: and i want also to see the money in my hand to start working with more drops
(11:27:53 AM) Alex: ok
(11:27:54 AM) INC: i know man
(11:28:00 AM) Alex: ok then
(11:28:01 AM) INC: i promise to get bring u slow drop again
(11:28:33 AM) Alex: when do u think will have the MTCNs from you ?
(11:28:39 AM) Alex: u received 2 names for send ?
(11:28:46 AM) Alex: u can send 2900 on wu and 2900 on MG
(11:28:53 AM) Alex: on 1 name and on other name same thing ?
(11:29:20 AM) INC: yes let her jst finsh sending WIre to Portugal then all is set
(11:38:09 AM) Alex: ok
(8:48:52 PM) Alex: man
(8:49:01 PM) Alex: NGO did not cashed th emoney yet
(8:49:37 PM) Alex: is already friday
(8:49:46 PM) Alex: when i get my money ???
(1:07:26 PM) Alex: why u dotn answer ?


After that he never answered

already past 3-4 days

This is a nigerian ripper dont deal with him anymore. is a shit hope will never get more money from others.


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