
1) Krasiu
3)ICQ: 643616197
MSN: [email protected]
jabber: [email protected]

4) this person should me for itunes of $304 pay it seems as doesn't refuse but constantly throughout already long time only promises.
I ask you for it RIPPER status

(25.04.2012 23:59:56) parker: 
    when to wait payment from you???

(26.04.2012 0:02:04) parker: 

(26.04.2012 0:08:02) parker: 
    you here??

(26.04.2012 0:09:44) parker: 
    why you wet

(26.04.2012 0:17:38) parker: 

(26.04.2012 0:19:45) parker: 
 [COLOR="Red"]we with you agreed that the price of 35 % and you pay quicker last codes
    I to you gave on April 22... passed 3 days... payments aren't
    present.... we after all with you agreed[/COLOR]

(25.04.2012 23:25:22) krasiujr: 

(25.04.2012 23:25:24) krasiujr: 

(26.04.2012 2:07:05) krasiujr: 

(26.04.2012 2:07:08) krasiujr: 

(26.04.2012 17:19:49) parker: 
    ok -5=304

(26.04.2012 17:20:45) parker: 
    are you here?

(27.04.2012 1:00:29) parker: 
    are you here?

(27.04.2012 14:50:59) parker: 
    are you here??\

(27.04.2012 16:54:58) parker: 
    are you here??

(27.04.2012 18:52:14) parker: 
    are you here??

(27.04.2012 21:32:55) parker: 
    Hi! to me it is not clear why you don't answer me!
    I wait payment within 72 hours.... farther I will be compelled to write

(27.04.2012 21:34:04) parker: 
    I remind that you owe me $304... and we with you agreed that I won't
    wait payment by weeks

(28.04.2012 18:36:29) krasiujr: 

(28.04.2012 18:36:57) parker: 

(28.04.2012 18:37:09) krasiujr: 
    now im

(28.04.2012 18:37:13) krasiujr: 
    dont blackmail me

(28.04.2012 18:37:16) parker: 
    you where got lost?

(28.04.2012 18:37:17) krasiujr: 
    i will pay once i resell

(28.04.2012 18:37:35) krasiujr: 
    if u are not happy with our buissness

(28.04.2012 18:37:40) krasiujr: 
    then we can stop

(28.04.2012 18:39:12) parker: 
    I don't blackmail, I simply ask that you would satisfy those conditions
    which we with you stipulated....

(28.04.2012 18:42:10) parker: 
    when you to me will pay? how many I still need to wait?

(28.04.2012 18:43:58) krasiujr: 
    i will pay

(28.04.2012 18:43:59) krasiujr: 

(28.04.2012 18:44:01) krasiujr: 
    as always

(28.04.2012 18:44:05) krasiujr: 
    first part coming today

(30.04.2012 15:40:55) krasiujr: 
    did u get money?

(01.05.2012 1:39:02) parker: 

(01.05.2012 12:49:18) parker: 
    hi are you here?

(01.05.2012 12:52:35) krasiujr: 

(01.05.2012 12:52:39) krasiujr: 
    why u accunt on lr blocked?

(01.05.2012 12:55:14) parker: 
    what??? I do not know.... I will understand now... yesterday it used!

(01.05.2012 12:57:00) krasiujr: 
    You are trying to send money to a limited account. Please contact
    account owner for more information.

(01.05.2012 12:57:18) parker: 
    everything isn't blocked normally works!

(01.05.2012 12:57:32) parker: 
    just checked

(01.05.2012 12:57:57) parker: 

(01.05.2012 13:35:02) parker: 
    well there?

(01.05.2012 13:52:46) parker: 
    you here??

(01.05.2012 13:53:58) krasiujr: 
    do u have another lr acc?

(01.05.2012 13:53:59) krasiujr: 
    same error

(01.05.2012 13:54:04) krasiujr: 
    since yesterday

(01.05.2012 13:58:59) parker: 
    well now I will give another of 2 mines

(01.05.2012 14:04:03) parker: 

(01.05.2012 14:39:40) parker: 
    you here???

(01.05.2012 15:32:19) parker: 
    you received a new purse?

(01.05.2012 16:46:08) parker: 
    you here?

(01.05.2012 16:46:26) krasiujr: 
    i keep getting error

(01.05.2012 16:46:30) krasiujr: 
    i guess im problme

(01.05.2012 16:46:31) krasiujr: 
    not you

(01.05.2012 16:50:00) parker: 
    also what now to do think?

(01.05.2012 16:54:20) krasiujr: 
    u have WU?

(01.05.2012 16:56:41) parker: 
    i[COLOR="Red"]t is possible and through WU but it would be desirable through LR...
    let's make so.... if in 2 days at you it will not turn out to resolve a
    problem with LR, then I will accept money through WU[/COLOR]

(01.05.2012 16:58:12) krasiujr: 

(01.05.2012 16:58:15) krasiujr: 
    sorry for all this

(01.05.2012 16:58:30) krasiujr: 
    obviously i will send more money

(01.05.2012 16:58:30) krasiujr: 
    to make it up

(01.05.2012 16:59:12) parker: 

(02.05.2012 22:27:05) parker: 
    hi are you here?

(02.05.2012 22:30:08) parker: 
    hi are you here?

(02.05.2012 22:30:39) parker: 
    well you managed to resolve a problem in LR?

(02.05.2012 23:06:48) parker: 
    are you here???

(03.05.2012 1:02:13) parker: 
    are you here??

(03.05.2012 11:17:53) parker: 
    are you here??

(03.05.2012 14:04:32) parker: 
    re you here??

(03.05.2012 14:07:08) krasiujr: 

(03.05.2012 14:07:59) parker: 
    well it was possible to you to resolve a problem with the LR

(03.05.2012 14:08:10) krasiujr: 
    not yet

(03.05.2012 14:08:16) krasiujr: 
    i will try today one more time

(03.05.2012 14:08:17) krasiujr: 
    if not

(03.05.2012 14:08:22) krasiujr: 
    i will send wu tommorow

(03.05.2012 14:10:05) parker: 
    ok....try to transfer to U****** if not to turn out.... you will tell
    to me then... I will give data to you for WU

(04.05.2012 16:46:17) parker: 
    hi are you here?

(04.05.2012 17:02:23) parker: 
    you here???

(04.05.2012 17:14:48) krasiujr: 

(04.05.2012 17:15:21) parker: 
    well didn't unblock your purse???

(04.05.2012 17:26:12) parker: 
    you will do transfer through WU

(04.05.2012 17:50:36) parker: 
    you here?

(04.05.2012 18:00:04) parker: 
    you here?

(04.05.2012 18:01:00) krasiujr: 

(04.05.2012 18:01:03) krasiujr: 
    leave wu daa here

(04.05.2012 18:01:20) parker: 
    ok min

(04.05.2012 18:04:43) parker: 

(04.05.2012 18:07:00) parker: 
    I wait from you for MTCN

(05.05.2012 10:32:12) parker: 
    hello, when to wait from you payment?

(06.05.2012 12:30:43) parker: 
    hi are you here?

(06.05.2012 14:54:59) krasiujr: 

(06.05.2012 14:55:39) parker: 
    when to wait WU transfer from you?

(06.05.2012 15:00:26) krasiujr: 
    in Poland is all closed

(06.05.2012 15:00:28) krasiujr: 
    so tommorow :)

(06.05.2012 15:00:42) parker: 

(07.05.2012 15:13:30) parker: 
    hi are you here?

(07.05.2012 15:30:41) parker: 
    you here?

(07.05.2012 17:52:08) parker: 
    are you here?

(07.05.2012 18:49:43) parker: 
    are you here?

(07.05.2012 19:08:52) parker: 
    you here?

(07.05.2012 19:38:16) parker: 
    you here?

(07.05.2012 19:53:45) parker: 
    you here?

(07.05.2012 20:05:09) krasiujr: 

(07.05.2012 20:05:26) parker: 
    ok.... you promised that today there will be a payment

(07.05.2012 20:05:37) krasiujr: 
[COLOR="Red"]today i send[/COLOR]

(07.05.2012 20:05:39) krasiujr: 

(07.05.2012 20:05:43) parker: 

(07.05.2012 20:05:44) krasiujr: 

(07.05.2012 20:05:47) krasiujr: 

(07.05.2012 20:05:53) parker: 

(07.05.2012 20:06:02) parker: 

(07.05.2012 20:06:20) parker: 
    ok....I wait from you for MTCN

(08.05.2012 2:42:41) parker: 
    hi are you here?

(08.05.2012 3:11:45) parker: 
    you here??

(08.05.2012 11:50:44) parker: 
    you here?

(08.05.2012 11:55:23) parker: 
    are you here???

(08.05.2012 12:03:32) parker: 
    as I understand you decided money not to give me......????? how many it
    is possible to promise and not to do???

it already everything bothered me...... I ask from you for it the corresponding status....

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 14:02 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 12:20 ----------

started to pay paid $50 from 300 which should...

[12:03:32] <parker> as I understand you decided money not to give me......????? how many it is possible to promise and not to do????

[13:25:54] <parker> you blacklist

[14:48:25] <krasiujr> great
[14:49:10] <krasiujr> i got banned yesterday
[14:49:21] <krasiujr> for spamming thread
[14:49:37] <krasiujr> so now i dont have any reason to go back there
[14:51:58] <krasiujr> now im fucked up
[14:52:58] <krasiujr> because i cantrely in blacklist thread
[14:53:36] <parker> I hope that these contacts *********** and on ebay ********* nickname are familiar to you.... so I for you will suit good public relations....
[14:54:18] <krasiujr> Imn ot a scammer
[14:54:22] <parker> believe I will find still your cantatas even more... because as you do business it is not good
[14:54:27] <krasiujr> and no, i dont know any of this
[14:54:35] <krasiujr> im going to pay it as as i said
[14:54:38] <krasiujr> im not scammer
[14:55:18] <krasiujr> I cant send WU, they said i couldnt send to this country
[14:55:22] <krasiujr> give me ur LR...
[14:55:52] <parker> U******
[14:56:13] <parker> 304$
[14:56:49] <krasiujr> I have 1200 LR blocked because they are checking one payment
[14:56:52] <krasiujr> i have noidea wtf
[14:56:56] <krasiujr> i send u 1st part
[14:56:59] <krasiujr> today will be more
[14:57:01] <krasiujr> trust me
[14:57:06] <krasiujr> im not scammer
[14:57:15] <krasiujr> Payment Mode Account
Date 05/08/2012 09:53
Batch 94262810
From U********** (poorboy)
To U****** (parker)
Amount $50.00
Payment Purpose Purchase of services
[14:57:21] <krasiujr> delete blacklist thread, please
[14:57:29] <krasiujr> because i cant answer and i will be banned
[14:57:37] <krasiujr> if i wont pay u till this week
[14:57:40] <krasiujr> u can reopen it
[14:57:58] <krasiujr> but right now its not good to me
[14:58:02] <krasiujr> i got week ban for spam
[15:00:04] <parker> I will write at a forum that you gave a part of money.... I will remove black as soon as you completely will pay off with me.... I think so it will be fair.
[15:00:14] <krasiujr> OK
[15:00:18] <krasiujr> THATS COOL WITH ME
[15:02:50] <krasiujr> I have problem with LR suspension. Other guy opened blacklist, because i was late with payment for same reason. No matter what, i will pay you back.
[15:02:58] <krasiujr> can u copy that to your thread?
[15:03:02] <krasiujr> because i have week ban
[15:03:48] <parker> ok
[15:03:55] <krasiujr> thank you
[15:03:58] <krasiujr> and sorry for being late
[15:04:00] <krasiujr> trust me
[15:04:05] <krasiujr> i like doing busnes with you
[15:04:17] <krasiujr> i dont want to scam you
Последнее редактирование:


conflict is resolved completely all the money given away, even with compensation claims ..... I do not have ...

I ask the administration to remove the claim ....


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