1) Insertusername


Ripper promised verifone SDK, was given it, but after asking for global payments srouce code he left after pickup of WU.


(3:17:55 PM) Showmann: take your tim i mean
(3:19:20 PM) username: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xgen8t
(3:19:34 PM) username: im going to drop some stuff at stash house
(3:19:56 PM) username: i will be on iphone prolly so remove
(3:19:59 PM) username: ur OTR
(3:20:07 PM) Showmann: kk
(3:20:14 PM) username: and contact me with MTCN
(3:20:29 PM) Showmann: will do
(3:20:40 PM) Showmann: will you teach me slightly how to use?
(3:20:51 PM) username: yeah will point you out
(3:21:09 PM) username: can you do 1 mtcn payment
(3:21:12 PM) username: it easier for me
(3:21:40 PM) Showmann: YES
(3:21:41 PM) Showmann: yes*
(3:21:49 PM) username: ok thx
(3:26:38 PM) username: hurry if you want to do this tonight
(3:26:53 PM) username: because i have 1:30
(3:26:56 PM) username: to pick up money
(3:31:24 PM) Showmann: ok
(3:31:36 PM) Showmann: so anyitme from now til an hour and a hlaf/
(3:31:37 PM) Showmann: ?
(3:31:48 PM) username: yeah you have 1hour to send
(3:31:50 PM) username: or so
(3:32:43 PM) Showmann: well i could give you the scan
(3:32:48 PM) Showmann: you could just pick it up tmrw
(3:32:51 PM) Showmann: if needed
(3:33:11 PM) username: id prefer picking up tonight if i send you tonight bro
(3:33:13 PM) username: no offence
(3:33:45 PM) username: wait i found place
(3:33:50 PM) username: that close a 9pm my time
(3:33:54 PM) username: and its 6:33 now
(3:34:00 PM) Showmann: ok
(3:34:02 PM) Showmann: i have some time then
(3:34:09 PM) username: yeah 2hour
(3:34:15 PM) username: to send me mtcn and sender name
(3:34:34 PM) Showmann: ok
(3:34:39 PM) username: u are busy
(3:34:40 PM) username: is that why?
(3:34:51 PM) Showmann: little bit
(3:34:54 PM) username: kk
(3:46:21 PM) Showmann: did you upload to sendspace?
(3:46:25 PM) Showmann: as im going to go now and send
(3:46:31 PM) Showmann: but ill be on mobile when i send it to you aight >
(3:46:33 PM) Showmann: ?
(3:47:28 PM) username: im about
(3:47:29 PM) username: to leave
(3:47:31 PM) username: 2mins me
(3:47:36 PM) username: waiting on a call
(3:47:39 PM) Showmann: ok
(3:48:07 PM) username: just send mtcn + sender info
(3:48:18 PM) username: name ; city
(3:48:21 PM) Showmann: sure
(3:48:26 PM) username: i will start uploading
(3:48:28 PM) username: on sendspace
(3:48:51 PM) Showmann: ok
(3:48:54 PM) Showmann: is it a big file?
(4:31:09 PM) The following message received from 644767716 was not encrypted: [Ok]
(4:49:34 PM) The following message received from 644767716 was not encrypted: [Yes ]
(4:49:42 PM) The following message received from 644767716 was not encrypted: [Give me Mtcn and Sender infop]
(4:58:21 PM) The following message received from 644767716 was not encrypted: [??]
(5:05:17 PM) The following message received from 644767716 was not encrypted: [Richmond?]
(6:14:07 PM) Showmann: ru there?
(6:14:10 PM) Showmann: im back
(7:59:05 PM) Showmann: um hello?
(8:27:44 PM) Showmann: ???
(8:28:34 PM) Showmann: whered you go man
(8:28:37 PM) Showmann: dont just run off lol
(8:46:13 PM) Showmann: ok
(8:46:13 PM) OTR Error: You sent encrypted data to 644767716, who wasn't expecting it.
(8:46:17 PM) Private conversation with 644767716 lost.
(8:46:22 PM) username: im back
(8:46:23 PM) Showmann: hey
(8:46:26 PM) username: gimme couple of sec
(8:46:27 PM) username: bro
(8:46:30 PM) Showmann: thanks
(8:46:34 PM) Showmann: private talk?
(8:46:37 PM) Showmann: you have OCR?
(8:46:46 PM) Showmann: or are you out?
(12:22:14 AM) Attempting to start a private conversation with 644767716...
(12:39:46 PM) Unverified conversation with 644767716 started.
(12:45:11 PM) Showmann: hey
(12:45:20 PM) Showmann: whatsup
(12:54:20 PM) Private conversation with 644767716 lost.
(12:54:22 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with 644767716...
(12:54:22 PM) Unverified conversation with 644767716 started.
(12:54:26 PM) Showmann: yeah your there
(1:06:21 PM) Private conversation with 644767716 lost.
(1:06:22 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with 644767716...
(1:06:23 PM) Unverified conversation with 644767716 started.
(1:38:28 PM) Private conversation with 644767716 lost.
(1:38:30 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with 644767716...
(1:38:30 PM) Unverified conversation with 644767716 started.
(2:29:31 PM) Private conversation with 644767716 lost.
(2:29:32 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with 644767716...
(2:29:32 PM) Unverified conversation with 644767716 started.
(2:29:33 PM) Private conversation with 644767716 lost.
(2:29:33 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with 644767716...
(2:29:34 PM) Unverified conversation with 644767716 started.
(2:29:35 PM) Private conversation with 644767716 lost.
(2:29:36 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with 644767716...
(2:29:36 PM) Unverified conversation with 644767716 started.
(2:29:37 PM) Private conversation with 644767716 lost.
(2:29:38 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with 644767716...
(2:29:38 PM) Unverified conversation with 644767716 started.
(2:29:39 PM) Private conversation with 644767716 lost.
(2:29:39 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with 644767716...
(2:29:40 PM) Unverified conversation with 644767716 started.
(2:29:40 PM) Private conversation with 644767716 lost.
(2:29:41 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with 644767716...
(2:29:52 PM) Unverified conversation with 644767716 started.
(2:29:54 PM) Private conversation with 644767716 lost.
(2:29:55 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with 644767716...
(2:30:06 PM) Unverified conversation with 644767716 started.
(2:30:16 PM) Private conversation with 644767716 lost.
(2:30:18 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with 644767716...
(2:30:22 PM) Unverified conversation with 644767716 started.
(3:12:40 PM) Showmann: ok
(3:12:45 PM) Showmann: well im putting you on blacklist

MTCN was given on mobile, so the logs for the MTCN are not shown here. However, i can get a proof of scan of receipt of MTCN if needed ( which shows pickup)

EDIT : Just realised how stupid I am in posting the full log, this is the compressed version
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