ICQ 70029874 is a RIPPER! Uses LR U0524698!

Ripped me for $200 and didnt hear from him anymore...

he used this memberprofile: http://carder.biz/member.php?u=506

Here is the chat:

Certified Privacy 01:21
so you really want to buy PayPal Verified with Balance now?
order here and get instantly deliver

Red Pill 01:21
depends on what u have available

Certified Privacy 01:21
so not buy now?

Certified Privacy 01:22
I have pp verified US,CA,EURO

Red Pill 01:22
also incl email?

Certified Privacy 01:22

Certified Privacy 01:23
have Email+ Password access

Red Pill 01:23

Certified Privacy 01:23
and Bank Account Details
CC Digit

Certified Privacy 01:23
with Balance you need?

Certified Privacy 01:24
I have some Balance US $2800,$1400,$3100
and last small

Red Pill 01:24
and EU pp's?

Certified Privacy 01:25
payment LR

Red Pill 01:25
what balance the EU pp have

Certified Privacy 01:25
you want to buy US or EU?

Certified Privacy 01:26
I think US good for your first deal

Certified Privacy 01:27
so buy or not?

Certified Privacy 01:28
you talk so much
I like action in face

Red Pill 01:28
i understand

Certified Privacy 01:28
and i will support for you

Red Pill 01:28

Certified Privacy 01:28
for Balance you need?
and have LR for deal now?

Red Pill 01:28
i have LR

Certified Privacy 01:28
I have some Balance US $2800,$1400,$3100

Red Pill 01:29
yes i understand but what is ur price

Certified Privacy 01:29
which Balance?

Red Pill 01:29
all 3

Certified Privacy 01:29
$200 for 3 Balane first deal

Certified Privacy 01:30
with Email+Password,Bank Account Details,and CreditCard Number + Exp

Red Pill 01:30
send me ur reputation on crd.biz

Certified Privacy 01:30
of course with Socks IP

Red Pill 01:30

Certified Privacy 01:31
and ready now?
dont worry, try to first some small balance
you will see quality my services

Red Pill 01:31
send me ur rep on cdr
i check 2min and finish the deal

Certified Privacy 01:32
see you not like real
I dont have times for waste
real buyer never talk much clam like u

Red Pill 01:32
i only want to see ur reputation, not waste ur time

Certified Privacy 01:33

Red Pill 01:33
send me link

Certified Privacy 01:33
if you waste my times
forget distrus me anymore

Red Pill 01:33
is okay
no worries

Certified Privacy 01:33

Certified Privacy 01:34
I'm join carder.pro and crdsu.su since 2009

Red Pill 01:34
give me 2min

Certified Privacy 01:34
alway good working

Red Pill 01:34

Certified Privacy 01:36
3 PayPal ready now

Red Pill 01:37
ok send me ur lr

Certified Privacy 01:37

Certified Privacy 01:38
Account number: U0524698

Certified Privacy 01:39
paste 3 Paypal with info here or send by email?

Red Pill 01:39
by email please

Certified Privacy 01:39
ok give me your email

Red Pill 01:39

Certified Privacy 01:39
and when you need anything about Paypal, then contact me asap for get full support or showing for your working
Account number: U0524698 my LR

Red Pill 01:40
but confirm pls.. pp is premium or business

Certified Privacy 01:40
U0524698 LR

Certified Privacy 01:41
sure Premium and Business I have them

Red Pill 01:41
so all 3 is premium or business?

Certified Privacy 01:41
2 Premium and 1 Business

Red Pill 01:42

Certified Privacy 01:42
U0524698 LR
tell me when you send

Certified Privacy 01:42
I will send email with 3 Paypal

Red Pill 01:43
done bro

Certified Privacy 01:44
okay bro
first for safe using PayPal Business
you must do with my showing
first Using Socks IP and Port same victim nearly access

Red Pill 01:44

Certified Privacy 01:45
do you know it?
I will give you IP+Port now

Red Pill 01:45
ok nice

Certified Privacy 01:45
but need register for you new profiles on my VPS Network

Certified Privacy 01:45
because I dont want FBI bring you away me on future
dont playing with FBI

Red Pill 01:45
me neither bro

Certified Privacy 01:46
must using my VPS for logging Paypal

Red Pill 01:46
ok good

Certified Privacy 01:46
tell me Username;Password;Email; for created new profiles on my VPS network now

Red Pill 01:47

Certified Privacy 01:48
and Srection Question
Note: dont share your VPS Profiles for orther

Red Pill 01:48

Certified Privacy 01:48
because my systems network will blocked any access not from you

Red Pill 01:49
i wont share with others

Certified Privacy 01:49
Srection Question + Answer ??

Red Pill 01:52

Certified Privacy 01:53

Certified Privacy is offline
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Red Pill 01:57
all is okay?

Red Pill 02:04
u still here?

Red Pill 02:12
yoooooooooo let me know if all is okay?
didnt see any email yet

Red Pill 02:20
what's happening?

Red Pill 02:23
i expect the order asap in my mail

Certified Privacy 18:42
I never do bad anything with you bro

Certified Privacy 18:43
reaply me for get your order

Red Pill 23:39

Red Pill 23:40
if you didnt had bad intentions i appologies
but next time let me know if you go offline in the middle of the order

Red Pill 23:47
so you can send mail now

Certified Privacy is offline
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Admin can you help solving this?
WHy u're sure what its that memebrs icq?

because i talked to him on icq. Call's himself "Certified Privacy" on ICQ...

Nickname:Certified Privacy
ICQ Number: 70029874

Red Pill 19:29
yes you add me again? what is ur story now. Pay back my money bro...
i will raise another topic on u soon
Certified Privacy 19:31 Certified Privacy has added you
Share Block Discard

Certified Privacy 19:31
fuck off


U showed link to member with nickname "uNF"
and i dont see in his message history what he mentioned anywhere that icq number.

So i repeat my question once again: Why you sure what this icq number belongs to member with nickname "uNF"?
U showed link to member with nickname "uNF"
and i dont see in his message history what he mentioned anywhere that icq number.

So i repeat my question once again: Why you sure what this icq number belongs to member with nickname "uNF"?

yes this is the link he gave me when i asked for his member profile on crdr.pro. This is the member profile he used to win my confidence. You can read in our chat that i ask him for his reputation and after that he send me the link. I am quit sure now this profile doesnt belong to the ripper


Команда форума
Please post any proof or verification that the member you are talking about is "uNF". Did you have PM verification?


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