HellPhiction AKA TurboTax911 - CRAZY KID - Read for Laughs

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Had a deal via escrow, 2 items from eBay at 30%, $1400 paid to Ninja

Deal has been doing on for exactly 2 weeks, if I posted all logs we would be here forever but main point is he is a shitty little kid, excuse after excuse and can't do shit!

(12:53:54 AM) Travel Guy: business
(12:57:47 AM) Travel Guy: i cant even see the item on ebay no more
(12:59:22 AM) Travel Guy: This listing (130654066918) has been removed, or this item is not available.
(1:15:39 AM) Travel Guy: Are you TWINTURBO911?
(1:15:55 AM) Hell Phiction: yea
(1:16:03 AM) Hell Phiction: why?
(1:16:21 AM) Hell Phiction: if you re wondering
(1:16:26 AM) Hell Phiction: i didn t get banned of ripper reasons
(1:16:29 AM) Hell Phiction: i posted too much
(1:16:31 AM) Hell Phiction: lol
(1:16:40 AM) Hell Phiction: 100 posts in 15 days
(1:16:44 AM) Hell Phiction: ninja warned me
(1:16:49 AM) Hell Phiction: and i replyed
(1:17:21 AM) Travel Guy: but you also offered western union cashout, when I offered you fulls you just delayed it
(1:18:38 AM) Hell Phiction: yea, i had
(1:18:41 AM) Hell Phiction: still have
(1:18:42 AM) Hell Phiction: actually
(1:18:47 AM) Hell Phiction: a way to cash cvv2
(1:18:49 AM) Hell Phiction: with western union
(1:18:57 AM) Travel Guy: can you show me that ebay acc where seller left feedback for my item?
(1:19:34 AM) Hell Phiction: sure
(1:20:02 AM) Travel Guy: thanks
(1:20:24 AM) Hell Phiction: wtf
(1:20:28 AM) Hell Phiction: i got suspended
(1:20:33 AM) Hell Phiction: because of this lame ass nigga
(1:20:35 AM) Hell Phiction: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FLUKE-Ti9...quipment_ET&hash=item1e6b96d8e6#ht_3618wt_987
(1:20:47 AM) Travel Guy: i told you that
(1:20:57 AM) Travel Guy: what happen?
(1:21:03 AM) Hell Phiction: MOTHAFUCKIN BITCH
(1:21:15 AM) Hell Phiction: i received notification
(1:21:24 AM) Hell Phiction: about listing being removed due to fraudulent activity
(1:21:26 AM) Hell Phiction: by the seller
(1:21:33 AM) Hell Phiction: the dude was out for getting paypal
(1:21:38 AM) Hell Phiction: or credit card
(1:21:39 AM) Hell Phiction: funds
(1:21:40 AM) Hell Phiction: wtf
(1:22:04 AM) Travel Guy: the seller was a legit powerseller
(1:22:13 AM) Hell Phiction: yea....
(1:22:17 AM) Hell Phiction: happens legit powersellers
(1:22:23 AM) Hell Phiction: to have this type of shit happening
(1:22:25 AM) Hell Phiction: i was wondering
(1:22:28 AM) Hell Phiction: why it took the dude
(1:22:31 AM) Hell Phiction: 18 hours
(1:22:34 AM) Hell Phiction: not to respond at all
(1:22:36 AM) Hell Phiction: after payment
(1:22:36 AM) Travel Guy: lmao you got to be kidding me
(1:22:44 AM) Travel Guy: show me this letter please
(1:22:57 AM) Travel Guy: you should still have feedback though?
(1:23:12 AM) Hell Phiction: nah, ebay fucked my account, it s restricted
(1:23:23 AM) Travel Guy: lol
(1:23:42 AM) Hell Phiction: i got another one tho
(1:23:43 AM) Hell Phiction: left
(1:23:45 AM) Hell Phiction: let me see that
(1:24:54 AM) Travel Guy: i doubt you will ever get back on ******
(1:24:57 AM) Travel Guy: need a new username
(1:25:10 AM) Hell Phiction: why you think that?
(1:25:18 AM) Hell Phiction: nah, this is my user name
(1:25:21 AM) Hell Phiction: and im gonan get back
(1:25:22 AM) Hell Phiction: or else
(1:25:28 AM) Hell Phiction: im gonna take ****** off it s isp
(1:25:33 AM) Hell Phiction: and go to war with those lame ass bitches
(1:25:48 AM) Travel Guy: your smoking too much, you cant even complete a simple order
(1:25:54 AM) Travel Guy: dont worry about my shit
(1:26:14 AM) Travel Guy: obviously some crazy person
(1:26:20 AM) Hell Phiction: what?
(1:26:31 AM) Travel Guy: cancel my order
(1:26:33 AM) Hell Phiction: : ))
(1:26:35 AM) Hell Phiction: you sure?
(1:26:50 AM) Hell Phiction: bro.... i have your orders made
(1:26:57 AM) Travel Guy: yea I am just going to put in blacklist, just wasting my time
(1:27:06 AM) Hell Phiction: well if you re going to do that
(1:27:10 AM) Hell Phiction: im gonna post tracking #'s
(1:27:12 AM) Hell Phiction: canceled
(1:27:22 AM) Travel Guy: post what?
(1:27:26 AM) Hell Phiction: tracking #'s
(1:27:28 AM) Hell Phiction: canceled
(1:27:29 AM) Hell Phiction: with proof
(1:27:30 AM) Hell Phiction: of them
(1:27:32 AM) Hell Phiction: on ups
(1:27:35 AM) Travel Guy: you have and never will get tracking numbers
(1:27:41 AM) Travel Guy: and we dont use UPS in the UK
(1:27:41 AM) Hell Phiction: ight bitch
(1:27:42 AM) Travel Guy: lmao
(1:27:43 AM) Hell Phiction: fuck off
(1:27:49 AM) Travel Guy: your crazy
(1:27:52 AM) Hell Phiction: nah dude
(1:27:54 AM) Hell Phiction: you re dumb
(1:28:03 AM) Hell Phiction: don t insult me
(1:28:07 AM) Travel Guy: lol
(1:28:17 AM) Travel Guy: funniest convo I have had in a while
(1:28:18 AM) Travel Guy: thanks
(1:28:25 AM) Hell Phiction: wtf.....
(1:28:34 AM) Hell Phiction: do you want this fixed or not?
(1:28:40 AM) Hell Phiction: and stop insulting me cause i can t stand that shit
(1:28:54 AM) Travel Guy: how are you going to fix?
(1:29:07 AM) Hell Phiction: im going to make some new orders don t tell me i never have or never will or something
(1:29:09 AM) Hell Phiction: keep it business
(1:29:11 AM) Hell Phiction: don t go there
(1:29:59 AM) Travel Guy: you dont know the word business
(1:30:09 AM) Hell Phiction: alrite you know what
(1:30:12 AM) Hell Phiction: just cancel the order
(1:30:15 AM) Hell Phiction: but don t go blacklist
(1:30:18 AM) Hell Phiction: because i will post
(1:30:21 AM) Hell Phiction: tracking #'s canceled
(1:30:25 AM) Travel Guy: so?
(1:30:28 AM) Hell Phiction: and it will make your matters worst
(1:30:29 AM) Travel Guy: what do I care?
(1:30:30 AM) Hell Phiction: LOOK
(1:30:32 AM) Hell Phiction: i don t wanna fight
(1:30:36 AM) Hell Phiction: i don t fuck with this fighting shitr
(1:30:45 AM) Hell Phiction: it will Make YOUR MATTERS WORST
(1:30:47 AM) Hell Phiction: not mine
(1:31:06 AM) Travel Guy: lol
(1:31:15 AM) Travel Guy: post whatever you want mate
(1:31:20 AM) Travel Guy: I couldnt give a shit
(1:31:26 AM) Hell Phiction: don t blacklist me
(1:31:31 AM) Hell Phiction: just cancel the order if that s what yo uwant
(1:31:31 AM) Travel Guy: when you make 1k a month
(1:31:38 AM) Travel Guy: message me
(1:31:43 AM) Hell Phiction: i make about 150k
(1:31:45 AM) Hell Phiction: a week
(1:31:45 AM) Hell Phiction: son
(1:31:49 AM) Hell Phiction: so .... it s hard
(1:31:50 AM) Hell Phiction: you know
(1:31:52 AM) Hell Phiction: l8r
(1:31:54 AM) Travel Guy: lol
(1:32:01 AM) Travel Guy: crazy crrazy

His topic: http://carder.pro/showthread.php?t=52500

His profile: http://carder.pro/member.php?u=54321

His ICQ:

UIN: 642184299
Nick: Hell Phiction
HellPhiction / For The Record

The name is TwinTurbo911 not TurboTax and yes i have been busy and i have told you i have been busy. As for , i m even pissed off explaining this shit right now. But Turbotax is a different faggot... and you should shut the fuck up unless you know what the fuck you're saying aboiut my status on forums.

Just for the record, this fullhouse guy can't and does not know how to deal, YET I want the faggot to post full logs . No as a matter of fact fuck that. Don't do it, this is to big of a case over something that doesn't quite mean anything. Now.... whatever, the order is canceled, don't hate in a motherfucker cause the only skill you got is carding plane tickets with cvv2 wich method THAT i will post public so you can die slowly along with your busines because you really pissed me off .


Thank you.
Yours truely,
The Crew is Dimension Blood Money and TwinTurbo911 is a different character.

So son.... step your game up work your emotions do something cause apparently you re small in this business and also apparently you don't know what you re talkin about . don t go against the real, it ain t worth it.



1. He sent money to escrow. Incase you cancel deal, he will loose escrow fee. And it is HIS RIGHT to get that money from you if he found out what you bulshitted him.
2. Insulting our members lead u to get banned from our board. so fix it next time.
3. This is nt a child board, where you can speak like that.

And finally ur convo with me:
Session Start (1223956:Hell Phiction): Wed Feb 22 09:33:57 2012 0200
[09:34] Ninja: ur money is in escrwo
[05:45] Hell Phiction: ok
[05:45] Hell Phiction: give the buyer 24 hours for order process
Session Close (Hell Phiction): Thu Feb 23 20:38:41 2012 0200

Session Start (1223956:Hell Phiction): Wed Feb 29 20:22:47 2012 0200
[20:22] Hell Phiction: hey
[20:22] Hell Phiction: about the escrow
[20:22] Hell Phiction: 24 more hours
[20:22] Hell Phiction: that s it
[20:23] Hell Phiction: been a very busy week
[20:23] Hell Phiction: my fault i didn't put the service to idle mode
HellPhiction / For The Record

The name is TwinTurbo911 not TurboTax and yes i have been busy and i have told you i have been busy. As for , i m even pissed off explaining this shit right now. But Turbotax is a different faggot... and you should shut the fuck up unless you know what the fuck you're saying aboiut my status on forums.

Just for the record, this fullhouse guy can't and does not know how to deal, YET I want the faggot to post full logs . No as a matter of fact fuck that. Don't do it, this is to big of a case over something that doesn't quite mean anything. Now.... whatever, the order is canceled, don't hate in a motherfucker cause the only skill you got is carding plane tickets with cvv2 wich method THAT i will post public so you can die slowly along with your busines because you really pissed me off .


Thank you.
Yours truely,
The Crew is Dimension Blood Money and TwinTurbo911 is a different character.

So son.... step your game up work your emotions do something cause apparently you re small in this business and also apparently you don't know what you re talkin about . don t go against the real, it ain t worth it.



Told you this guy is insane but will make you laugh

Twinturbo911 is already banned here

You are full of shit, if I posted full logs the only thing people would see if how full of shit you are and how much of my time you are wasted. You are banned on every forum which says it all!
TwinTurbo911 is a different person, a friend of mine, member of my crew. Nobody's full of shit, (you re full of hate cause the only service you offer anyone with 5% carding knowledge can) , while mine are different. because i had a busy week and you started talkin all sorts of insults. Get your money back from escrow. I'm gonna post your business methods public. Because of this thing.

(BUSY WEEK SORRY) Have your money back. I have service idle post in the thread.

Too busy.

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 06:50 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 06:40 PM ----------



What is the EXACT amount of money which u sent to escrow?
Because i see what you sent it in 2 transactions.

How much u sent in 1st one and 2nd one.
Thank you.


I didnt recieved information about amounts which u sent there.

You sent $1430
deducting $3 and 6% and $1341 was sent back to your account allready
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