This bitch is a fucking ripper. He ripped me $200 for a software he claims scans for smtps and other stuff. I have the IM from yahoo. His name is Rond. He uses the yahoo ID: king.rond on yahoo and he has just recently changed it to the new id: [email protected] that he is using now.

His icq is: 620334543

Ripper profile on carder.pro: http://carder.pro/member.php?u=51380

His ICQ profile information:

Full Name: ccbox support
Nickname: Support ccbox
ICQ Number: 620334543
Editable Phone Number:
Add mobile phone number:
Email: [email protected]
Birthday: 28 February
State: new yourk
Current City: new yourk

He is still the SAME OLD RIPPER.

EVERYONE BE careful with this BASTARD Ripper. I just chatted with him on yahoo and jabber just now. He was pretending to be some else but when I told him when he was on holiday in Malaysia and he said that I should send him the $200 that he will be back in kosovo in 2 days time, he never gave me what i paid for. I found out who he really is after he pasted his new online shops to me and I then discovered he RonD king (king.rond) He has hosted some shops before this but they keep going down. These are his new shops:


Jabber IM a few minutes ago:

1:30:40 PM: ok so paste your LR
1:32:46 PM: sec
1:32:56 PM: U9470610
1:33:10 PM: ok
1:33:20 PM: is it only RDPs that you sell?
1:33:26 PM: or do you sell other stuff?
1:33:39 PM: cpanels
1:33:40 PM: shells
1:33:42 PM: whm
1:33:43 PM: root
1:33:47 PM: ccs
1:33:54 PM: and much other stuff hacked
1:34:05 PM: ok other stuff like what?
1:34:16 PM: bank logins
1:34:17 PM: etc
1:34:20 PM: u can follow my sites
1:34:22 PM: and buy online
1:34:23 PM: in quantity
1:34:27 PM: http://cvvdb.ru
1:34:29 PM: http://ccb0x.cc
1:34:33 PM: both of them enjoy
1:34:43 PM: ok let me chek them now.
1:34:50 PM: ok
1:38:32 PM: king Rond ?
1:39:11 PM: you are RonD King?
1:39:35 PM: haha
1:39:45 PM: its a small world after all....
1:40:40 PM: Hey talk to me
1:40:50 PM: we need to talk seriously
1:42:47 PM: You ripped me $200 LR for softwares for smtps and root
1:42:52 PM: i have the records of our IM
1:42:57 PM: you better start talking or i will do some good damage to your rep on carder.pro
1:43:04 PM: So the choice is yours man
1:43:27 PM: Never cheat people that called you friend
1:44:38 PM: If u play with your integrity and reputation and I will do you a whole lot of damage. So you better start answering my questions
1:44:51 PM: hell11 is now Away (was Online)
1:46:45 PM: I can start by reporting you to admin and support on carder.pro. I have many ways to report you that you ripped me for $200 for roots and that you are a ripper. So you better get talking or you risk it all. I will bring down EVERY shop you ever host. I PROMISE that unless i hear from you and we resolve this. So the choice is yours.... Its a Small round world afterall...
1:48:31 PM: hell11 is now Online (was Away)
1:49:55 PM: haha
1:50:07 PM: you signed out because i told you the truth
1:58:36 PM: You retard ripper.
1:58:52 PM: I will report you everywhere so that you dont rip others
1:58:59 PM: Fucking ripper!

IM on yahoo a few minutes ago:

stev.morgan: hi bro
stev.morgan: do u have jabber?
Market Boy: yes
Market Boy: who are you
stev.morgan: anyglew on c.pro
stev.morgan: from carder.pro
Market Boy: ah okie
Market Boy: how many rdps u need
stev.morgan: how much is your USA rdp?
Market Boy: depend how many u buy
Market Boy: how many piece u need
Market Boy: if u need just 1 piece is 8$
Market Boy: if u need up to 10
Market Boy: another price
Market Boy:
stev.morgan: nah thats expensive bro...lol
stev.morgan: i need 5 to start with
Market Boy: buy 10 piece will sell for 4$ one
stev.morgan: but i need with Admin access
Market Boy: nah i sell random users
Market Boy: users can have admin acess but i sell random
Market Boy: 10 piece x 4$
Market Boy: 40$
stev.morgan: 5 usa rdps ?
stev.morgan: how much?
Market Boy: 5 x 6$
stev.morgan: $30?
Market Boy: yes
stev.morgan: ok np
stev.morgan: what is your jabber id?
Market Boy: [email protected]
stev.morgan: i will add u now
Market Boy: okie
stev.morgan: i add un in jabber
stev.morgan: you are RonD King?
stev.morgan: you need to talk to me
stev.morgan: You ripped me $200 LR for root
stev.morgan: i have all the records of our IM
stev.morgan: you better start talking or i will do some good damage to your rep on carder.pro
stev.morgan: So the choice is yours man

stev.morgan: Never cheat people that called you friend
stev.morgan: If play with your integrity and reuptation and I will do you a whole lot of damage. So you better start answering my questions
stev.morgan: I can start by reporting you to admin and support on carder.pro. I have many ways to report you that you ripped me for $200 for roots and that you are a ripper. So you better get talking or you risk it all. I will bring down EVERY shop you ever host. I PROMISE that unless i hear from you and we resolve this. So the choice is yours.... Its a Small round world afterall...
Market Boy: what
Market Boy: the fuck
Market Boy: is your problem ?
Market Boy: when i ripped you ?
stev.morgan: You ripped me
Call ended: 0 min, 1 sec. (1:48 PM)
Yahoo! wants your call experience to be top notch.
Tell us about any issues you had with this call.

Try reaching Market Boy on a PC-to-phone call using Yahoo! Voice.
Call a Phone Number...

Market Boy: hahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahaha
stev.morgan: $200
Market Boy: omggg
Market Boy: 200$ for a root ?
Market Boy: have u got wrong id or what ?
Market Boy: you must be a big big idiot
stev.morgan: you must be stupid
Market Boy: hahahahahahahaahahhahaaha
Market Boy: omgggggg
Market Boy is typing...
Market Boy: kiddd
stev.morgan: when you were in malaysia holidaying
Market Boy has signed out. (5/16/2012 1:49 PM)

stev.morgan: hahaha
stev.morgan: you signed out?
stev.morgan: because i told you the truth?
stev.morgan: haha
stev.morgan: i'm definitely gonna report you RIPPER
stev.morgan: I will personally make sure you don't rip anyone on carder.pro. Rippers like you are not wanted on carder.pro at all

Please everyone be carefull with this ripper. He is NO good at all

Admin please please ban him.



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