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User profile: http://carder.pro/member.php?u=1577

Alright, this guy i fronted him dumps after he made mass profit he just ran off and made BS excuse about his family. Than, he tell me he's going to send funds via WU to shut me up and show that he is legit. Obviously, he never went through and now i have to consult to posting ripper report on him.

Amount owed: $500+ too much bonus i gave him, same like NuMoney


Vizion 11/30/2011 5:46 PM
hey i g2g soon

Vizion 11/30/2011 5:46 PM
write here any question u have

HBee Dumps 11/30/2011 5:46 PM

Vizion 12/1/2011 2:57 PM

HBee Dumps 12/1/2011 2:58 PM
Hey whats up

Vizion 12/1/2011 2:58 PM
Nothing much jst got back from biz

HBee Dumps 12/1/2011 2:58 PM
I'm in the middle of something brb

Vizion 12/1/2011 2:58 PM
uhm k

HBee Dumps 12/1/2011 3:08 PM
Ok back

Vizion 12/1/2011 3:09 PM

HBee Dumps 12/1/2011 3:09 PM
Dude never came through

Vizion 12/1/2011 3:10 PM
..So what now bro?

HBee Dumps 12/1/2011 3:10 PM
Selling them to other people

HBee Dumps 12/1/2011 3:11 PM
I'll have your cash

Vizion 12/1/2011 3:11 PM
Estimated time?

HBee Dumps 12/1/2011 3:11 PM
4 ho

Vizion 12/1/2011 3:29 PM
It would be great if you can get it in 1-2 hrs

Vizion 12/1/2011 5:20 PM
Hey bro there?

Vizion 12/1/2011 8:48 PM

Vizion 12/1/2011 8:56 PM

Vizion 12/2/2011 2:59 PM
Hello, are you there?

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:00 PM

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:00 PM
im here

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:00 PM

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:00 PM
i was waiting on you

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:00 PM
what exchanger did you say to ise

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:01 PM
I will give u drop address

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:01 PM
for WU

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:01 PM
btw fee is 6%

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:01 PM
so put more

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:01 PM

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:01 PM
one sec let me see something

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:02 PM
They send funds within minutes.

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:02 PM

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:02 PM
6% is alot

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:02 PM
i know a guy that does 1:1

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:02 PM
hes not not on yet

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:03 PM
you know iwan?

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:03 PM

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:04 PM
Just send $500, to this WU

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:04 PM
and hes gunna give me like 460-470

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:06 PM
give me his icq

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:06 PM
i want to send more than 500

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:06 PM
i got to pay this other dude for some ids he made me

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:07 PM
First go to

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:07 PM

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:07 PM
Make acc there

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:07 PM

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:10 PM

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:10 PM
That's the WU info,

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:10 PM
we can just use my acc and i will get LR

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:10 PM
i'll also need scan of WU reciept

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:10 PM
ok and the you can refund me the rest

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:10 PM
is that ok?

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:10 PM
Yes, ofc

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:10 PM

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:11 PM
i usually pay online with my debit card

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:11 PM

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:11 PM
if its not one thing its another

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:11 PM
You don't have to show me debit info

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:11 PM
just the MTCN part of reciept

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:11 PM
u can still print some type of order confirmination from wu

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:11 PM
no they want a scan to see it wasnt done online

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:11 PM

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:12 PM
if they arent going to be asshole about it

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:12 PM
then let me do it real quick

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:12 PM
ask them though so we dont look like idiots

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:13 PM

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:13 PM
let me ask

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:14 PM
oh no they dnt accept

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:14 PM
you can't just go to WU?

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:15 PM
yea i wan will be on here in like an hour

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:15 PM
nearest Wu

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:15 PM
is like 25 min away

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:15 PM
with this traffic

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:15 PM

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:15 PM
It would be nice if i can get funds by today bro

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:16 PM

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:16 PM
TODAY before 10pm my time

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:16 PM
i will get you funds

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:16 PM

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:16 PM

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:16 PM
its 6:16 right now

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:17 PM
and plus i need more dumps anyway

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:17 PM
to work this weekend so i need to send you cash for sure

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:18 PM
okay man

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:18 PM
just hit that drop up

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:18 PM
and this is the info i will need to get the funds

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:18 PM
Sender's First Name :
Sender's Last Name :
City :
Sender's Country :

Vizion 12/2/2011 3:19 PM
also MAKE SURE you upload a picture/scan of the reciept thanks.

HBee Dumps 12/2/2011 3:19 PM

Vizion 12/2/2011 6:06 PM
Any news?

Vizion 12/3/2011 10:59 AM

Vizion 12/3/2011 2:53 PM
can u please reply?

Vizion 12/4/2011 12:20 PM
...Why are you ignoring me man?

Vizion 12/4/2011 6:11 PM
Hello, bro pls reply

HBee Dumps 12/5/2011 8:02 AM

HBee Dumps 12/5/2011 8:02 AM
my bad

HBee Dumps 12/5/2011 8:02 AM
real bad storm here

HBee Dumps 12/5/2011 8:02 AM
knocked out powetr

Vizion 12/5/2011 7:23 PM

Vizion 12/5/2011 7:37 PM
oh i see,

Vizion 12/5/2011 7:37 PM
are u there now?

Vizion 12/5/2011 8:58 PM
Can u pls send payment..

Vizion 12/5/2011 8:58 PM
look on history for info

Vizion 12/6/2011 3:19 PM
yo sup

Vizion 12/6/2011 3:19 PM
I recommend you to download ICQ 7.4, so we can have all ICQ features like video chat, file transfer and cool emoticons. http://www.icq.com/download/icq

Vizion 12/6/2011 3:20 PM
u there?

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:06 PM
so ur a scammer uh?

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:07 PM
..I trusted u man

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:07 PM
Giving you 24hrs than i will post ripper report

HBee Dumps 12/7/2011 5:07 PM
Bro wtf my girl got into a car accident with my child in it

HBee Dumps 12/7/2011 5:08 PM
I told you there was a fucking storm

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:08 PM
Oh okay. sorry to hear about that

HBee Dumps 12/7/2011 5:08 PM
You know what do what ever you gotta do

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:08 PM

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:09 PM
If u were in my position u wud think same, im not damn physic or stalker that i knoe every detail thats going on in ur life.

HBee Dumps 12/7/2011 5:09 PM
I been in hospital past 3 says

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:10 PM

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:10 PM
Now u are home?

HBee Dumps 12/7/2011 5:10 PM
No she gets released tommorrow morning

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:11 PM
When will i get my funds?

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:14 PM

HBee Dumps 12/7/2011 5:15 PM
Tomorrow night I'll exchange the money tomorrow morning

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:15 PM
Okay, i will hold ur word for that let's see.

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:15 PM
also do u need a exchanger?

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:15 PM
If so i can find u one

HBee Dumps 12/7/2011 5:15 PM

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:15 PM
but if u got one already here is my LR

Vizion 12/7/2011 5:16 PM
Vizion 12/8/2011 6:20 PM

Vizion 12/8/2011 6:21 PM
hows it going.

Vizion 12/8/2011 7:08 PM
hey dude u there?

Vizion 12/11/2011 10:24 AM
so scammer uh?

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:33 PM
Reporting you and expected to be banned

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:33 PM
have fun.

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:35 PM
Ok bro do what you gotta do

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:35 PM
is that what ur going to really say?

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:35 PM
after i trusted u so much

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:35 PM
..wow man

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:36 PM
Bro how many times did
I tell you my girlfriend got into a fucking
Wreck with my 4month in the car

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:37 PM
BUT you said

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:37 PM
Give me your email I'll fucking email you the car pics and everything

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:37 PM
i dont want it

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:37 PM
i want my $

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:37 PM
like u said u were going to give me

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:37 PM
With my nick and your nick on it

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:37 PM
Sorry she hadn't been released
Yet because of nerve damage

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:37 PM
..you told me u would send last week

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:37 PM
So basically I'm saying

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:38 PM
i know u can spare 10-20 mins of ur life

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:38 PM
to go 2 Wu

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:38 PM
Me getting banned for me being
There for

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:38 PM

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:38 PM

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:38 PM
nice scam

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:38 PM
AT 630 and go to a bank?

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:38 PM
Ok a scam

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:39 PM
So, tell me

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:39 PM
u couldnt do at other time

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:39 PM
like yesterday

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:39 PM
its been over 2 weeks

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:40 PM
You know what go ahead and give me WU drop and tell me how much I owe you so I can shut your mouth

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:41 PM

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:41 PM
Make SURE you take picture/scan of reciept and send it to me

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:42 PM
Ok I can do that it'll be around noon my time

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:42 PM
are u sure

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:42 PM
Email to send it to?

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:42 PM
or just bsing?

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:42 PM
send it to

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:42 PM

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:43 PM
I don't play

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:45 PM
Sender's First Name :
Sender's Last Name :
City :
Sender's Country :

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:45 PM
Scan of reciept

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:45 PM
$500. Let's see. How many hrs you need? 2?

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:47 PM
I said noon my time tommorrow

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:48 PM
What region r u in?

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:48 PM

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:49 PM
than theres no way its 6am in the morning there

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:49 PM

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:50 PM
Why u lying to me man?

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:51 PM
Bro I said I'm sending at noon tommorrow

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:51 PM

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:51 PM

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:51 PM
Wtf where did you get 6am

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:52 PM

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:52 PM
You know I'm getting exhausted talking to uou

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:52 PM
HBee Dumps 3:38 PM
AT 630 and go to a bank?

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:52 PM
Okay u know what, im exhausted waiting over 2-3 weeks for you, but still i did not take action because i believed u and actually felt bad

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:53 PM
but after noon tomorrow

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:53 PM
is ur last chance dont ruin it

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:53 PM
It's was 630pm here

HBee Dumps 12/12/2011 3:53 PM
What bank is open till 6pm

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:53 PM
Alright man, HBee im going to keep it real with u

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:53 PM
I don't wish to have problems with u cause honestly u seem legit person that i want to have future biz with

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:54 PM
but we need to get pass this deal.

Vizion 12/12/2011 3:54 PM
Hoepfully, you won't dissapoint me tommorow. Cya and best of luck to ur family

Vizion 12/13/2011 2:55 PM

Vizion 12/13/2011 2:55 PM
did u send or no?

Vizion 12/13/2011 4:01 PM
u just proved ur ripper


^If that's all you have to say in defense, you should really just leave the forum forever and if you have any dignity pay my funds :)


Why are you unverified and selling dumps?

I was attempting to get started and wanted exposure in the business. At that current time I was even unsure if I wanted to be a full time dumps seller or private vendor who sales in mass quantity. Therefore, I was willing to even front these guys to show legitimacy. Thanks, for your kind reply and time.
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