
USER: stuartsanders54
Tottaly deer shit! Timewaster
ICQ: 591447703 (thatguy)

Funny shit, asking for phone LoL

(8:26:09 PM) 591447703 is now known as thatguy. 
(8:26:16 PM) rob: hi
(8:26:29 PM) thatguy: hi how r u doing
(8:26:42 PM) thatguy: i need hsbc logs
(8:27:14 PM) rob: ok
(8:27:31 PM) rob: what is your username at forum?
(8:28:11 PM) thatguy: i am new stuartsanders54
(8:28:23 PM) rob: ok
(8:28:27 PM) thatguy: do u have
(8:28:33 PM) rob: 60$ each
(8:28:39 PM) rob: random balances
(8:28:55 PM) thatguy: for login?
(8:29:04 PM) thatguy: u dont sell bu balance?
(8:29:20 PM) rob: yes login with fullpass
(8:29:42 PM) rob: i don't take care of bal..
(8:30:36 PM) thatguy: i dnt understand my friend
(8:31:20 PM) rob: simple: i don't check balances
(8:31:31 PM) rob: can have 0 or millions
(8:31:38 PM) rob: i sell 60$ each
(8:31:39 PM) thatguy: how u know login  will open
(8:31:58 PM) rob: i know coz logs shows that hey sucessfully loged on
(8:32:04 PM) rob: :)
(8:33:06 PM) thatguy: ok, what country r u 
(8:33:23 PM) rob: on the moon
(8:33:38 PM) thatguy: ok
(8:34:10 PM) rob: bro you buy or not buy?
(8:34:30 PM) thatguy: dont rush me, i will buy, y must u be rude
(8:34:50 PM) thatguy: if u dont want to sell just say u dont want to sell
(8:35:07 PM) rob: lol
(8:35:23 PM) thatguy: ok
(8:36:14 PM) thatguy: when u r ready to sell please message me
(8:36:21 PM) thatguy: i need uk hsbc
(8:36:25 PM) rob: wmz or lr?
(8:36:48 PM) thatguy: escrow first 
(8:36:55 PM) thatguy: then lr
(8:37:05 PM) rob: contact stells then come back with all done
(8:37:11 PM) rob: you pay fees
(8:37:24 PM) thatguy: ok
(8:37:36 PM) thatguy: what time r u online
(8:37:49 PM) rob: at random times
(8:38:15 PM) rob: when u deposited on escrow contact me and say stells my icq
(8:38:19 PM) rob: see you
(8:38:19 PM) thatguy: u have fone number
(8:39:10 PM) thatguy: ?
(8:39:21 PM) rob: yes
(8:39:29 PM) rob: want it?
(8:39:35 PM) thatguy: yes
(8:40:54 PM) rob: 850 8723116
(8:42:21 PM) thatguy: what country bro 

(8:43:06 PM) rob: moon
(8:44:17 PM) rob: man just want to say you that you are totally an asshole and pure shit of guy
(8:44:20 PM) rob: fuck you
(8:44:36 PM) rob: i will post this funny convo on forum
(8:44:40 PM) rob: ignored


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