foxmulder / spyeye seller / 3833 $

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1. foxmulder
3. [email protected]

Ripped amount:

3833 USD


after buying spyeye setup and installs from this seller, and everything was good, he offered me bank of america
"auto transfer inject" for my botnet. in the end he disappeared, claiming the "seller" didnt send him some files
yet, so he cant make my new build yet. he told me to wait, but i waited too much without getting reply.
please Ninja look after this issue and give status to this seller!



*** 2011-06-15
[22:53:22] *** [email protected] is Online
[22:56:40] <Bahamas> Hi
[22:56:48] <[email protected]> Hi
[22:56:55] <[email protected]> Yes?
[22:58:14] <Bahamas> this ******* exe not connect to //_cp
[22:58:20] <Bahamas> i sent u pm
[22:59:07] <[email protected]> Sorry, I don't talk to ***** anymore
[22:59:14] <[email protected]> He is a clown kid...
[22:59:25] <Bahamas> hmm are u selling spy-eye installs?
[22:59:56] <[email protected]> Spyeye botnet installation?
[23:00:33] <Bahamas> yes i need proper stuff
[23:01:25] <[email protected]> I make exe's in private mode, since author doesn't like me because of reselling
[23:02:07] <Bahamas> private mode? what it mean?
[23:02:55] <[email protected]> Only for trusted members
[23:03:15] <Bahamas> lol bro, look at my rep
[23:04:19] <[email protected]> Ok, so
[23:04:34] <[email protected]> Tell me what do you need
[23:06:05] <Bahamas> latest build spyeye+rdp+socks5+ftp+injects US all bank
[23:06:23] <Bahamas> +bots (all USA)
[23:09:00] <[email protected]> How many installs would you need?
[23:10:05] <Bahamas> 5-10000

[23:11:17] <[email protected]> You have Dedi or VPS?
[23:11:37] <Bahamas> dedicated
[23:11:50] <Bahamas> grandhost, have my zeus on it
[23:12:16] <[email protected]> Ok
[23:12:42] <[email protected]> Installation w/ those modules + Injects for USA : 550 $
[23:14:42] <[email protected]> Installs 10k USA : 1000 $
[23:15:57] <Bahamas> total 1550?
[23:16:47] <[email protected]> Yes

[23:17:49] <Bahamas> can we do for 1k bro?
[23:18:12] <[email protected]> Lol, nope sorry.
[23:18:30] <Bahamas> 1200??
[23:19:01] <[email protected]> 1350 LR is my minimum
[23:19:42] <Bahamas> kk

[23:19:59] <Bahamas> but ur boa inject is good?
[23:20:13] <Bahamas> grab ssn and dob?
[23:20:49] <[email protected]> Yes, it grabs all info that you can see in my drop searching thread
[23:21:37] <Bahamas> ok good
[23:21:44] <Bahamas> can u show me on teamview?
[23:22:38] <[email protected]> YES
[23:22:52] <[email protected]> 542 650 230
[23:23:00] <[email protected]> Pw: 2901
[23:23:25] <Bahamas> going
[23:23:57] <Bahamas> it say pass is bad bro
[23:24:24] <[email protected]> 542 650 230
[23:24:31] <[email protected]> 2981
[23:24:34] <[email protected]> sorry))
[23:25:54] <[email protected]> Let me know when I can start it
[23:26:13] <Bahamas> k
[23:26:34] <[email protected]> Ready?
[23:26:44] <Bahamas> yeah
[23:26:53] <[email protected]> What do you want to see?
[23:27:12] <Bahamas> show build
[23:27:17] <Bahamas> i mean builder
[23:27:21] <Bahamas> and license file
[23:28:30] <[email protected]> Ok?
[23:29:02] <Bahamas> ok
[23:29:07] <Bahamas> excelent
[23:29:18] <Bahamas> now the inject pls
[23:29:38] <[email protected]> Ok, let me get some BOA login to show
[23:29:42] <[email protected]> in load
[23:29:46] <Bahamas> kk
[23:29:49] <[email protected]> 2 sec
[23:32:07] <[email protected]> Do you see the virtual machine?
[23:32:19] <Bahamas> y
[23:32:33] <[email protected]> Ok , I delete cookies and log on
[23:32:37] <Bahamas> ok
[23:33:48] <[email protected]> You see it?
[23:34:35] <Bahamas> yes
[23:34:39] <Bahamas> all good thanks
[23:36:49] <[email protected]> OK
[23:37:13] <Bahamas> can u do bin now?
[23:37:30] <[email protected]> Do you have LR ready?
[23:37:45] <Bahamas> whats ur lr?
[23:37:47] <Bahamas> yes
[23:37:58] <[email protected]> U*******
[23:38:25] <[email protected]> Memo: Dedicated Host - 1 year - S02449
[23:38:53] <Bahamas> wait pls
[23:39:19] <[email protected]> Ok
[23:45:05] *** [email protected] is Away [I'm not here since 23:40:00.]
[23:47:35] *** [email protected] is Online
[23:49:51] <Bahamas> You have successfully sent a payment from your account U******* (*****)
Date: 15/06/2011 7:49 AM
Batch: 62437447
Sent to: U******* (Fox mulder)
Amount: $1350.00
Memo: dedicated hosting 1 year S02449

Thank you.
[23:50:22] <[email protected]> Ok, checking
[23:50:28] <Bahamas> k
[23:51:50] *** [email protected] is Offline
[23:52:14] *** [email protected] is Online
[23:52:29] <Bahamas> here??
[23:52:43] *** [email protected] is Offline [Replaced by new connection]
[23:52:47] *** [email protected] is Online
[23:52:57] <Bahamas> ??
[23:53:02] <[email protected]> Yes, sorry my network is bad)
[23:53:12] <[email protected]> Payment received.
[23:53:19] <Bahamas> k
[23:53:29] <[email protected]> Here are the panels, and manual
[23:54:32] <[email protected]>******
[23:54:52] <[email protected]> This is the manual in English
[23:54:59] <[email protected]> pass: Baha1
[23:55:32] <[email protected]>******
[23:55:44] <[email protected]> SERVER files
[23:55:49] <[email protected]> pass: Baha1
[23:56:27] <Bahamas> ok
[23:56:37] <[email protected]>******
[23:56:44] <[email protected]> Collector
[23:56:48] <[email protected]> pass: Baha1
[23:57:27] <[email protected]> another part of admin panels
[23:57:29] <[email protected]>******
[23:57:38] <[email protected]> passw: Baha1
[23:58:29] <[email protected]> Let me know when you downloaded
[23:58:55] <Bahamas> wait i download collector now

*** 2011-06-16
[00:00:13] <[email protected]> Sure
[00:04:20] <Bahamas> ok ready
[00:04:41] <[email protected]> Ok, I kill links.
[00:07:14] <Bahamas> k
[00:11:26] <Bahamas> I start installing
[00:13:01] <[email protected]> I have to get some rest now
[00:13:12] <[email protected]> when you are ready , please leave infos here
[00:13:42] <[email protected]> Server IP, Patch to gate.php, Collector patch, Socks Port, RDP port
[00:15:18] <Bahamas> okok
[00:16:00] <Bahamas> will u crypt my exe?
[00:16:17] <[email protected]> Sure
[00:16:21] <[email protected]> talk to you later man
[00:16:32] <Bahamas> k thanks
[00:16:36] <Bahamas> good nite
[00:16:43] <[email protected]> Bye

[14:52:08] *** [email protected] is Online
[14:52:13] <Bahamas> yo
[14:52:21] <Bahamas> u there?
[14:52:32] <[email protected]> Hello
[14:52:33] <[email protected]> Yes
[14:52:45] <[email protected]> installed successfully?
[14:52:56] <Bahamas> yeah finally
[14:52:56] <Bahamas> lol
[14:53:08] <Bahamas> what u need from me?
[14:53:28] <[email protected]> IP Server
[14:53:44] <[email protected]> Patch to gate.php, Patch to Formgrabber
[14:53:51] <[email protected]> Port of Socks and RDP
[14:54:17] <Bahamas> ok
[14:54:18] <Bahamas> sec
[14:54:51] <Bahamas> ip: ***.*.**.***
[14:55:24] <Bahamas> patch gate: http://********.su/******/gate.php
[14:55:51] <Bahamas> frmcp0: http://*********.su/*******
[14:56:35] <Bahamas> Socks port: 6001
[14:56:54] <Bahamas> rdp in: 8010 out: 8020
[14:57:15] <Bahamas> ok?
[14:57:34] <[email protected]> Yes, and USA injects incl.ed right?
[14:57:43] <Bahamas> yep
[14:58:01] <Bahamas> u will crypt bro?
[14:58:18] <[email protected]> Yes
[14:58:20] <[email protected]> 5 mins
[14:58:31] <Bahamas> kk
[15:08:10] <[email protected]>******
[15:08:27] <[email protected]> This is your exe (crypted) + bin
[15:09:01] <[email protected]> Upload them to /bin folder
[15:09:08] <[email protected]> Don't rename build.exe, and config.bin !!
[15:11:10] <Bahamas> k ready
[15:11:14] <Bahamas> thank you all!
[15:12:20] <Bahamas> when u give 10000 usa bot?
[15:13:04] <[email protected]> My partner can start spreading in 2 hours
[15:13:25] <[email protected]> So you will get 10k in 24-30 hours max.
[15:13:59] <Bahamas> ok thank u, will wait then

*** 2011-06-17
[13:18:59] <Bahamas> hey bro only 9678 came lol :)
[13:22:25] <[email protected]> Hello
[13:22:34] <[email protected]> Really? I ask my partner to load some extra))
[13:23:00] <Bahamas> thank u
[13:37:25] <[email protected]> How many bots do you have now?
[13:42:59] <Bahamas> lol
[13:43:14] <Bahamas> 12084 :)
[13:43:49] <Bahamas> u gave me gift? :D
[13:44:05] <[email protected]> Yeah, my partner forgot to
[13:44:09] <[email protected]> turn off traffic))
[13:45:00] <Bahamas> hehe thxs
[13:45:15] <[email protected]> Welcome.
[14:52:47] *** [email protected] is Away
[16:12:47] *** [email protected] is Online
[16:13:01] <Bahamas> bro do u know how to make boa xfers?
[16:16:25] <[email protected]> Yes
[16:16:59] <Bahamas> how much can u transfer?
[16:17:03] <Bahamas> full balance?
[16:20:24] <[email protected]> Oh, nope.
[16:20:29] <[email protected]> Only 1k
[16:20:59] <Bahamas> :(
[16:21:25] <[email protected]> For more you need SafePass
[16:22:07] <Bahamas> ah
[16:22:09] <Bahamas> safepass?
[16:23:55] <[email protected]> Sort of physical shit
[16:24:06] <Bahamas> :(
[16:25:25] <[email protected]> You need ATS script to go trough SafePass
[16:26:59] <Bahamas> autotransfer? I have already heard about it, but dont know the exact work of this..
[16:29:17] <[email protected]> When holder enables Safepass, it makes a transfer(s) to your drop automatically
[16:30:04] <[email protected]> and hides the transfer, so holder may not recognise fraud for long time
[16:32:11] <Bahamas> whats the price of this boa ats?
[16:32:15] <Bahamas> i'm really interested in this bro
[16:33:25] <[email protected]> Man, for BOFA as far as I remember price was around 5k LR
[16:34:59] <Bahamas> you know any seller?
[16:35:33] <[email protected]> Some russian group
[16:36:21] <Bahamas> can u give his jabber?
[16:38:17] <[email protected]> I think no, but I'll ask. Ok?
[16:39:46] <Bahamas> k thanks bro
[16:40:12] <[email protected]> No problem

[16:40:15] <[email protected]> I got to bounce now
[16:40:19] <[email protected]> talk to you later, bye
[16:41:03] <Bahamas> allright ciao

*** 2011-06-18
[01:18:27] *** [email protected] is Online
[01:19:02] <Bahamas> hello
[01:19:07] <Bahamas> u there?
[01:19:39] <[email protected]> Yes
[01:19:47] <[email protected]> What's up buddy
[01:20:02] <[email protected]> are you happy with your spy ? ))
[01:20:15] <Bahamas> hha yeah
[01:20:21] <Bahamas> i got a shitload of boa
[01:20:31] <Bahamas> but have no idea how to make xfer
[01:21:10] <[email protected]> As far as I remember, I explained this to you before
[01:21:52] <Bahamas> yes and i thinking about that auto script
[01:21:55] <Bahamas> all day
[01:22:17] <Bahamas> i think i want to buy it with my partner if it work
[01:23:53] <[email protected]> LOL
[01:24:12] <[email protected]> I have just spoken with that guy this morning
[01:24:35] <[email protected]> he presented me a sample
[01:24:44] <[email protected]> it's great, but worths shit for me
[01:24:52] <[email protected]> all drops are just rippers
[01:24:55] <Bahamas> nooo bro
[01:25:00] <Bahamas> its not true
[01:25:37] <[email protected]> Yeah, so far tried 2 on forums
[01:25:47] <[email protected]> Guess what happened
[01:26:43] <Bahamas> what if i cash for u?
[01:27:03] <[email protected]> Bro you just said you have tons of logins
[01:27:12] <[email protected]> Why don't you cash for yourself then?? ))
[01:28:00] <Bahamas> bcos I dont want to waste logs from small xfers
[01:28:15] <Bahamas> and i dont want to kill my drops for 1-2000 usd
[01:28:21] <Bahamas> i have to feed my mans
[01:28:54] <[email protected]> I understand
[01:29:48] <Bahamas> can u pls tell me
[01:30:00] <Bahamas> how exactly this autoxferrer works?
[01:30:14] <[email protected]> ATS)
[01:30:21] <[email protected]> well
[01:30:36] <[email protected]> Where shall I start lol
[01:30:52] <Bahamas> from the very start :)
[01:31:10] <[email protected]> this is a complex stuff
[01:31:41] <[email protected]> which uses the webfakes function of new SE or ZS
[01:32:10] <[email protected]> You have seen any webinject in .txt format?
[01:32:27] <Bahamas> yea some public one
[01:32:29] <Bahamas> why bro
[01:32:47] <[email protected]> So it has 2 main parts..
[01:33:09] <[email protected]> First: the inject itself, which you include to your Spyeye bin when you make exe
[01:33:17] <[email protected]> it's in .txt too
[01:33:27] <[email protected]> but not just a simple ajax or html stuff
[01:33:49] <[email protected]> I think it uses some Java features also, replaces a lot of thing
[01:34:05] <[email protected]> and the inject is in connection with a fully standalone panel
[01:34:24] <Bahamas> oh
[01:34:32] <Bahamas> why separate panel?
[01:34:51] <[email protected]> Because you can control the ATS' events on that panel
[01:35:00] <[email protected]> like
[01:35:17] <[email protected]> Drop info, desired amount or % of the transfer
[01:35:21] <[email protected]> transfer frequency
[01:35:27] <[email protected]> Balance spoofer
[01:35:33] <[email protected]> so it's for the Settings
[01:35:39] <[email protected]> look at this screenshot I made
[01:35:40] <[email protected]> :
[01:36:34] <[email protected]>*********.png
[01:37:48] <Bahamas> damn its password protected also?
[01:37:52] <Bahamas> like spyeye panel?
[01:38:45] <[email protected]> Of course
[01:38:57] <Bahamas> i need a new host for the ats panel?
[01:39:19] <[email protected]> You could use the same where you host your SPY
[01:39:27] <[email protected]> but not advised...
[01:39:42] <[email protected]> If tracker or hoster block your server
[01:39:49] <[email protected]> ATS controller gone also
[01:40:22] <[email protected]> if you have ATS Cp on other server, even if SPY Cp gone, you still can manage transfers
[01:40:31] <[email protected]> since you have bots running your exe
[01:40:35] <[email protected]> understand?
[01:41:08] <Bahamas> so i dont need spy eye panel for this?
[01:41:28] <[email protected]> You don't
[01:42:38] <Bahamas> on the pic i see i have to add my spy eye server ip and socks / rdp
[01:42:42] <Bahamas> ports
[01:42:49] <Bahamas> + user & pass
[01:42:55] <Bahamas> why is that?
[01:43:44] <[email protected]> Yes
[01:43:49] <[email protected]> it's for the Notifier
[01:44:09] <[email protected]> ATS cp writes you on Jabber if a new bot installed
[01:44:13] <[email protected]> or it come online
[01:44:17] <[email protected]> or a transfer made
[01:44:23] <[email protected]> etc etc
[01:45:29] <Bahamas> wow
[01:45:36] <Bahamas> very clever
[01:45:45] <[email protected]> :)
[01:46:07] <Bahamas> bro
[01:46:15] <Bahamas> cant I get some discount?
[01:46:25] <Bahamas> 5000 lr is a bit much
[01:47:13] <[email protected]> Price is 3.5k
[01:47:28] <[email protected]> Notifier +333
[01:47:53] <Bahamas> u told 5000 before
[01:47:56] <Bahamas> :))
[01:48:25] <[email protected]> And this is with 6 months support and update if necessary
[01:48:39] <[email protected]> New 6 months := 1k

[01:48:48] <Bahamas> see
[01:49:10] <[email protected]> Yes bro, I remember something was 5k which they was selling
[01:49:22] <[email protected]> But it wasn't this
[01:49:30] <Bahamas> kk
[01:49:33] <Bahamas> no probs
[01:50:18] <Bahamas> this guy takes Escrow on this?
[01:51:59] <[email protected]> I don't think lol)
[01:52:23] <Bahamas> why?
[01:52:34] <Bahamas> i dont want to risk
[01:52:39] <Bahamas> that much money
[01:52:43] <Bahamas> its a lot man
[01:52:54] <Bahamas> what if he just run away with money
[01:52:55] <Bahamas> ??
[01:53:46] *** [email protected] is Offline
[01:53:56] *** [email protected] is Online
[01:54:08] <[email protected]> Hahahha
[01:54:21] <Bahamas> what?
[01:54:47] <[email protected]> They won't rip for 3.5k..
[01:54:51] <[email protected]> Not even for 5k
[01:54:55] <[email protected]> Not even for 50k
[01:55:56] <Bahamas> i seen good people turned to rip
[01:56:26] <[email protected]> well bro, me too beleive me.
[01:56:44] <[email protected]> I'm in carding since the beginning of DM
[01:56:51] <[email protected]> I have seen everything ))
[01:57:06] <[email protected]> but in these circles, coders are taking care of their name
[01:57:22] <[email protected]> But you can think what you wangt
[01:57:25] <[email protected]> *want
[01:57:56] <Bahamas> :)
[01:58:09] <Bahamas> lets suppose i buy it with my partner
[01:58:15] <Bahamas> then how i make it work?
[02:00:51] <[email protected]> You get host, install panels
[02:01:07] <[email protected]> I make a new exe for you with the ats inject included
[02:01:21] <[email protected]> You update on your bots, and then you work
[02:03:06] <Bahamas> new exe needed??
[02:03:14] <[email protected]> Yes)
[02:03:25] <Bahamas> and u'll make it for how much?
[02:03:26] <Bahamas> free?
[02:03:36] <[email protected]> lol, yes.
[02:03:39] <[email protected]> 0$
[02:04:06] <[email protected]> I give unlimited bin, you knew it when you bought Spyeye service from me
[02:04:14] <Bahamas> kk thanks
[02:04:20] <[email protected]> You pay only for crypt
[02:04:24] <[email protected]> 10$
[02:04:29] <Bahamas> k
[02:04:50] <Bahamas> but bro
[02:05:02] <Bahamas> u will get the inject what i pay
[02:05:07] <Bahamas> free.....
[02:05:42] <[email protected]> :)))))))))))))))))
[02:05:56] <Bahamas> ????
[02:06:08] <[email protected]> Yes, you are right. I will get it too.
[02:06:22] <[email protected]> But since you have no builder to make exe with it
[02:06:28] <[email protected]> I guess it's normal. Isn't it?
[02:06:32] <[email protected]> )))
[02:06:44] <Bahamas> hmmm
[02:06:48] <Bahamas> its not cool bro
[02:07:16] <[email protected]> :)
[02:07:31] <[email protected]> Man, I'm not pushing you to buy anything from 3rd party.
[02:07:42] <[email protected]> If you want it, buy it and I add to your exe.
[02:07:59] <[email protected]> And it's good for me also, since I will have it too, but What then?
[02:08:03] <[email protected]> it's normal
[02:08:46] <Bahamas> no realy normal
[02:08:54] <Bahamas> u can use it for urself too
[02:08:56] <Bahamas> and make money
[02:09:01] <Bahamas> and you pay a dime
[02:09:04] <Bahamas> :(
[02:09:23] <[email protected]> Yeah, lol.
[02:09:46] <[email protected]> Maybe I can send some amount to the next ripper :) I'm stopped this shit really.
[02:10:13] <Bahamas> :(
[02:10:28] <Bahamas> what if u screw me?
[02:10:41] <[email protected]> Screw you? How?
[02:10:52] <Bahamas> keep the injects
[02:10:59] <Bahamas> and not send me new bot
[02:11:55] <[email protected]> That's insane mate. :)
[02:12:18] <[email protected]> we made an 1k+ deal couple of days ago.
[02:12:24] <[email protected]> You had problem?
[02:12:28] <[email protected]> I think no
[02:12:46] <Bahamas> no
[02:12:53] <Bahamas> but it was 1300$
[02:12:59] <Bahamas> not 4000$
[02:13:14] <[email protected]> yes, that's right man.
[02:13:23] <[email protected]> Let's just forget it ))
[02:13:29] <[email protected]> too much talk
[02:13:45] <Bahamas> sorry i dont want to waste ur time
[02:14:12] <[email protected]> Ok, then please stop our conversation about ATS)
[02:14:30] <[email protected]> If you need assistance about Spyeye - write
[02:14:34] <[email protected]> I need to go now, talk later
[02:14:35] <[email protected]> bye
[02:14:43] <Bahamas> no no
[02:14:44] <Bahamas> sorry man
[02:16:28] <Bahamas> there ?
[02:16:35] <[email protected]> Yes
[02:18:49] <Bahamas> why dont we pay 50/50?
[02:18:59] <Bahamas> good for u good for me
[02:22:07] <[email protected]> Honestly
[02:22:12] <[email protected]> I don't really need it
[02:22:20] <[email protected]> Since I have no drops
[02:22:28] <[email protected]> I'm not USA based, I can't get drops
[02:24:29] <Bahamas> but u could sell this to ur customers
[02:24:36] <Bahamas> or make transfers for money
[02:24:40] <Bahamas> on
[02:27:13] <[email protected]> I don't have many customers, also I can't resell
[02:27:19] <[email protected]> I'm not leaker and
[02:27:31] <[email protected]> I don't want author to revoke my license
[02:27:40] <[email protected]> i go now mate
[02:27:42] <[email protected]> bye

[14:34:21] *** [email protected] is Offline
[14:35:44] *** [email protected] is Online
[14:39:45] <Bahamas> u woke up?
[14:43:06] <[email protected]> yes:)
[14:43:31] <Bahamas> i will buy that ats
[14:43:39] <Bahamas> seller take WU?
[14:43:51] <[email protected]> No bro, WMZ / LR
[14:44:13] <Bahamas> damn but exchangers cut a lot
[14:44:21] <Bahamas> :S
[14:44:28] <Bahamas> and slow
[14:44:57] <[email protected]> I can exchange you LR
[14:45:18] <[email protected]> How much would you want?
[14:52:32] <Bahamas> @ what rate bro?
[14:56:13] <[email protected]> 0%
[14:56:17] <[email protected]> 1:1
[14:56:25] <[email protected]> you pay Western Union fees

[14:59:54] <Bahamas> thanks bro
[15:00:06] <Bahamas> can u give wu info now?
[15:00:12] <Bahamas> so i can go to shop and send
[15:01:34] <[email protected]> Yes, but how much LR would you need in total?
[15:01:47] <Bahamas> to buy the ats
[15:01:55] <[email protected]> it's 3.5k

[15:02:05] <[email protected]> you need the 6 months support too?
[15:02:17] <Bahamas> should i?
[15:02:31] <[email protected]> I advise to, yes.
[15:02:44] <Bahamas> how much is it again?
[15:02:47] <Bahamas> i dunt remember
[15:02:57] <[email protected]> 333 $
[15:04:33] <Bahamas> k
[15:04:38] <Bahamas> so whats total?
[15:04:55] <Bahamas> 3500+333= 3888 right?
[15:05:15] <[email protected]> Well actually 3833 :))))

[15:05:37] <Bahamas> ohh sorry lol
[15:05:42] <Bahamas> im bit drunk
[15:05:45] <Bahamas> :D lol
[15:05:59] <[email protected]> Haha no problem
[15:10:20] <Bahamas> so whats ur wu info bro
[15:10:24] <Bahamas> i want to make it asap
[15:10:44] <[email protected]> Can you make 2 separate transfers?
[15:10:55] <[email protected]> I don't want to ask my drop to receive that much at once
[15:11:01] <[email protected]> So 2 different drop
[15:12:17] <Bahamas> yes thats ok
[15:12:24] <Bahamas> half-half?
[15:12:49] <[email protected]> Yes.
[15:13:10] <[email protected]> US$1917.00 *2
[15:13:19] <Bahamas> k

[15:13:25] <Bahamas> drops pls?
[15:13:32] <Bahamas> im in a rush
[15:13:35] <Bahamas> downtown
[15:14:56] <[email protected]> Yes, just a second
[15:14:58] <[email protected]> I make a call
[15:18:09] <[email protected]> 1.)
[15:19:27] <[email protected]> First name: M*****L M*****H; Last name: A******V; City: Novosibirsk; Country: Russian Federation; Amount: $1917
[15:19:39] <[email protected]> 2.)
[15:20:34] <[email protected]> First name: D*******J S******H; Last name: B********M; City: Novosibirsk; Country: Russian Federation; Amount: $1917
[15:23:04] <Bahamas> kk
[15:23:22] <Bahamas> i send funds in 2 hours

[15:23:42] <[email protected]> Ok, when you ready please paste me MTCNs
[15:23:47] <Bahamas> k i will
[15:23:54] <Bahamas> c u later
[15:23:58] <[email protected]> Bye
[18:07:40] <Bahamas> therir?
[18:17:53] <Bahamas> bro?
[18:22:02] <Bahamas> wu ready
[18:36:15] <[email protected]> Sorry, yes.
[18:36:17] <[email protected]> Here.
[18:37:51] <Bahamas> dimitrij
mtcn# 678651****
mtcn# 678277****
[18:38:37] <[email protected]> I need sender info also
[18:38:54] <Bahamas> ****** Holden
[18:39:06] <Bahamas> Colombus, OH
[18:39:21] <Bahamas> 1920 USD each
[18:39:29] <Bahamas> pick up with photo id
[18:39:39] <[email protected]> Alright
[18:39:53] <[email protected]> I send those info to my drops, they will pick up soon.
[18:40:01] <Bahamas> kk
[18:40:04] <Bahamas> will wait here

[18:46:50] *** [email protected] is Away [I'm not here since 12:41:50.]
[18:57:31] *** [email protected] is Online
[19:07:53] <[email protected]> what's your LR?
[19:11:17] <Bahamas> U*******
[19:11:26] <[email protected]> Sending in 2 minutes
[19:15:05] <[email protected]> Payment Mode Account Date 06/18/2011 14:13 Batch 66692120 From U******* (Fox mulder) To U******* (*******) Amount $3840.00
[19:17:23] <Bahamas> received

[19:17:25] <Bahamas> thxs
[19:17:55] <Bahamas> now where to send it?
[19:20:21] <[email protected]> Hold on, hold on mate
[19:20:37] <[email protected]> First I fix time frame with him, etc..
[19:20:51] <[email protected]> I will let you know if things are ready to go
[19:21:15] <Bahamas> k
[19:21:23] <Bahamas> i have to go now btw
[19:21:38] <Bahamas> but i leave pc online, so pls leave message
[19:21:42] <Bahamas> when u have new
[19:21:43] <Bahamas> thank
[19:21:49] <Bahamas> see you
[19:22:21] <[email protected]> Alright sure
[19:22:21] <[email protected]> bye

*** 2011-06-19
[10:50:37] *** [email protected] is Online
[10:50:40] <Bahamas> yo
[10:50:46] <Bahamas> their?
[10:53:53] <[email protected]> Hey
[10:54:18] <Bahamas> u talked to the ats seller?
[10:54:50] <[email protected]> Yes
[10:55:21] <[email protected]> if I catch him online
[10:55:30] <[email protected]> he sends right away
[10:55:41] <Bahamas> k
[10:55:44] <Bahamas> he is online now?
[10:56:32] <[email protected]> Away
[10:56:40] <[email protected]> But I message him
[10:56:45] <[email protected]> will you be online?
[10:56:57] <Bahamas> yep
[11:00:07] <[email protected]> Can you send me your server ip and RDP port in/out and Socks port?
[11:00:21] <[email protected]> Plus pass and user of daemons
[11:00:37] <Bahamas> pw of rdp?
[11:00:46] <[email protected]> Yes
[11:03:25] *** [email protected] is Offline
[19:19:06] *** [email protected] is Online
[19:22:07] <Bahamas> here?
[19:24:46] <Bahamas> bro
[19:24:50] <Bahamas> can i send info now?
[20:23:16] *** [email protected] is Offline
[20:45:50] *** [email protected] is Online
[20:46:18] <[email protected]> yes please
[20:46:22] <[email protected]> our guy is online
[20:47:34] <Bahamas> ip - 193.*.**.273
[20:47:53] <Bahamas> socks 5 -6001
[20:48:02] <Bahamas> rdp 8010
[20:48:17] <Bahamas> out 8020
[20:48:56] <[email protected]> Ok
[20:54:04] <[email protected]> I got the infos
[20:54:11] <[email protected]> Send payment here:
[20:54:33] <[email protected]> U*******
[20:55:32] <[email protected]> Memo: webdesign
[20:55:49] <Bahamas> k
[20:55:57] <Bahamas> 3833 ?
[20:56:29] <[email protected]> Yes
[20:56:35] <[email protected]> 3833 LR
[20:56:41] <Bahamas> kk
[20:56:43] <Bahamas> sending

[20:02:52] *** [email protected] is Offline
[20:03:02] *** [email protected] is Online
[20:04:11] <Bahamas> ccessfully sent a payment from your account U******* (****** Hosting)

Date: 19/06/2011 4:02 AM
Batch: 61939038
Sent to: U******* (Pravda24)
Amount: $3833.00
Memo: webdesign

[20:04:24] *** [email protected] is Offline [Replaced by new connection]
[20:04:26] *** [email protected] is Online
[20:04:49] <Bahamas> u got the massage?
[20:05:00] <[email protected]> No sorry
[20:05:04] <[email protected]> Fucking wifi
[20:05:25] <Bahamas>
Date: 19/06/2011 4:02 AM
Batch: 61939038
Sent to: U******* (Pravda24)
Amount: $3833.00
Memo: webdesign
[20:09:27] *** [email protected] is Offline
[20:12:10] *** [email protected] is Online
[20:12:21] <Bahamas> bro there??
[20:13:06] <[email protected]> Yes
[20:13:11] <[email protected]> He received
[20:13:22] <[email protected]> 1 sec, and I send you panels
[20:13:29] <Bahamas> k

[20:14:52] *** [email protected] is Offline
[20:19:57] *** [email protected] is Online
[20:20:23] <Bahamas> bro u should buy a new wifi router
[20:20:24] <Bahamas> :)
[20:20:54] <[email protected]>******
[20:21:00] <[email protected]> ADMIN.RAR
[20:21:18] <[email protected]> pass: Mulderka93FdO_p12DW
[20:22:00] <[email protected]> let me know when downloaded, so I kill link
[20:22:41] <Bahamas> k
[20:22:43] <Bahamas> kill now
[20:23:31] <[email protected]> Ok
[20:23:41] <[email protected]> now follow the instructions in rar
[20:33:50] <Bahamas> ok
[20:33:57] <Bahamas> what now bro?
[20:35:45] <[email protected]> You isntalled it?
[20:35:55] <Bahamas> yep
[20:36:28] <[email protected]> Good, give me patch to control.php
[20:37:32] <Bahamas> http://********.com/baha1/files/control.php
[20:38:03] <[email protected]> Ok, now please wait
[20:39:58] <Bahamas> k
[20:41:02] *** [email protected] is Offline
[20:57:51] *** [email protected] is Online
[20:59:06] *** [email protected] is Offline
[21:07:11] *** [email protected] is Online
[21:08:35] <Bahamas> any news?
[21:14:06] <Bahamas> why dont u reply bro?
[21:19:13] <Bahamas> ??
[21:20:17] *** [email protected] is Offline
[21:23:49] *** [email protected] is Online
[21:27:18] <Bahamas> ???
[21:27:21] <Bahamas> ripped me?
[21:30:25] *** [email protected] is Offline
[21:41:38] *** [email protected] is Online
[21:41:53] <Bahamas> shit
[21:41:58] <Bahamas> what the fuck??
[21:42:06] <Bahamas> i make black man
[21:42:09] <Bahamas> reply
[21:52:34] <Bahamas> U THERE?
[22:04:52] <[email protected]> Yes, sorry. My network is bad.
[22:04:58] <[email protected]> Sorry for delay.
[22:05:06] <[email protected]> You wait more now.
[22:06:28] <Bahamas> why?
[22:06:36] <Bahamas> and wait till what time??
[22:09:46] <Bahamas> man??

[22:13:55] *** [email protected] is Offline
[22:14:10] *** [email protected] is Online
[22:14:24] <[email protected]> the seller has not sent me the another pack yet
[22:14:28] <[email protected]> and he seems Away
[22:16:41] <Bahamas> WTF?
[22:16:47] <Bahamas> he ripped ?
[22:17:57] <[email protected]> No........

[22:18:08] <[email protected]> I think he just went to sleep or I don't know
[22:18:14] <[email protected]> Let's wait a bit more ok?
[22:18:20] <[email protected]> I will write you
[22:20:45] <Bahamas> shit bro i just paid 4000 $ for nothing?
[22:20:52] <Bahamas> what kind of shit is this?
[22:23:14] <[email protected]> Sorry, since it's a 3rd party...
[22:23:19] <[email protected]> It's out of my hands
[22:23:34] <[email protected]> Be patient please, chill
[22:23:45] <[email protected]> Soon he sends me stuff, and I make your new exe
[22:24:56] <Bahamas> kk
[22:25:05] <Bahamas> tell me a date
[22:25:07] <Bahamas> a deadline
[22:25:14] <Bahamas> when i make blacklist
[22:25:28] <[email protected]> LOL
[22:25:46] <[email protected]> Why do you Blacklist ME?!
[22:25:55] <[email protected]> I did not rip you damn it
[22:26:21] <Bahamas> but u bring me this biz
[22:26:35] <Bahamas> u have to be responsible for ur contact
[22:27:28] <[email protected]> I'm responsible
[22:27:48] <[email protected]> You will get your stuff , that's 100%
[22:27:58] <[email protected]> please hold on
[22:28:14] <Bahamas> fuck
[22:28:33] <Bahamas> im not paid for waiting
[22:28:42] <Bahamas> u told he sends everything INSTANT!!
[22:29:31] <[email protected]> All I can say sorry
[22:29:41] <[email protected]> Wait, and you'll be happy.
[22:29:45] <Bahamas> lol

[22:29:52] <Bahamas> i cant beleive it
[22:30:08] <[email protected]> I have to pick up my wife downtown
[22:30:11] <[email protected]> Talk to you later
[22:30:29] <Bahamas> u ripped me
[22:30:41] <Bahamas> now u block me?
[22:30:57] <[email protected]> LOL, no.
[22:31:10] <[email protected]> but I have real life, now I have to go
[22:31:36] <Bahamas> 12 hr... and u on blacklist if nothing happen
[22:32:50] <[email protected]> Sure
[22:33:01] <[email protected]> Few hours and you'll be done.
[22:33:06] <[email protected]> bye
[22:35:55] *** [email protected] is Offline

*** 2011-06-20
[01:23:12] <Bahamas> bro u there?
[01:44:37] <Bahamas> any news??
[02:05:47] <Bahamas> pls dont do this to me
[02:06:10] <Bahamas> come on.......
[04:01:28] <Bahamas> hello?
[04:02:12] <Bahamas> u blocked me?
[04:57:09] <Bahamas> at least reply me
[05:30:41] <Bahamas> k
[05:31:03] <Bahamas> i wait 3 more hours
[05:31:34] <Bahamas> and see u on blacklist

This guy hasn't contacted with me more than 12hrs.. I think he ripped me..
Последнее редактирование:
Sorry for the long waiting.
If I would wanted to rip you, I could have done it first place when you requested Spyeye service, or when you exchanged money.
I ask for patience for the next 24 hours. Thank you.
He delivered new exe with autotransfer, please dont remove thread till i see it fully functionable.. Thanks!



An ALLWAYS use escrow so u wont being ripped.
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