FloppyCopy - 644445994, noobie ripper

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Ripper profile: http://carder.pro/showthread.php?t=4462

He made obvious lies about me and blackmailing. Here is the conversation we had. After i confirmed that we can work via escrow he didnt wrote me back but was supposed to.
That dumbass wrote that he has gave me VCC for cashout and because of me it got limited. Total lies - i never received anything from him and everything we talked about is in the log i copied.


Brakis was contacted because he said he can cashout vcc. I wanted to do Escrow, HE REFUSED AND I HAVE LOGS TO PROVE BRAKIS IS NOT ACCEPTING ESCROW.

I ask him to do test on $20 or $40 card, (it was brand new unregistered netspend).... NOW CARD IS LIMITED, and I need to send in SSN/DL/PROOF OF ADDRESS SCAN thanks to this guy. I wish he told me only cashout mangocard.com. His signature is a liar. he cannot do all Vcc, sometimes he makes them worse (now i need to make and send scans), and BRAKIS--IF I RIP YOU, MAKE YOUR OWN THREAD.

Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:47 AM

Can I help you?
Brady 2/8/2012 4:47 AM

Hi, Brakis from forum
Brady 2/8/2012 4:48 AM

u wrote about vccs me
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:48 AM

yes, if i understand, you cashout vcc that has balance on it?
Brady 2/8/2012 4:48 AM

Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:48 AM

escrow accepted if i pay fees?
Brady 2/8/2012 4:48 AM

Brady 2/8/2012 4:48 AM

i prefer stells
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:49 AM

yes, me too
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:49 AM

but I would rathr not deal with that stuff
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:49 AM

u can take higher percent
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:49 AM

and we do test on small card
Brady 2/8/2012 4:49 AM

About which vcc exactly you re talking about?
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:49 AM

can you do netspend?
Brady 2/8/2012 4:50 AM

havent dealed with them before
Brady 2/8/2012 4:50 AM

what about chargebacks?
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:50 AM

no chargebacks, legit payment
Brady 2/8/2012 4:50 AM

Ok gr8
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:50 AM

bought with cash
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:50 AM

Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:51 AM

inside of a store
Brady 2/8/2012 4:51 AM

what balances?
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:51 AM

is vcc/ normal cc
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:51 AM

only 20usd for first one, since you never tried netspend first.
Brady 2/8/2012 4:51 AM

Brady 2/8/2012 4:51 AM

can u get instant statement?
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:51 AM

i have many balances of diferent types
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:52 AM

is there better vcc I can get? mayber easier for you. I can search logs
Brady 2/8/2012 4:52 AM

oh, u have a botnet?
Brady 2/8/2012 4:53 AM

check mangomoney.com
Brady 2/8/2012 4:53 AM

and entropay
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:53 AM

no entropay, already searched
Brady 2/8/2012 4:53 AM

for the netspend - can u get instant history? i need it to verify the payment and complete it
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:53 AM

and no, not bot-net, but frien does, and i buy large files of logs to look for goodies
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:53 AM

never used before?
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:54 AM

what history you mean?
Brady 2/8/2012 4:54 AM

transaction i will make
Brady 2/8/2012 4:54 AM

can u see it instantly there?
Brady 2/8/2012 4:55 AM

i need 3x digits to verify the payment and complete it
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:55 AM

u need cc/cvv2/exp/ and what else?
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:56 AM

also, i have a few questions as well.
Brady 2/8/2012 4:56 AM

i need to see how looks like the transaction i will make
Brady 2/8/2012 4:56 AM

in history
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:56 AM

for online transaction takes 2-3 days to post
Brady 2/8/2012 4:57 AM

i see then it can work only on bigger balances
Brady 2/8/2012 4:57 AM

as my account is frozen until i wrote those numbers
Brady 2/8/2012 4:57 AM

and verify the payment
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:57 AM

ohhh, u mean, merchant numbers
Brady 2/8/2012 4:57 AM

but i got 2x accounts
Brady 2/8/2012 4:57 AM

Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:57 AM

on payament
Brady 2/8/2012 4:57 AM

Brady 2/8/2012 4:57 AM

like paypal
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:58 AM

well i just doing this as a test, most balance= $500 (give or take 5usd
Brady 2/8/2012 4:58 AM

ok i see
Brady 2/8/2012 4:58 AM

i can take minimum i think its 10$ maybe bit more
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:59 AM

well it has full 20usd on it. if you dont want to deposit on escrow, 5usd you, 15usd me.
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:59 AM

then we move on to 500
Brady 2/8/2012 4:59 AM

you want escrow for 20$ vcc?
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 4:59 AM

Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:00 AM

if u dont want 20usd 1 now, then we do 500 escrow
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:00 AM

not wasting time here
Brady 2/8/2012 5:00 AM

ah i see
Brady 2/8/2012 5:00 AM

Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:00 AM

Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:00 AM

ur choice
Brady 2/8/2012 5:00 AM

Ok we can sort it out
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:00 AM

i can look in logs for others
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:00 AM

only those 2?
Brady 2/8/2012 5:00 AM

you will catch stells by yourself?
Brady 2/8/2012 5:01 AM

Brady 2/8/2012 5:01 AM

Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:01 AM

you are 1 who needs to deposit....
Brady 2/8/2012 5:01 AM

i know entropay and mango works excellent but about others im not sure
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:01 AM

u should get ahold of him
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:01 AM

Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:01 AM

Brady 2/8/2012 5:01 AM

Ok i will write him then
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:01 AM

mayge we re-visit a bit later, i search for mangocard
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:01 AM

either way
Brady 2/8/2012 5:02 AM

i also prefer to work without escrow cause its less timetaking and no fees. You can check my rep on forum if you re still not sure about me no problems we can use stells i have worked with him before
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:03 AM

cant risk even ust 500 right now, i'm sorry
Brady 2/8/2012 5:03 AM

Ok i see no problems
Brady 2/8/2012 5:04 AM

can we do that test then? cause then we could see how much time it takes
Brady 2/8/2012 5:04 AM

to get history
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:04 AM

no history
Brady 2/8/2012 5:04 AM

for 10$ its the min
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:04 AM

you register
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:04 AM

fine, but you paying in lr
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:05 AM

it is safe
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:05 AM

zero chargeback risk
Brady 2/8/2012 5:05 AM

yes, i can exchange to LR too but i receive payments in wmz
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:06 AM

it was card given to me as payment/ no chargeback/ and no history, just u register. u need full (or ssn name, random address)
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:06 AM

u call number or go online and say you got card as gift and need to register
Brady 2/8/2012 5:07 AM

So its not possible to see history? Last transactions?
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:07 AM

never had a transaction
Brady 2/8/2012 5:07 AM

but there is at least option to check history?
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:07 AM

is like brand new prepaid-card
Brady 2/8/2012 5:07 AM

Brady 2/8/2012 5:07 AM

i know
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:07 AM

after u register, ofcourse
Brady 2/8/2012 5:08 AM

can we do the 10$ test now?
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:09 AM

Brady 2/8/2012 5:09 AM

Ok will login
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:09 AM

no login
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:10 AM

just phone or website
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:10 AM

muset register first
Brady 2/8/2012 5:10 AM

I will login to my merchant account i wrote
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:10 AM

Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:10 AM

Brady 2/8/2012 5:10 AM

you will be able to get the transaction i will make??
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:10 AM

mango card ... what is exact domain again
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:10 AM

you will
Brady 2/8/2012 5:10 AM

Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:10 AM

u will know the login
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:10 AM

so u can see
Brady 2/8/2012 5:11 AM

u can keep it i need only the transaction
Brady 2/8/2012 5:11 AM

digits from it
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:11 AM

from description part... correct?
Brady 2/8/2012 5:11 AM

Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:12 AM

ok, let me reigister card
Brady 2/8/2012 5:12 AM

Ok sure
Brady 2/8/2012 5:15 AM

smth wrong with the merchant
Brady 2/8/2012 5:15 AM

looks like payment system is down
Brady 2/8/2012 5:15 AM

maybe just temporary
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:15 AM

Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:15 AM

let me knwo when working
Brady 2/8/2012 5:16 AM

Brady 2/8/2012 5:16 AM

but im off for a sleep
Brady 2/8/2012 5:16 AM

be back in 8h
Brady 2/8/2012 5:16 AM

u ll be online tmrw?
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:17 AM

Brady 2/8/2012 5:17 AM

Ok catch me then when ur online im mostly 15h online
Floppy Copy 2/8/2012 5:17 AM

ok, cool
Brady 2/8/2012 5:17 AM

ok c ya

And never received anything more from him.
Because i wasnt ready to make upfront payment.
Последнее редактирование:


Update post according to rules to avoid being awarded a DEER.
This post is 3rd claim about this seller, I do not understand what the hell hes doing still here.
I probably will recieve -1 from this guy but I do not care, I can't understand him how the hell he always find an excuse.


+1 for pizza. gotta change style of typing, 33lr--this time no ripping. Plenty of socks to go around. I Fucked some people, and I made good money with some people. Pizzia dont know what nick, but i bought over 100 plastics from him no problem. He is right.

What dumb fucks let my pretty talk go on for so long.
PLEASE ALLOW 24HR FROM THIS POST SO THAT I MAY MAKE-UP WITH THOSE WHO I FEEL DESERVE IT, AND TO THOSE I DONT MAKE IT UP TO. ITS ALL IN THE GAME. If it makes you feel better, knowing where the money truley went, twards hosting of my own server and the start of my own botnet. Goodbye to this personality. Hello to a new one.

I wonder--If there is somebody I dont like, can I just say that they are my alt, and take 'em down with me? That'd be nice. Though I stole and deceived some of you individualy, I did contribute to the Forums. No excuses here friends. Justa a FINAL explination. HA, you guys aint my friends.


Comes back with a new MAC and new IP, and thanks to you guys, a NEW PC!
THE FORUMS MUST GO TOTALLY PRIVATE W/ VOUCH SYSTEM, OR THE PRICE TO ENTER, AND REMAIN A MEMBER MUST BE RAISED WHERE RIPPING IS NOT A POSSIBILITY. MAYBE their should be $50usd Entrance fee....And if you want to VIEW OR DO BIZ in the market place (Verrified or not, ==same amount of rip reports ) maybe you should be REQUIRED to have 500usd min in Escrow.... Just opinions of a "newbie" ripper.


Ripper group assigned to your account.

PS. We DO HAVE closed community called "crdsu".
So everyone who want to be there - should be a little better. :)
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