Nickname - Father / http://carder.pro/member.php?u=40239
We speak abouth iphone3 gs 16gb white . he say next day shipp out that and after som few days i recive . i pay him 42.50
Logs - Real In 28/06/2011 17:22

Real In 28/06/2011 17:22

i am from carder.pro
Central 28/06/2011 17:23
You added Central
Real In 28/06/2011 17:23

i whrite u abouth iphones
Real In 28/06/2011 17:23

how much for iphone4 (white) 32GB
Central 28/06/2011 17:23

Real In 28/06/2011 17:23

Real In 28/06/2011 17:24

you shipp thats from web to my drop , or you have this iphones on hand and u just send thats out ?
Central 28/06/2011 17:24

Yh man
Central 28/06/2011 17:24

a new shipment arrived today
Real In 28/06/2011 17:24

first i want see service , if everyting go quiklie we work long time
Central 28/06/2011 17:24

i got around 20 iphones in stock
Central 28/06/2011 17:24

depends how many u wana order
Real In 28/06/2011 17:25

how much u give me first time order for iphone 4 ?
Real In 28/06/2011 17:25

u have 32GB white ?
Central 28/06/2011 17:25

On hand
Central 28/06/2011 17:25

if i dont have in stock
Central 28/06/2011 17:25

i card to your drop
Central 28/06/2011 17:25

but right now i have 20 in stock
Central 28/06/2011 17:26
Central shared pictures with you
Central 28/06/2011 17:26

i got 20 of thoes on hand
Central 28/06/2011 17:26

still inside box
Central 28/06/2011 17:26

i can just re ship
Real In 28/06/2011 17:26

how much for IPHONE 3GS 16GB (WHITE) ?
Real In 28/06/2011 17:26

and how much FOR IPHONE4 WHITE 32GB ?
Real In 28/06/2011 17:27

i alredy say , first i want ordder one , if everyting quiklie come i order bulk
Real In 28/06/2011 17:27

give me first time order
Real In 28/06/2011 17:27

if everyting go cool
Real In 28/06/2011 17:27

we work
Central 28/06/2011 17:27

I got in stock:
Central 28/06/2011 17:27

Iphone 3gs 16gb (Black) (White)
Real In 28/06/2011 17:27

but thats not japanes ?
Central 28/06/2011 17:28

Iphone 4 16gbs : Black
Real In 28/06/2011 17:28

thats not fakeone wich come from JAPAN OR TAIVAN ? that is original iphone product ?
Central 28/06/2011 17:28

iphone 4 white (32gb)
Real In 28/06/2011 17:28

Central 28/06/2011 17:28

I have alot of ipod shuffles for sale too
Real In 28/06/2011 17:28

for how much u give me first time order this IPHONE4 (32GB) WHITE ?
Central 28/06/2011 17:28

Very low price
Central 28/06/2011 17:29

how many order?
Central 28/06/2011 17:30

Central 28/06/2011 17:30

how many u need
Central 28/06/2011 17:30

Real In 28/06/2011 17:30

Central 28/06/2011 17:30

Iphone 3gs 16gb white = 85$ LR
Central 28/06/2011 17:31

I sugest you buy 3gs 1st steal
Central 28/06/2011 17:31

Central 28/06/2011 17:31

Because i got alot on hand
Central 28/06/2011 17:31

Explain plz
Central 28/06/2011 17:32

Central 28/06/2011 17:32

Apple iphone
Real In 28/06/2011 17:32

for 150LR you give me IPHONE4 (32GB) WHITE . RIGHT?
Real In 28/06/2011 17:32

i start with this iphone4
Real In 28/06/2011 17:32

Real In 28/06/2011 17:33

what safe ?
Real In 28/06/2011 17:33

ohh ok ...
Real In 28/06/2011 17:33

u accept escrow right ? or withouth escrow HALF money i send now , and helf when recive item
Real In 28/06/2011 17:34

Real In 28/06/2011 17:34

if today i pay , tomorrow morning u shipp out that ?
Real In 28/06/2011 17:35

man , but i pay other half just then when recive on hand , because i need make sure thats not fakeone
Central 28/06/2011 17:35

Real In 28/06/2011 17:35

i need bring that to shop to peoples look
Central 28/06/2011 17:35

i need to calculate how many i have
Real In 28/06/2011 17:35

or i pay money in escrow
Real In 28/06/2011 17:35

and after i recive
Real In 28/06/2011 17:35

and make sure thats not fake
Real In 28/06/2011 17:35

i sai ninja to pay your money
Real In 28/06/2011 17:35

Real In 28/06/2011 17:36

i send you half money NOW
Real In 28/06/2011 17:36

and half after i recive stuff
Real In 28/06/2011 17:36

Real In 28/06/2011 17:36

if quiklie u send out , faster i recive that and faster u recive your money
Real In 28/06/2011 17:36

i live in uk
Real In 28/06/2011 17:37

w8 i look my LR
Real In 28/06/2011 17:37

Real In 28/06/2011 17:37

Central 28/06/2011 17:37

Alright man
Central 28/06/2011 17:37

i have 4 in stock
Real In 28/06/2011 17:37

after recive
Real In 28/06/2011 17:37

pay other share
Central 28/06/2011 17:37

its 150$ LR
Real In 28/06/2011 17:37

u send me IPHONE 3GS 16GB WHITE ?
Real In 28/06/2011 17:37

Real In 28/06/2011 17:37

noo , then i pay all money in escrow
Real In 28/06/2011 17:38

Central 28/06/2011 17:38

But i think you should order the 3GS 1st order
Real In 28/06/2011 17:38

Central 28/06/2011 17:38

I provide Tracking number btw
Central 28/06/2011 17:38

Real In 28/06/2011 17:38

i send you 42.50 NOW , and others 42.50 i PAY YOU WHEN I RECIVE STUFF, thats is abouth FRIDAY
Real In 28/06/2011 17:38

deal ?
Real In 28/06/2011 17:38

if deal let me know your lr i go send it
Central 28/06/2011 17:38

But i think 1st order u should take 3gs
Real In 28/06/2011 17:38

and give my drop
Central 28/06/2011 17:39

Can we do 3gs please?
Central 28/06/2011 17:39

I feel more safe
Real In 28/06/2011 17:39

Real In 28/06/2011 17:39

Central 28/06/2011 17:39

Because 3GS i can lable as "Gift"
Real In 28/06/2011 17:39

if everyting go cool with my deal
Real In 28/06/2011 17:39

then offcourse
Real In 28/06/2011 17:39

why not
Real In 28/06/2011 17:40

lol i am not stuppid
Real In 28/06/2011 17:40

u think i am kid?
Real In 28/06/2011 17:40

i interesed for biz
Real In 28/06/2011 17:40

not for ripp
Real In 28/06/2011 17:40

Central 28/06/2011 17:41

Central 28/06/2011 17:41

The other half released when Tracking number is given
Central 28/06/2011 17:41

i ship within 1-2 days
Central 28/06/2011 17:41

Tomorrow or the day after
Central 28/06/2011 17:41

Depends how busy i am
Real In 28/06/2011 17:42

ipod shuffle?
Real In 28/06/2011 17:42

whats that?
Real In 28/06/2011 17:42

Central 28/06/2011 17:42

Its 100% Genuine
Central 28/06/2011 17:43

Shipped from USA
Real In 28/06/2011 17:43

wich memo whrite ?
Central 28/06/2011 17:43

its shipped from USA man
Central 28/06/2011 17:43

not china
Central 28/06/2011 17:43

or something
Central 28/06/2011 17:43

you can check on usps.com
Real In 28/06/2011 17:43

carder.pro right ?
Real In 28/06/2011 17:44

Your transfer was successful! Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve!

Payment Mode Account

Date 06/28/2011 16:43

Batch 64349660

From U2481819 (krikarnitis)

To U4165870 (angelo viltakis)

Amount $43.00


Real In 01/07/2011 15:43

Real In 03/07/2011 16:51

Real In 03/07/2011 16:52

let me know when u here
Real In 03/07/2011 16:52

i didnt recive notting
Real In 03/07/2011 17:28

hey bro
Real In 03/07/2011 17:28

u allright?
Real In 03/07/2011 17:29

hey bro
Real In 12/07/2011 00:06

Real In 12/07/2011 00:06

how are u mate ?
Real In 12/07/2011 00:07

where u was loost ?


Now is alredy som 14days gone , from he noone message , no answer .
If with romario topic he still not with Ripper status then with this thread shoot be .
Father alredy ripp two peoples in forum but he still live and withouth BIG RED RIPPER FLAG.


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