EonepayExchange very very bad service !!! i lost 889$

Hi all !!!


If you have too much money and you want to loose a part of it, call heavencallme, he'll do everything to make you lost your money...
yesterday i asked him for details, to send him money, he gave me and he told me i have 6h to send to this receiver, so, i sent 1h after, when i come back online, he was offline, i waited for him more than 10h behind my screen, and when he come back i gave him MTNC and he told me it doesn't match, i checked it, and yes it's not mach.
So today i called WU, and i ask theim why my MTNC doesn't match, and they told me, this is because Mr ngxxxn vxn (the details he gaved me) is black listed, so now my money is blocked, but the problem is i can not change nothing, cause i took someone in the street, i gave him money, to make my WU, and when i told heavencallme why he gave me black listed name, the only word he said is "LOL" and that's it, and after, he black listed me too !!!!!
so for resume, if you want to loose money, if you want to waste your time (more than 24h), and if you want someone he kidding and mock you call heavencallme, for all that, he's the best !!!!!!!!!
please admin can you do something... thanks

here the logs, and you can see how heavencallme take care of his customer :

metz metz 18:39
please bro, can you check the statut ?

EonepayExchange 18:39
i not check
ur money better get return

metz metz 18:39
can you please tell me if it's ok ?

EonepayExchange 18:39
i cant tell

metz metz 18:40
but i told you i can not... cause i took someone in the street and i pay him

EonepayExchange 18:40
dont keep talk to me check or tell some thing
Messages récents

metz metz 19:26
bor you there ?

metz metz 19:28
there ?

metz metz 19:29
bro !! please
there ?

EonepayExchange 19:29
i dont have anything tell u now

metz metz 19:29
i called to western union here in france and they told me, this is your fault cause nguyen van is on black list, so my found is blocked now ! you don't told me it !!! so what to do now ?

EonepayExchange 19:30

metz metz 19:30
yes you have because my found is blocked cause nguyen is black listed
this is what wu told me
on phone

metz metz 19:31
this is why i can not see the statut on wu website
so please tell me what to do ?

metz metz 19:33
bro, can you at least answer me ?
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metz metz 19:35
bro, can you at least answer me ?
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metz metz 19:37
please i waited for you last day more than 10h behind my screen and now, it's look like you blocked me, you don't answer me and at your fault i lost 889$
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metz metz 19:38
so can you just tell me what to do ?
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metz metz 19:39
please i waited for you last day more than 10h behind my screen and now, it's look like you blocked me, you don't answer me and at your fault i lost 889$
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so can you just tell me what to do ?

metz metz 19:44
there ?
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you don't answer ????
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metz metz 19:45
you give black listed name and you don't answer anymore ????
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and plus !!! you blocked me ?????

EonepayExchange 20h01 is offline
Последнее редактирование:


you can't blaim heavencallme for a blacklisted drop, he probably gave you a drop name where he has received too much money in a short period of time.

so now the only possible way for you to get your money back from wu is make fake id under the details you have used to send the wu and claim it back, or else it will be locked in wu system forever.

this is wu's anti moneylaundering shit.
and maybe these vietnamese exchangers should get drops in other counties as this country is in wu hot list since a long time.
Последнее редактирование:
i can not blame him for he gave me black listed name ? so who i can blame it for that ? who gave me reveiver details ?
ok, i can not blame him for that ? but !!! i can blame him for the way he kidding me, did you see the logs ? why he did't answer me ? at least he have to answer me ! at least he have to explain me what to do ! at least he can offer me to pay me redraw service to unlock that and give me new receiver name and at least he don't have to block me on icq and he block me !
I was very polite with him, never a bad word and he blocked me.
And thanks to explain me what to do, BUT at leat HE have to explain what to and try to resolve my problem !!!
So i think, yes i can blame him !!!!


i can not blame him for he gave me black listed name ? so who i can blame it for that ? who gave me reveiver details ?
ok, i can not blame him for that ? but !!! i can blame him for the way he kidding me, did you see the logs ? why he did't answer me ? at least he have to answer me ! at least he have to explain me what to do ! at least he can offer me to pay me redraw service to unlock that and give me new receiver name and at least he don't have to block me on icq and he block me !
I was very polite with him, never a bad word and he blocked me.
And thanks to explain me what to do, BUT at leat HE have to explain what to and try to resolve my problem !!!
So i think, yes i can blame him !!!!

yes i read the logs, but its not possible to know if a name has been blacklisted on wu, hence the only way to prevent this issue from happening is to use name only 2-3 times per month, or else it gets blacklisted.

and there isn't much heavencallme can do about this issue now, your money is with western union, and since you paid someone else to go and make the transfer for you, now your hope to get your money back from wu as said before by me is to make a novelty id under the same details.

all the best man, hope you get your money back, i know its a pain in the ass when wu blocks your payment because sender/receiver name is blacklisted.


I know that If sender Is blacklisted then you can't much about it..
But If receiver Is blacklisted then sender can change the receiver.
yes i would want to make that, but wu can change the name but not the country, that's what they told me, so, because "hellcallme" blocked me on icq, i talk with him with another icq, but after he re-blocked me again... you can read the logz, and the only thing i want is to resolve my problem... that's it !

so, as i told, if you want to someone treat you like a beach, and wast your time and your money : just call his name and he'll do it

abc1 04:06
can we try to unlock my problem ? please ?

abc1 04:07
i never give you bad words or nothing, just want to resolve my problems and works, this is the only things i want
and i tell you "please"

abc1 04:10
please ! can you give me new details to try to unlock my problems and try to change receveir name ! PLEASE

abc1 04:23
please ! can we try to resolve my problem please !?

HeavenPressExchange 04:23
what u want?
new wu ?

abc1 04:24
i have my found blocked, cause mr nxxxxxn vxxxxn is black listed, this is what WU here told me
and i have to send theim by mail a request to unlock it
so i need a new drop name

abc1 04:25
but the problem is, i can not gave theim a drop name who work only for 4h, cause i don't know when they going to unlock the wu

abc1 04:26
i never have problem with you, more than 1 year i work with you, and always was polite with you even now, so please try to resolve my problems... thanks

abc1 04:33
please, can you answer me ?

HeavenPressExchange 04:34
i dont know

abc1 04:35
you don't what ? i want new details wu receveir
i'm going to pay re-draw service to re-send the wu, so i need new details

HeavenPressExchange 04:36
what u want?
talk clear

abc1 04:36
so read what i read bro

abc1 04:37
i have my found blocked, cause mr nguyen van is black listed, this is what WU here told me
and i have to send theim by mail a request to unlock it
so i need a new drop name

HeavenPressExchange 04:39
First name: DANG THI NGOC ; Last name: LAN ; City: HA NOI; Country: Viet Nam ; Valid time from: 10:38 PM ; Valid Time to : 2:38 AM New York time ( Since now u have hour): 4

abc1 04:40
listen please, i can not give 4h validity, cause i don't how long time wu going to make to solve the problems, now, to solve problem it's only by e-mail

abc1 04:42
i can send a email right now, but maybe they going to solve later, so the question is could you receive the wu even more than 4h, only for my case ?

HeavenPressExchange 04:43
ok, cancel this wu info

abc1 04:44
and what to do with my found blocked ??

abc1 04:45
you gave me a black listed name, how can you tell me "bye" ?!

HeavenPressExchange 04:46
i dont understand what re u saying

abc1 04:46
you don't understand or don't read what i told you ?
listen take this info please and check it please

abc1 04:47
586 150 9458
sender sxxxxxa dxxxxe

HeavenPressExchange 04:47
listen : u send money if i cant receiver money then u can get return at WU office

abc1 04:47
please check it

HeavenPressExchange 04:48
bcos this is ur money it was sent urseft
i never check when Transaction expired
dont tell me check more
i only check when valid time
i dont have any word to say
dont tell me do anything

abc1 04:48
NO !!! i made it and they told me, i went to post office and they told me now i have to resolve the problems only by mails

HeavenPressExchange 04:49
i only tell me like that when u have valid time

abc1 04:49
so what now ? you give me black list name and i can not do nothing now ? right ?

abc1 04:50
this is MY money, i can send photos of the ticket and paper from post office

abc1 04:51
this is not a internet wu, i can send you when you want, but i told you, i took someone in the street to send it
Последнее редактирование:
Look bro... I get that HeavenCallMe is being a dick about the situation, but he really cant help you here...

I've been in a situation like this before with another vendor on here before where my money (ironically $889) was caught in limbo aswell. Like MeFix mentioned, the only way outta this jam is by investing in a Novelty ID.

I seen you mentioned your from france, so just find a vendor on here that can make one for you using the details on your receipt and get your money back.

The ID may cost you $200 or w/e, but its better then losing $900. And besides, you can use the ID in the future aswell, so its not all a total loss.

Sorry I cant give you any better news, its just the reality of the matter.


eonepayexchange i doubted it when he changed his icq, he also was in china now the way he talks and the location of his agency changed, i doubt his service.


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