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Hey there all, i dealed with some guy duchess, i offered 160wmz for 2.4k login, which was expired before 3 months... but what im talking about? just see chat logs, and make a decision...

duchess14/04/2010 12:33 PM You added duchess
duchess14/04/2010 12:34 PM
fTs14/04/2010 12:35 PM
Hey, now im interesting about scotia 2.4k, but dude i can't pay 10% its to much just for simple login with small balance, don't u think?
duchess14/04/2010 12:35 PM
how much r u looking to buy logins for?
duchess14/04/2010 12:36 PM
tell me what price u were willing to pay?
fTs14/04/2010 12:37 PM
for that 2.4k lets say i can pay 160$
duchess14/04/2010 12:37 PM
u can pay now/
duchess14/04/2010 12:37 PM
fTs14/04/2010 12:38 PM
little bit later, im working with partner, and all wmz on his purse, he get back from the work at 7PM (Gmt+2)
fTs14/04/2010 12:39 PM
ur ok with that?
duchess14/04/2010 12:40 PM
to be honest no,but i want to get rid of them while they r still alive
duchess14/04/2010 12:40 PM
so its better to sell them to u before they die
fTs14/04/2010 12:41 PM
ok, i get back to u asap
duchess14/04/2010 12:41 PM
k tc
duchess14/04/2010 12:41 PM
r u in canada?
fTs14/04/2010 12:41 PM
duchess14/04/2010 12:42 PM
where r u from?
fTs14/04/2010 12:42 PM
fTs14/04/2010 12:42 PM
why ur asking?
duchess14/04/2010 12:43 PM
just asking
duchess14/04/2010 12:46 PM
r u sure u want it? 100%? if not tell me
fTs14/04/2010 12:47 PM
im sure
duchess14/04/2010 12:48 PM

Little bit later:

fTs15/04/2010 2:07 AM
hey, are u on?
duchess15/04/2010 2:44 AM
duchess15/04/2010 2:44 AM
i am back now
fTs15/04/2010 2:44 AM
i have 155 wmz for the moment, can we deal with that?
duchess15/04/2010 2:45 AM
for the 2.4k scotia yes?
duchess15/04/2010 2:46 AM
fTs15/04/2010 2:46 AM
duchess15/04/2010 2:46 AM
want the details emailed? psd?
duchess15/04/2010 2:46 AM
what format?
fTs15/04/2010 2:47 AM
i don't care, do how u wanna 2 do
duchess15/04/2010 2:47 AM
duchess15/04/2010 2:47 AM
give me 5 min
duchess15/04/2010 2:48 AM
just let me finish something and i will get back to u and start the deal
fTs15/04/2010 2:48 AM
ok, money sent.
duchess15/04/2010 2:48 AM
k hold on
duchess15/04/2010 2:49 AM
whats your username on c.biz?
fTs15/04/2010 2:49 AM
duchess15/04/2010 2:49 AM
k i will send the details to your inbox
fTs15/04/2010 2:49 AM

Now lets take a look what details comes to my inbox:

Credit Available $2,451
Online ID: 5191230098887
Password: 131313
Expiration Date: 1 2010 <----- wtf?
Credit Card Verification Number: 660
Full Name: Jo-Anne Thomas
Mother Name: Routliffe
SSN: 720508571
Billing City:
Billing State:
Billing Zip: V0G 1L0
Billing Address:
Work Place: AMEC Americas Ltd.
Phone Number: 250-367-7557

today he came online, and pretend dumb...

fTs2:50 PM
are u listening ?
duchess2:51 PM
hey sorry i just came in home 5 min ago
fTs2:52 PM
so what we do about that login? its expired..
duchess2:52 PM
whats the problem, i saw the login i gave u was expired
i will give u a new one
scotia bank yeah ?
fTs2:52 PM
duchess2:52 PM
k hold on
fTs2:55 PM
k, waiting.
duchess2:55 PM
one sec, many people r msging me
duchess3:01 PM
ok i see the problem now, i mix u up with someone else, sent dead full info, u paid me 150 yes?
duchess3:03 PM
fTs3:03 PM
fTs3:04 PM
so do you have that other?
duchess3:07 PM
k u ordered 2.4k balance and i got only $155, its 10% u need to pay another $85
fTs3:08 PM
but that was the offer 155 for 2.4 login
i said i can't pay 10%
its to much bro..
duchess3:08 PM
k hold on let me go through chat history, because it is me and my partner taking shifts
fTs3:10 PM

fTs15/04/2010 2:44 AM
i have 155 wmz for the moment, can we deal with that?
duchess15/04/2010 2:45 AM
for the 2.4k scotia yes?
duchess15/04/2010 2:46 AM
fTs15/04/2010 2:46 AM

duchess3:11 PM
"have 155 wmz for the moment" yes u said for now, what is understood, u will pay rest later?
duchess3:12 PM
fTs3:13 PM

fTs14/04/2010 12:37 PM
for that 2.4k lets say i can pay 160$
duchess14/04/2010 12:37 PM
u can pay now/
duchess14/04/2010 12:37 PM
fTs14/04/2010 12:38 PM
little bit later, im working with partner, and all wmz on his purse, he get back from the work at 7PM (Gmt+2)
fTs14/04/2010 12:39 PM
ur ok with that?
duchess14/04/2010 12:40 PM
to be honest no,but i want to get rid of them while they r still alive
duchess14/04/2010 12:40 PM
so its better to sell them to u before they die

so the rest is 5wmz
duchess3:15 PM
no mate, my partner said 10% of 2.4k which means 240, i see u sent $155, we mix u up with someone else, there still has to be $85
duchess3:17 PM
fTs3:17 PM
sry bro but no deal then, i said before that i can't pay 10% for just simple login, just make me a refund and were ok then.
duchess3:17 PM
its not simple login, its 2.4k for 240
fTs3:18 PM
and it was dead login, whatever
just give me a refund
duchess3:18 PM
there is no refund, it is not a shopping mall, u must pay full to get login
fTs3:18 PM
do you hear what u talking? the login was expired and DEAD
do you know what does it means?
fTs3:19 PM
Credit Available $2,451
Online ID: 5191230098887
Password: 131313
Expiration Date: 1 2010
duchess3:19 PM
yes i know, i said i mix u up with someone else, now i realize what the problem is, your login is here awaiting rest of payment
fTs3:19 PM
do you see? its expired before 3 months
fTs3:20 PM
so you have other login 2.4k working one
duchess3:20 PM
that login was for other order, we make a mistake and sent u (<---- Interesting for wtf dead login?)
fTs3:20 PM
but i don't need it for 10% i said i don't pay much than i offered
my offer was 160wmz
duchess3:20 PM
this order was different, i dont have high balances, only 3k max
all are in same range
fTs3:21 PM
so you accept offer or give me a refund bro...
duchess3:21 PM
yes we understood, $150 for now and expecting rest later, yes?
fTs3:22 PM
now i said just 150$ no later pay
duchess3:22 PM
there is no refund, it is not shopping mall bro, u cannot pay half and expect to get
fTs3:22 PM
this is whole offer
duchess3:22 PM
your money is here, if u want u have to pay rest 10% but no refund
fTs3:22 PM
but that was the if u don't understood offer im not guilty man...
duchess3:23 PM
your words said "i have 160 at the moment" "moment" means for the time being, if i understand english correctly
meaning rest later, am i wrong or right/
fTs3:24 PM
i said:
for that 2.4k lets say i can pay 160$
and later i said:
i have 155 wmz for the moment, can we deal with that?

that mean i jus own u a 5$
duchess3:26 PM
for that 2.4k lets say i can pay 160$
duchess14/04/2010 12:37 PM
u can pay now/
duchess14/04/2010 12:37 PM
fTs14/04/2010 12:38 PM
little bit later, im working with partner, and all wmz on his purse, he get back from the work at 7PM (Gmt+2)
fTs14/04/2010 12:39 PM
ur ok with that?

u said u can pay later, and u only have 160 for now, so when your partner come u will buy and get rest, u come back and again sent $155, not $240
fTs3:26 PM
that's it, we made a deal, and if something wrong with deal, we cant find compromise, than make me a refund bro Z******** or give me my login.
fTs3:27 PM
no i didn't man
stop that
refund, or login
or u go to c.biz as ripper im tired
duchess3:28 PM
in this business there is no refund of money, only replacement if you paid for full order, u did not pay for full order u paid for half, u said u only have $160 now and u will come back later and buy when u meet your partner and he sends u wmz, u come back and sent only $155 not $240
fTs3:29 PM
there was no talk about payment later, rest payment. im tired im going to post logs
duchess3:29 PM
do as u please, but your order is still pending, there is no refund, if u want the login u must pay full amount like we agreed on 10%
fTs3:30 PM
if i don't like the stuff you giving or its dead i have the right to ask refund
i don't have anymore wmz
duchess3:30 PM
i dont understand people. they send wrong amount and expect to get product, when i clearly said 10%
fTs3:30 PM
and i clearly said that i cant pay 10%
for just simple login
10% its payment for login with phone passwords
and whole info
duchess3:31 PM
read the chat and see, u said u only have 160 for now, u will be back when your partner is online and he will send u wmz, and u will pay, what i understand from this is he will come and send u rest and u will pay
duchess3:32 PM
thats what anyone will understand from this
fTs3:32 PM
Hey, now im interesting about scotia 2.4k, but dude i can't pay 10% its to much just for simple login with small balance, don't u think?
duchess14/04/2010 12:35 PM
how much r u looking to buy logins for?
duchess14/04/2010 12:36 PM
tell me what price u were willing to pay?
fTs14/04/2010 12:37 PM
for that 2.4k lets say i can pay 160$
duchess3:33 PM
fTs14/04/2010 12:37 PM
for that 2.4k lets say i can pay 160$
yes and continue the rest?
fTs3:33 PM
thats it, no more talk, are u fucking blind? where theese words here that im only have 160 for now
duchess14/04/2010 12:37 PM
u can pay now/
duchess14/04/2010 12:37 PM
duchess3:34 PM
i ask can u pay now? u said no u r waiting for partner to come and send u wmz, and u will pay later, meaning your partner will come and send u rest and u will pay, because u did not want to buy now
fTs3:34 PM
not rest
i didn't have any wmz
that its
BYE, admin will say what to do
because ur blind
duchess3:35 PM
do as you please, i understood what u wrote and thats final, your money is here, u r welcome to your order when u fulfill payment

his icq: 646588750 duchess

Admin please review and say your decision.

From my position how its look like:
If we can't deal, misunderstand each other, than he just making me a refund and that's it... about what else we can talk?
duchess3:31 PM
read the chat and see, u said u only have 160 for now, u will be back when your partner is online and he will send u wmz, and u will pay, what i understand from this is he will come and send u rest and u will pay
duchess3:32 PM
thats what anyone will understand from this
Oh man, i really almost fell of my seat laughing at that part. Surely this Duchess dude is joking when he posts that? If he was being serious, and genuinely can't understand the simplicity of the deal you guys had (according to the logs), then i put for forward the unsurprising revelation that he is either retarded or a ripper, possibly even a combination of both.
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