doomz12 - Pathetic time waster. Avoid dealing with this member.


Nickname on forum: doomz12
Contact details: [email protected]
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David Goh (12/14/2010 2:31:25 PM): hi mate
** (12/14/2010 2:31:25 PM): hey
** (12/14/2010 2:31:32 PM): this is weed
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:31:48 PM): saw your posting regarding the spyeye
** (12/14/2010 2:31:52 PM): mmkay?
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:32:06 PM): nope doomz12
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:32:25 PM): didnt post anything on your thread
** (12/14/2010 2:32:36 PM): i dont understand
**(12/14/2010 2:32:44 PM): i said i am weed from
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:32:55 PM): mmkay ?
** (12/14/2010 2:33:02 PM): mmkay - hmmm okey
** (12/14/2010 2:33:05 PM): -.-
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:33:10 PM): lol
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:33:16 PM): not good in short forum
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:33:21 PM): *form
** (12/14/2010 2:33:25 PM): so how can i help u?
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:33:29 PM): anyway back to busines
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:33:40 PM): i'm keen on the product you are offering
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:34:01 PM): $699 you would set up everything right including hosting
** (12/14/2010 2:34:04 PM): yes
** (12/14/2010 2:34:15 PM): when are you planning?
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:34:35 PM): anytime
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:34:47 PM): coz i am about to buy some cc fullz for like $500 bucks
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:35:26 PM): dont really make sense for me to buy them if your spyeye can grab those cc for me.
** (12/14/2010 2:35:31 PM): yes.
** (12/14/2010 2:35:44 PM): then do you want to get started now?
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:36:01 PM): i need to reload more money to LR
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:36:05 PM): only got $500 inside
** (12/14/2010 2:36:27 PM): i will setup the panels with domain and host for the $500 and you pay the balance $199 later.
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:37:00 PM): you can get it going for the $500 first ?
** (12/14/2010 2:37:02 PM): yes.
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:37:20 PM): that is great
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:37:35 PM): i'm new to this spyeye thing
** (12/14/2010 2:44:00 PM): there?
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:44:08 PM): yes
** (12/14/2010 2:44:11 PM): sorry my socks5 dided
** (12/14/2010 2:44:14 PM): died*
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:44:24 PM): its cool
** (12/14/2010 2:44:24 PM): so, then are you ready to start with the $500 ?
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:45:23 PM): i just need to know if its able to grab those cc fullz &/or cc with vbv passwords.
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:45:28 PM): with your setup
** (12/14/2010 2:45:46 PM): it will grab full cc information with vbv/mcsc codes.
** (12/14/2010 2:45:57 PM): also, it will grab bank logins, other account logins, data..
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:46:53 PM): sorry for this stupid questions ... just new to this spyeye thing.
** (12/14/2010 2:47:00 PM): yeah no problem
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:47:18 PM): so basically there will be output daily am i right ?
** (12/14/2010 2:47:25 PM): every single minute
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:47:37 PM): you already have the network ?
** (12/14/2010 2:47:45 PM): i will setup new one fr you
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:47:52 PM): or can you explain abit how it works.
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:48:07 PM): so once setup it will spread ?
** (12/14/2010 2:48:52 PM): i will set it up with 1000 bots to give a quick start
** (12/14/2010 2:49:12 PM): and you can purchase exploit pack to quicken the process of spreading or with your own menthods
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:49:39 PM): i dont have my own methods.
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:49:57 PM): so it will keep spreading and i'll get new data everyday right ?
** (12/14/2010 2:50:06 PM): no it will not spread on its own.
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:50:15 PM): how much will you charge for the exploit pack ?
** (12/14/2010 2:50:16 PM): the more bots you have the more data you will receive
** (12/14/2010 2:50:17 PM): $**
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:50:53 PM): is there any package that you can spread them for me ?
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:50:57 PM): i dont mind paying
** (12/14/2010 2:51:21 PM): buy exploit pack and buy traffic from me
** (12/14/2010 2:51:30 PM): and you will get nice amount of bots
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:51:52 PM): how often do i need to ?
** (12/14/2010 2:51:58 PM): depends on how many bots you want
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:52:24 PM): for example you said you will start me up with 1000 bots.
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:52:32 PM): once the data stop coming in
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:52:46 PM): i'll buy the exploit pack from you right ?
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:52:52 PM): so on and so forth.
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:52:57 PM): am i right to say that ?
** (12/14/2010 2:53:36 PM): information will not stop coming from the 1k bots
** (12/14/2010 2:53:44 PM): you will keep getting data from them
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:54:08 PM): but arent the data gonna be the same ?
** (12/14/2010 2:54:28 PM): as time passes on, they will be logging to different sites, wouldn't they?
** (12/14/2010 2:54:39 PM): but yes, 1k bots are indeed a very less number.
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:55:13 PM): like your honest view
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:55:27 PM): seriously i'm doing cashing out of those cc by myself
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:55:38 PM): so i need alot of cc for the cash out daily
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:55:56 PM): i dont mind paying
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:56:16 PM): as long you can help me maintain it and i get good number of data
** (12/14/2010 2:56:25 PM): sure
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:56:38 PM): basically i have to invest $699 + $**
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:57:52 PM): when the data are coming in slow i got to pay another $** for new expliot
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:57:59 PM): am i right to say that ?
** (12/14/2010 2:58:16 PM): not for a new exploit
** (12/14/2010 2:58:27 PM): you pay $** to buy a exploit pack, which you don't have
**(12/14/2010 2:58:51 PM): and you set it up, get the iframe code, and suppose include the iframe html to a page called hoho.html
**(12/14/2010 2:59:04 PM): and when someone visists
** (12/14/2010 2:59:11 PM): he gets infected with your spyeye bin
**(12/14/2010 2:59:17 PM): and joins your spyeye botnet
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:59:27 PM): ic
David Goh (12/14/2010 2:59:55 PM): so basically i need to convince people to click on the
** (12/14/2010 3:00:00 PM): if you want, yes
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:00:05 PM): to get infected am i right to say that
** (12/14/2010 3:00:13 PM): or you pay me and i send traffic of the country you want
** (12/14/2010 3:00:17 PM): yes
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:01:05 PM): can you mask the address to like
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:01:11 PM): on the emails
**(12/14/2010 3:01:12 PM): yes
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:01:52 PM): ok so how much would the whole setup cost ?
** (12/14/2010 3:01:56 PM): $699
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:02:02 PM): just give me a figure and get it fix for me.
** (12/14/2010 3:02:10 PM): exploit pack $**
** (12/14/2010 3:02:12 PM): thats it
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:02:55 PM): so my total investment is $** ?
** (12/14/2010 3:02:58 PM): yes
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:04:09 PM): the hosting would be 1 year right ?
** (12/14/2010 3:04:15 PM): 3 months
** (12/14/2010 3:04:17 PM): domain 1 year
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:06:05 PM): if i need more data ... how much would you charge me ?
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:06:14 PM): after this $**
** (12/14/2010 3:06:24 PM): 1k bot depending on its country starts from $99
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:07:14 PM): for example uk
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:07:24 PM): usa & uk
**(12/14/2010 3:07:29 PM): us $**
** (12/14/2010 3:07:35 PM): uk $**
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:08:45 PM): do you have a sample of the logs
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:08:54 PM): how i looks like
** (12/14/2010 3:08:57 PM): you are wasting my time, i should tell you that
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:09:39 PM): i'm sorry
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:09:54 PM): i am totally new to this thing
** (12/14/2010 3:10:07 PM): then pay and get started, not just get free information about it..
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:10:10 PM): and i want to know what i am paying for.
** (12/14/2010 3:10:20 PM): spyeye is not something new in the scene
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:10:31 PM): i know its boring
**(12/14/2010 3:10:32 PM): thousands of criminals are using it to get their information
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:10:58 PM): ok i will be home in afew hours
** (12/14/2010 3:11:26 PM): whats that supposed to mean?
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:11:38 PM): give me your LR
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:11:42 PM): account
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:11:49 PM): i'll send it over when i get back home
** (12/14/2010 3:11:57 PM): U****
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:12:17 PM): seriously i dont like to ask so much question
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:12:24 PM): and been draggy
** (12/14/2010 3:12:51 PM): its not a problem for me to answer your questions, but i don't know if your someone serious or just a kid wasting my time
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:12:55 PM): its just new to me and i just want to find out more before i buy
**(12/14/2010 3:12:55 PM): thats where the problem is
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:12:57 PM): that's all
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:13:50 PM): if i just asking for fun its wasting both you and my time. i hate to keep waiting for cc sellers to get online everyday and wait for them and paying them stupid money.
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:14:02 PM): i just pay and get done with it.
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:14:12 PM): you get what you want ... i get what i need
** (12/14/2010 3:14:15 PM): you are not home? then where are you now?
** (12/14/2010 3:14:16 PM):
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:14:30 PM): at work
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:15:06 PM): do i need to get ICQ too right ?
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:15:09 PM): for the data to be send over ?
** (12/14/2010 3:15:20 PM): i dont know what you are trying to say
** (12/14/2010 3:15:31 PM): but no, icq is not needed for anything else than communication
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:15:59 PM): ok.
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:16:10 PM): so how am i able to get all those data
**(12/14/2010 3:16:08 PM): where are you from?
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:16:18 PM): asia
**(12/14/2010 3:16:18 PM): you login to your formgrabber panel
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:16:27 PM): been living before in uk
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:16:31 PM): ok got it.
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:17:39 PM): ok cool not gonna waste your time
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:17:47 PM): i'm done with my questions
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:18:04 PM): just me the info once you got the LR
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:18:41 PM): i'll topup the balance $199 + $**
** (12/14/2010 3:19:02 PM): when will you be ready?
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:19:40 PM): its about 12 noon your time now right ?
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:20:04 PM): 6 hours from now you can check your LR
** (12/14/2010 3:20:31 PM): wow 12 hours
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:20:53 PM): 6 hours
David Goh (12/14/2010 3:20:53 PM): not 12
** (12/14/2010 3:21:09 PM): mmkay

So I will blacklist one of the thousands of time wasters I get to talk/contact everyday. Fucking tired of them,why don't they get life and do something productive with their life? Instead of wasting someone else's time.


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