dollarbo! ripped me 11.5k(MY SHARE)

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Nile, u know what i think? i actually thought u are so matured muthafucka, but HELL NO! u are not.... you are so dumb Nile.... did you ever tell Panther&Ninja why u told you not to use the drop again? would u please answer the question..... Did i ask you not to use the drop again unto some circumstances surrounding what happened? i really do not have to justify myself about what happened.... simply because i accepted to receive the blame doesnt mean i am guilty of what happened.... u mounted some damn pressure on me and what the fuck do u expect me to do? fucking money came into the account on friday when the bank is already closed, saturday bank didnt operate, same thing on sunday and monday was fucking labor day.... i did what i thought was BEST for US because of the pressure u mounted on me... so what the fuck is your problem? is your problem with the fucking $2k i said i was going to send? that fucking money is coming out of my fucking pocket because i didnt earn no dime out of the $23k Nile.... so fuck off and stop tripping man.... u talking about pissing someone off, dont u know u really are being disrespectful? I have stated it clear that i am not a ripper, have never been and i will never BE!


Well just SHUT UR FUCKING bloody hole fucking nigger. Not to use the drop again after the drop has been given to the victim? U shouldn't have done business with me in the 1st place cause I have 3 fucking sources who can vouch for me here that I'm not a fucking jerk, THEY TOO get these wires sometimes on Friday and they cashout in holidays because they are PROFESSIONALS unlike u. 15K was sent to u from WU, Ur just TOO fucking stupid to give flagged WU drops, If I was u, I'd always use fresh WU drops, Making fake ID's is a problem for u? Ur getting paid for ur work and I'm getting paid for mine, If u fuckup in wires then it SURELY is ur fault. It wasn't pressure, It was the timeframe in which the victim would eventually know that its a fucking scam and their is no fucking need to justify yourself because in the end YOU FUCKED UP, I didn't. If I did then the wire would never reflect. If u had used FRESH WU drops, 15k would've been in ur pocket, But YOU YOURSELF fucking offered to pay me 2k as compensation and I said to you that you will pay me rest from the other transfers I'll make to complete the rest of the balance, THATS what we agreed until saturday u fucking changed ur plan because u make fucking dimes, I make good money and now ur just trying to cover ur ass because ur about to get fucked. I'm sending the screenshots of withdrawals to Panther and Ninja which were sent from WU to you, IF UR DROP is flagged thats NONE OF MY FUCKING CONCERN, Everybody here on this forum would agree with me. It's just u won't cause ur about to get a fucking ripper status cause YOU FUCKED UP u miserable prick. These posts ur making won't change what will happen to you cause their is no fucking justifaction when 15k was cashed, 3k each by swiping debit card WU and sending that STRAIGHT to you, I gave u my fucking drop as well, U could've used that instead, AT FIRST u told me ur WU drop is flagged, FOR REST u would've used FRESH drops which were NOT used but NO u were gonna use the same fucking drops from which u had picked up alot of money b4 so obviously they would get flagged. Ur just too stupid and clearly an unprofessional. Trust me u will loose alot more then I have to so go fucking cry to whoever u want because YOU WILL get what u deserve. FUCKING MORON!!!!
In my opinion, I dont like too much talk. Forensic and Dollarbo must find a way to sort this out. The point i still don't get here is that no one is actually pointing to what happened to the money. Has the transfer busted or WU hold the money? This are questions that need to be answer to figure what next to do. You guys are matured to sort it out and if it can't be sorted, We'll know if someone has ripped the other and the ripper will get his status.


In short, 23k wire was sent to his bank drop. 15k was cashed out like 3k x 5 and that was done by the bank drop owner at WU by swiping his debit card and sending this bastard that money. He gave him drops which were flagged so WU hold that money, By the time wire got reversed that owner was threatened by the bank that he will go to jail and he checked WU and the money wasn't picked up, So the owner picked it up and returned it to his bank. The very 1st 3k sent by his bank drop to him was flagged and I told him to tell him to change the name or use the fresh name not a name which has been used fucking million times or send it to my drop. He did his own thing and promised me that on Tuesday I will get my 11.5k, So I kept quiet till then and didn't disturbed him. So its his own fuckup because money was cashed out and sent to HIM. NOW another point comes up that he MIGHT be lying as well after having that money cause money was cashed and sent to him so its possible that he might have ripped me and making up this story so I don't trust him cause either he ate the money or fucked up so in both cases he deserves that status.
Well from my experience it is possible that he is telling the truth and it is possible that he is lying too. because i have seen this happen many times. But it is most like that he is telling the truth because it will be dumb to rip you when you can do more transfers for him and cash more. But like i said, it is still possible he is lying. Anyway the whole thing is his fault, he should have handled his part well and not use a flagged name on money like that especially money from which you need to pay someone else.

Let's hear from you dollarbo, what do you have to say?


@seriakilla : YOUR not a forum mod or adminstrator so you're not the one to decide what status he gets, It's Panther's decision.

I request Panther to give this unprofessional guy the status he deserves. Which obviously is a ripper. OTHERWISE he pay me what he owes me. He agreed to pay me 2k as a compensation and rest from other wires but the day he had to send the money, He changed his mind. So he's a greedy fuck and truly and unprofessional. And the whole thing is HIS fault that's all.


Logically, Their is no way to know that if he touched or not. But this was my very 1st time I did business with him.

1 : Wire was sent and money arrived in account.

2 : Money was cashed out by drop and sent to him.

3 : If he touched or not, Their is no way to find out but the money was cashed out and sent, If it wasn't cashed out or not sent then that was another case.

4 : He agreed to pay the compensation and after 3 days he disagreed.

These are the main points I can give.


Ive known forensic for many years.

He is not one to play games or try to scam anyone, he is very serious .
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