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nick: Darknest
profile: carder.pro/member.php?u=22277
icq: 637508244 aka Shadows Dark

Well i work with him for a wile all was good, but problems start 4-5 months ago or more i forgot. I make a payment to him for 4 cards , him shipp me only 2 and other 2 supose be shipped asap. But nothing shipped till now and im tired to wait for him. I contacted him many time...sayd will be shipp today or tommorow or monday...sayd was sick, after sayd supplyer ripp , after already shipp it but not have tracking ... I have complet logs. Ill paste last logs when him sayd if not shipp will refund my money back. But not shipping no refund. I already know i lose this money but people need to know this its a BIG RIPPER!

I speak with him and agree to refund me tomm. a part of the money i pay. Let see if him lie me again.

59467629416.12.2010 17:24
59467629416.12.2010 17:25
bro i know your not a bad boy, if you cannot provide me that cards let speak and see how we will solve this
59467629416.12.2010 17:25
msg me when you are on
59467629416.12.2010 17:25
have a good day
Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:04
my fukin suppler not send me card
Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:04
im here
Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:04
Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:04
i send money, he not send me 5 days
59467629416.12.2010 23:04
59467629416.12.2010 23:05
and should do... you sure this will not trick you lke other one
Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:05
not online 5 days. told me he send, now not online
Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:05

59467629416.12.2010 23:06
Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:06
now i owed u 2 card
Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:06

59467629416.12.2010 23:07
yes 2 cards
Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:07
i don't know, he have problems ?
Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:07

Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:11
bro in Monday he not send , i buy for u 2 card
Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:11
need pay my money
59467629416.12.2010 23:12
if monday if not send you refund my wmz back..because i wait for too long time for this 2 cards bro its about 4-5 months or more
Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:12

Shadows Dark16.12.2010 23:12
59467629416.12.2010 23:12
and your supplyer when send me that 2 wired
59467629416.12.2010 23:13
1 dosent work ..but i not sayd nothing
59467629416.12.2010 23:14
i know its not your foult i understand that
59467629416.12.2010 23:14
but buss are buss
Последнее редактирование:
Like a say, 2 days already go and no money back or see him online enymore :)) what a ripper. I pay him more 700$ for cards with shipping but i agree refund me 300$ and stop this shit with him, i already losee too much with him. But him still try trick and lie lie lie!!! People beware!

Here its the logs with him on jabber

shadows 12 ianuarie 2011
16:28:16 - u crazy
16:28:18 - ?
productions 12 ianuarie 2011
16:28:44 - im not crazy its that 2 cards you owned me for long time ago
productions 12 ianuarie 2011
16:29:44 - now i understand why you never responde me on icq
shadows 12 ianuarie 2011
16:30:02 - ICQ now i not use
productions 12 ianuarie 2011
16:30:30 - and you forgot you ownd me cards or to rezolv problem with me
shadows 12 ianuarie 2011
16:30:55 - i send u card later, becouse my suppler ripp me
16:31:00 - i not have cards
16:31:03 - now
16:31:09 - but i write u , i not eripper
productions 12 ianuarie 2011
16:33:14 - refund my money back and let close this. i wait too much to can stay and wait and wait. wanna paste you the logs about what we speak last time. you sayd we will solve this. but i wait and wait and wait but you ignore or forgot
shadows 12 ianuarie 2011
16:33:45 - i can refund money, only send card . or refund 250 usd
productions 12 ianuarie 2011
16:34:15 - but when send cards on 2012? we deal on august
16:34:21 - and now its jannuary 2011
shadows 12 ianuarie 2011
16:34:34 - 2100 yeaher
16:34:46 - i have vision card
16:34:49 - only
16:34:51 - i send this
productions 12 ianuarie 2011
16:43:49 - refund me 300$ now and let stop this i lose too much , vision card not good for me, ill remove all my theard log about you ripping
shadows 12 ianuarie 2011
16:49:42 - now i can't
16:49:52 - i can refund tomorrow paypa l
16:49:54 - or LR
productions 12 ianuarie 2011
16:50:04 - LR its ok
shadows 12 ianuarie 2011
16:50:12 - ok, give me LR number
16:50:16 - i save it
productions 12 ianuarie 2011
16:56:21 - U496XXXX
shadows 12 ianuarie 2011
16:56:27 - ok save it
16:56:33 - tomorrow eveniong i send
productions 12 ianuarie 2011
16:56:37 - ok
16:56:39 - i wait
Последнее редактирование:
No replay from this boy . Him still continuated to lie and play with me. Maibe i should paste here and other forum all fuked stuff him shipped me and i pay price like be a good card , like supose to be , maibe i should paste before here him shipp me cards but never cant use because never not give online account , maibe should paste i pay shipping 2 times for this 2 cards him ripp me , because him sayd pay shipping and will be sent. Its a BIG RIPPER and lier. Admin please do something. Its not nice to see him verify here but play and lie me all the time. I have logs for all acuzation. Here its not about money because i lose big money with this boy, its about i trust him and still continuated to lie and fuk me after i sent alots of cash , i close my eye when him give fuked stuff. i wanna him get banned and finish this!


You have 48hrs to reply on that thread.
Yes we agree like show on logs to refund me 300LR. But nothing . If you read there can see on 12 january sayd refund will make next day and now its 18 date!
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