Darklife Is A Worthless Pathetic Ripper

RIPPER'S THREAD LINK: http://carder.pro/showthread.php?t=70049
RIPPER'S JABBER: [email protected]

Since he claimed to be selling the last copy of the Reloadit locker, I made the foolish mistake of sending this guy 2.1k LR this past Monday night PST without using escrow...I know.. Very stupid. I had a few drinks that night and I wasn't thinking straight but that is no excuse.

Something I found strange was that when I sent PM's to the 4 members, wakawaka, cesa, vickydavid and onepeace, that left positive comments on Darklife's Reloadit thread. I asked them if they can vouch for Darklife and only Cesa replied back saying the following: "Wow my pm box is exploding from people asking me about the locker and feedbacks, sorry dude but I don't have the time for it, please don't take it personal. All the best." WTF does that even mean? I think there is something strange going on with these 4 members as well. I will let Ninja be the judge of that.

I'm pasting the logs below as well as screenshots.

8:33:15 PM SpY pHanToM: What can I do for you?
8:33:47 PM [email protected]: darklife from carder.pro
8:33:52 PM [email protected]: reloadit locker seller
8:33:57 PM SpY pHanToM: Ok great.
8:34:08 PM SpY pHanToM: Im waiting on my exchanger to come online right now
8:34:54 PM SpY pHanToM: Im definitely interested. The only problem is that I don't know too much about how to make this work. So how much would it cost for the full setup and to show me how to run it?
8:35:26 PM [email protected]: the winlocker setup will cost you 900 lr
8:35:47 PM [email protected]: crypter - for making the bin undetectable by all AVs - 500 lr
8:35:53 PM [email protected]: coded in c++, no dependencies
8:36:08 PM [email protected]: vps - for hosting the c&c server, and control panel - 300 lr per month
8:36:15 PM [email protected]: bulletproof, server location ukraine
8:36:23 PM [email protected]: domains - need 2 - 100 lr each
8:36:46 PM [email protected]: exploit pack - i have sweet orange pack for sale, 1100 lr. 5-6% conversion rate
8:36:56 PM [email protected]: traffic - us - 1k for 20 lr
8:37:02 PM [email protected]: installs - us - 1k for 120 lr
8:37:48 PM [email protected]: so winlocker+crypter+domains+vps will cost you 1900 lr
8:38:01 PM [email protected]: and you can buy exploit pack + traffic or just buy installs
8:38:21 PM [email protected]: 1k bots - infected machine / locked PCs - will average 40 codes
8:39:10 PM SpY pHanToM: You explained all the cost perfectly. So for you to provide absolutely everything it will cost aprox. 3k
8:40:27 PM [email protected]: yes
8:40:39 PM [email protected]: and i got only 1 copy left for sale
8:40:49 PM [email protected]: and the locker will not be sold
8:40:55 PM SpY pHanToM: damn ok. Let me get back to you in a few mins
8:41:07 PM SpY pHanToM: If this exchanger does not come online I will get the LR from a friend
8:41:12 PM [email protected]: for the time being, im the only one selling a locker for reloadit - that means not alot of people raping the payment system
8:41:20 PM SpY pHanToM: Yea I know
8:41:27 PM [email protected]: shouldn't experience any blockage of prepaid cards or codes being locked like moneypak
8:41:35 PM SpY pHanToM: That's why its a pefect time to buy it now and take advantage
8:41:45 PM [email protected]: 
8:41:57 PM SpY pHanToM: Give me a few mins. Hopefully nobody beats me to it
9:16:08 PM SpY pHanToM: I have the $900 LR now
9:16:38 PM SpY pHanToM: Can I always buy the rest of the stuff from you afterwards when I receive the rest of the LR from my exchanger?
9:16:45 PM [email protected]: yes
9:17:31 PM SpY pHanToM: Ok Im just a little unsure of whether or not to get it because I dont know too much about programming. I really just card and provide drop services. Thats what I do
9:17:46 PM [email protected]: theres 0 programming in this
9:17:51 PM SpY pHanToM: Paste your LR
9:17:54 PM SpY pHanToM: Ok good
9:17:56 PM [email protected]: you dont need any experience or what so ever
9:18:02 PM SpY pHanToM: Ok I hope so
9:18:02 PM SpY pHanToM: lol
9:18:15 PM [email protected]: U
9:18:59 PM SpY pHanToM: Whats the minumum I can send so that you can do the setup for me so I can start receiving codes asap
9:19:11 PM SpY pHanToM: Im going to try to get some more LR from a friend right now
9:19:14 PM SpY pHanToM: I have $950
9:19:29 PM [email protected]: to receive codes
9:19:34 PM [email protected]: you either have to invest in installs
9:19:38 PM [email protected]: or exploit+traffic
9:19:49 PM [email protected]: exploit is 5-6% conversion rate
9:20:13 PM SpY pHanToM: If I invest in just installs I can get some more capital and invest in buying your exploit+traffic, correct?
9:21:06 PM [email protected]: or just keep investing in installs
9:21:14 PM [email protected]: they are good quality
9:21:17 PM [email protected]: not resold
9:21:22 PM SpY pHanToM: Ok good
9:21:30 PM [email protected]: all from HYIP
9:21:31 PM SpY pHanToM: How much do I send you then so you can set me up
9:21:59 PM SpY pHanToM: I just want the basic setup for now but that will start getting me codes
9:22:03 PM [email protected]: 900 for locker, 200 for domain and 300 for vps
9:22:15 PM [email protected]: thats the basic setup
9:22:21 PM SpY pHanToM: Ok so $1,400 Total
9:22:24 PM [email protected]: you need to eventually add crypter which is 500
9:22:54 PM SpY pHanToM: So without the crypter right now I won't be able to receive codes yet?
9:23:16 PM [email protected]: without bots you cant receive codes
9:23:24 PM [email protected]: if you dont lock any PC, no codes
9:23:40 PM [email protected]: the more PCs you lock, aka more bots/installs - more codes
9:23:59 PM SpY pHanToM: Understood. Let me get the rest now from a friend
9:24:05 PM SpY pHanToM: I'm buying this for sure
9:24:11 PM SpY pHanToM: Please don't sell it
9:26:10 PM SpY pHanToM: Got it
9:26:14 PM SpY pHanToM: Sending $1,900 now
9:26:22 PM [email protected]: ok
9:28:34 PM SpY pHanToM: Payment Mode



12/04/2012 05:28




U9 (SpY pHAnToM)


U5 (DL Sec IFTE)




Payment Purpose


9:28:36 PM SpY pHanToM: Done.
9:28:49 PM [email protected]: alright
9:29:00 PM [email protected]: in 3 hours time your panel will be ready to abuse
9:29:08 PM [email protected]: NO bots thou
9:29:13 PM [email protected]: means NO codes.
9:29:55 PM SpY pHanToM: So how much is bots?
9:30:20 PM [email protected]: bots - installs US 120 lr per 1k
9:30:33 PM SpY pHanToM: omg
9:30:36 PM SpY pHanToM: Im sending 120 now
9:31:22 PM SpY pHanToM: Payment Mode



12/04/2012 05:30




U9(SpY pHAnToM)


U5 (DL Sec IFTE)




Payment Purpose


9:31:57 PM SpY pHanToM: Now will I have some results?
9:32:00 PM SpY pHanToM: lol
9:33:07 PM [email protected]: you will
9:33:36 PM SpY pHanToM: Ok. Keep me updated. Thanks.
10:30:52 PM SpY pHanToM: You still there?
10:31:16 PM SpY pHanToM: I might not be online in 3 hrs. Can you email me the info to [email protected]?
Changed status to Away (10:31:22 PM)
Changed status to Online (10:49:13 PM)
Changed status to Offline (11:14:26 PM)

1:03:49 PM SpY pHanToM: Hey
1:04:00 PM SpY pHanToM: Is everything ok?
1:04:18 PM SpY pHanToM: This delay is starting to worry me
1:07:24 PM SpY pHanToM: ???
1:07:47 PM SpY pHanToM: You said it will be done in 3 hours and its been over 14 hrs now
Changed status to Offline (1:31:28 PM)
Changed status to Online (1:31:29 PM)
1:31:47 PM SpY pHanToM: Can you update me on what's going on?
1:47:32 PM SpY pHanToM: There?
1:58:47 PM SpY pHanToM: This is bad business man. Be more fucking professional
1:59:07 PM SpY pHanToM: If I don't receive a response from you Im talking to Ninja and putting up a ripper report on you
2:01:19 PM [email protected]: im talking with ninja myself
2:01:30 PM [email protected]: he's the one putting trouble on my head and wasting my time
2:30:56 PM SpY pHanToM: So now what?
2:31:05 PM SpY pHanToM: When will I receive the stuff?
2:31:12 PM SpY pHanToM: Or just refund me
Changed status to Offline (5:06:42 PM)
Changed status to Online (5:32:01 PM)
Changed status to Offline (6:00:05 PM)








This guy (Darklife) opened a new Thread 'Have project and need financing?' - and i lamely approached him with my project blueprint and he disappeared .


You may want to come up with proof and evidence before calling someone a clone, that breaks the forum rules.

As in for why I didn't reply to your pm - the reason is I got other things to do and I am high as fuck at the same time, didn't have time to login to forum.

The guy who left comment on top, servicebotnet can vouch on that I think?
Darklife is a ripper he ripped me off too. Everyone be advised stay away from darklife unless you have money to give away for no products.


Thats why ive cloes his thread, coz i saw what all positive feedbacks was from 1 clone.
Anyway Darklife
24hrs to solve that problem.
This moneypak/reloadit thing is becoming the gold pot for rippers... I think this is not such a big deal, but maybe is better Ninja make it only for verified people.


I almost got burnt by this bitch. Was ready to buy..good play from his end though.
Why isn't this guy banned yet???? He is clearly a ripper and it's been six days since he was given the warning to resolve this issue.


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