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Username : darkking1
Profile Link: http://carder.pro/member.php?u=12848

Okay, let me write in brief what happened:-

1. I contact him and ask him if he knows any drop or not, he says he got a good one (nathwill1) but darkking1 from effing Middle East

2. I ship an ipad 64 gb (will show proof tracking and order if admin wants to know). and give tracking to this guy who then forwards to drop.

3. The drop receives it, 4 days goes by and at last drop has money.

4. But Sir Darkking1 instructs the drop, that since it was him who gave the tracking to drop, the drop should send the money to him (darkking1) and then he forwards to me. ( The Arab wants a cut, for sitting at home when I do the entire order)

5. This goes on for a full day, The drop sends him the funds, finally.

6. Darkking1 denies of having received any money and that he only received $25 and acts like drop guy is facing problem and stuff and that I should give him one more chance.

7. I talk to dropper and he says he already has sent $180 to darkking1, which means this arab has used up the money and has been lying on my face for the whole time.

So, in a nutshell..Darkking1 owes me $180 which he has used up and still hasn't paid me. The dropper did his job but darking1 spent that money and now hiding.
He is a lying idiot who kept lying to me whom I even lent $25 when he was in need. Such people are VIP on forum, when all they do is post some ccs in freebie section and the other lifeless idiots give him +1 rep for posting such stuff..

Chat Logs:

P.S. If any more information is needed or any clarification is wanted, I shall be happy to provide them.
Последнее редактирование:


Hello Dear admin ,

That guy asked me for a drop in usa to ship something and we take 50%-50%

the deal was btween me and him , but he added the owner of drop and talked with him and he changed the deal with him , drop sent me 180$ from 450$ and that guy was should take 250$ and drop didnt send him , drop told me will send from him they didnt give me money for him thats all , he didnt lose any shity thing and after he found the guy of drop he started deal with him without i know , thats not my problem suriously , so his problem now with owner of drop , if he was stay with me that was been resloved , but he need fix his problem now with that guy of drop .

Best Regreds .

---------- ????????? ????????? ? 10:43 AM ---------- ?????????? ????????? ????????? ? 10:36 AM ----------

drop sent me my money , go talk with him and tell him send your money

thats all the problem , have fun , i never rip any one here all know me


Ok, Nothing changed between me and drop guy, I added him because I have sent him an ipod...The ipad deal is Between me and Darkking1. In a nutshell, the deal was not changed even 1%. As you can read from logs, dropper said he will only send money to darkking1, who will send to me. And as you can see from the logs, I added him because of doing another direct deal which was an ipod deal (so that a fucking Arab isn’t there in between to mess things up and demand money for doing nothing).

To prove that, here is what drop guy had to say :

the scam report should be for him not me,because i have done you know arm
Stephen Raw2/9/2011

but it was he who told me about it and gave me the tracking

Stephen Raw2/9/2011
so that fucker lies and tells you only sent him $25 when actually you send him $180..and you still tell me he is good?
i think he used money for some thing

the deal was with darkking not you ok
who gives me the tracking first own the stuff

And here is what Darkking1 is saying:
Completely Opposite of that

Dumps Casher
he sent me only 180$
not 250$ at least
Stephen Raw
why the fuck are you repeating the same thing
adn sjust reply
to what am asking
What did he tell you? (the drop)
Dumps Casher
he told me
i wating my LR seller
and when he back i will send him(i.e. ME) his money
i swear
that excatly what he said

Stephen Raw
I am posting this in forum..
he will send me my money?
Dumps Casher
yes he should

So here is what it is. As per the plan, the deal is between me and Darkking1 and thats what dropper confirms. But Daarkking1 wants to make a quick buck is saying a completely different thing. Dropper says the deal is between him and darkking1 (which is true) and my deal is with Darkking1 (which is true). Nothing has changed and you are making things up Darkking1. And too bad, you think you can earn money by just sitting at home in the desert and watching mujra when I take the pain of doing order and dropper does the work of receiving and selling it?

And to add to the fact that he is a damn big liar, he told me drop has only sent him $25 when actually he received $180 in total in one go.
Read the below logs:

Dumps Casher
i didnt lie you
Dumps Casher
he send me other 150$ later
Dumps Casher
who are you to lie on you
Dumps Casher
i dont scare from any
Stephen Raw
Stephen Raw
Stephen Raw
now tell
Dumps Casher
Dumps Casher
if he had money
Dumps Casher
like that
Dumps Casher
why he didnt send ur 250$
Stephen Raw
whatever it is, am willing to forget everything..just fucking call him and resolve that..
Dumps Casher
that fucking mofo
Stephen Raw
that U2170391 (GG)
Stephen Raw
thats your LR id rite?
Stephen Raw
he sent you $180
Stephen Raw
Stephen Raw
Dumps Casher
mofo stfu now
Dumps Casher
let me call him
Look Darkk1ng and tusac, this thing is very simple. Nobody is claiming to have ripped each other now, so that's better. The money is still between darkk1ng and the dropper. So i will suggest that darkk1ng, the dropper and tusac should arrange a conference chat and solve this.

Let them all conclude on when they will have the conference and tell the admin the agreed time and let the admin tell us all here, so we'll be waiting to see the outcome. And if anyone of them do not show up at the agreed time, then the person is the ripper.

It is a commonsense and it is that easy to solve.... Thats my own suggestion.
i have done nothing wrong

Good day to you all.the the truth most be told now.darkking1 shipped to my drop and gave me tracking for it,and the next day another guy tells me he was the one that shipped the ipad.i asked darkking he said yes,but the deal was between him and me which is basically true.i sold ipad for$450 i and sent him $180,darkking asked me to send another $200 to the other guy for him to ship more stuff i agreed,but told him it will take some days because am broke.so people tell me what wrong have i done?i have proves that am legit.and my drops are the best around.all my customer sorry for 3 days delay in money my fucking exchanger got his account closed after i gave him money for lr.drop still up and good to go

---------- ????????? ????????? ? 04:20 PM ---------- ?????????? ????????? ????????? ? 04:08 PM ----------

deal was to send money to darkking which i did and nothing changed.i cant understand why this.i got stuff ,sold stuff and sent money.yet am a ripper.i have my proves i sent money.so what other money am a sending?"
so mr darkking, what do you have to say to that? $180 is in your pocket and the shipper doesn't have anything yet? what type of business is that? What are your plans, please lets hear it.

PS Sorry Panther, i'm not trying to take your job, i'm just interested in this case cos i had a similar one i never reported cos of the status of the person on the forum and he quickly corrected himself when i told him i was gonna report.
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