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user: coolmoe
jabber: [email protected]

(6:10:26 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with [email protected]...
(6:10:28 PM) [email protected] has not been authenticated yet. You should authenticate this buddy.
[Image] (6:10:28 PM) Unverified conversation with [email protected]/313d11e1ab6bcb17 started.
(6:10:31 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: hi friend
(6:10:35 PM) [email protected]: hi
(6:10:36 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i am from csu and pro
(6:10:41 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: about ur botnet
(6:10:46 PM) [email protected]: ok
(6:10:48 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: what u have for usa
(6:11:08 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: and wich botnet u got for slae
(6:11:14 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: sale*
(6:11:18 PM) [email protected]: spyeye
(6:11:24 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: with bulder
(6:11:26 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: ?
(6:11:29 PM) [email protected]: almost all bank webinjects
(6:11:34 PM) [email protected]: builder version 1.3.48
(6:11:37 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: k
(6:11:39 PM) [email protected]: +all plugins
(6:11:51 PM) [email protected]: setup on your server.
(6:12:04 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: good
(6:12:23 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: this my first time buying can u help me set it up complety with traffic and etc...
(6:12:34 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: host and server all this
(6:12:39 PM) [email protected]: yeah sure
(6:13:01 PM) [email protected]: domain 100 LR, lasts for 1 year. bulletproof and abuseimmunitive
(6:13:05 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: k
(6:13:26 PM) [email protected]: dedicated vps 1 month 75 lr
(6:13:30 PM) [email protected]: unlimited b/w
(6:13:36 PM) [email protected]: 99% uptime
(6:13:40 PM) [email protected]: server in ukraine/russia
(6:13:53 PM) [email protected]: crypting 20 LR
(6:14:23 PM) [email protected]: you want exploit pack / or do you want to buy installs / or you already have exploit pack and only need traffic?
(6:14:31 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i need exploit pack
(6:14:36 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i need all the kit
(6:14:41 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: but i need best stuff bro
(6:14:50 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i am ready to pay but only for quality stuff ;)
(6:15:26 PM) [email protected]: whats your username?
(6:15:34 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: christianlouboutin
(6:15:40 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: on pro and csu
(6:15:47 PM) [email protected]: ok
(6:16:00 PM) [email protected]: PEK is the best expoit pack
(6:16:11 PM) [email protected]: i mean at the moment, it has the highest exploit rate
(6:16:15 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: good
(6:16:34 PM) [email protected]: pek 800 LR, and if you want traffic to your iframe, i can provide that too
(6:16:42 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: yes
(6:16:47 PM) [email protected]: which country?
(6:16:50 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: usa
(6:16:59 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: can u get me token inject?
(6:17:11 PM) [email protected]: token inject? please explain
(6:17:21 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: some ppl do token wire
(6:17:28 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: they wait in bot and refresh
(6:17:35 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: so owner put token code in panel
(6:17:45 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i have been a drop cashier for over 5 years
(6:17:49 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i wanna do my wires and learn
(6:17:57 PM) [email protected]: use RDP on your spyeye ;)
(6:18:08 PM) [email protected]: you can see REALTIME whats happening on victim's computer
(6:18:12 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: nice
(6:18:23 PM) [email protected]: when do you want to start?
(6:18:25 PM) [email protected]: lr ready?
(6:18:28 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: yes
(6:18:37 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i have maybe 400lr left
(6:18:42 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: but i can reload 2moro am
(6:19:06 PM) [email protected]: well, vps and domain takes upto 24 hrs for activation
(6:19:10 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: k
(6:19:37 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: can u past me injects i get
(6:19:37 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: pls
(6:19:44 PM) [email protected]: so if you want to start right away, you can pay me 400 LR now and I'll have the domain+vps ready with spyeye C&C installed on it
(6:19:51 PM) [email protected]: hold on.
(6:21:59 PM) [email protected]: Bank Of America
Amex (full cc)
Wellsfargo Bank
BB&T bank
Valley National Bank
(6:22:20 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: good
(6:22:29 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: does it grab fullz also of every bank
(6:22:54 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i need scottrade also very important
(6:23:23 PM) [email protected]: i can configure webinjects to grab any kind of information you want, thats not a problem
(6:23:32 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: k great
(6:23:38 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: what about traffic
(6:23:40 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: whats the cost
(6:24:02 PM) [email protected]: usa normal 100k for 350$
(6:24:10 PM) [email protected]: usa business 100k for $600
(6:24:25 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: will need 100k normal and 100k busnis
(6:24:43 PM) [email protected]: okey so would you like to start now?
(6:24:51 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: yes
(6:24:57 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: tell me whats my total cost
(6:25:02 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: give me good price bro :D
(6:25:13 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: and i will have all lr ready 2moro am for u
(6:25:40 PM) [email protected]: spyeye bin + all plugins + us webinjects that i pasted you + setup - 500 LR
(6:25:48 PM) [email protected]: PEK exploit pack - 800 LR
(6:25:54 PM) [email protected]: crypting - 20 LR
(6:26:18 PM) [email protected]: 100k normal and 100k biz US traffic - 950 LR
(6:26:42 PM) [email protected]: VPS 1 month 75 lr + domain 100 LR
(6:27:19 PM) [email protected]: so total 2445 LR
(6:27:44 PM) [email protected]: correct me if my math is wrong
(6:27:48 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: right
(6:27:58 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: but u didnt give me discount i getting all from u
(6:28:01 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: :(
(6:29:47 PM) [email protected]: well, if you start now i'll give you discount
(6:30:05 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: how much
(6:31:15 PM) [email protected]: how much lr do you have on you right now?
(6:33:10 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: rate
(6:33:27 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: what % PEK xploit do
(6:34:17 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: just fud not source of bot ? right ?
(6:35:32 PM) [email protected]: hm?
(6:36:22 PM) [email protected]: for PEK i'll generate html iframe code
(6:37:11 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i can get u all in lr now
(6:37:15 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: if u give good price
(6:37:25 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: a friend said u charg allot for traffic
(6:37:31 PM) [email protected]: with my traffic, ~40% exploit rate :)
(6:37:48 PM) [email protected]: READ MY MESSAGE :)
(6:38:08 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: and what OS this PKK can do ?
(6:38:14 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: what msg friend?
(6:38:22 PM) [email protected]: all windows platform
(6:38:34 PM) [email protected]: PEK + my traffic = 40% exploit rate!
(6:39:04 PM) [email protected]: bullshit traffic (thats computers with updated software etc) hits like ~21% on PEK
(6:39:09 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: what OS ?
(6:39:14 PM) [email protected]: but mine ~40%, thats up/down
(6:39:26 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: also win 7?
(6:40:02 PM) [email protected]: 40% XP, 30% vista and rest are Win7 32
(6:40:05 PM) [email protected]: thats pure average persentage
(6:40:10 PM) [email protected]: not 100% exact ofcourse
(6:40:43 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: price my friend give 1 good price for all
(6:40:48 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i pau u now all in LR :D
(6:41:14 PM) [email protected]: man, my shit is good
(6:41:26 PM) [email protected]: service you'll not even get from spyeye author lol
(6:41:33 PM) [email protected]: 2k is max i could offer
(6:41:47 PM) [email protected]: else let the shit hit the fan idc
(6:42:03 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: k deal
(6:42:06 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: give me purse
(6:42:22 PM) [email protected]: U7929938
(6:42:42 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: but bro , i need u to help me if i got any problem and stick to me, i am not a time waster and stricky busnis men
(6:43:02 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i have another friend who has a big botnet but need to buy 10k LR busnis traffic
(6:43:34 PM) [email protected]: enough talking, lets do business :)
(6:43:40 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: sec
(6:44:28 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: give 10min
(6:44:34 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i am talking to my exchanger now
(6:44:34 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: sec
(6:44:43 PM) [email protected]: thought it was ready
(6:44:50 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: 10min bro its not 10days
(6:45:12 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: can install u spyeye panel and xploit pack on CPs
(6:45:29 PM) [email protected]: what?
(6:46:40 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: my friend asks u
(6:46:41 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: ask if he can install spyeye panel and xploit pack on CPs
(6:46:50 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: if yes he will buy from u bot and exploit
(6:47:02 PM) [email protected]: whats CPs?
(6:47:09 PM) [email protected]: cpanel ?
(6:48:24 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: yes
(6:48:41 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: and also if u can give me a screen of spyeye panel pls
(6:48:59 PM) [email protected]: yeah ofcourse man
(6:49:00 PM) [email protected]: okey sec
(6:53:12 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: k sec gettin lr in my acount now
(6:53:15 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: then sending to u
(6:54:05 PM) [email protected]: screenshot of spyeye 1.3.48 builder
(6:54:06 PM) [email protected]: http://i.imgur.com/t3Uz4.jpg
(6:56:32 PM) [email protected]: ?
(6:56:38 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: got
(6:58:03 PM) [email protected]: what?
(6:58:17 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: what ? huh
(6:58:24 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i am getting lr friend :)
(6:58:41 PM) [email protected]: didnt understand what you ment by "got"
(6:58:41 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: pic is good friend
(6:58:46 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: got ur pic
(6:58:48 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: ;)
(6:58:59 PM) [email protected]: mmhn
(6:59:23 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: make sure u get me scottrade inject pls
(6:59:28 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: this is important for me
(6:59:43 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: for boa u have full grabber?
(6:59:49 PM) [email protected]: yeah
(7:00:05 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956:
onlineID=dannyjthom70 or dannyjthom $20,505.76 +$6,713.87+$6,152.57 ññ+
to: Davaughn B Wilson

MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691-0000
Personal phone number: 714-614-1452
Business phone number: 619-547-3116

Q1=In what city were you living at age 16%3F
Q2=What is the first name of the best man%2Fmaid of honor at your wedding%3F
Q3=In what city did you honeymoon%3F %28Enter full name of city only%29
A3=Big Bear
(7:00:11 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: need this format exactly
(7:00:29 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: brnahc zip, open year, verbal pass and etc....
(7:09:39 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: check ur lr friend
(7:11:47 PM) [email protected]: received
(7:12:48 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: ;) i told u bro we hate time wasters
(7:13:45 PM) [email protected]: im starting right now
(7:14:04 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: pls make sure boa i get this format bro, and dont forget www.scottrade.com
(7:16:14 PM) [email protected]: do you have an account there?
(7:16:40 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: nop
(7:16:48 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: u need a login?
(7:16:55 PM) [email protected]: yes
(7:17:04 PM) @jabber.ru/1202345941332713234431956: i will try to get u 1 2moro am
(7:30:38 PM) [email protected]: i'll need to make the webinject
(7:30:43 PM) [email protected]: and i need a login to do so
(7:30:52 PM) @jabber.ru/32789140621332718168939928: np
(7:50:40 PM) The following message received from [email protected] was not encrypted: [let me know when ur here]
(8:03:31 PM) @jabber.ru/1033736841332720192950426: back
(8:03:32 PM) OTR Error: You sent encrypted data to [email protected]/, who wasn't expecting it.
(8:03:36 PM) Attempting to refresh the private conversation with [email protected]/b3b2c17e2c08fb7e...
(8:03:37 PM) Successfully refreshed the unverified conversation with [email protected]/b3b2c17e2c08fb7e.
(8:03:37 PM) The last message to [email protected] was resent.
(8:04:00 PM) @jabber.ru/1033736841332720192950426: back
(8:16:00 PM) @jabber.ru/1033736841332720192950426: hey
(9:10:32 PM) @jabber.ru/2605313398133272421927849: yo there
(10:27:43 PM) The following message received from [email protected] was not encrypted: [hi]
(10:28:44 PM) Attempting to refresh the private conversation with [email protected]/d8c3052a560a9ca2...
(10:28:52 PM) Successfully refreshed the unverified conversation with [email protected]/d8c3052a560a9ca2.
(10:28:55 PM) @jabber.ru/2605313398133272421927849: hey
(10:29:11 PM) @jabber.ru/2605313398133272421927849: when u think we will b on
(10:31:12 PM) @jabber.ru/2605313398133272421927849: i c u have problems in forum
(10:31:19 PM) @jabber.ru/2605313398133272421927849: i hope u dont drag me bro
(10:31:29 PM) [email protected]: huh?
(10:31:43 PM) @jabber.ru/2605313398133272421927849: coolmoe UNRESOLVED PROBLEMS
(10:33:59 PM) @jabber.ru/2605313398133272421927849: ur in black list bro
(10:34:06 PM) @jabber.ru/2605313398133272421927849: y
(10:34:12 PM) [email protected]: wait
(10:34:23 PM) [email protected]: let me login and find out whats happening
(10:34:30 PM) @jabber.ru/2605313398133272421927849: k
(3/26/2012 1:07:02 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: hi friend
(1:07:03 PM) OTR Error: You sent encrypted data to [email protected]/, who wasn't expecting it.
[Image] (1:07:06 PM) Private conversation with [email protected]/4413b12389bf7709 lost.
(1:07:08 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with [email protected]/4413b12389bf7709...
[Image] (1:07:09 PM) Unverified conversation with [email protected]/4413b12389bf7709 started.
(1:07:12 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: hi friend
(1:07:13 PM) OTR Error: You sent encrypted data to [email protected]/, who wasn't expecting it.
(1:07:16 PM) Successfully refreshed the unverified conversation with [email protected]/4413b12389bf7709.
(1:07:16 PM) The last message to [email protected] was resent.
(1:07:22 PM) [email protected]: hey buddy
(1:07:27 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: how we doing
(1:07:32 PM) [email protected]: 5min, i'll paste you server details :)
(1:07:36 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: nice
(1:07:41 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: did u fix ur issue on forum
(1:08:17 PM) [email protected]: man that guy gave me 200kb bin
(1:08:32 PM) [email protected]: how am i supposed to send bots to such big bin?
(1:08:51 PM) [email protected]: i told him to replace / create new bin
(1:09:02 PM) [email protected]: but he went and made blacklist report wtf
(1:09:09 PM) [email protected]: i found about it only after u told me
(1:09:19 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: damn
(1:09:27 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: u dont need to b working with noobs bro
(1:09:29 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: 240$
(1:09:30 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: lol
(2:08:06 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: (1:07:32 PM) [email protected]: 5min, i'll paste you server details :)
(2:08:08 PM) OTR Error: You sent encrypted data to [email protected]/, who wasn't expecting it.
(2:08:11 PM) Attempting to refresh the private conversation with [email protected]/46ae02b7a07274ca...
(2:08:21 PM) Successfully refreshed the unverified conversation with [email protected]/46ae02b7a07274ca.
(2:08:21 PM) The last message to [email protected] was resent.
(2:08:24 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: (1:07:32 PM) [email protected]: 5min, i'll paste you server details :)
(2:41:18 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: hey
(3:00:19 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: yo
(3:00:23 PM) @jabber.ru/1253766351332780788325012: bro there
(6:11:54 PM) @jabber.ru/7850443661332793147130447: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wTRj7jKNLQ
(6:11:55 PM) OTR Error: You sent encrypted data to [email protected]/, who wasn't expecting it.
(6:12:02 PM) Successfully refreshed the unverified conversation with [email protected]/35bb25675b945eb0.
(6:12:02 PM) The last message to [email protected] was resent.
(10:34:04 PM) @jabber.ru/6702281201332814899849884: yo
(10:34:06 PM) OTR Error: You sent encrypted data to [email protected]/, who wasn't expecting it.
[Image] (10:34:09 PM) Private conversation with [email protected]/798a3e69513c2f10 lost.
(10:34:11 PM) Attempting to start a private conversation with [email protected]/798a3e69513c2f10...
[Image] (10:34:14 PM) Unverified conversation with [email protected]/798a3e69513c2f10 started.
(10:34:27 PM) @jabber.ru/6702281201332814899849884: hey bro
(10:34:29 PM) @jabber.ru/6702281201332814899849884: there
(10:43:39 PM) @jabber.ru/6702281201332814899849884: yo
(10:43:39 PM) @jabber.ru/6702281201332814899849884: yo
(10:43:40 PM) @jabber.ru/6702281201332814899849884: yo
(10:43:40 PM) @jabber.ru/6702281201332814899849884: yo
(10:43:52 PM) @jabber.ru/6702281201332814899849884: damn bro u dont answer me no more after u got payment
(3/27/2012 10:48:52 AM) Attempting to refresh the private conversation with [email protected]...
(10:49:03 AM) [email protected] is contacting you from an unrecognized computer. You should authenticate this buddy.
(10:49:03 AM) Unverified conversation with [email protected]/3f8b8572f0133126 started.
(10:49:07 AM) @jabber.ru/22692918221332859468712225: yo
(10:49:13 AM) @jabber.ru/22692918221332859468712225: friend r u there
(10:50:20 AM) [email protected]: yes
(10:50:24 AM) [email protected]: im here bro
(10:50:32 AM) @jabber.ru/22692918221332859468712225: whats going on bro
(10:50:35 AM) @jabber.ru/22692918221332859468712225: u never answer me
(10:50:57 AM) [email protected]: oh, yesterday wasnt able to be much behind the computers but i left u offline
(10:51:01 AM) [email protected]: to the servers
(10:51:07 AM) @jabber.ru/22692918221332859468712225: nothing
(10:51:09 AM) [email protected]: u didnt get?
(10:51:11 AM) @jabber.ru/22692918221332859468712225: i didnt get any info
(10:51:13 AM) @jabber.ru/22692918221332859468712225: nop
(10:51:20 AM) @jabber.ru/22692918221332859468712225: u said 5min and never came back
(10:51:26 AM) @jabber.ru/22692918221332859468712225: lol
(10:53:32 AM) [email protected]: huh
(10:53:33 AM) [email protected]: ok
(10:53:37 AM) [email protected]: lemme paste again
(10:53:38 AM) [email protected]: :|
(3/28/2012 1:00:05 AM) @jabber.ru/32293235401332909069257088: yo
(1:00:06 AM) OTR Error: You sent encrypted data to [email protected]/, who wasn't expecting it.
[Image] (1:00:08 AM) Private conversation with [email protected]/2cefbda77694b4a1 lost.
(1:00:11 AM) Attempting to start a private conversation with [email protected]/2cefbda77694b4a1...
[Image] (1:00:13 AM) Unverified conversation with [email protected]/2cefbda77694b4a1 started.
(1:00:17 AM) @jabber.ru/32293235401332909069257088: hey
(1:01:32 AM) @jabber.ru/32293235401332909069257088: bro
(1:01:38 AM) @jabber.ru/32293235401332909069257088: whats up with my order
(1:01:48 AM) @jabber.ru/32293235401332909069257088: i thaught u would b str8 about busnis men
(1:05:34 AM) @jabber.ru/32293235401332909069257088: WTF G
(3/29/2012 11:29:13 AM) Attempting to refresh the private conversation with [email protected]...
(3:47:58 PM) @jabber.ru/2477553832133348255871059: yo
(3:47:59 PM) @jabber.ru/2477553832133348255871059: WETF

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 07:53 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 07:53 PM ----------

ninja pls look into this.....1 week later no responce or anything, i smell ripper


Ninja Help Plz
I Get Ripper and i didn't do anything wrong here
can u please ask me how many days this status will appear in my account
and im sorry for that i post this comment here because i can't create threat
thank you


why my acc is not active now ??!!

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 02:30 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 02:29 AM ----------

why i am



Now prepare for long story from them. Lol.
I will not ban'em just for fun so u wil hear stories from rippers :)


Ninja Why you do that
i didn't do anything wrong
please ask me how many days this status will be in my account ?


coolmoe aka Rockz aka m0hajir aka denik2010 aka inferno123 aka flexxx123 aka m0hajir aka RuCashOut aka CashoutKuka aka MikkiMaus aka NBK
Ripper group assigned to your account.
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