cmurder - sent stuff to his drop, no contact

username - cmurder
profile -
ICQ - 563129759

problem - basically he offered a drop service on here where you send stuff to his secure locker and card something else for him, and he'll forward ther stuff onto you. topic here

I had a card redirected to him and carded him an item to test his service. the item was delivered with proof over a week ago, since then he's spoken to me once to say he hasnt been in touch with his drop, last week, he hasnt spoken to me since, and he was on here just yesterday, so im filling this report.

proof of delivery for his item

logs of the chat

Thameswater 2/12/12 8:59 PM
are you here man? need to talk some business

murder 3/12/12 6:39 PM
hi mate * *** * ** *

murder 3/12/12 6:39 PM
sorry been in bed illness for past few days * *** * ** *

Thameswater 3/12/12 6:39 PM
ahh right

Thameswater 3/12/12 6:39 PM
hope youre better

murder 3/12/12 6:39 PM
had a tooth ripped out about 2 hours ago

Thameswater 3/12/12 6:40 PM
oh wow

murder 3/12/12 6:40 PM
yeh not slept proper;ly since tuesday!


murder 3/12/12 6:40 PM
what can i do for you br

Thameswater 3/12/12 6:40 PM
wanted to use your drop

murder 3/12/12 6:41 PM
ok no probs

murder 3/12/12 6:41 PM
u still need?


Thameswater 3/12/12 6:42 PM
yeah, might not be this week though, prob next week. is it OK to have cards sent there?

murder 3/12/12 6:42 PM
yeh anything mate

Thameswater 3/12/12 6:42 PM
excellent, so i just send the cards there then card you something?

murder 3/12/12 6:42 PM
yeh if you can mate that would be good

murder 3/12/12 6:43 PM
u managed to card anyhting your self yet?

Thameswater 3/12/12 6:44 PM
yeah carded a few things to my other drop, but he wont take cards

murder 3/12/12 6:44 PM
ill take anything mate its all good, u want me to forward them on to you

Thameswater 3/12/12 6:44 PM
yeah please

murder 3/12/12 6:44 PM
no probs

murder 3/12/12 6:46 PM
right going back in bed ot recover bro

murder 3/12/12 6:46 PM
be back on tomorow

Thameswater 3/12/12 6:47 PM
ok sweet

Thameswater 5/12/12 3:19 PM
whats the drop address again?

murder 5/12/12 3:24 PM
this for the cards?

Thameswater 5/12/12 3:24 PM

murder 5/12/12 3:24 PM
do you have a name?

murder 5/12/12 3:24 PM
your going to use or can u use one of mine

Thameswater 5/12/12 3:25 PM
thats the thing, theyre different peoples cards, so theyre gonna be in different names. but i can get the names beforehand then give them to you

murder 5/12/12 3:25 PM
yeh ok when u have names tell me

Thameswater 5/12/12 3:26 PM
sweet, thanks

Thameswater 9/12/12 1:05 AM
something is gonna be sent to you drop soon. name is ** ****** **** ***

Thameswater 9/12/12 1:45 AM
sent to this address ***** ******* ******* ****** *****

Thameswater 10/12/12 7:46 PM
did you get my message?

Thameswater 11/12/12 5:26 PM

murder 11/12/12 5:27 PM
hi mate * *** * ** *

murder 11/12/12 5:27 PM
sorry bene away * *** * ** *

Thameswater 11/12/12 5:27 PM
did you get my messages?

murder 11/12/12 5:27 PM
yes just

murder 11/12/12 5:28 PM
ill let u know once they arrive

Thameswater 11/12/12 5:28 PM
sweet. i tried to card something for you but i just got an email saying it failed. so ill try another site

murder 11/12/12 5:28 PM
ok bro

Thameswater 12/12/12 3:04 PM
carded something for you that says its been dispatched. the name is ****** *******

murder 12/12/12 3:05 PM
ok waht did u get?


murder 12/12/12 3:05 PM
just so i cna let the drop know

Thameswater 12/12/12 3:05 PM
Go Pro Hero 3 HD white camera

murder 12/12/12 3:05 PM
cool ok

Thameswater 12/12/12 3:06 PM
its worth about £200, how many letters can i send to your drop for that? bearing in mind each person will have 2 sent out

murder 12/12/12 3:06 PM
i need ot change the drop address for the next one bro

murder 12/12/12 3:07 PM
u cna send 2-3 items per my one item

Thameswater 12/12/12 3:07 PM
ok, but because it comes in 2 diff packages for each person, does that mean 2-3 people?

murder 12/12/12 3:08 PM
no same name is fine

Thameswater 12/12/12 3:08 PM

murder 12/12/12 3:08 PM
be back shortly

Thameswater 12/12/12 3:08 PM

Thameswater 13/12/12 8:50 PM
you got the camera right?

murder 14/12/12 10:42 AM
nothing yet bro * *** * ** *

murder 14/12/12 10:43 AM
npt hadn any npotification from my guy * *** * ** *

Thameswater 14/12/12 3:13 PM
my tracking says it was delivered yesterday at 11am

Thameswater 14/12/12 3:17 PM
DELIVERED 13/12/2012 11.41 *******

Thameswater 14/12/12 3:17 PM
oakly signed for it

murder 17/12/12 11:30 AM
still tryta get in touch with my guy there bro hes been off ill, * * *** * ** *

Thameswater 17/12/12 6:39 PM
you spoken to him yet?

Thameswater 18/12/12 12:11 PM
come on man, i need to work, can you get in touch with your drop, otherwise ill have to find another drop

Thameswater 20/12/12 12:40 PM
if i dont get a message from you confirming the stuff i sent you by 8pm tomorrow im doing a blacklist report on you. im sorry but this has gone on for too long
i havent been online as ive been ill!!

i have no access to that drop so your stuff is still there and will be returned to sender! they c ahnged the way its done for setting up drops there as now you need to pay for it! and u cant set up any names! ,my guys gone quiet! ask user bensmith on the forum about this as ive been doing drops with him for ages! succesfully! i havent got your stuff! and havent ripped anyone!


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