profile: hxxp://carder.pro/member.php?u=4083
icq: 646478834

Used to cashout my vccs, from the previous time owed me 75 usd. Didn't want to return and asked for 1 more card to get the money from cashing it and pay for everything. Agreed that he pays today and now he doesn't reply.

Total owed: $305


20 December

(04:17:43 PM) LSD: Hey, any news about vcc's?
(04:18:20 PM) me: hi, no, unfortunately(( may be tomorrow
(04:18:32 PM) me: any news about those lr yoou owe me?
(04:18:58 PM) LSD: bro, i need to cashout VCC, after cashout i send your share+owe.
(04:19:04 PM) LSD: because don't have cash at LR at this moment
(04:19:40 PM) me: you promised to pay it till friday
(04:19:43 PM) me: now it is monday
(04:20:58 PM) LSD: yes bro, i'm really sorry, but i spent all my money in one weekend, and i need to make some more cash

21 December

(09:57:40 PM) LSD: Hello, any news bro?
(09:58:58 PM) LSD: i can make some money now
(09:59:02 PM) LSD: got few more ways )
(09:59:50 PM) me: so you will send me the money right after i give you the card?
(10:00:07 PM) LSD: after the cashout.
(10:00:22 PM) LSD: it may take some time, but it's worth it, i send you your share + owe
(10:01:16 PM) me: how much time?
(10:01:36 PM) LSD: 1, 2days max.
(10:02:53 PM) me: and amount?
(10:03:19 PM) LSD: don't know, 700-1k USD
(10:03:38 PM) LSD: choose by your self.
(10:03:50 PM) me: that wouldnt go
(10:04:12 PM) LSD: okey, so give me smaller amount.
(10:04:15 PM) me: too much for you
(10:04:32 PM) me: i can give you 300 max
(10:04:38 PM) LSD: too much for me, when you maked with me ~2k USD )
(10:04:46 PM) LSD: okey, nvm, choose by yourself
(10:06:10 PM) LSD: so? When you will be ready?
(10:07:00 PM) LSD: and by the way will you be able to fund the same VCC, with more money later?
(10:07:04 PM) me: ok, i give you 400 and on thursday you pay me 240 + 75
(10:07:06 PM) LSD: if everything is ok?
(10:07:15 PM) me: 315 total
(10:07:21 PM) LSD: okey.
(10:15:07 PM) LSD: when ready, post the vcc here, thanks.
(10:19:12 PM) me: *cardnum*
(10:19:16 PM) me: 410 usd
(10:21:50 PM) LSD: On these vcc, gambling restriction is enabled?
(10:22:11 PM) me: no idea, probably yes
(10:50:19 PM) LSD: no money was deducted?
(10:50:21 PM) LSD: from vcc?
(10:51:53 PM) me: let me check
(10:53:11 PM) LSD: ok
(10:53:25 PM) LSD: have you also tryed adding these vcc's to paypal lately?
(10:55:06 PM) me: no

Tha card was charged in asos, i can attach the printscreen. The transaction description is
December 22, 2010 1:32:03 AM xxx.ASOS.COM HEMEL HEMPSTE GBR Purchase with Card ($384.06)
Последнее редактирование:
Ninja, talked with him on ICQ, he gaved someone same VCC to other people, they charged it, and they blame everything on me.


Since your opponent doesnt have any proof, im looking for your reply.
Logs of our talk after i posted black:

December 24

(12:59:48 PM) LSD: here.
(12:59:59 PM) LSD: Why the fuck u reported me?
(01:06:29 PM) me: bcause you promised ti send the money on thursday)
(01:06:41 PM) me: send themoney now and i close the topic
(01:07:10 PM) LSD: Okey, standby i will contact the exchange company owner for 75$
(01:07:19 PM) LSD: and i think i will be able to send today or tommorow morning.
(01:07:34 PM) me: why 75? you owe me more now
(01:07:46 PM) LSD: what?
(01:07:55 PM) LSD: I owed you 75$ from the last week
(01:08:39 PM) me: and yoou spent 400usd from the card)
(01:09:00 PM) LSD: from which card man?
(01:09:05 PM) LSD: the last card that you h
(01:09:12 PM) LSD: gaved me, i just used at neteller
(01:09:15 PM) LSD: and it was declined
(01:09:23 PM) me: you spent it in asos
(01:09:25 PM) LSD: because of gambling restriction, i was offline for 2days
(01:14:53 PM) LSD: on what fucking asos?
(01:22:04 PM) me: black is open, everything is written there, write to me if you have anything important to say
(01:22:25 PM) LSD: okey, but don't fuck my mind, with what the fuck is asos?
(01:22:28 PM) LSD: just tell me.
(01:22:48 PM) me: i gave you the card and there is a transaction from xxx.asos.com
(01:23:18 PM) LSD: what the fuck, i spent money on clothes?
(01:23:27 PM) LSD: I'm not fucking retard, to spend vcc money on clothes
(01:23:40 PM) LSD: maybe you gaved same vcc to someone else?
(01:23:46 PM) me: nope
(01:24:16 PM) LSD: i only tryed on neteller, that's all, see you later.

After the card was used on asos, I deleted it and can't prove that the purchase was made from this card, it is not shown at the account anymore. But I want to attract attention to the following part of the dialog:

(01:22:25 PM) LSD: okey, but don't fuck my mind, with what the fuck is asos?
(01:22:28 PM) LSD: just tell me.
(01:22:48 PM) me: i gave you the card and there is a transaction from xxx.asos.com
(01:23:18 PM) LSD: what the fuck, i spent money on clothes?

At first he pretends not to know what asos is, but in 30 seconds after i give the link, he already knows that this is a clothing shop.

Anyway, he agreed that he owes me $75

(01:07:10 PM) LSD: Okey, standby i will contact the exchange company owner for 75$

And I didn't receive it yet.


You should send 75$ in 24hrs period or Ripper group will be assigned to your account.
Thank you.


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