
09:54:00] *** Переключение: [email protected]/imo
[09:54:00] *** [email protected] теперь Доступен [1]
*** 2012-12-26
[09:54:03] <me jabber> hey
[09:54:14] <me jabber> you acsh out money?
[09:54:46] <[email protected]> Hello bro
[09:54:52] <[email protected]> Is the money in account now
[09:55:09] <[email protected]> Is the money in mfbank drop now?
[09:55:12] <me jabber> yes
[09:55:14] <me jabber> yes
[09:55:15] <me jabber> yes
[09:55:24] <[email protected]> Okay good
[09:55:28] <me jabber> what happened
[09:55:29] <[email protected]> Let me call partner now
[09:55:36] <me jabber> give me money
[09:56:52] <[email protected]> I just want to inform my partner so he can go and withdraw the money
[09:57:33] <[email protected]> You are just informing now that money is in drop
[09:57:43] <[email protected]> Let me inform my partner
[09:58:55] <[email protected]> Hope u are sure money is in drop now
[09:59:09] <[email protected]> Did u ask ur partner
[09:59:50] <[email protected]> Are u there
[09:59:58] <me jabber> yes
[10:00:53] *** [email protected] теперь Отключён: Disconnected: timeout during receiving
[10:00:58] *** Переключение: [email protected]/imo
[10:00:58] *** [email protected] теперь Доступен [1]
[10:01:50] <[email protected]> Good
[10:01:56] <[email protected]> Wait for my update
[10:15:24] <[email protected]> Seems today is a general public holiday
[10:21:39] <[email protected]> U here
[10:21:39] <[email protected]> ?
[10:22:05] <me jabber> yes money
[10:37:40] <me jabber> BANK WORKS TODAY
[10:37:45] <me jabber> Monday, September 3 Labor Day
Monday, November 12 Veterans’ Day (Observed)
Thursday, November 22 Thanksgiving Day
Tuesday, December 25 Christmas Day
[10:51:28] <[email protected]> Okay
[10:51:47] <[email protected]> I have called drop
[13:45:05] *** [email protected] теперь Отключён
[13:46:12] <me jabber> what happened drops?
[13:45:51] <me jabber> tell me
[13:46:01] <me jabber> cash out money?
[13:48:48] *** Переключение: [email protected]/imo
[13:48:48] *** [email protected] теперь Доступен [1]
[13:49:57] <[email protected]> Waiting to hear from partner
[13:50:16] <[email protected]> Now
[13:50:56] <me jabber> 50% transfer
[14:06:26] *** [email protected] теперь Отключён
[14:07:01] *** Переключение: [email protected]/imo
[14:07:01] *** [email protected] теперь Доступен [1]
[14:29:18] *** [email protected] теперь Отключён
[14:29:39] *** Переключение: [email protected]/imo
[14:29:39] *** [email protected] теперь Доступен [1]

[14:30:03] <[email protected]> What's this
[14:30:03] <[email protected]> ?
[14:32:14] <me jabber> Dorothea L. Ellis cash out money?
[14:32:34] <me jabber> 8700$?
[14:33:35] <[email protected]> Okay good
[14:33:49] <[email protected]> Partner said I should wait
[14:33:56] <me jabber> WU 4350$
[14:34:11] <[email protected]> I am still waiting
[14:34:16] <[email protected]> Just wait man
[14:34:36] <[email protected]> Sure
[14:34:38] <[email protected]> I will do that
[14:34:57] <[email protected]> I have ur wu details
[14:35:34] <me jabber> 4 transfer 1000+1000+1000+1350
[14:35:57] <[email protected]> Okay
[14:36:06] <[email protected]> Will do just that
[14:36:20] <[email protected]> Just wait for me to get update
[14:36:24] <me jabber> just make 4 payments of different banks.
[14:36:40] <[email protected]> Okay
[15:09:52] <me jabber> that long. I have other drops already cashed. 2 hours I received money. why so long bitch? why ...
[15:10:18] <me jabber> I also warned that it is free for today. why you're doing again so long.
[15:14:07] <[email protected]> Calm down
[15:14:08] <[email protected]> Western union giving problem
[15:14:24] <me jabber> MG?
[15:15:32] <me jabber> means to fuck send from another bank.
[15:15:35] <me jabber> wu
[15:22:15] <[email protected]> Yes
[15:22:21] <[email protected]> Calm down
[15:22:27] <[email protected]> Am on it
[15:22:53] <me jabber> WUI
[15:23:01] <me jabber> just make 4 payments of different banks
[15:23:06] <me jabber> any bank
[15:23:14] <me jabber> 4 transfer 1000+1000+1000+1350
[15:23:55] <me jabber>
1 drops >>> 2 transfer WU Country: ***** First name: ***** Last name: *****

2 drops >>> 2 transfer WU Country: **** First name: ****** Last name: ****
[15:24:28] <[email protected]> I need to get our share
[15:24:40] <[email protected]> I need to get our share first then send
[15:24:45] <[email protected]> Do u understand
[15:24:49] <[email protected]> ?
[15:25:03] <me jabber> bro
[15:25:09] <me jabber> give me money
[15:25:24] <[email protected]> Hold man
[15:25:51] <me jabber> as soon as you send me we will do even more. 15k immediately. the money will come at once. READ send me my share.
[15:32:35] <me jabber> 30 minutes waiting for a drop of information cashed money if sent do more translation. if not then do not. time is money.
[16:45:57] <[email protected]> Am on it
[16:45:58] <[email protected]> Partner wants to use moneygram
[16:45:58] <[email protected]> I need money too bro
[16:45:58] <[email protected]> I want us to make more money too ok
[16:45:58] <[email protected]> I will send u ur share
[16:45:58] <[email protected]> Let partner send successfully first
[16:46:31] <<me jabber> WWWWWU
[16:46:41] <me jabber> western Union
[16:46:45] <me jabber> WU
[16:47:31] <[email protected]> Wu won't allow partner send to nigeria that's why partner is using moneygram
[16:55:28] <me jabber> I need to Western Union. what are you doing?
[16:56:26] <[email protected]> am waiting for partner to send
[16:56:26] <[email protected]> I am waiting for partner to send money
[18:10:17] <me jabber> MONEY???
[18:13:07] *** [email protected] теперь Отключён
[18:16:43] <me jabber> hey
[18:16:55] <me jabber> today money wait
[18:17:38] <me jabber> now today money wait you WU mtcn
[18:18:38] <me jabber> let me confirm.
[21:01:28] *** Переключение: [email protected]/imo
[21:01:28] *** [email protected] теперь Доступен [1]
[21:01:49] <me jabber> Hey bro
[21:01:55] <[email protected]> Yes
[21:02:03] <[email protected]> Everything is good now
[21:02:33] <me jabber> Why? What wait? Money?
[21:03:03] <[email protected]> Today partner send 2500 to michigan
[21:03:25] <[email protected]> Tomorrow another 2500
[21:03:26] <[email protected]> Understand
[21:03:42] <me jabber> WU 4350$ 50%
[21:03:52] <[email protected]> Yes I will do that
[21:04:06] <[email protected]> Don't make another transfer yet let's get all the money
[21:04:26] <me jabber> FuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuCK
[21:05:25] <[email protected]> No we will have money
[21:05:30] <[email protected]> 100%
[21:05:34] <[email protected]> Everything is ok
[21:05:36] <[email protected]> Now
[21:06:34] <<me jabber> NOW WU give me bro
[21:07:51] <[email protected]> it is 12pm here
[21:07:57] <[email protected]> Midnight
[21:08:05] <me jabber> Ohhhhhhhh
[21:08:09] <[email protected]> Tomorrow morning everything will be done
[21:08:10] <me jabber> Fuck
[21:08:11] <[email protected]> Okay
[21:08:18] <me jabber> Now money
[21:08:28] <[email protected]> Western union wouldn't allow partner to send to nigeria
[21:08:33] <[email protected]> This was the problem
[21:08:45] <[email protected]> They almost spoil everything is western union
[21:10:04] <[email protected]> Even moneygram
[21:10:14] <[email protected]> They wouldn't allow her send to nigeria
[21:10:47] <me jabber> I said do not choose their cashing scheme. why again the same. I already fucking tired of everything. where the fuck is my money? where?. I need the money!
[21:11:47] <[email protected]> I didn't change
[21:12:06] <[email protected]> Howw will I receive money if I don't hv money sent to michigan
[21:12:10] <[email protected]> Don't u understand
[21:22:17] <[email protected]> Okay man
[21:22:28] <[email protected]> Everything is smooth now
[21:22:43] <me jabber> Now money give me!
[21:22:52] <me jabber> Wait you mtcn
[21:22:59] <me jabber> MG
[21:23:01] <[email protected]> It is midnight now
[21:23:13] <[email protected]> Tomorrow I will pick money 2500 okay
[21:23:21] <[email protected]> Then another 2500 for tomorrow too
[21:23:32] <me jabber> No
[21:23:34] <me jabber> 4350$ 50%
[21:23:39] <[email protected]> That's how I am going to get the money
[21:23:40] <me jabber> Tomorow
[21:23:44] <[email protected]> I will send it
[21:23:46] <[email protected]> I will send
[21:23:46] <me jabber> 4350$ 50%
[21:24:01] <[email protected]> I will send it as agreed man
[21:24:10] <me jabber> Real now today wait 4350
[21:24:30] <[email protected]> It is midnight now
[21:24:40] <[email protected]> When I wake up in the morning okay
[21:25:29] <me jabber> morning okay 4350
[21:25:38] <[email protected]> Okay man
[22:51:10] *** [email protected] теперь Отключён
[22:51:10] *** Переключение: [email protected]/imo
[22:51:10] *** [email protected] теперь Доступен [1]
[03:01:26] *** [email protected] теперь Отключён: Disconnected: timeout during receiving
[03:01:33] *** Переключение: [email protected]/imo
[03:01:33] *** [email protected] теперь Доступен [1]
*** 2012-12-27
[08:09:03] <me jabber> Hi
[08:23:27] *** [email protected] теперь Отключён
[08:56:43] *** Переключение: [email protected]/imo
[08:56:43] *** [email protected] теперь Доступен [1]
[08:57:15] <[email protected]> Am on it
[08:57:16] <[email protected]> Everything is okay
[08:58:17] <[email protected]> Just that the sending process is what is delaying
[08:58:18] <[email protected]> Money is out it is just to send okay
[08:59:15] <me jabber> Wat you wait?
[08:59:28] <[email protected]> Yes I wait
[08:59:39] <[email protected]> But everything is fine
[08:59:46] <[email protected]> Partner withdrawed 7200
[08:59:59] <[email protected]> He sent 2500 already
[09:00:03] <[email protected]> He will send the rest today
[09:00:15] <me jabber> No
[09:00:19] <[email protected]> So just be calm and be rest assure that money is confirm
[09:00:23] <[email protected]> I know
[09:00:27] <[email protected]> I know man
[09:00:29] <me jabber> Today
[09:00:58] <[email protected]> Yes today I wait
[09:01:17] <me jabber> I do not have 2500. I need my interest....
[09:01:25] <me jabber> Today 4350$
[09:01:31] <me jabber> Today
[09:02:38] *** [email protected] теперь Отключён
[09:02:44] *** Переключение: [email protected]/imo
[09:02:44] *** [email protected] теперь Доступен [1]
[09:02:44] <[email protected]> I said this is what partner has sent already
[09:02:44] <[email protected]> He will send balance today
[09:02:45] <[email protected]> U are not calm
[09:02:45] <[email protected]> U don't really understand what am saying
[09:02:45] <[email protected]> Just wait anyway
[09:03:02] <[email protected]> Yes today
[09:03:11] <[email protected]> Alright bro
[09:03:42] <me jabber> Bro give my interest today 4350$
[09:03:57] <[email protected]> I said yes
[09:04:10] <[email protected]> Why u sounding like u don't read my message
[09:04:16] <[email protected]> I said wait
[09:04:20] <[email protected]> TODAY
[09:04:38] <[email protected]> Western union won't send higher amount
[09:04:59] <me jabber> Okay wit my money 4350 today
[09:05:13] <[email protected]> Okay
[09:05:28] <me jabber> 4 transfer 1000+1000+1000+1350
[15:23:55] <me jabber> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wester Union<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
1 drops >>> 2 transfer WU Country: ***** First name: ***** Last name: ******

2 drops >>> 2 transfer WU Country: **** First name: ****** Last name: ******
[09:06:05] <me jabber> 4 number WU mtcn wait you
[09:06:49] <[email protected]> Sending to u isn't a problem receiving from partner is the delay cos he can't sent everything at once
[09:08:12] <<me jabber> Today I get my interest? I need all the money today 4350! when I get the money now? how many hours?
[09:14:59] <[email protected]> I will let you know when is ready
[09:15:31] <me jabber> Fuck
[09:15:34] <me jabber>Tell me
[09:15:41] <me jabber> Today I get my interest? I need all the money today 4350! when I get the money now? how many hours?
[09:22:06] <[email protected]> Today I will receive and send to you
[09:22:07] <[email protected]> Okay
[10:28:54] *** [email protected] теперь Отключён
[10:29:32] *** Переключение: [email protected]/imo
[10:29:32] *** [email protected] теперь Доступен [1]
[11:25:37] <me jabber> I'm tired of waiting. to fuck how much time has passed
[11:25:57] <[email protected]> Hold
[12:08:39] <[email protected]> Just hold
[12:08:39] <[email protected]> Like I said
[12:08:42] <[email protected]> Dnt doubt me
[12:09:17] <me jabber> What money?
[12:09:39] <[email protected]> Wait me details
[12:09:39] <me jabber> What wait?
[12:12:16] <me jabber> :dntknw: not money? You mouse? You ripper? What happened my intereset money? What wait fucking time?
I'm tired of waiting. to fuck how much time has passed
[12:13:25] <[email protected]> Today is I will get 2500 and the rest will be sent today too
[12:13:28] <[email protected]> I will go and send u ur money
[12:14:39] <me jabber> I need all the money today 4350!
[12:15:00] <me jabber>Do you think Grandma money, will have to wait for days in his account? you think you're talking to me at all. not my problem that you could not explain to him that the money was to be removed yesterday and send in our direction.
[12:16:45] <me jabber> I warned you to prepare for the morning! do not you fucking serious. Hurry-play it. call him urgently. what he a bitch drops as a snail. stirring quickly. you're sitting waiting for? Ahhh do not understand?
[12:18:04] <me jabber> if as you say that I will receive only $ 2500. I need all the money in 1 hour.
[12:20:14] <[email protected]> Nope not 2500
[12:20:14] <[email protected]> Listen to me
[12:20:16] <[email protected]> U will get what we agreed on ok
[12:20:26] <[email protected]> Money couldn't be sent to nigeria
[12:20:31] <[email protected]> That's why it is delaying
[12:23:45] <me jabber> FUCK ]:->
[12:23:57] <me jabber> abat you still did not understand me for it? Now I need the money.
[12:27:06] <[email protected]> I know
[12:27:09] <[email protected]> U will get it
[12:31:17] <me jabber> How much will I get today.
[12:41:42] <me jabber> you can not cash out quickly - and then, I lose because of your partners. You Choose Your cashing their systems. for this whim to pay me out of pocket. I gave you the opportunity to earn money for a new year for the holidays. I do not see everything had been done yesterday. do you mean that seriously? are you kidding? money - do not. confirms the words to actions. I explained to you all - laid out on the shelves. everything has been done yesterday.
[12:54:11] <[email protected]> No
[12:54:11] <[email protected]> U are not loosing
[12:54:12] <[email protected]> Everything is still okay
[12:57:24] <[email protected]> Nothing has changed
[12:57:24] <[email protected]> Calm down everything will work out like I said
[12:58:02] <me jabber> How much wait tell me?
[12:58:45] <[email protected]> If I get 2500 today I will wait balance to be sent then I will send u ur share as agreed
[12:59:07] <[email protected]> So relax and smile
[12:59:11] <[email protected]> Money will be sent
[12:59:13] <[email protected]> And we will make another transfer when I send money
[13:00:49] <me jabber> You not understand! FUCK
[13:01:00] <me jabber> I need all the money today 4350!
[13:01:07] <[email protected]> I do
[13:01:10] <[email protected]> I said I will send
[13:01:16] <[email protected]> I wait to get balance
[13:01:31] <[email protected]> I have 2500 and charges was included
[13:01:40] <[email protected]> I have 2200 now
[13:01:48] <[email protected]> I wait balance partner is sending now
[13:04:43] <me jabber> I need all the money today 4350!
[13:05:32] <[email protected]> I will send it
[13:06:29] <me jabber>money now 4350$
[13:07:01] <[email protected]> I have said that over and over again
[13:07:01] <[email protected]> I just have to wait cos partner can't send straight to me
[13:07:02] <[email protected]> Do you understand what I am saying
[13:09:25] <me jabber> send me the money. I need the money now. did not you know?
[13:10:15] <me jabber> I need to send partners. I need the money now 4350$
[13:10:40] <[email protected]> I understand
[13:10:46] <[email protected]> I understand perfectly man
[13:12:01] <me jabber> fuck how long must I wait? how many fucking time to get the money? aaaaa I fucking tired you write. How soon?
[13:13:34] <[email protected]> Wait tomorrow cos today partner is just sending and 6 hours difference,banks here are closed
[13:13:39] <[email protected]> U don't want to understand
[13:13:39] <[email protected]> Give me mobile number
[13:13:39] <[email protected]> I will call u and explain to you
[13:13:39] <[email protected]> Give me a mobile number to call u
[13:16:37] <me jabber> you can not cash out quickly - and then, I lose because of your partners. You Choose Your cashing their systems. for this whim to pay me out of pocket. I gave you the opportunity to earn money for a new year for the holidays. I do not see everything had been done yesterday. do you mean that seriously? are you kidding? money - do not. confirms the words to actions. I explained to you all - laid out on the shelves. everything has been done yesterday.
[13:17:58] <[email protected]> Cashout has been made
[13:17:58] <[email protected]> Ask ur partner this
[13:17:58] <[email protected]> 7200 was withdrawed
[13:18:03] <[email protected]> Ask ur partner
[13:19:04] <me jabber> Give me money
[13:19:05] <[email protected]> Ask him if am lying to u,money can't come to nigeria that's why I need to wait cos it has to go from partner to michigan
[13:19:17] <me jabber> You not understand! FUCKI need all the money today 4350!
[13:19:47] <[email protected]> Yes
[13:19:54] <[email protected]> I will send I wait partner
[13:19:56] <[email protected]> Please wait
[13:20:05] <[email protected]> When all is ready I will let u know
[13:20:35] <me jabber>fuck how long must I wait? how many fucking time to get the money?
[13:20:50] <me jabber> send me the money. I need the money now. did not you know?
I need to send partners. I need the money now 4350$
[13:20:59] <[email protected]> Money is been sent little by little
[13:21:15] <[email protected]> U can't send that kind of amout at once
[13:51:18] <me jabber> Hey
[13:51:22] <me jabber> ?
[13:51:52] <me jabber> ?
[13:52:00] <me jabber> $?
[13:52:42] <[email protected]> Am here
[13:53:09] <[email protected]> Partner is sending tome now
[13:53:15] <[email protected]> Hold man
[13:53:35] <[email protected]> He is using moneygram
[13:53:35] <[email protected]> I will gather and send you
[13:53:41] <me jabber>4350$? My intereset?
[13:54:06] <[email protected]> Pls endure
[13:54:12] <me jabber> 4350$? My intereset?
[13:54:16] <me jabber> :-@
[13:55:33] <me jabber> I that you wait to? I'm not the one who is waiting! I will send you today how much money?
[13:55:39] <me jabber> answer briefly and clearly.
[13:56:22] <me jabber> 4350$? My intereset?
[13:56:27] <[email protected]> Yes ur interest is 4350$
[13:56:40] <[email protected]> Very clear
[13:56:42] <me jabber>Today? now?
[13:56:55] <me jabber>fuck how long must I wait? how many fucking time to get the money? aaaaa
[13:57:00] <me jabber>Tell me now
[13:57:11] <[email protected]> Yes today or latest tomorrow morning
[13:57:36] <[email protected]> Friday man
[13:57:41] <[email protected]> Wait friday
[13:57:46] <me jabber> did not understand why again tomorrow.
[14:02:20] <me jabber> No
[14:02:26] <me jabber> Today money
[14:02:35] <me jabber> WU
[14:02:55] <me jabber>they are working around the clock.
[14:08:36] *** [email protected] теперь Отключён
[14:09:17] *** Переключение: [email protected]/imo
[14:12:00] <<me jabber> HEY MAN! you ripper? give me money! me posted you RAT!!! FUCK OFF.

links profiles

MONEY 4350$ owes me money. has still not given. although the money received. please look into this situation. to block it, he can throw someone else for money.
want to prevent and to divide the once rat block away from the forum.
I did not pay, he will be.


His last appearence there was on 4.01.2013
so wait a little.
better to use escrow next time, that Ninja is here, to help you. many rippers this days. and many peoples becomes rippers for only few bucks. said.


Since he appeared here and didnt replied he have 48hrs to solve the issue
Please update that topic after that time has gone.


Now listen BossDrop,you calling me a ripper you fucking ass,you reversed the transfer and my drop partner account was debitted 8700 and you saying I should send you ur share,from where will I send you ur share when the drop account that you transfer 8700 was returned to your login,pls everyone look into this,I told him my partner has sent mtcn for 2500 and was going to send the rest but he wasn't patient he reversed the transfer and my partner block the 2500 in western union cos his account was debitted 8700 that was transfer,how will I send share when transfer was reversed,I have been working here with others guys and they can testify I send them their money,sanya,club77,I work with this 2 and I send their money not once not twice,confirm
Where did the english language go? I didn't understand 2 words of what any of these guys said x.x

In these cases, use escrow. It is just stupid to send money to someone you do not know very well. Escrow = money =)


U suppose to send him FULL share, why u sent half?

And dont spam our bioard with ur adverts before ull solve this case.
Otherwise ull be deleted forever.
Thank you.


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